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Grade 12 Applicants

Dear Class of 2024,

The University of the Western Cape congratulates and gives praise to the class of 2024 for passing their final grade 12 exams. Our doors of learning are open with endless opportunities for academic excellence and student support. This is the year to reach for your dreams. We wish you all the best with your endeavours and aspirations. #UWC#ChooseUWC#UWCStudent#IamUWC

Congratulations to the class of 2024

From all at UWC.

UWC Student Enrolment Management Unit hosted a celebration for Top UWC applicants who have chosen to register at the University for the year 2024 #IChoseUWC

Top UWC applicants

Grade 12s - Watch these...

How do I apply to UWC?
Apply via the university's online application portal. Please note: the term undergraduate (a university or college student who has not completed a degree) includes you as a Grade 12 Applicant.

Which results should current grade 12s apply with?
Current grade 12 learners should apply with their final grade 11 results or their June 2024 exam results.

Which documents should current grade 12s apply with?
No documents should be submitted at this stage. All the necessary information should be included on the online application form.

Which results should post-matrics apply with?
(Note: post-matrics are those who have already completed matric and who already have their NSC results)
Post-matrics should submit the following documents:
  • Certified copy of NSC Certificate or Senior Certificate
  • Certified copy of Identification Document
  • If applicable, proof of any studies with academic records you may have completed
  • If applicable, proof that you are currently improving your NSC results
  • An affidavit describing, in brief, your activities after your matric year
When is the closing date for applications for 2025?
  • Bachelor of Dentistry and Bachelor of Oral Health: 31 August 2024
  • All other faculty programmes: 30 September 2024

Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The Faculty is well respected and well connected internationally. It boasts top academics and a strong research profile. Arts graduates emerge socially responsive and skilled in critical thinking and effective communication and go on to excel in a variety of fields.

Admission Requirements
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
 ARTS Website

Faculty of Community and Health Sciences
The Faculty of Community and Health Sciences is helping to transform health and welfare services in South Africa through its excellent teaching, research and community service.

Admission Requirements
Faculty of Community and Health Sciences

 CHS Website

Faculty of Dentistry
Africa's leading dental school, the Faculty promotes participation, innovation and a deep respect for the well-being of all. The range of expertise available and the clinical exposure given to students make it a remarkable place to study and work.

Admission Requirements
Faculty of Dentistry

 Dentistry Website

Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
The Faculty is well-connected with commerce, industry and government. Its strong teaching and applied research focus is building critical capacity in both the private and public sectors.

Admission Requirements
Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

 EMS Website

Faculty of Education
The Faculty of Education develops the intellectual and professional capacity of students in teaching and related fields as well as supporting education leadership and management.

Admission Requirements
Faculty of Education

 Education Website

Faculty of Law
The Faculty is developing a reputation as an important centre of research in South Africa. It equips graduates with solid academic and research skills and gives them the ability to succeed in the market place.

Admission Requirements
Faculty of Law

 Law Website

Faculty of Natural Sciences
The Faculty is developing a reputation as an important centre of research in South Africa. It equips graduates with solid academic and research skills and gives them the ability to succeed in the market place.

Admission Requirements
Faculty of Natural Sciences

 Science Website

More info

Academic Programmes   Undergraduate Brochure

Are you confused? Not sure which degree to apply for? Book a virtual career advising session with one of UWC’s advisors.
Facebook: @UWCFutureStudents

UWC Residential Services
About a quarter of students at UWC are in university residences. Many stay at home while others live in private accommodation. For more information go to:

More on UWC Residential Services

Bursaries and Financial Aid
Grade 12 Merit Awards
UWC offers a limited number of merit awards, depending on field of study and the size of the applicant pool. Grade 12 learners who have passed their NSC with an A or B aggregate may apply for the UWC merit award. Applications for the merit award need to be submitted once an applicant has been accepted to study at UWC and not before then. A aggregate merit award equates to 100% of tuition fee for the year. B aggregate merit award equates to 75% of tuition fee for the year.

What is NSFAS? (National Student Financial Aid Scheme)
NSFAS is a government bursary scheme for students from low-income households (I.e. combined household income of less than R350,000.00). If you are a student with a disability, your family income must not be more than R600,000.00 per annum to qualify for a NSFAS bursary.

More on NSFAS

The University of the Western Cape (UWC) was founded in 1960 and occupies a unique space in the South African higher education landscape. It is a dynamic institution committed to excellence in learning, teaching, research and innovation in a globally competitive environment whilst remaining true to the values and ethos that have shaped its identity as a university rooted in serving the public good.

If you have any questions about what to study at UWC or how to apply for 2024 and if you would like to speak with an advisor, please connect with us as follows:
Facebook: @UWCFutureStudents
Instagram: @uwc_future_students