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Business Processing and Procurement

About Business Processing and Procurement

The Business Processing unit comprises Procurement, Accounts Payable and Travel.
  • Procurement maintains an ordered, efficient and accountable environment for the procurement of goods and services to effectively deliver on the University’s Mandate. 
  • Accounts Payable ensures and effects proper review and processing of payments to University vendors. 
  • The Travel section facilitates and ensures the efficient and compliant delivery of travel and related services to the campus community.

Accounts Payable 

This department is responsible for the processing of invoices and payments for trade and sundry invoices, staff reimbursement claims and travel in a timely, accurate and efficient manner. The payment of Sundry Vendors is effected via a division known as the Business Resource Centre.

We perform various checks on validity, accuracy and completeness of transactions and documentation to ensure that all the outflow of resources are adequately accounted for.

Telephone: 021 959 3399


The Central Procurement division is part of the Business Processing unit. It is responsible for compliance and oversight over the procurement of goods and services for the university.  The Central Procurement division also provides guidance and assistance to procurement staff from faculties, schools, departments and other units across the university on their procurement needs with the aim of providing responsive, consistent, high quality customer service. 

Procurement rules and procedures are guided by the UWC Procurement and Tender Policy as approved by the University Council.  The Policy states that the university is committed to procure Goods and Services in a fair, transparent, efficient and cost-effective manner.

Telephone: 021 959 3399



Mr Jacob Thampi is responsible for the university’s decentralised procurement function, and the accounts payable function, including travel aspects of both of these. 

After obtaining his BComm Degree in Accounting, Mr Thampi joined Ernst and Young to complete his articles. He joined UWC as the Management Accountant in 2000, where he completed his BComm (Hons) and his Chartered Accountant board exam.  