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9 December 2022
Office for Student Development to be renamed
The Division of Student Development and Support plays a key role in providing UWC students with a meaningful and stimulating student life experience through a strategic approach to the provision of enabling student support services and relevant co-curriculum programmes to support their transition into graduates who are prepared for the world of work.

The Office for Student Development (OSD), the department within SDS plays a central role in the areas of careers service and graduate recruitment programmes. There is, however, a challenge with the understanding of the role of OSD, and this created so much confusion and its primary functions, regrettably, were misunderstood.

For this reason, a decision was made to submit a Name Change request to the Executive Management Committee (EMC) to address this unfortunate situation by clearly indicating what the Office for Student Development is really about. I am pleased to announce that the EMC in its meeting on 7 November 2022 approved the name change from the Office for Student Development to Career Services, which is in line with international trends. Its newly proposed Purpose Statement is to “Develop meaningful career empowerment pathways for UWC students and graduates”.

The Career Services team is busy with the new branding to give expression to this decision in preparation for the 2023 academic year.

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