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5 Things You Didn’t Know About UWC PostGrad Studies

5 Things You Should Know About PostGrad Studies at UWC

Post-graduate studies: where the next generation of academic and research leaders are shaped. Where talented undergraduates are transformed into thought leaders in business and science and law, and all sorts of other fields. Where students learn to devote themselves to problems and devise solutions and debate issues in critical and creative ways. And where family life, academia, funding, hard work, boredom and other issues can combine to make life very strange indeed.

At the University of the Western Cape, we believe that post-grads are the future. That’s why we offer a whole range of initiatives to help you make the most of it.

1. The Post-Grad Hub: The School for Postgraduate Studies (SPGS) is a collaborative hub for postgraduate education across UWC that offers a range of research development interventions and services. The vision of the DPGS is to create a "one stop shop" for postgraduate students. Check out some of the thesis and academic writing and other resources available here, or sign up for regular training workshops according to the training schedule.

21. Research Induction Programme (RIP): New to postgraduate studies? Or just to UWC? Finding it hard to get settled? The RIP will show you the ropes of the UWC research environment, and make you aware of the vast number of research capacity development opportunities available - including thesis and proposal writing programmes, writing retreats and ‘Finishing School’. Oh, and they’ll also show you how to use the Library properly. You’ll thank them later....

3. Writing Right-er: Writing is one of the primary means of assessment in the academic realm – and the primary means of communication for any purpose, actually. Want to skilfully construct an argument? Anxious about developing separate parts of your essay into a coherent whole? Trying to translate your research into something us mere mortals can understand? The trained peer writing tutors at the UWC Writing Centre can help you to develop, revise and refine your writing. Or why not try your hand at creative writing with Writing Three Sixty, UWC’s own student-run writing journal?

4. International Research Partnerships: UWC has a range of mutually beneficial research partnerships with a range of international partners - so there are plenty of opportunities for student and staff exchange, collaborative research and learning, and creating conduits for sustainable research funding. Experience Europe with Erasmus Mundus, or participate in exchanges with many other international research partners.

5. Funding & Advice: Adequate funding or lack thereof can make or break even the most exciting project - and without sage advice from senior academics, it’s easy for postgrads to lose their way on their long journey. But the DPGS has you covered - they can link students with relevant sources of funding in South Africa and abroad, and help them find appropriate academic advice, through supervisors, collaborative projects, and more.

Want to know more about postgraduate programmes at the University of the Western Cape? Just visit the School for Postgraduate Studies here, email or call +27 21 959 2911/2451.
