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Position: Department Chairperson and Senior Lecturer (Sociology of Education)
Location: Block A, Room E-18
Tel: 021 959 3337

Dr Neetha Ravjee is the current Chair of the Department of Educational Studies and Senior Lecturer, Sociology of Education. 

She holds a PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington. Her ongoing research on critical recognition frameworks for educational redress contributes to the growing scholarship on discourses of transformation in South African higher education and, more broadly, the policy contexts of deeply divided societies in transition. 

Dr Ravjee joined UWC in 2002, as Senior Researcher in the Faculty of Education’s Centre for the Study of Higher Education. Prior to this, she held a postdoctoral research fellowship in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Stellenbosch, where she worked on research projects on knowledge dichotomies and the politics of knowledge production. 

Continuing with these themes, her current research and teaching interests focus on issues of access to higher education, the representation of ‘difference’ in curriculum, and the politics of research in higher education. She is currently a project leader in two large-scale collaborative research projects: on epistemic access in South African universities, and on critical historical literacies in/and teacher education. 

Dr Ravjee teaches courses on the sociology of knowledge, research methodology, authority and identity in education, and the sociology of South African education. 

Journal articles, books and book chapters
Ravjee, N. (work-in-progress) Democracy, difference and recognition in South African education. Book manuscript.

Ravjee, N., Hames, M., Ludwig, V. and Barnes, T. (2010) The cultural politics of equitable access and success: a case study of the University of the Western Cape. In Higher Education Monitor, No. 9. Access and Retention in South Africa: three case studies. Pretoria: Council on Higher Education.

Ravjee, N. (2007) The politics of e-learning in South African higher education. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT. 3(4): 27-41.

Czerniewicz, L., Ravjee, N. and Mlitwa, N. (2007) Information and communication technologies (ICTs) in South African higher education: understanding/s (of) the landscape. In Review of Higher Education in South Africa: Selected Themes. Pretoria: Council on Higher Education.

Czerniewicz, L., Ravjee, N. and Mlitwa, N. (2006) Higher Education Monitor, No. 5. ICTs and the South African Higher Education Landscape. Pretoria: Council on Higher Education.

Ravjee, N. (2004) Democracy, difference and recognition in curriculum: alternatives to Taylor's theory of recognition.  In Waghid, Y and le Grange, L (Eds.) (2004) Imaginaries on Democratic Education and Change. Pretoria: South African Association for Research and Development in Higher Education. [Originally published in Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (2001) Annual Conference Proceedings. Oxford: PESGB.]

Ravjee, N. (2003) Beyond knowledge dichotomies: a critical analysis of the “indigenous knowledge” versus “western science” dichotomy in research. Stellenbosch: Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies. University of Stellenbosch.

Ravjee, N. (2002) Neither ivory towers nor corporate universities: moving public universities beyond the ‘mode 2’ logic. South African Journal of Higher Education. 16(3): 82-88.

Ravjee, N. (2001) Democracy, difference and recognition in curriculum: alternatives to Taylor's theory of recognition. Annual Conference Proceedings of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain. Oxford: PESGB.]

Boshoff, N., Grebe, E., Mouton, J., Ravat, E., Ravjee, N. and Waast, R (1999) Science in South Africa. Volume I: History, institutions and statistics. Stellenbosch: Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Stellenbosch.

Adato, M., Haddad, L., Horner, D., Ravjee, N. and Haywood, R. (1999) From Works to Public Works: The Performance of Labour-Intensive Public Works in Western Cape Province, South Africa. Cape Town: SALDRU, UCT.

Ravjee, N. (1998) Democracy and outcomes-based approaches to engineering education. For Engineering Educators. 2(2): 4-5.

Conference and workshop presentations
Ravjee, N. (2020) “Epistemic Access and Success: Notes Towards Approaching the UWC Case Study.” October 2020.  Online symposium on Epistemic Access and Success in South African Universities. University of Johannesburg.

Nomlomo, V., Ravjee, N. And Stofile, S. (2018) Reflections on the Foundation Phase Teacher Education literacy curriculum in a South African university. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference on Early Childhood Literacy Development. Cape Town. September 2018.

Ravjee, N. (2017) Curriculum politics and the knowledge question. Paper presented at the South African Education Research Association (SAERA) conference. Port Elizabeth. October 2017.

Ravjee, N. (2015) Higher Education in South Africa: challenges and prospects. Presentation to the Africa Day Seminar convened by the Institute for Post-school Studies with visiting scholars from the William and Mary School of Education, USA. UWC, May 2015.

Ravjee, N. (2014) Beyond rainbows and toxic proxies: Critical recognition frameworks for access to education. Paper presented to the Education Association of South Africa (EASA) conference. Free State. January 2014.

Ravjee, N. and Lundall, P. (2010) Academic trajectories at UWC: matriculation performance, the National Benchmark Tests and first year performance. Paper presented at the 2nd national colloquium on “Access and admission/placement testing in South African universities”. UWC, Sept. 2010.

Ravjee, N. & Hames, M. (2009) The cultural politics of access and success. Paper presented at the 2nd International conference of the Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD). Rhodes University, Grahamstown, Dec. 2009.

Ravjee, N. (2007) Contextual and institutional factors influencing academic success. CHE Consultative conference on “Student access, success and institutional cultures: qualitative approach to students’ performance in higher education”. Pretoria, March 2007.

Ravjee, N. (2006) The politics of e-learning and higher education change in South Africa. Paper presented at the 2006 EASA/Kenton Conference. Wilderness, Western Cape, Nov. 2006.

Ravjee, N. (2006) The discourse of globalization and the politics of e-learning in South African higher education. Paper presented online at the E/merge Conference, June 2006. Online conference.

Ravjee, N. (2005) Facilitated panel discussion on: Bridging the divide between the academy and other sites of feminist knowledge creation: alternative sites of feminist knowledge creation. Conference on “Feminist Intellectual Activism – within and beyond the Academy”. Gender Equity Unit, UWC, Cape Town, Sept 2005.

Ravjee, N. (2005) The relation of ICTs to higher education change: the case of access to higher education in South Africa. Paper presented at the SAARDHE conference on “The African University in the 21st Century”. UKZN, Durban, June 2005.

Ravjee, N. (2004) A comparative perspective on e-learning partnerships: two South African case studies. Paper presented at the WCET conference. San Antonio, Texas, Nov 2004.

Ravjee, N. (2004) Problematising the relation of ICTs to higher education transformation in South Africa. Paper presented at the HictE mini-conference on ICTs in higher education. UWC, Cape Town, Sept. 2004.

Ravjee, N. (2001) Democracy, difference and recognition in curriculum: alternatives to Taylor's theory of recognition. Paper presented at the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain annual conference. Oxford University, Oxford, April 2001.

Ravjee, N. (2001) The Emergence of "Mode 2" in South African higher education policy debates. Paper presented as part of a symposium titled "The contribution of higher education to development" at the conference on “Globalisation and higher education: views from the South.” Cape Town, March 2001.

Ravjee, N. (2000) Democracy, difference and recognition in curriculum. Paper presented at the North West/Far West annual Philosophy of Education Society (NW/FWPES) conference. Vancouver, Canada, June 2000.

Ravjee, N. (1999) Modes of knowledge production and higher education transformation in South Africa: a critical review of the literature. Paper presented at the workshop titled “New Knowledge Production – Interrogating the Gibbons thesis from a South African Perspective." Education Policy Unit, UWC, July 1999.

Ravjee, N. (1995) ECSEL: reform or transformation of engineering education? Paper presented at the Graduate School of Education's annual Research and Inquiry Seminar. University of Washington, Seattle, Oct 1995.

McClintock, H. & Ravjee, N. (1993) The role of Teaching Assistants in multiculturalising the university. Paper presented at the 4th National TA Training Conference. Chicago, Nov 1993.

Research reports
Hackmann, K., Lütke, B., Nomlomo, V.,  Pech, D., Ravjee, N., Rosenkranz, K.,  Stofile, S.  and van der Walt, C. (2018 – 2019) Concept Paper titled Two societies in transition: How does that affect the knowledge question? Development of a concept paper towards a large-scale collaborative project proposal (UWC and Humboldt University) on critical historical literacies for inclusive education.

(2006 – 2010) Authored, co-authored or coordinated the writing of UWC internal institutional research reports on: quality assurance processes and issues; programme reviews and academic development processes; monitoring access and retention; graduate exit surveys; enrolment management; admissions testing; success rates of students in UWC outreach programmes; and monitoring first year student academic performance in relation to pre-university performance, university entrance requirements and programme/faculty-level pedagogical practices.

Ravjee, N. and Mohammed, Z. (2006) UWC students’ campus experiences, employment trajectories and further study patterns: perceptions of the March 2006 graduating cohort. Draft report. Bellville: Institutional Planning Office, UWC.

Ravjee, N. (2006) Equity and transformation issues in the use of ICT in higher education: a regional case study. Research sub-report for the project titled "Enhancing quality and equity in higher education through the innovative application of ICT.” Bellville: CSHE, UWC.

Czerniewicz, L., Ravjee, N. and Mlitwa, N. (2005) Information and Communication technologies (ICTs) and South African Higher Education: mapping the landscape. Research report for the Triennial Review of South African Higher Education. Cape Town: MEG (UCT) and CSHE (UWC).

Ravjee, N. (2004) Competing perspectives on ICTs and higher education transformation: a critical review of the literature. Bellville: CSHE, UWC.

Ravjee, N., Koen, C. and Reagan, R. (2003) Evaluation Report on the INFOLIT project of the Cape Higher Education Consortium. Bellville: CSHE, UWC.

Ravjee, N. (2003) Research capacity building and the case of gender in the academy: new institutional and epistemological spaces. Draft report. Bellville: CSHE, UWC.

Ravjee, N. (2000) Models of Postgraduate Education. CENIS report. Stellenbosch: Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Stellenbosch.

Boshoff, N. and Ravjee, N. (2000) The Organisation of Research at Five South African Universities. CENIS information packet. Stellenbosch: Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Stellenbosch.

Ravjee, N. (2000) ‘Modes’ of knowledge production and higher education in South Africa: a critical review of the literature on the Gibbons thesis. Prepared for the collaborative project with UWC and University of Twente, titled “The contribution of higher education to development: investigating modes of knowledge production and developing an appropriate research capacity building model.” Stellenbosch: Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Stellenbosch.

Ravjee, N. (1998) Critical Recognition, a framework for access: the case of engineering education. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Educational leadership and Policy Studies. University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

Ravjee, N. (1994-1996) Annual Evaluation: ECSEL University of Washington. ECSEL local evaluation and Summer Science Camp evaluation reports for 1994, 1995 and 1996. Seattle: ECSEL, UW.

Position: Departmental Administrator
Location: Block A, Room E-5
Tel: 021 959 2963


Academic Staff

Position: Associate Professor (also Deputy Dean: Research & Postgraduate Studies)
Location: Block A, Room E-114
Tel: 021 959 2450


Professor Rouaan Maarman, a previous programme co-ordinator and HOD of Educational Studies, is the current Deputy Dean for Research & Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Education. 

After qualifying as a teacher at UWC, he was a school teacher in the Eastern Cape for nine years, before joining academia in 2003. 

His PhD is in Comparative Education and he publishes widely in the areas of poverty, schooling and the state of basic education in South Africa. His current research uses the capability approach as a lens to deconstruct understandings of freedoms and constraints in the schooling sector. 

Prof. Maarman is regularly approached by the South African media to share thoughts on developments in basic education and serves on various university committees and task teams.

Esau, D & Maarman, RFA. 2021. Re-imagining support for beginner teachers in relation to initial teacher education policy in South Africa. South African Journal of Education. Forthcoming in 2021.

Barnett, E & Maarman, RFA. 2020. Principals’ views of the implementation of the No-fee policy through the lens of the capability theory. South Africa Journal of Education.

Esau, D & Maarman, RFA. 2019. Re-positioning the competences of beginner teachers in South Africa: a capability perspective. South African Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 33 No 6 of 2019.

Nwati, MP & Maarman, RFA. 2019. Reframing the quality education discourse via a capability analysis of quintile 1 (poor) school communities. Southern African Review of Education. Vol. 24 Issue 1. pp 109-125.

Nwati, MP & Maarman, RFA. 2017. Do school resources matter? A capability analysis of school resources in improving learner performance in poor school communities. Journal of Educational Studies. Vol. 16 (1).

Maarman, RFA & Nwati, MP. 2016. A capability analysis of learner performance in relation to the school progression policy. Journal of Education. Issue 66.

Maarman, RFA. 2015 A capability view of success in quintile 1 schools in South Africa. International Journal of Education Sciences (Special Issue). Vol. 13(1): 1-8.

Maarman, RFA, Stofile, S & Linden, N. 2012. Teacher reported poverty effects on education participation in a South African district. Journal of Psychology in Africa. Vol. 21(4). 603.

O’Sullivan, M, Wolhuter, CC, Maarman, RFA, Wood, E, Karras, KG, Mohiva, M, Torres, A & Anangisye, WAL 2011. Students’ expectations of and motivations for studying comparative education: A comparative study across nine countries in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. 2011. Educational Research. Vol. 2(8). 1341-1355.

Maarman, RFA, Wolhuter, CC & O’Sullivan, M. 2010. Comparative Education in primary teacher education in Ireland and South Africa. Teaching and Teacher Education. Vol. 26. 775-785.

Maarman, RFA, Wanagisye, W & Wolhuter, CC. 2009. Comparative Education at universities in Tanzania and in South Africa and the expectations and motivations of students. SAeDUC (electronic journal).

Maarman, RFA. 2009. Manifestations of capabilities poverty with learners attending informal settlement schools. South African Journal of Education. Vol. 29. 317-331. 

Wolhuter, CC, O’Sullivan, M & Maarman, RFA. 2008. Primary student teachers’ perceptions of and motivations for Comparative Education: findings from a comparative study of an Irish and South African university. Compare. Vol. 38. No 4. 401-414.

Maarman, RFA & Wolhuter, CC. 2007. The Comparative Education curriculum at South African Universities: experiences of students. SAeDUC (electronic journal).

Wolhuter, CC, Maarman RFA & O’Sullivan, M. 2007. Do Comparative Education courses satisfy students’ expectations? Evidence form a pre-test – post-tests study of Comparative Education students at a South African University. Comparative Education, teacher training and New Education Agenda. Vol. 5. 17-23.

Maarman, RFA, Steyn, SC & Wolhuter, CC. 2006. Optimal demographic information for policy consideration in the South African education system. South African Journal of Education. Vol. 26(2). 295-304.

Wolhuter, CC & Maarman, RFA. 2006 Students’ experience of Comparative Education in three countries. Comparative Education and Teacher Training. Vol. 4. 37-46.

Maarman, RFA, Wolhuter, CC, Weeks, S & Herman, H. 2006. The state of Comparative Education in South Africa. Southern African Review of Education. Vol. 12(2). 5-20.

Maarman, RFA & Wolhuter, CC. 2006. Thematic and infrastructural overview of Comparative Education and History of Education at South African universities. Aurora Australis. 41-49.

Name: Karen Collett
Title: Dr.
Position: Senior Lecturer
Affiliation: University of the Western Cape
South Africa E-mail:
Research Gate

Karen Collett is a senior lecturer in the discipline of school leadership and management in the Educational Studies Department at the University of the Western Cape. She has worked in the area of school/teacher development through NGO's and HEI’s in South African and Namibia.

She has a particular interest in teacher well-being, school leadership development and the development of schools as thinking and learning organizations.

She was the South African coordinator and co-initiator of an Erasmus Plus partnership focused on teacher well-being and language diversity in collaboration with partners in HEI's and schools in Norway, Denmark and Ireland.

A recent research interest is in the areas of Collaborative Online International Learning and the development of student academic literacies.

During the webinar I will be sharing experiences of developing and researching COIL collaborations with two higher education institutions in South African and Norway.

Position: Senior Lecturer and BEd Foundation Phase Programme Coordinator
Location: Block A, PET Seminar Room 43
Tel: 021 959 3001 


Dr Lucinda du Plooy completed both her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at UWC. She returned to UWC after 17 years of teaching at Sarepta High School in Kuilsriver, in pursuit of postgraduate studies, and within a short period achieved a BEd (Honours), a MEd (cum laude) and a PhD. 

Dr Du Plooy’s career in academia started with her appointment as Academic Researcher on The Cape Consortium Quality Teaching and Teacher Education Programme, which opened the door to permanent employment at UWC, as lecturer in the Faculty of Education, in the Department of Educational Studies. She became a senior lecturer in 2020 and currently holds the position as BEd (Foundation Phase Teaching) Programme Coordinator.

Dr Du Plooy’s accomplishments have led to her being issued with statements of special distinctions issued by the respective recipient organisations:

2007  Awarded BEd (Honours) with four distinctions in the following areas: 

  • Development and Learning
  • South African Education
  • Computers in Education 
  • Research Project A (Comparative Education)

2010  Awarded MEd (cum laude)

2010  Received the Dean’s Merit award for outstanding achievement

2008-11  Awarded the Sylff Japanese Scholarship

2009-10  NRF Scholarship

2011  NRF PhD Scholarship

2012-13  EU/DHET scholarship 

2015  NRF part-time doctoral scholarship

2017  Erasmus Mundus AESOP + Postdoctoral Mobility Grant (University of Porto, Portugal)

2020  Nominated by the DVC Academic as the Rising Star in the Education Faculty for Women in Leadership

In her own words, “My mission is to strive to fulfil the highest and truest expression of myself. 

“As a lifelong learner I will continue to build my scholarship, especially in the area of Early Childhood Education, an area deemed by most scholars and governments as imperative to improving education systems world-wide. 

“In my leadership role as coordinator I pledge to be proactive and purpose-driven in my approach to leadership. I am a firm believer that "Team work makes the Dream work".

“My professional goals are to stay relevant by continuing to learn, to grow my intellectual habitus so as to cement myself in the area of Early Childhood Education not only for my own personal growth but also to be able to make a difference and impact on the lives of others.”


  • Holtman, L.B., Mukwanda, G. and Du Plooy, L.L. (2008). Education and Challenges for change. Status quo study, 2004-2007. Commissioned by the NRF.
  • Fataar, A. & Du Plooy, L. (2012). Spatialised assemblages and suppressions: the learning ‘positioning’ of Grade 6 students in a township school. Journal of Education, 55:1-27.
  • Du Plooy, L. & Zilindile, M. (2014). Problematizing the concept epistemological access with regard to foundation phase education towards quality schooling. South African Journal of childhood Education, 4(1):186-200.
  • Du Plooy, L., Sylvester, T & Zilindile, M. (2015). Becoming Foundation Phase Teachers Developing a Professional Identity Thematic Guide, Open Access Resource.
  • Du Plooy, L., Zilindile, M., Desai,Z., De Wet, B., Holtman, L., Julie, C., Moolla, N and Nomlomo, V. (2016) Searching for research results to inform the design of an initial professional teacher education programme for the foundation phase: a systematic review South African Journal of Childhood Education
  • Du Plooy, L. (2016). An investigation of the pedagogical and contextual factors that contribute to learner achievement levels in South Africa: A study of selected public schools in the Western Cape, Unpublished thesis UWC. 
  • Du Plooy, L. (2019). A quasi-ethnographical exploration of how children establish their learning practices in constrained and volatile living spaces. Sociologia, University of Porto, Portugal.
  • Du Plooy, L (2019) The manifestations of the practice of within-class homogeneous ability grouping and how it accounts for learner achievement levels in Grade One classrooms. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 9(1) a690.
  • Daniels, R., Du Plooy, L. & Simons, M. (2021). Crossing Boundaries: Beginner teachers transitioning from university graduates to full legitimate participants in the teaching profession. (South African Journal of Education, under review). 
  • Du Plooy, L. (2021). (work-in-progress). Exploring student teachers’ experiences and challenges to guide and direct their own learning in an online environment- Covid-19 Online
  • Du Plooy, L (2021). (work-in-progress) Critical reflections of final year student teachers’ in relation to their lecturers, on their experiences and perceptions of Practical learning modules online, and how it relates to their preparedness to teach in the Foundation Phase
  • Du Plooy, L. (2021). (work-in-progress) It’s all in the framing: An investigation into the pedagogical factors that affect learner achievement levels in selected Grade 1 classrooms in the Western Cape. The paper when completed will be submitted to the South African Journal for Childhood Education (SAJCE).

Projects currently working on

2020-21  Embedding academic literacies in higher education curriculum and assessment practices in flexible blended learning contexts

2021  Early literacy in multilingual settings

2020-21  Internationalisation OSLO MET PROJECT -COIL COURSE April 2021

2020-21  DHET Project: Development of the Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Education-level 5

2021  Experiences of B Ed (Foundation Phase Teaching) lecturers and students in working in an Online environment at a Higher Education Institution.

2019-21  HDI GRANT PROJECT 5: Strengthening Foundation Phase Teaching

Position: Senior Lecturer and Teaching Practice Coordinator
Location: Block A
Tel: 021 959 2260 


Dr Melanie B. Luckay is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Studies and currently the Teaching Practice Coordinator in the Faculty of Education. 

Her PhD in Science Education and postdoctoral fellowship was obtained at the Centre for Research in Engineering Education (CREE) at UCT. 

Dr Luckay’s research focus is in science education, learning environment research, technological literacy and technology education, education practice, curriculum studies and she links her research to teaching practice to socio-economic issues affecting education.

Luckay, M.B. (2018). The re-design of a fourth year Bachelor of Education Programme using the constructive alignment approach. Tuning Journal for Higher Education 6 (1), 143-167.

Luckay, M.B. & Laugksch, R.C. (2015).The development and validation of an instrument to monitor the implementation of social constructivist learning environments in Grade 9 Science classrooms in South Africa. Research in Science Education 45, 1-22.

Luckay, M.B. & Collier-Reed, B.I. (2014).An instrument to determine the technological literacy levels of upper secondary school students. International Journal of Technological Design Education 24, 261-273.

Nomlomo, V., & Luckay, M.B. (2019). How do theory and practice relate to each other in the social reality of the classroom. In Perspectives on educational practice around the world. S. Hammond & Sangster, M. (Eds). Bloomsbury Academic: New York.

Moodley, T., Sadeck, M, & Luckay, M.B. (2018). Developing student teachers’ professional knowledge (including Teaching Practice) in the further education and training phase. In Learning to Teach in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Student teachers’ encounters with initial teacher education. Sayed, S.; Carrim, C.; Badroodien, A.; McDonald, Z; & Singh, M. (Eds). African Sun Media. Sun Press: South Africa. 

Position: Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room E-13
Tel: 021 959 9289 


Dr Karen Koopman is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Studies. 

After qualifying as a teacher, specialising in Accounting, Business Economics and Economics, she taught at a high school and later at an FET College. She spent one year in South Korea teaching English to primary school learners. Upon her return to South Africa, Dr Koopman taught Elementary English to foreign students at an FET College and later started doing freelance work on the Learnerships and Skills Programmes. A few years later she joined CPUT and later UWC where she is currently teaching Education Practice, in the Bachelor of Education (SP/FET) Programme as well as Methods of Accounting, Business Studies and Economics in the PGCE (FET) Programme. 

Dr Koopman completed her PhD at Stellenbosch University. Her research focus is mainly on phenomenology and its relevance to curriculum studies. 

She has published both in local and international journals drawing on the phenomenological philosophies of Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty. At the end of 2020 Dr Koopman co-authored a book that introduces educational researchers to the principles of the philosophical approach of phenomenology. 

Published articles in accredited journals

Koopman, O. & Koopman, K.J. (2021). The impact of the neoliberal technological epoch and Covid-19 on the decolonization of the university curriculum. South African Journal of Higher Education, Vol 35(1): 127-142.

Koopman, O., Van Wyk, M.M. & Koopman, K.J. (2020). Science teachers’ views of technology-based teaching. International Journal of Learning Technologies, 13(3), 25-45.

Koopman, O. & Koopman, K.J. (2018). A curriculum of inclusivity: Towards a ‘lived body’ and ‘lived experience’ curriculum in South Africa. The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, Vol 18(2): 1-12.

Koopman, O. & Koopman, K.J. (2018). The body as blindspot: Towards a lived experience philosophy of education in South Africa. Education As Change, Vol 22(3): 1-16.

Koopman, O., Le Grange, L. & De Mink, K. (2016). A narration of a physical science teacher’s experience of implementing a new curriculum. Education As Change, Vol 20(1): 149-171.

Published chapters in accredited books

Koopman, K.J. & Koopman, O. (2020). The darker side of online learning in universities in South Africa. In N. Amien & R. Dhunpath (Eds), Re (Learning) to teach in the context of crisis. Pietermaritzburg: CSSALL Publishers (Pty) Ltd. (In press – April 2021)

Koopman, O. & Koopman, K.J. (2020). The rise of the university without classrooms post-COVID-19. In L. Ramrathan, N. Ndimande-Hlongwa, N. Mkhize & J.A. Smit (Eds). Re-thinking the Humanities Curriculum in the Time of Covid-19. Alternation African Scholarship Book Series, Vol 1. Pietermaritzburg: CSSALL Publishers (Pty) Ltd.

Koopman, K.J. (2019). My Becoming in a World of Virtual Learning Communities. In M.van Wyk (Ed.), Student Support Toward Self-Directed Learning in Open and Distributed Environments, (pp. 216-236). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9316-4.ch010.

Published academic scholarly book

Koopman, K.J. & Koopman, O. (2020). Phenomenology and Educational Research – Theory and Practice. Cape Town, SA: Whale Coast Academic Press.

Ms Lynne Johns is currently a lecturer in the Education Faculty at the University of the Western Cape and a part-time Doctoral student with the Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE) at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). She was formally employed by the National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA) as Executive Officer responsible for teacher development in the Western Cape Province.

Her area of research over the past seven years has focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 and 17. SDG 4 intends to ensure an adequate supply of trained and motivated teachers. These quality teachers who teach effectively are key to providing equitable and quality education.

This is realized through offering continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for and by teachers. Resultant in upskilling teachers, providing them with updated skills and knowledge, and ultimately improving learner performance.

SDG 17 calls for a global partnership for sustainable development. Globally, in education, there has been a shift in policy to allow for public-private partnership schools, such as academies in the United Kingdom and Charter Schools in the United States.

In South Africa, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) schools in the Western Cape, are an example of a new form of public schooling that fast-track the provision of quality education in disadvantaged areas.

The topic of her doctoral thesis is, “Unpacking continuing professional teacher development in public collaboration schools: Western Cape South Africa”

Research focus: Teacher professional development; public-private partnerships in education; teacher agency

Research outputs

Johns, L.A., Sosibo, Z.C. 2019. Constraints in the implementation on continuing professional teacher development policy in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(5):130-145.

Johns, L.A., Sosibo, Z.C. 2021. Utilising opportunities and creating sustainable learning spaces through teacher professional development: case study of Western Cape Province. In Sonsibo, Z.C., Ivala, E.N. (eds). Creating effective teaching and learning spaces: shaping futures and envisioning unity in diversity and transformation. Spain: Vernon Press: 115-128.

Johns, L.A., Sayed, Y. 2023. Mapping the from of continuing professional development in public-private partnership schools in the Western Cape. Journal of Education, 92: 76-97.

National networks
  • Member of South African Education Research Association (SAERA)

Community engagement
  • Represent UWC on Provincial Teacher Education and development Committee (2022/current).
  • Co-ordinator and MC for UWC Teaching Practice Colloquium (2023).
  • Invited to speak at CIECT Colloquium, 2023.
  • WCED invitation to speak to mentor teachers (2022/2023) at CTLI.