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6 September 2023
CHS Student Council Launches, seeking to make a significant difference and impact on CHS student lives!
Mr Asandile Mandlana, Lecturer from Department of Social Work led the proceedings in recognizing this important milestone in student affairs and development at the faculty. Faculty of Community and Health Sciences Student Council was officially launched on Friday, 18 August at CHS Bellville campus, the programme falls under the Deputy Dean for Learning and Teaching portfolio, Jo-Celene De Jongh. The initiatives was welcomed with much enthusiasm from the CHS management and academic community. “You are the people and the channel your fellow student community will go to and approach regarding their issues and matters, you are embarking on a journey” said Prof De Jong.

Mr Marquard Simpson, Faculty Manager emphasized the CHS Student Council is designed to be student driven, it must be visible and it has been long time coming since Covid-19 times.  “You are now a bridge between the student, the faculty and SRC through CHS Student Council and via the academic affairs of the SRC” said Mr Lulamile Mntumni from Student Development and Support Unit of UWC.  The CHS Student Council embark on a critical role taking with them the holistic wellbeing of the students on their shoulders. SRC out going President, Mandla Notyawa, emphasized that the faculty has a responsibility towards the council and it must support it every possible way , by providing necessary and adequate resources they need to carry out their duties, this includes having a council member in the faculty board so that student can have a voice and student must be centric in the decisions being taken by the faculty at all times. In conclusion, CHS Faculty promised that it will make all necessary means to support the council and make resources available to them. The nominations and elections were conducted, the following students occupy the following students:
Marylyn Nomhle Ndlela-Chairperson
Deputy Chairperson-Kabelo Motsoeneng
Secretary-Emma Carelese
Deputy Secretary-Zizipho Dunywa
Finance Officer-Danelle Wentzel
Social Responsibility Officer: Anathi Fatyi
The CHS Student Council will soon be adding more portfolios and appoint other members into various positions and responsibilities. Furthermore, they will be embarking on a number of significant projects and campaigns that are student drive. As CHS Faculty we wish them the best for their new journey.