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The School of Government’s Masters of Public Administration (MPA) offers students a balanced and relevant mix of practical and theoretical skills. It is also a multi-disciplinary degree, drawing widely on the skills and experience of the School’s cognate departments: (Please click on the links below to get more information)
  • Honours Degree
  • Masters in Public Administration
  • Masters in Administration (by full thesis)
  • Doctoral Programme (PhD)
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Students are required to attain a pass mark of 50% or higher in all courses in the School of Government. The Masters degrees maybe awarded cum laude in line with the University's general regulations for Masters degrees (A.21.4).    
A student who fails to complete the programme within the stipulated maximum period shall not be re-admitted into the same programme without approval from the Senate Higher Degrees Committee. All other requirements in respect of assessment and examination are in line with general University and Faculty regulations. 

Management, supervision and evaluation

The School's Postgraduate Programme Coordinator is responsible for the day-to-day management of the programme, assisted by the administrative staff. The School's Director is responsible for the overall functioning of the programme. 