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Department Leadership

Position: Departmental Chairperson & Professor in Applied Geology
Laboratory: Core Analysis Laboratory
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2638
Fax: +27 (021) 959 2438

Professor Mimonitu Opuwari, who earned his doctorate in Applied Geology from the University of the Western Cape in South Africa, currently serves as the coordinator for the AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) Africa region's visiting geoscience program. A National Research Foundation (NRF) rated researcher, he brings nearly two decades of expertise studying South Africa's offshore and onshore basins.
His research focuses on three main areas: Reservoir Characterization, Source Rock Evaluation, and CO2 sequestration. Throughout his career, Opuwari has successfully mentored numerous doctoral and master's students while building an impressive academic portfolio of approximately forty peer-reviewed journal publications and over fifty presentations at international conferences.
Professor Opuwari maintains active research collaborations with universities across multiple continents, including partners in the United Kingdom, United States, Namibia, Nigeria, and Malaysia. His professional affiliations span several prestigious organizations: the AAPG, European Geoscience Union (EGU), Geological Society of South Africa (GSSA), Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE), Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), and the South African Geophysical Association (SAGA). The Core Analysis Laboratory (Corelab), led by Professor Opuwari, is South Africa's pioneering analytical facility in Petroleum Geosciences. The laboratory specializes in examining sedimentary core samples, focusing on analyzing how fluids interact with rocks at the pore level. This ground breaking facility is the first of its kind in the country dedicated to this specialized field of study. The Corelab has state-of-the-art analytical gear, including Vinci Technologies Porosity and Permeability (Poroperm) Equipment, Electrical Properties Systems (EPS-A), and the Gigamacro Magnify 2 System.

Selected Recent Publications:
Ngcobo, L., Afolayan, B., & Opuwari, M. (2024). Evaluation of carbon dioxide storage potential in wells of the Bredasdorp Basin offshore South Africa. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 1–16.

Haajierah Mosavel, Mimonitu Opuwari (2024). Quantitative analysis of the Permian sediments of Karoo Basin of South Africa using combined petrophysical and X-ray analytical techniques. Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 216,2024,105293,ISSN 1464-343X,

Moses Magoba, Mimonitu Opuwari, Kuiwu Liu (2024). The Effect of Diagenetic Minerals on the Petrophysical Properties of Sandstone Reservoir: A Case Study of the Upper Shallow Marine Sandstones in the Central Bredasdorp Basin, Offshore South Africa. Minerals 2024, 14(4), 396;

P.O. Amaechi and M. Opuwari (2024). Application of modern seismic attributes in the characterisation of mass transport deposits: Orange Basin, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology, 127 (3): 693–704. doi:

Yelwa, N.A., Mustapha, K.A., Opuwari, M. (2024). Hydrocarbon prospectivity of the South Atlantic Orange Basin. J. Sediment. Environ. 9, 747–789

Blessing Afolayan, Eric Mackay, Mimonitu Opuwari (2023). 3D Static Modeling and CO2 Static Storage Estimation of the Hydrocarbon-Depleted Charis Reservoir, Bredasdorp Basin, South Africa. Natural Resources Research,32,3, 1021-1045,Springer US.

Uzair Adam and Mimonitu Opuwari (2023): An integration of Seismic and Petrophysics in reservoir characterization of wells in the Orange Basin, South Africa. Marine Georesources &Geotechnology.

Blessing Afolayan, Eric Mackay, Mimonitu Opuwari (2023). Dynamic modeling of geological carbon storage in an oil reservoir, Bredasdorp Basin, South Africa. Sci Rep 13, 16573 (2023).

Paschal Ogechukwu Amaechi, Nicolas David Waldmann, Yizhaq Makovsky, Mimonitu Opuwari (2023). Characterization of blocks within a near seafloor Neogene MTC, Orange Basin: Constraints from a high-resolution 3D seismic data. Sedimentary Geology Journal.

Nura Abdulmumini Yelwa, Khairul Azlan Mustapha, Mimonitu Opuwari & Mohammed Hail Hakimi (2023). Shale-gas potential from Cretaceous succession in South Africa’s Orange Basin: Insights from integrated geochemical evaluations. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology Journal.

Mabitje, S., & Opuwari, M (2023). Determination of Total Organic Carbon content using Passey’s method in coals of the Central Kalahari Karoo Basin, Botswana. Petroleum Research.

Position: Deputy Departmental Chairperson and Associate Professor
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2637
Fax: +27 (021) 959 1317/2438

Russell Bailie did his undergraduate, Honours and Masters degrees at the University of the Witwatersrand before working for a couple of years as a scientific officer for the Council for Geoscience (CGS). He subsequently continued his studies obtaining a PhD from the University of Johannesburg in 2009. He has worked for exploration consulting companies Caracle Creek International Consulting (CCIC) and MSA Geoservices.
He teaches and has taught Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology (both Igneous and Metamorphic), Economic Geology at undergraduate level, along with African Geology and research methodology at postgraduate level.

His research interests mostly lie in Igneous Petrology, along with geochemistry, tectonics and Economic Geology. His main regions of research lie in the Namaqua Metamorphic Province and Saldania Belt, both of southwestern Africa, but he is expanding to other areas. Main areas of interest are petrogenesis, granite emplacement mechanisms, structural and tectonic evolution and ore-forming processes.

BSc – University of the Witwatersrand (Geology, Chemistry majors) – 1992 - 1994
BSc (Honours) – University of the Witwatersrand (Geology) – 1995
MSc – University of the Witwatersrand -1996 – 1997
PhD – University of Johannesburg – 2004 – 2007 (full-time), 2007 – 2008 (part-time)

Department of Earth Sciences, UWC:         Senior lecturer – 2009 – 2020
                                                                           Associate professor – 2021 - present
MSA Geoservices                                            Geologist – 2007 – 2008
Caracle Creek International Consulting      Junior Exploration Geologist - 2007
Council for Geoscience                                  Scientific officer – 1998 - 1999

Research interests:
My research interests include igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, economic geology, structural geology and tectonics. My research areas are particularly focussed on the Namaqua Metamorphic Province of south-western South Africa and examining its development and tectonic evolution. I am also working in the Pan-African Saldania Belt of southwestern Africa examining the various magmatic rocks, structural development and metamorphism in these rocks. My research focusses on igneous rock petrogenesis, and I am beginning to look at granite emplacement mechanisms and determining conditions and processes during high-grade metamorphism.


Third year Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (previously also Economic Geology)
Second year Mineralogy (including Optical Mineralogy)
African Geology (Honours), research methodology and Honours field mapping trip
Module supervisor for the Honours research project

Student supervision

MSc: 4 principal, 1 co-supervisor
PhD: 1 principal

MSc: 7 principal, 6 co-supervisor
PhD: 1 principal


Selected Publications

Nke, A., Bailie, R.H., Macey, P.H., Thomas, R., Frei, D., le Roux, P., Spencer, C. (2020). The 1.8 Ga Gladkop Suite: the youngest Paleoproterozoic domain in the Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Province, South Africa. Precambrian Research 350, 105941.

Bailie, R., Adriaans, L., le Roux, P. (2020). Peritectic assemblage entrainment as the main compositional driver in the I-type Vredenburg Granite, north-western Pan-Africa Saldania Belt, South Africa: A whole-rock chemical perspective. Lithos 364-365, 105522.

Mwenze, T., Okujeni, C., Frei, D., Siad, A. Bailie, R. (2019). Geochemical controls on the distribution of PGE mineralization in skarns formed during emplacement of the Platreef in the Northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 205;

Bailie, R., Abrahams, G., Bokana, R., van Bever Donker, J., Frei, D., le Roux, P. (2019). The geochemistry and geochronology of the upper granulite facies Kliprand dome: comparison of the southern and northern parts of the Bushmanland Domain of the Namaqua Metamorphic Province, southern Africa and clues to its evolution. Precambrian Research 330, 58-100.

Macey, P.H., Bailie, R.H., Miller, J.A., Thomas, R.J., De Beer, C., le Roux, P.J. (2018). Implications of the distribution, age and origins of the granites of the Mesoproterozoic Spektakel Suite for the timing of the Namaqua Orogeny in the Bushmanland Subprovince of the Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Province, South Africa. Precambrian Research 312, 68-98.

Bailie, R., Macey, P.H., Nethenzheni, S., Frei, D., le Roux, P. (2017). The Keimoes Suite redefined: The geochronological and geochemical characteristics of the ferroan granites of the eastern Namaqua Sector, Mesoproterozoic Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Province, southern Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 134, 737-765.

Bailie, R., Rajesh, H.M., Gutzmer, J. (2012). Bimodal volcanism at the western margin of the Kaapvaal Craton in the aftermath of collisional events during the Namaqua-Natal Orogeny: The Koras Group, South Africa. Precambrian Research 200-203, 163-183.

Bailie, R., Gutzmer, J. (2011). Age and primary architecture of the Copperton Zn-Cu VMS deposit, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Ore Geology Reviews 39, 164-179.

Bailie, R., Gutzmer, J., Rajesh, H.M., Armstrong, R. (2011). Age of ferroan A-type post-tectonic granitoids of the southern part of the Keimoes Suite, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 60, 153-174.

Bailie, R., Gutzmer, J. and Rajesh, H.M. (2011). Petrography, geochemistry and geochronology of the metavolcanic rocks of the Mesoproterozoic Leerkrans Formation, Wilgenhoutsdrif Group, South Africa – back-arc basin to the Areachap volcanic arc. South African Journal of Geology 114, 167-194.

Bailie, R., Gutzmer, J., Rajesh, H. (2010b). Lithogeochemistry as a tracer of the tectonic setting, lateral integrity and mineralisation of a highly metamorphosed Mesoproterozoic volcanic arc sequence on the eastern margin of the Namaqua Province, South Africa. Lithos 119, 345-362.

Bailie, R.H., Gutzmer, J., Strauss, H., Stüeken, E., McClung, C. (2010a). Sulfur isotope characteristics of metamorphosed Zn-Cu volcanogenic massive sulphides in the Areachap Group, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Mineralium Deposita 45, 481-496.

Bailie, R.H., Armstrong, R.A. and Reid, D.L. (2007b). Composition and single zircon U-Pb emplacement and metamorphic ages of the Aggeneys Granite Suite, Bushmanland, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology 110, 87-110.

Bailie, R.H., Armstrong, R.A. and Reid, D.L. (2007a). The Bushmanland Group supracrustal succession, Aggeneys, Bushmanland, South Africa: Provenance, age of deposition and metamorphism. South African Journal of Geology 110, 59-86.

Bailie, R.H. and Reid, D.L. (2005). Ore textures and possible sulphide partial melting at Broken Hill, Aggeneys, South Africa I: Petrography, South African Journal of Geology 108, 51-70.

Bailie, R.H. and Robb, L.J. (2004). Polymetallic mineralization in the granites of the Bushveld Complex – examples from the central southeastern lobe. South African Journal of Geology 107, 633-652.

Academic Staff

Position: Emeritus Professor and Co-Chair of UNESCO Chair in Hydrogeology
Tel: +27 (021) 959 3882


Prof. Yongxin Xu is a Senior Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of the Western Cape and the UNESCO Chairholder in Geohydrology.

After brief academic jobs in China and UK, he came to South Africa in 1989 and spent most of his career in groundwater investigations for then Geological Survey and Water Affairs. He has taken up the position of the UNESCO Professor of Hydrogeology based at UWC since 2001.

His research, mostly conducted together with his PhD students, has dealt with sustainable groundwater resources management, published more than 50 peer reviewed papers and three books in the areas of groundwater recharge, pollution and management. The scope of his research covers many facets of groundwater, including socio-economical, environmental and cultural, political and institutional issues. These diverse topics have provided multi-disciplinary research opportunities for many postgraduates at both PhD and MSc level.

Having facilitated various international workshops and projects, he holds the position of Guest Professor at universities including China and Australia. He is a Commissioner of Africa Groundwater Commission for AMCOW, and the Secretary General of ChinAfrica Water Forum.

Position: Professor in Applied Geology
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9728
Fax: +27 (021) 959 3118

Position: Emeritus Professor
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2871
Fax: +27 (021) 959 3118


Dominic Mazvimavi is a Professor of Water and Environmental Science in the Department of Earth Sciences, and Director of the Institute for Water Studies. Prof Mazvimavi obtained a PhD in Hydrology from the Wageningen University and the International Institute of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation in the Netherlands, MSc in Hydrology from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. Prof Mazvimavi has the following editorial appointments: (i) 2007 to present, Managing Guest Editor/Theme Editor for the Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, (ii) 2007 to present, Associate Editor of International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation , and (iii) from 2012, Associate Editor Hydrological Earth Systems Science Journal. Prof Mazvimavi has research interests on water resources planning and management, hydrological regionalization, effects of land-use change on runoff, and environmental flow assessment in South Africa and the SADC region. He has previously worked at the Okavango Research Institute of the University of Botswana (2005-2008), and Department of Geography and Environmental Science of the University of Zimbabwe (1987 – 2004).

Position: Associate Professor
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9293
Fax: +27 (021) 959 3118


Prof Evison Kapangaziwiri is a surface water hydrologist with over 25 years of professional experience in diverse aspects of surface water hydrology, hydrological and systems modelling, uncertainty analysis in water resources assessments and integrated water resources management. Evison is skilled in operational hydrology, hydrological modelling, water resources science, water resources management, and flooding management as well as being competent in the acquisition, processing, and analysis of hydrological data. Evison’s expertise encompasses catchment-scale hydrology, hydrological science, hydrological modelling application of scientific methods in ungauged catchments, land use and climate change impacts on hydrology & water resources, uncertainty analysis and optimization of estimation in hydrological (and environmental) models, as well as hydroclimatic variability and impact of a changing climate including landcover/land-use on hydrology and water resources. Evison Kapangaziwiri is an Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Science in the Department of Earth Sciences and the Institute for Water Studies (IWS). Prof Kapangaziwiri obtained his MSc and PhD in Hydrology from Rhodes University in South Africa. He has worked as a research scientist in hydrology and water resources management at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Prof Kapangaziwiri has research interests in rainfall-runoff modelling (processes representation and parameter estimation), uncertainty analysis and estimation, sensitivity analysis and process optimization, desert hydrology (hydrological modelling arid and semi-arid environments), climate and environmental change impacts on water resources, water resources planning and management, river transmission losses assessment and environmental flows and low flows analysis.

Prof Kapangaziwiri is an active member of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), South African Hydrological Society (SAHS), Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA) and is a registered professional scientist with the South African Council
for Natural Scientific Professions (SANASP). Prof Kapangaziwiri is a C3-rated scientist by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa. Prof Kapangaziwiri publishes regularly on issues of hydrology and water resources management across

Position: Professor of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation
Tel: +27 (021) 959 4130
Fax: +27 (021) 959 3118


Timothy Dube is a Professor of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation at the Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Timothy holds a PhD degree in Environmental Science with a focus on GIS and Remote Sensing (2015) from the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa and an MSc degree in Water Resources and Environmental Management (WREM) (2012) from the Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente, the Netherlands as well as an Honours Degree in Geography (2008) from University of Zimbabwe. Timothy Dube's current research and teaching interests includes satellite remote sensing and spatial modeling of water resources and their interactions with the environment, as well as ecosystem responses to changes in the climate and water cycle. Timothy Dube's current research and teaching interests include remote sensing and spatial modeling of water resources and their interactions with the environment, as well as ecosystem responses to climate and water cycle changes. Timothy has over 150 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles in top ISI journals, as well as books and book chapters, to his credit. He is currently editing a book titled "Remote Sensing of Climate Variability," which will be published by Elsevier. Timothy also serves on the technical committees of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment and the African Green Hydrogen Atlas. His involvement with Earth Observation technology applications extends beyond African research to collaborations with various Earth Observation experts from European institutions, promoting Earth Observation knowledge and skills transfer to improve environmental and water policy formulation and decision making in southern Africa and Africa.

Research Interests

Water Resources monitoring and assessment
Land cover analysis
Drought and flood modelling
Agriculture, irrigation and water use
Cloud computing and big data analytics
Earth observation applications
Geostatistics and remote sensing integration
GIS and Global Position System applications


Timothy Dube teaches EWP311 Geographic Information Systems and EWP702 Advanced Geographic Information Systems to Environmental and Water Science undergraduate and honours students. He is also the Departmental Postgraduate Research Coordinator for Earth Science. Prof Dube oversaw the completion of 21 MSc and 8 PhD research topics on Water Resources and Environmental Management from 2016 to 2022. At the moment, he is supervising 5 MSc students and 8 PhD candidates. Timothy's MSc and PhD students were recognized for their outstanding research: DVC Research and Innovation Best MSc Nomination Award (2021): Trisha Deevia Bhaga for his research on Satellite monitoring of surface water variability in the drought prone Western Cape, South Africa.
DVC Research and Innovation Best PhD Research Award (2020): Bester Tawona Mudereri for his research on understanding Striga occurrence and risk under changing climatic conditions across different agroecological farming systems at local and regional scales.

Activities in Capacity Development

Environmental and Water Sciences Coordinator for Annual Postgraduate Seminars

Current Projects

Remote sensing of groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the Kruger National Park,
South Africa - Project Number C2022/2023-00902 – (2022- 2025).
GMES and AFRICA– Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Southern Africa (2022 – 2025).
EO AFRICA R&D: Drought impact on the vegetation of South African semiarid mosaic landscapes: Implications on grass-crop-lands primary production (2022 – 2023).
EO AFRICA R&D: Towards daily maps of water hyacinth cover: exploiting synergies between Sentinel-2 and 3 (2022 – 2023).

Journal Editorial Work:

2020 to Present: Scientific African Journal Editor
2021- Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (RSASE)
2021- to Present –Special Issue Guest Editor for Remote Sensing MDPI on Remote Sensing for Water Resources and Environmental Management.
2022 to Present – Remote Sensing MDPI Special Issue Guest Editor on "Remote Sensing of Vegetation Function and Traits"
2022 to Present – Remote Sensing MDPI Special Issue Guest Editor "Remote Sensing for Water Resources and Environmental Management.

Scientific Research Publications:

Google Scholar:

Scientific Recognition and Awards

2021: University of the Western Cape –DVC Research and Innovation Mid-Career Researcher Award.
2021: Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology Young African Researchers Awards
2018: University of the Western Cape - DVC Research and Innovation Best Early Career Researcher Award.
2018: NRF Best Young Researcher Nominee for the 11th HOPE Meeting with Nobel Laureates in Okinawa, Japan.
2017: Visiting Scholar-Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes & Resources, United Nations University in Germany.
2007: Academic Excellence Book Prize Award (University of Zimbabwe).
2006: Academic Excellence Book Prize Award (University of Zimbabwe).

Administrative Work

Earth Science Departmental Representative to the Natural Science Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (2022 – Present).
Earth Science Departmental Representative to the Natural Science Faculty Research Committee (2020 – 2021).
UWC Senate Board Member (2019-Present)
UWC Senate Research Task Team Member (2020-2021).
UWC Faculty board Member (2018-to present)

Position: Extra-Ordinary Professor

Position: Associate Professor
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2089
Fax: +27 (021) 959 1317


My career is an extension of a lifelong passion for river and wetland environments, and the landscapes that shape and are shaped by earth surface processes. This passion was born out of numerous camping trips to the KZN Drakensberg Mountains, of days spent swimming in the muddy rivers of the KZN South Coast, and of the long drives through the Karoo on our annual family holiday to visit my grandmother in Cape Town.

My research focuses on the morphodynamics of rivers and wetlands in warm humid, sub-humid and semi-arid environments. Through my research I have applied and integrated analyses of hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology to understand physical and biophysical drivers of ecosystem formation and development. Through both research and vocational practice, I have considered the role, value and challenges of applying such understanding to the management and restoration of wetlands in particular, where geomorphological insight into processes and rates of morphological change is a critical but often neglected component of restoration planning.

I favour research approaches that combine insights from a variety of techniques that make independent simplifying assumptions about the nature and dynamics of ecosystems, such as spatial analysis (GIS and remote sensing), fieldwork and geochronology, and numerical morphodynamic modelling, and I endeavour always to develop and teach system-level understanding that I believe has great value in ecosystems management.

During my academic career, I have walked in and/or worked on rivers and wetlands across South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the United Kingdom, the Swiss Alps, Austria, and Italy. This global ‘field experience’ has shaped my scientific curiosity, my understanding of global environmental processes, my skills base, and my ability to impart knowledge, understanding and inspiration to my students.

I hold a C2 National Research Foundation (NRF) rating.   

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

- Grenfell MC, Grenfell SE, Mazvimavi D. 2021. Morphodynamic modelling of dryland non-perennial riverscapes, with implications for environmental water allocation. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment. DOI: 10.1177/0309133321996639.

- Grenfell SE, Mamphoka MF, Grenfell MC, Job N. 2020. Evaluating the potential for natural ecosystem recoverya in cut-and-fill wetlands: case study of Pietersielieskloof palmiet wetland, South Africa. Wetlands Ecology and Management 28: 863–882. DOI: 10.1007/s11273-020-09756-7.

- Petersen CR, Jovanovic NZ, Grenfell MC. 2020. The effectiveness of riparian zones in mitigating water quality impacts in an agriculturally-dominated river system in South Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science 45: 336-349. DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2019.1685451.

- Li J, Grenfell M, Wei H, Tooth S, Ngiem S. 2020. Chute cutoff-driven abandonment and sedimentation of meander bends along a fine-grained, non-vegetated, ephemeral river on the Bolivian Altiplano. Geomorphology 350: 106917. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.106917.

- Grenfell S, Grenfell M, Ellery W, Job N, Walters D. 2019. A Genetic Geomorphic Classification System for Southern African Palustrine Wetlands: Global Implications for the Management of Wetlands in Drylands. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7:174.

- Grenfell MC, Aalto R, Grenfell SE, Ellery WN. 2019. Ecosystem engineering by hummock-building earthworms in seasonal wetlands of eastern South Africa: Insights into the mechanics of biomorphodynamic feedbacks in wetland ecosystems. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44: 354-366.

- Petersen CR, Jovanovic NZ, Grenfell MC, Oberholster PJ, Cheng P. 2018. Responses of aquatic communities to physical and chemical parameters in agriculturally impacted coastal river systems. Hydrobiologia 813: 157-175.

- Petersen CR, Jovanovic NZ, Le Maitre DC, Grenfell MC. 2017. Effects of land use change on streamflow and stream water quality of a coastal catchment. WaterSA 43: 139-152.

- Grenfell SE, Callaway RM, Grenfell MC, Bertelli CM, Mendzil AF, Tew IF. 2016. Will a rising sea sink some estuarine wetland ecosystems? Science of the Total Environment 554-555: 276-292.

- Grenfell MC, Aalto R, Nicholas, AP. 2014. Mediative adjustment of river dynamics: The role of chute channels in tropical sand‐bed meandering rivers. Journal of Sedimentary Geology 301: 93‐106 (Special Issue on Morphodynamics of Large Rivers and Megafans, invited contribution).

- Grenfell SE, Grenfell MC, Rowntree K, Ellery WN. 2014. Fluvial connectivity and climate: a comparison of channel pattern and process in two climatically contrasting fluvial sedimentary systems in South Africa. Geomorphology 205: 142-154 (Special Issue: Discontinuities in Fluvial Systems).

- Keen-Zebert A, Tooth S, Rodnight H, Duller GAT, Roberts HM, Grenfell M. 2013. Late Quarternary floodplain reworking and the preservation of alluvial sedimentary archives in unconfined and confined river valleys in the eastern interior of South Africa. Geomorphology 185: 54-66.

- Grenfell MC, Aalto R, Nicholas, AP. 2012. Chute channel dynamics in large, sand-bed meandering rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37: 315-331 (Virtual Themed Issue on River Bifurcations, invited contribution).

- Ellery WN, Grenfell SE, Grenfell MC, Humphries MS, Barnes K, Dahlberg A, Kindness A. 2012. Peat formation in the context of the development of the Mkuze floodplain on the coastal plain of Maputaland, South Africa. Geomorphology 141: 11-20.

- Grenfell MC, Ellery WN, Grenfell SE. 2009. Valley morphology and sediment cascades within a wetland system in the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg Foothills, eastern South Africa. Catena 78: 20-35.

- Grenfell SE, Rowntree K, Grenfell MC. 2012. Morphodynamics of a gully and floodout system in the Sneeuberg Mountains of the semi-arid Karoo, South Africa: implications for local landscape connectivity. Catena 89: 8-21.

- Grenfell SE, Ellery WN, Grenfell MC, Ramsay LF, Flügel TJ. 2010. Sedimentary facies and geomorphic evolution of a blocked-valley lake: Lake Futululu, northern Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Sedimentology 57: 1159-1174.

- Grenfell SE, Ellery WN, Grenfell MC. 2009. Geomorphology and dynamics of the Mfolozi River floodplain, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Geomorphology 107: 226-240.

- Grenfell MC, Ellery W, Grenfell SE. 2008. Tributary valley impoundment by trunk river floodplain development: A case study from the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg Foothills, eastern South Africa. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 33: 2029-2044.

- Grenfell MC, Ellery WN, Garden SE, Dini J, van der Valk AG. 2007. The language of intervention: A review of concepts and terminology in wetland ecosystem repair. Water SA 33(1): 43-50.

- Grenfell MC, Ellery WN, Preston-Whyte RA. 2005. Wetlands as early warning (eco)systems for water resource management. Water SA 31(4): 465-472.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

- Ellery W, Grenfell SE, Grenfell MC, Powell R, Kotze DC, Marren PM, Knight J. 2016. Wetlands in southern Africa. In: Knight J, Grab S (Eds.). Quaternary Environmental Change in Southern Africa. Physical and Human Dimensions. Cambridge University Press.

- Grenfell MC. 2015. Modelling Geomorphic Systems: Fluvial. Geomorphological Techniques Ch. 5, Sec. 6.4. British Society for Geomorphology.

- Ellery WN, Grenfell SE, Grenfell MC, Humphries MS, Barnes KB. 2013. The Wetlands. In: Perissinotto R, Stretch DD, Taylor RH (Eds.). Ecology and Conservation of Estuarine Ecosystems: Lake St. Lucia as a Global Model. Cambridge University Press.

Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research Reports and Outreach Documents

- Van Deventer H, Smith-Adao L, Collins NB, Grenfell M, Grundling A, Grundling P-L, Impson D, Job N, Lötter M, Ollis D, Petersen C, Scherman P, Sieben E, Snaddon K, Tererai F, Van der Colff D. 2019. South African National Biodiversity Assessment 2018: Technical Report. Volume 2: Inland Aquatic (Freshwater) Component. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI): Pretoria, South Africa. Report Number: CSIR report number CSIR/NRE/ECOS/IR/2019/0004/A. SANBI handle:

- Van Deventer H, Collins NB, Genthe B, Grundling P-L, Grundling A, Grenfell M, Hill L, Impson D, Lötter M, Petersen C, Smith-Adao LB, Snaddon K, Tererai F, Van der Colff D, Van Rensburg S. 2019. Chapter 4: Pressures on the Inland Aquatic Environment. In: Van Deventer et al. South African National Biodiversity Assessment 2018: Technical Report. Volume 2: Inland Aquatic (Freshwater) Component. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI): Pretoria, South Africa. CSIR report number CSIR/NRE/ECOS/IR/2019/0004/A. SANBI handle:

- Tooth S, Ellery F, Grenfell M, Thomas A, Kotze D, Ralph T. 2015. 10 Reasons why the Geomorphology of Wetlands is Important. Wetlands in Drylands Research Network, available online at

- Tooth S, Grenfell MC, Thomas A, Ellery WN. 2015. Wetlands in Drylands: ‘Hotspots’ of Ecosystem Services in Marginal Environments. GSDR 2015 Science Brief, United Nations.

- The Wetlands in Drylands Research Network. 2014. Parys Declaration on the Importance of Wetlands in Drylands, available at

- Ellery W, Grenfell S, Grenfell M, Jaganath C, Malan H, Kotze D. 2010. A method for assessing cumulative impacts on wetland functions at the catchment or landscape scale. Water Research Commission Research Report TT437-09, Pretoria, 123 pp.

- Kotze D, Ellery W, Rountree M, Grenfell M, Marneweck G, Nxele I, Breen C, Dini J, Batchelor A, Sieben E. 2009. WET-RehabPlan: Guidelines for Planning Wetland Rehabilitation in South Africa. Water Research Commission Research Report TT336-09, Pretoria, 62 pp.

- Ellery W, Grenfell M, Grenfell S, Kotze D, McCarthy TS, Tooth S, Grundling PL, Beckedahl H, Le Maitre D, Ramsay L. 2009. WET-Origins: Controls on the Distribution and Dynamics of Wetlands in South Africa. Water Research Commission Research Report TT334-09, Pretoria, 100 pp.

Position:Associate Professor in Environmental & Water Science
Tel+27 (021) 959 2686 
Fax: +27 (021) 959 3118  

Nebo Jovanovic is Associate Professor in Environmental and Water Science having obtained a PhD from the University of Pretoria and an MSc from CIHEAM, Bari, Italy. He has over 20 years of experience in the water sector having conducted, led and published research in water resource management, soil, hydrological and groundwater modelling, dryland salinity, food security and drought impacts in small-holder irrigated farming systems, and applications of remote sensing in water management. He was Editor in Chief of Agricultural Water Management (2011-2020) and currently member of the Advisory Board. He was member of the Editorial Board of Water SA (2008-2011) and currently Associate Editor of the South African Journal of Plant and Soil (since 2011). His current and future research interests include the determination of water use and consumption to improve water allocations in semi-arid areas, in particular to agricultural water users, adaptation strategies to climate change and interventions for augmentation of water supply and water management in drought-prone areas.

Position: Associate Professor in Environmental & Water Science and Co-Chair of UNESCO Chair in Hydrogeology
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9292


Associate Professor Thokozani Knayerere, (  is a Senior Lecturer and an environmental hydrogeologist with interest on groundwater management, groundwater-surface water interactions and integrated water resource management. Dr Kanyerere has 18 years of experience in the water sector and teaching water-related subjects. His research interests are on water quality assessment, contaminant hydrology, remediation technologies, hydrology education, water use and water demand management. He has passion on research methods for water and environmental studies. Currently, Dr Kanyerere is leading the groundwater component of a non-perennial river project, which has the aim to improve understanding of  groundwater–surface water interaction and assess the implications of such interaction on the river dynamics, plants and animals.

Position: Emeritus Professor

Position: Emeritus Professor

Position: Extraordinary Professor

Position: Extraordinary Professor

Position: Extraordinary Professor

Position: Senior Lecturer in Environmental & Water Science

Position: adjunct Lecturer

Position: Research Fellow

Position: Research Fellow

Position: Lecturer in Applied Geology
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9750
Fax: +27 (021) 959 1317


  • BSc Applied Geology – Univ. of the Western Cape, 2002-2004
  • BSc Honours Applied Geology – Univ. of the Western Cape, 2006
  • MSc (Exploration Geochemistry) – Univ. of the Western Cape, 2010
  • Part-time Lecturer – Univ. of the Western Cape, 2009-2011
  • Lecturer and HIVE Manager – Univ. of the Western Cape, 2011-present
  • PhD – Currently ongoing: Optimization of selective extraction techniques and vapour geochemistry for PGE exploration in the Rooipoort and Kalplats prospects, South Africa.

Research interests

Current research interests are in the areas of regolith geochemistry over PGE-BMS mineralization. This research investigates the controls of element dispersion in regolith overlying platinum-group element and base metal sulphide mineralization in the Kalplats, Rooipoort, Amalia and Griqua Town areas. The research involves the use of assorted partial and selective extraction techniques to optimize the surface geochemical signatures of concealed mineralization. This study also uses 3D modelling techniques using Maptek's Vulcan to evaluate element dispersion in the secondary environment.

Position: Chief Technical Officer, Lecturer and Academic Coordinator of the Highly Immersive Visualisation Environment (Secondment)
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2820
Fax: +27 (021) 959 3118


I’m a technical manager (middle management level) responsible for providing academic support leadership and management. My higher education background and work experience puts me in a unique position of the department’s workflows and performance. I strongly believe in a mentoring and coaching style of leadership and prefer to approach workplace challenges from a developmental aspect or direction. My leadership quality has been and continues to be demonstrated by the improved performance level of my team in enhancing our teaching and learning processes.

I have an educational background of Chemistry, Geology, Education and Environmental & Water Science (Hydrogeology) with over 22 years of teaching experience (from Junior High School teaching to tertiary level lecturing).

I have a very strong aptitude in terms of soft skills such as research writing and analysis software as well as data processing that are required in the processes of teaching and research. My strength is demonstrated by the software and IT related trainings I have provided in various departments (Postgraduate Studies Division, CICET, etc) of the University of the Western Cape since 2002. Such aptitude was one of the key criteria that landed me the permanent position of Senior Officer in the Earth Science Department in 2009.

Technical Staff

Position: Chief Officer, Manager of the General Environmental and Water Science and Stable Isotope laboratory
Tel: 021 959-9274


Mr Swartbooi joined the Environmental and Water Science Unit (EWS) in the Earth Sciences Department in late 2014 as a technical officer. He spent his entire student career at UWC by completing both his BSc Honours and MSc studies in Environmental and Water Science where he currently works. His responsibilities in the department include assisting academics in undergraduate practical teachings and postgraduate students with their respective research in both the EWS laboratory and in the field. These field-based responsibilities include installation, maintenance and data retrieval of field equipment (weather stations, sampling, water level loggers etc.) for medium to long term hydrological research purposes.
His research interests include in situ water quality analysis and assessment, contaminant transport in vadose zone hydrology and hydrogeology, groundwater–surface water interaction, stable isotope methods, and the improvement of laboratory techniques and the development of new measurement and modelling approaches.

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
Mahed, G., Gariremo, N., Lehlohonolo, S., Campbell, R., Swartbooi, E. (2019). Characterisation of the Rietvlei wetland: Implications for spatial distribution of groundwater recharge. South African Journal of Geology volume 122 (3), 369-378.

Peer-reviewed Scientific Research Reports
D Mazvimavi, S Clarke, J Day, T Dube, T Kanyerere, J Machingura, E Malijani, YP Mkunyana
and E Swartbooi. (2022). Understanding of Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions from Headwaters to Lowlands or Catchment Scale Sustainable Water Resources Management. Water Research Commission Research Report, WRC Report No. 2855/1/22. ISBN 978-0-6392-0205-1.

Position: Assistant Technical Officer
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9296

Position: Assistant Technical Officer
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9281
Fax: +27 (021) 959 1534


Janine Becorney is a lab assistant in the Earth Science Department; she is responsible for the sample preparation in the Geochemistry laboratory, assisting with second year practical’s, lab maintenance and general departmental duties.

Position: Chief Technical Officer, Manager of the Applied Geology technical laboratories


Mr Mogammad Yaaseen Hendricks joined the Applied Geology unit of the Department of Earth Sciences in 2024 and holds an MSc in Applied Geology with a focus on Applied Sedimentology. Mr Hendricks runs the departmental sample preparation, rock and fossil thin section facilities, and curates the rock and fossil teaching collection within the department.

Mr Hendricks is currently completing his PhD in Applied Geology at UWC with a special focus on Sediment Routing System Analysis and its application in deep-time with the purpose of evaluating exploration and production stages of natural resources. He has a technical research background in petrography and geochemistry. Mr Hendricks has also been a tutor at the University of the Western Cape for several years where he gained experience in teaching practical classes and guiding students on field trips. Mr Hendricks also worked for Iziko Museums of South Africa as a research intern where he gained valuable experience in fossil and microfossil sample preparation for isotopic or geochemical studies. Mr Hendricks has also worked for Geolog International as a Formation Evaluation Engineer where he gained experience in rock drill-cuttings sample preparation for clients, such as Total Energies and NAMCOR for the purpose of geochemical, micropaleontological and petrographic studies.

He is also responsible for several departmental facilities outside of the sample preparation laboratories (rock stores, department equipment stores and microscopy laboratory) and is involved with field work programs within the APG unit. Mr Hendricks can be contacted with regards to the preparation of geological materials for analysis, through the University of the Western Cape.

Position: Senior Technical Officer

Administrative Staff

Position: Departmental Administrator
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2223

Position: Postgraduate Administrative Officer, Special Projects Grants Manager
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9728
Fax: +27 (021) 959 3118

Position: Administrative Officer with the UNESCO Chair in Hydrogeology
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2439
Fax: +27 (021)  959 2439