List of all centres
African Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice
Globalisation and technology have opened new opportunities for transnational criminal activities to target states and organisations. To combat these crimes, their cross-border character and transnational impact call for ever-greater inter-state cooperation.
Our web channel highlights our engagement with these challenges, and provides visitors with news, blogs, listings of our publications, and external resources.
Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS)
The Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS) was established in 1997 by its Founding Director, Prof. Kwesi Kwaa Prah, as a Pan- African Centre that would leverage the best available African expertise and scholarship to support a network of Africans addressing questions of interest to Africa. CASAS was donated in 2018 to the University of the Western Cape (UWC) to be located in the University’s Department of Linguistics, Arts and Humanities Faculty, by CASAS Founding Director, Professor Kwesi Kwaa Prah.
More InfoCentre for African Language Teaching (CALT)
IsiXhosa is South Africa’s second most popular mother tongue, spoken as a first language by 8.2 million South Africans. Despite the popularity of the language, there is limited expertise in the teaching of early literacy (reading and writing) in isiXhosa (and other African languages) in Teacher Education in South Africa.
More InfoCentre for Humanities Research (CHR)
Since its inception in 2006, the Centre for Humanities Research (CHR) at the University of the Western Cape has emerged as a crucial meeting point for researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences throughout Southern Africa.
More InfoCentre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Children, Families and Society
The CISCFS is an interdisciplinary entity that aims to advance knowledge production and critically engaged scholarship on children, families, and society.
More InfoCentre for Legal Integration in Africa
Our newly launched Centre conducts pioneering research on the dialogue between state laws and indigenous African laws. Policy-makers everywhere will do well to focus on this dialogue, which offers a platform for the integration of legal orders in sub-Saharan Africa.
Our web channel highlights our engagement with the challenges and opportunities related to this, and provides visitors with news, blogs, listings of our publications, and external resources.
Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research (CMDR)
The central brief of the Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research is to embark on a project of intellectual reorientation, namely a significant rethinking of multilingualism and the development of a new discourse with which to approach interdisciplinary work in the humanities and the education sciences.
More InfoCentre for Transformative Regulation of Work
The Centre for the Transformative Regulation of Work (CENTROW) was established by in November 2020 by the Law Faculty of the University of the Western as a knowledge hub positioned to contribute to shaping policy and legislation on the future of work in South Africa. It is envisaged that specific problem areas in the field of labour market law and regulatory policy will be addressed through research projects grounded in social compact partnerships.
More InfoCentre of Excellence in Food Security
The Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence in Food Security, is jointly hosted by the University of the Western Cape and the University of Pretoria.
More InfoDesmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice
The Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice is a research centre whose scholars challenge – contextually, theoretically, and methodologically – asymmetrical systems of power and commonly accepted assumptions about the social world and human experiences.
More InfoGlobal Environmental Law Centre
Global environmental degradation in the Anthropocene is a crisis that requires an innovative and radical legal response.
Our web channel highlights our efforts to contribute to that response, and provides visitors with news, blogs, listings of our publications, and external resources.
Professor Richard van der Ross Resource Centre
The Professor Richard van der Ross Resource Centre is located in the new state-of-the-art Faculty of Education building. The building represents the future of educator training in South Africa. The centre serves as a hub for a diverse range of events and is accessible to all.
Science Learning Centre for Africa
The Science Learning Centre for Africa (SLCA), is an outreach programme of the School of Science and Mathematics Education (SSME). It is physically located in the Goldfields Resource Centre on the West Campus of the University of the Western Cape. It services the outreach functions of the SSME within the Faculty of Education of the University of the Western Cape.
More InfoThe African Centre for Citizenship and Democracy (ACCEDE)
The African Centre for Citizenship and Democracy (ACCEDE) is a research unit dedicated to constructive but critical examination of questions of governance and development from a citizen-centred viewpoint, prioritising the role of grassroots organisations and movements in their quest for more inclusive, democratic policies.
More InfoWHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Health
The WHO collaborating centres are institutions such as research institutes, parts of universities or academies, which the Director-General designates to carry out activities in support of the Organization’s programmes. Currently, there are over 800 WHO collaborating centres in 90 member states working with WHO on areas such as nursing, occupational health, communicable diseases, nutrition, mental health, chronic diseases and health technologies.