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Undergraduate Nursing Programmes

Why study nursing?

Nurses are highly skilled health care professionals who combine the art of caring with scientific knowledge and skills developed through their education and training. A nurse is responsible for the assessment, planning, provision and evaluation of nursing care as it relates to the promotion of health, the prevention of illness, care and rehabilitation of the sick. The aim is to improve the health outcomes for individuals, families and communities.  

The four year Bachelor of Nursing (B Nursing) qualification at UWC entitles you to practice as a general nurse and midwife  after registration with the South African Nursing Council. Professional nurses who have qualified, provide a broad range of services in the clinical field, but may also follow careers in non-clinical areas. They work with a broad range of people across the lifespan (from infancy, adulthood to the elderly), and across a wide range of activities, from the care of the critically ill to the delivery of healthy infants. There are career opportunities for appropriately qualified nurses worldwide, with great demand both locally and internationally.

When you have completed the BNurs programme you will be able to work in hospitals, schools, communities, clinics, private practice, in industry, and in many other settings, including the military. You may also specialise in operating theatre technique, midwifery, intensive care, orthopaedic or paediatric nursing, and many other new fields such as forensic nursing, nurse practitioner and nurse advocate. There are also opportunities at the School of Nursing for further studies 


  • Bachelor of Nursing (R.425) - Currently teaching out existing legacy programme
  • Bachelor of Nursing (R174) - New programme commenced in 2020
The Bachelor of Nursing Programme
  • The B Nursing programme is a full-time, structured programme with prescribed modules offered over four years. In addition, registered students are placed in clinical facilities, such as hospitals, for compulsory clinical learning and are expected to fulfil the clinical requirements set out in the programme as directed by the South African Nursing Council according to R.174. 
  • To view information on the programme - see criteria for BNUR 8312 and BNUR 8313 to apply
  • Note: this is the new four-year Bachelor of Nursing which commenced in 2020 as per SANC requirements
Contact: Ms Nicolene Jooste (
