It gives me great pleasure to release the full DVC: Academic Reflective Report 2022.
Thank you to the Deans and Directors within my line and in my office for the tireless work on this Reflective Report. Thanks also to deputy deans, departmental chairpersons, academics and academic and professional support staff for your efforts in this regard.
This Reflective Report represents a true and comprehensive “state of the academy” at UWC.
Click the cover below to read or download the publication:
Professor Vivienne Lawack
DVC: Academic
Thank you to the Deans and Directors within my line and in my office for the tireless work on this Reflective Report. Thanks also to deputy deans, departmental chairpersons, academics and academic and professional support staff for your efforts in this regard.
This Reflective Report represents a true and comprehensive “state of the academy” at UWC.
Click the cover below to read or download the publication:
Professor Vivienne Lawack
DVC: Academic