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15 September 2023
UWC September Graduation - New UWC Ambassadors 
The University of the Western Cape (UWC) has many reasons to be proud of the hundreds of students who celebrated the completion of their studies in the September Graduation on Friday, 15 September 2023.
Mfundo Andrew Maneli

The institution paid tribute to innovative research that has the potential to address the world’s pressing issues. The graduation ceremony held in the Jakes Gerwel Hall, featured the first Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Master’s student, Mfundo Andrew Maneli, who developed a virtual software programme, able to assist crime scene investigators without any need to set foot on a crime scene and possibly compromise evidence.

B.Sc Master’s student in Conservation Biology, Kyle Jantjies, studied the Cape Gerbil (Gerbilliscus afra), the small rodent about which, until recently, little was known about, and demystified many unanswered questions about the rodent.
This year, 36 PhDs, 55 honours, 125 Master’s and 422 undergraduate degrees were conferred alongside postgraduate certificates and diplomas.

UWC Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Tyrone Pretorius, opened the ceremony, addressing students, parents and academics by congratulating graduands.

“Students would have joined this university in 2020 with fresh dreams, aspirations and a hunger to learn, only to be distracted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with its associated remote learning, and the energy crisis,” he said.

“Despite these setbacks, you are among those who made it! We are proud of your persistence and achievements. Together, we tackled complex problems, challenged established norms and contributed to new ways of doing and experiencing the world. 

“As lifelong learners, let us not forget that the pursuit of education does not end here.”

Prof Pretorius reminded students to stay curious, open-minded and willing to make a difference in the lives of those in need. 
He reiterated the graduates' new status as the latest UWC ambassadors.

“I have no doubt that each one of you holds the potential to make a significant impact on the world.”
Prof Tyrone Pretorius alongside doctorate graduands from the September 2023 Graduation cohort.
For more images, all by Ruvan Boshoff/UWC Media, scroll through the gallery below...