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19 February 2020
Leiden University South Africa scholarship - University of the Western Cape

(Published - 19 February 2020}

Deadline: Leiden University deadline: 15 Oct (programmes starting Feb); 1 April (programmes starting Sept) / UWC deadline: see below
Target group: Bachelor, Master
Countries/ nationalities: No nationality restrictions
Scholarship type: Study
Faculty: Archaeology, Humanities, Medicine/LUMC, Governance and Global Affairs, Law, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON), African Studies Centre, International Institute for Asian Studies

For who

Students of the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

Eligibility requirements

Applicants must:

  • be enrolled at the University of the Western Cape.
  • be preselected for a scholarship by the University of the Western Cape.
  • meet the standard admission requirements for exchange/study abroad students at Leiden University.


This scholarship cannot be combined with the Mandela Scholarship Fund.      

Scholarship amount


  • Each year one scholarship is available for a two-semester exchange programme (up to 10 months), OR
  • two scholarships for a one-semester exchange programme (up to 5 months).

The scholarship includes:

  • Living allowance: € 1,000 per month

Application process

  1. Submit your scholarship application to the University of the Western Cape.
    Contact Ms Hilda Wilson or Ms Debbie Lamson for information on application procedures and deadlines.
  2. Submit an online application for admission for an exchange/study abroad course at Leiden University.

Selection process

  • The University of the Western Cape will review all scholarship applications and send the names of one or two selected students to Leiden University’s Scholarships Team.
  • Within two weeks of admission to a Leiden University exchange programme, the Scholarships Team will notify the selected candidates about further procedures.

Further information

For more information about the application process at the University of the Western Cape:

Ms Hilda Wilson
Manager International Relations Office
Ms Debbie Lamson
Study abroad / student exchange coordinator

For more information about application procedures for exchange programmes at Leiden University:

Send a mail to


The student is responsible for submitting a complete application, according to the steps described above and before the aforementioned deadline. Leiden University cannot be held responsible for late and/or incomplete applications.
