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1 July 2020
Application Procedure: National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme

(Published - 1 July 2020)

On behalf of the NASSP consortium you are invited to apply for the NASSP Honours and Masters programmes in Astrophysics and Space Science.

2021 Application Deadlines:


Master’s: 30 June 2020
Honours: 31 October 2020


Master’s: 31 July 2020
Honours: 30 September 2020


Master’s: 14 July 2020
Honours: 18 November 2020

Instructions for Applying for NASSP Master’s 2021

  1. Apply to the node University you would like to attend, options are:
  1. Apply for a Master’s bursary on the NRF system
  1. Fill in the form on the NASSP website to enter your NRF application number and details for tracking

For NRF Application:

  1. Read the documentation in the PDF document
  2. For the Project Outline, Details of Research and the References sections, cut and paste the following:

Project Outline Text:

This application is for the NRF-funded National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme (NASSP) Master’s which includes a course-work and dissertation component. The thesis topic is decided by the programme once the student has already registered and proceeded with the course/research-work component. The selection of students for this national programme therefore does not require a project outline.

Details of Research

This application is for the NRF-funded National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme (NASSP) Master’s which includes a course-work and dissertation component. The thesis topic is decided by the programme once the student has already registered and proceeded with the course/research-work component. The selection of students for this national programme therefore does not require a project outline.

References and Project Supervisor/s:

[choose the node you are applying to and the relevant directors as your references]

  • NWU: Prof. Stefan Ferreira
  • UCT: Dr Sarah Blyth & Prof. Saalih Allie
  • UKZN: Prof. Siva Venkararaman

Instructions for Applying to NASSP Honours 2021

Please come back - we will upload these instructions soon!

