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Welcome to Residential Services

Welcome from the Director

Residential Services provides programmes and services to all its community members. We embrace the core mission of the University as “a place of quality, a place to grow, from hope to action through knowledge.” The department creates opportunities for students to experience all aspects of life outside the classroom through co-curricular activities and the living and learning communities already in existence as well as those still being created at our campus.

There are three focus areas for Residential Services:
  1. The Student Housing section deals with physical infrastructure, services, maintenance and assets.
  2. The Placement & Administration deals with placement, holiday accommodation, billing and software systems used by the department.
  3. The ResLife section focusses on psychosocial programming, living and learning activities, academic support, leadership development and general wellness support.
All in all, we have a talented team of more than 50 staff members, all of whom are dedicated to ensuring that members of our University community, particularly our students, are poised for academic, personal and professional success. Residential Services means to enhance our community’s sense of resilience and build on talent and inner strength that our students already have. We also commit ourselves to creating opportunities that will contribute to character development of our diverse students in their efforts to become contributing citizens of the world. Citizens who are socially conscious and advocates for the enrichment of others in the communities in which they find themselves.

We trust that you will seek out opportunities that will build on what you already have and look forward to engaging with you.

Best wishes and welcome to uDubs Res!

Mark Seale
Director of Residential Services
University of the Western Cape

How is the Department of Residential Services Structured to Deliver on its Mandate?

Residence applications for 2024 will open on 1 August 2023 and close on 31 October 2023.

The process will take place exclusively online, via the Residential Services Management System (RSMS).

The RSMS Online Application Page can be found on the following link:

Students can log in via a PC/laptop or cellphone and can do so using one of the following: 
  • South African Identification Document (ID) number                                                   
  • UWC Student number
  • Passport number                                               
  • Application number
A step-by-step guide to applying can be found by clicking the following button:


The Department of Residential Services is committed to creating developmental opportunities and support students in achieving their academic and leadership goals. We further pledge to deliver an effective and efficient service, which promote the educational experience whilst allowing for individual growth.

Our Residence is a healthy, academically active community that is made up of diverse individuals who are actively on their way to becoming entrepreneurially minded responsible citizens, scholars and leaders.

Each of you play a part in the success of our residence community. In choosing to live in our residences you have accepted an obligation: the opportunity to enjoy and maximally benefit from all opportunities available to you as well as to conduct yourself in ways that help other citizens to do the same.

Enter to learn, depart to serve!
Welcome to uDubs Res!

Placement & Administration Unit

Together, building a united, transformed & vibrant residence community

Residential Services Administration consists of the Placement Section which is responsible for residence applications, subsequent residence placement of students and related administration which includes fee charges. The Business Administration unit manages holiday accommodation and provides administrative support to the rest of the department.

Did you know that our placement and administration unit is responsible for this process shown below?

Application Administration    Selection    Placement    Re-admission

Useful Information for New Res Applicants
  • Accommodation will only be offered to students who are registered for diplomas, degrees or postgraduate courses, on a full-time basis.
  • A first-year applicant should complete the residence application section in the general application form (either hard copy or online) before the 31 October of the preceding year.
  • The onus remains with the applicant to verify his/her accommodation application status prior to his/her arrival on Campus.
  • Where and when available, Residential Services may reserve the rooms for first year students, during the weekend prior to the start of the university orientation program. Failure on the part of the student to arrive for participation in the official Orientation Program of the University will result in the forfeiture of the accommodation.
  • Students residing outside a 60km radius will receive preference for accommodation and proof hereof may be required.
  • University residence accommodation is only valid for 1 official academic year (excluding the winter and summer vacation), and the dates as prescribed in the official university calendar, part 1, are contained in the general information section under the section for academic terms.
  • Students are required to apply on an annual basis to be readmitted to residences via the official readmission process.
  • Students affected by academic work prescribed by various faculties outside of the official academic year mentioned in point 6 above will be required to apply for accommodation in a separate process viz, vacation accommodation.
  • It is the responsibility of all applicants to ensure that accommodation has been secured prior to their arrival on campus. The University cannot be held responsible for students who arrive without the written confirmation of accommodation

General Information: Re-Admission Policy
  • The student must be accepted by the Faculty to qualify for accommodation.
  • A transfer student must complete the Residence application form online. The application must not reach the office later than the 31 October of the preceding year.
  • First time and previous UWC residence students Post Graduate Applications must complete the application process for residence in the general application form/ process of the university before the 31 October of the preceding year
  • The room will only be reserved for a student for 72 hours for post graduate applicants from the time of the written offer of accommodation by RS. Failure by a student to occupy the room within the said time frame will result in forfeiture of the room. The student must communicate with the Placement Officer with valid reasons for a further extension. The extension granted will be at the discretion of the Director RS. Thereafter, the applicant will forfeit his/her offer of accommodation.
  • University accommodation is only valid for 1 official academic year (excluding winter and summer vacations) and students are required to apply on an annual basis to be readmitted via the official readmission process (web-based application on the University website).
  • A student will be allowed a maximum of one additional year for the current undergraduate course registration. e.g. a student who registers for LLB degree for five years will be allowed to apply for 5 years + 1 year annually (which will follow a special appeal process for consideration).
  • A student expelled or suspended from residence will not be considered for accommodation in the following year. The student would need to reapply, with written motivation for reconsideration.

Standards for Community Living in Residences 

Give Respect. Get Respect.
The Bill of Rights (Chapter One, South African Constitution) guarantees that our human rights be respected and that it is defendable in a court of law. A human rights context though, suggests that there are strong community ties that help to ensure that the rights of all will be respected and that tolerance is shown when minding the rights of others – community members decide to tolerate and respect and are not purely governed by law. The Bill of Rights also suggests that with each right, comes responsibility.

The Bill of Human Rights echoes the spirit of Ubuntu– I am because we are and because we are, you are. We are people in the context of others.We can insist that others respect our rights, but we must also be tolerant of others’ rights. Tolerance in the SA Constitution may be described as:
  • Showing respect towards others
  • Using negotiation and mediation techniques when there is a problem between two or more people
  • Being patient and a good listener with other people
  • Understanding that everyone has a right to an opinion

Rules for Community Living

Alcohol Drinks, Drugs, Intoxicating Substances and Illegal Prescription Medication
The university affirms and promotes community wide norms that support abstinence and encourage low risk life choices regarding alcohol, drugs, intoxicating substances, and prescription medication for non-medicinal purposes. It furthermore affirms and protects choices that don’t compromise positive living and learning experiences of the university’ community.
  1. No intoxicating substances in the university residences or at any official function, excursion or tour.
  2. It is strictly prohibited for any student to sell alcohol in his/her room or in the vicinity of the residences.
  3. Any residence and/or room may be inspected at any time. An inspection committee, as appointed by the Director: Residential and Catering Services may enter the residence at any time for inspection purposes.
  4. Visitors shall be the responsibility of the host resident and must comply with all the rules laid down concerning beverages and drugs.
  5. Alcohol beverages are not allowed in the residences except on the occasion of functions approved by the Rector. Instances of liquor or drug abuse or violation of the rules relating to the use of liquor, or instances of suspected drug abuse, shall be brought to the attention of the residence coordinators who will see to it that the matter is correctly dealt with and resolved by the house committee or any other way. (Extracted from: UWC, University Calendar 2011, Residence Rules, 4.11.4).
  6. Security staff is empowered to handle misbehaviour related to alcohol abuse, drugs, use of intoxicating substances and illegal prescription medication.
  7. No resident may use, trade, distribute, possess, plant or be under the influence of any illegal drug, intoxicating or habit-forming substances on the premises of the institution.
  8. Residence management and officials may inspect residence rooms at any given time.
  9. No alcohol, drugs, intoxicating substances, and/or illegal prescription medication shall be allowed in residences
  10. An Inspection Committee as appointed by the Director of Accommodation, Residence Life & Catering, may enter the residence at any time for inspection purposes.
For more information download the Reslife Booklet.

Residential Services has, as a cause of its concern for pregnant students’ academic and social well-being, developed a policy that encompasses the broader institutional practices but also incorporates its own efforts at supporting students.

Download the Sexual Violence Policy.

Name Portfolio Email Contact No:
Mr Mark Seale Director: Residential Services 021 959 2108
(Ms June Wanza)
Ms Neliswa Majola Manager: Placement and Administration 021 959 2725
Ms Zimkhita Mdekazi Manager: Student Housing 021 959 3912
Ms Gretna Andipatin Manager: ResLife 021 959 3557
Ms Busisiwe 'Bubbles' Mzalazala Cluster One Coordinator 021 959 2165
Ms Nuraan Hufkie Placement Officer 021 959 2569
Mr Trevor Fredericks Cluster Coordinator
Cluster 1 021 959 2165
Mr Siseko Mntengenya Cluster Coordinator
Cluster 2 021 959 2670
Ms Janine Julies Cluster Coordinator
Cluster 3 021 959 9268
Dr Faeza Khan Living Learning Coordinator 021 959 3896
Ms Candice Stroud Special Project Coordinator 021 959 2469
Mr Sibusiso Njeza Community Engagement and Cultural Life Coordinator 021 959 2570
Mr Mavhungu Ramavhoya Student Leadership Coordinator 021 959 3497
Mr Khanya Deliwe Systems Administrator 021 959 9267
Ms Lerato Tseleli Social Worker 021 959 3557
ResLife Front Desk     021 959 3557
UWC HIV/AIDS 021 959 2247
Centre for Student Support Services
(CSSS) 021 959 2876
Gender Equity 021 959 3488
Control Room   021 959 2239
(for emergencies)
SADAG   0800 222 333
Suicidal Emergencies 
(SADAG, 24/7, toll-free)
  0800 567 567


Where do students report maintenance/transport issues?
To the residence assistants at the respective residence reception during working hours, or the student assistance at the front desk after hours. If you are not able to obtain assistance, you may email your maintenance issue to

How do I join one of the RS peer facilitator programmes?
You may make enquiries at the ResLife Unit on the Second Floor, ResLife Building or email your enquiry to

Who do I see/email/call if I have any queries around application for placement in UWC residences?
You may take your query to the Placement and Admin Office on the First Floor, ResLife Building or you may direct all first-year queries to and all senior queries to You may also call 021 959 2569

What do I do if there is an incident at my residence?
Students who wish to report incidents during the day may do so via the residence staff at specific residence receptions, or directly to the Cluster Coordinator or CPS. After hours incidents are reported to the security at the residences or directly to CPS. A student may also send a concern to the RS ResLife Unit via email:

Where can I find my residence Development Officer?
Each Development Officer resides in respective residences and has different consultation times. Information about times Development Officers are available.

Where do I report after hours incidents?
Report to the security on duty in your residence, they will contact the relevant stakeholders and assist as soon as possible.