(Published - 13 January 2020)
The Topic:
Caribbean societies since the beginning of European expansion in the late 1st century. Violence appeared in different forms such as colonization, slavery, repression in authoritarian political systems. ethnic violence. 'ferninicidios' and organized crime (drug cartels). In spite (or because) of these challenges, the societies of Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa have come up with their own strategies for managing conflicts and ending processes of violence.
In this respect. efforts to settle civil wars and internal armed conflicts have generated innovative, alternative conflict resolution strategies. While history, anthropology and sociology primarily address the issues of continuity and change and the social cultural economic and political origins of both, violence and the settlement of conflicts, film, literature and cultural studies engage with the collective memory of violence as well as the processes of remembering and forgetting in the context of specific forms, such as trauma narratives. Literary, cinematic, and other narratives have repeatedly excelled in fathoming the social origins and consequences of violent processes.
Travel Grants
The Volkswagen Foundation and the Universitat Hannover offer travel grants for Early Career Researchers interested in addressing research on resolving conflicts in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Applicants can apply to take part in the symposium in Hanover. Germany, on Oct s-7. 2020 and a preworkshop on Oct. 4· Successful applicants will get the chance to shortly present their main arguments in a lightning talk and by actively participating in the panel discussions. Posters on the respective projects will be displayed during the symposium. The grants include travel expenses to and from Hanover. visa fees (if applicable), as well as accommodation.
Your Application Should Contain the Following
• A short description of which benefits you expect from taking part in the symposium "Dealing with
• Violence" in regards to your research.
• An abstract of your current research project.
• A short C.V.
Participants will be selected by the steering committee. Acceptance will be based on qualification of the applicant as well as relevance, originality and potential to meet the goals of the symposium. We will inform the applicants about the results in April 2020.
Useful Information
Detailed program: https:/fwww.volkswagenstiftung.delenlevents
Please con lad Hinnerk Onken, Universilal Hannover, al hinnerk.onken@hisl.uni-hannover.tle.