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Position: Associate Professor and Head of Department
Location: Block A
Tel: 021 959 2650

Professor Madeyandile Mbelani is an associate professor, the chairperson of the Language Education Department, and the project manager of the Centre for African Language Teaching (CALT - IsiXhosa) in the Faculty of Education.

Professor Mbelani believes that a social justice and transformation agenda should underpin teaching, learning, assessment and research. His main research interests lie in English Language Teaching, multilingualism, multiliteracies, critical literacy, textual analysis and practice-based research methodologies.

He has published his work in journal articles and book chapters locally and abroad, and has recently co-edited a book on early childhood literacy development. He reviews articles and externally examines post-graduate studies.

He holds the NRF Sabbatical Grant which he used to complete his PhD. He also holds the NRF Thuthuka Post-PhD award where he conceptualised a longitudinal study in collaboration with other researchers, masters and PhD scholars.  

Research articles
Mbelani, M. 2019. ‘Exploring the impact of discourses in visual literacy: A case of interpreting advertisements’, English Academy Review (27).

Mbelani, M. 2018. ‘Change Laboratory Workshop Methodology in Transforming Visual Literacy: A Case of Cartoons in English First Additional Language’, Journal for Language Teaching, Volume 52, Number 1, pp. 111 – 133.

Mnyanda, L. & Mbelani, M. 2018. ‘Are we teaching digital literacy? Grade 9 learners’ practices of digital communication’, Reading and Writing Special Issue on Digital Literacy 9(1): DOI:

Mbelani, M. 2009. ‘Seeing is natural, but viewing is not: teaching visual literacy in a rural classroom’. Education as Change 13(1): 53 – 65.

Mbelani, M. 2008. ‘Winds of change in teacher classroom practice: a self-critical reflection in the teaching and learning of visual literacy’. English Teaching: Practice and Critique 7(3): 100-114.

Book chapters
Mbelani, M. ‘Teachers’ development of visual literacy and agency in teaching advertisements in Grades 4-7’. In Hendricks, M. & Harrison, G. (eds). 2019. Lessons from the Kalahari: Tracking Teachers’ Professional Development. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholarly Publishing, pp. 201-217.

Nkomo, A. & Mbelani, M. ‘Transforming Educational Inequality through a Responsive Reading Programme: Exploration of innovative literacy practices in two Grade 3 Classes’, In Nomlomo, V., Desai, Z., & September, J. 2018. Form words to ideas: The role of literacy in enhancing young children’s development. University of the Western Cape and the British Council. 52-69.

Mbelani, M. & Hendricks, H. ‘Surfacing opportunities taken and missed in teaching cartoons in English FAL classrooms’. In Osman, R. & Venkat, H. 2012. Research-led teacher education. Cape Town: Pearson Education South Africa (Pty) Ltd. 88-108.

Mbelani, M. ‘Visual literacy: Experiences and reflections from rural schools’. In Wright, L. 2012. South Africa’s Education in Crisis: Views from Eastern Cape. Grahamstown: NISC (Pty) LTD. 86-99.

Position: Departmental Administrator
Location: Room 3, Ground Floor, HIV Unit
Tel: 021 959 4088

1. Short biography.

Nikiwe Nondabula, embarked on her academic journey at the University of the Western in 2013, where she majored in English and Life Orientation. Fuelling her curiosity and eagerness to deepen her linguistic expertise, she continued her studies at the University of the Western Cape, diving deeper into languages, where she ultimately developed a love for language, literature and creative writing.

In 2021 Nikiwe, was appointed as a contract lecturer at the university, guiding first-year students through the intricacies of academic literacy while also pursing her PhD in English literature teaching and creative writing.

She was then appointed as a full-time lecturer in the Department of Language Education in February 2024. With steadfast discipline to scholarship, she empowers novice teachers both in the Foundation Phase and Senior/FET phase, by imparting knowledge and skills in the teaching and learning of English across the curriculum.

2. Research focus.

Teaching and learning of literature.
Development of reading and writing skills.
Creative writing
Critical literacies and pedagogies

3. Research outputs.

Nondabula, N. (2020). Investigating the Teaching and Learning of Creative Writing in English First Additional Language in selected Grade 9 classrooms in the Western Cape. (Master’s Thesis: University of the Western Cape, Cape Town).

Nondabula, N., & Nomlomo, V. (2023). Learners’ experiences of creative writing in English First Additional Language: Pedagogical implications. Journal for Language Teaching, 57(1).

Academic Staff

Position: Professor (also Acting Deputy Dean: Teaching and Learning)
Location: Block A, Room 72
Tel: 021 959 2449

Professor Rajendra Chetty is a postcolonial scholar. He has written extensively on Commonwealth literature; critical pedagogy; and race, class and marginalisation. His recent publications include: At the edge: The writings of Ronnie Govender (2018) and Narrating the new nation: South African Indian writings (2018).

Professor Chetty was awarded the Fulbright visiting professorship to the USA in 2015/16, received the 2016 Medal of Honour from the South African Education Association for his research in language education and the English Academy of Southern Africa Gold Medal for his contribution to English studies.


Chetty, R. 2021. The Ambivalence of Indianness in Ahmed Essop’s The Hajji and Other Stories. Forum for world literature studies. 13(1): 72-87

Meyer, L. & Chetty, R. 2021. A youth narrative view of inter-generational trauma and a call for somatic healing. Youth Voice Journal, ISSN (online): 2969.

Tomei, R, & Chetty, R. 2021. Translanguaging strategies in multimodality and audio-visual translation. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.

Chetty, R. 2020. A Decolonial Reading of Ronnie Govender’s “Over My Dead Body”. Journal of Literary Theory. 36(3): 101-113.

Chetty, R. 2020. Reading Judith Butler’s notion of precarious life in Ronnie Govender’s short story ‘1949. Stilet 31(1), 91-103.

Chetty, R. 2019. A country with a broken psyche: Violence against children in South Africa. Child Abuse Research: A South African Journal, 20(1): 1-10.

Chetty, R. 2019. Literacy teaching in disadvantaged South African schools. Literacy. 52(4).

Chetty, R. 2019. ‘Women warriors’ and the prison diaries of Fatima Meer and Nawal el Al Saadawi. Imbiso International Journal of African Literary and Comparative Studies. 10(2).

Meyer, L & Chetty, R. 2019. Youth voice and narrative inquiry: rendering the invisible visible. Commonwealth Journal of Youth development. 16(2)

Chetty, R. 2019. Social inequality in post-apartheid South Africa: Towards a revolutionary humanism. Alternation (Special edition on Decolonisation).

Meyer, L. & Chetty, R. 2018. A holistic approach towards personal transformation of youth not in employment, education or training. Alternation. 23: 246-269.

Baraldo, M. & Chetty, R. 2018. Online-off-line interactions: social media and vulnerability to cyber bullying in a Cape Town case study. Acta Criminologica: Southern African Journal of Criminology 31(3): 20-34

Phillips, H.N. & Chetty, R. 2018. Enhancing teacher training skills by strengthening the teaching practice component. Education and Training. 60(3): 251-262

Position: Professor
Location: Block A, Room 18
Tel: -

Professor Simphiwe Sesanti is a Professor at the University of the Western Cape (UWC)’s Faculty of Education, and former Editor of the International Journal of African Renaissance Studies (IJARS).

He holds two PhDs, one in Journalism Studies (Stellenbosch University), and another in Philosophy (Wits University). He taught at Stellenbosch University for seven years in the Journalism Department. He also taught at the Nelson Mandela University’s Department of Journalism, Media and Philosophy. Prior to joining the UWC, Sesanti worked for the University of South Africa (UNISA)’s Institute for African Renaissance Studies.

Professor Sesanti has published in accredited journals on a variety of issues, including Education, African Philosophy, Gender, Journalism, Politics and Spirituality (Religion). He is an author of two books, a co-editor of one book, and a contributor of chapters in a number of books.

In 2018 he was awarded an NRF rating, C2.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Sesanti, S. 2019. Decolonised and Afrocentric Education: For Centering African Women in Remembering, Re-Membering, and the African Renaissance. Journal of Black Studies. Vol. 50 (5). Pp 431 – 449.

Sesanti, S. 2018. The African Renaissance as a reversal of conquest expressed in naming: an Afrocentric engagement. South African Journal of Philosophy. Volume 37 (4). Pp 502 – 514.

Sesanti, S. 2018. Teaching Ancient Egyptian Philosophy (Ethics) and History: Fulfilling a Quest for a Decolonised and Afrocentric Education. Educational Research for Social Change (ERSC). Volume 7. Special Issue June 2018. Pp 1 – 15.

Sesanti, S. 2018. Thabo Mbeki’s ‘AIDS Denialism’: Contradicting pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance? Theoria. Issue 156, Vol. 65, No. 3 (September 2018). Pp 27 – 51.

Sesanti. S. 2017. Pan-African Linguistic and Cultural Unity: A Basis For pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance. Theoria. Issue 153, Vol. 64, No. 4 (December 2017). Pp 10 – 21.

Sesanti, S. 2017. Ancestor-reverence as a Basis for Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance’s Quest to Re-humanise the World: An African Philosophical Engagement. International Journal of Social Science Studies. Vol. 5, No. 1. Pp 63 – 72.

Sesanti, S. 2016. Afrocentric Education for an African Renaissance: Philosophical Underpinnings. New Agenda. Issue 62, Second Quarter. Pp 34 – 40.

Sesanti, S. 2016. African Philosophy in Pursuit of an African Renaissance for the True Liberation of African Women. Journal of Black Studies. Vol. 47 (6). Pp 479 – 496.

Sesanti, S. 2016. African Philosophy for African Women’s Leadership: An Urgent Project for the African Renaissance. Africology: Journal of Pan African Studies. Vol 9, No 9. Pp 94 – 107.

Sesanti, S. 2016. Africanising the philosophy curriculum through teaching African culture modules: An African Renaissance Act. South African Journal of Philosophy. 35 (4). Pp 429 – 443.

Sesanti, S. 2016. Thabo Mbeki’s African Developmental Agenda through pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies. Volume 11 (2). Pp 24 – 37.

Sesanti, S. 2015. Searching for ‘African’ perspectives in South African media’s discourse on Zimbabwe’s challenges. Communitas, Vol. 20. pp 123 – 139.

Sesanti, S. 2015. Teaching African Philosophy in African institutions of higher learning: The implications for African renaissance. South African Journal of Philosophy, Vol 34 (3). pp 346 – 357.

Sesanti, S. 2014. Marikana in the media: Projecting Africans as the “child race”. New Agenda, Issue 53, First Quarter. pp 26 – 31.

Sesanti, S. 2012. The media and Africa’s on-going quest for a true humanity: A Bikoian approach. Communitas, Vol. 17. pp 59 – 74.

Sesanti, S. 2010. The concept of ‘respect’ in African culture in the context of journalism practice: An Afrocentric intervention. Communicatio, Vol. 36 (3). pp 343 – 358.

Sesanti, S. 2009. Reclaiming space: African women’s use of the media as a platform to contest patriarchal representations of African culture – womanists’ perspectives. Critical Arts, Vol. 23 No. 2. pp 209 – 223.

Sesanti, S. 2009. A case for African culture in journalism curricula. Communitas, Vol. 14. pp 125 – 135.

Sesanti, S. 2009. Manifestations of African Islam: A Case Study of African Muslims in Kwa-Nobuhle Township in the Eastern Cape. Journal for Islamic Studies, Vol. 29. pp 33 – 58.

Peer-Reviewed Chapters in Books
Sesanti, S. 2020. Maya Angelou’s Afrocentric Journalism: a contribution to Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance. In Rabaka, R. (Ed), Routledge Handbook of Pan-Africanism. London and New York: Routledge. Pp 449 – 461.

Sesanti, S. 2018. Afrocentric journalism for Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance: An ethical imperative. In Jones, C, (ed), Justice-based ethics: Challenging South Africa perspectives. Cape Town: AOSIS. Pp 63 – 86.

Sesanti, S. 2018. Teaching African Philosophy in African institutions of higher learning: The implications for African renaissance. In Etieyibo, E (ed), Decolonisation, Africanisation And The Philosophy Curriculum. Oxon and New York: Routledge. Pp 51 – 62. The article was first published in the South African Journal of Philosophy, Vol 34 (3). pp 346 – 357.

Sesanti, S. 2018. Africanising the philosophy curriculum through teaching African culture modules: An African Renaissance Act. In Etieyibo, E (ed), Decolonisation, Africanisation And The Philosophy Curriculum. Oxon and New York: Routledge. Pp 184 – 198. The article was first published in the South African Journal of Philosophy. 35 (4). Pp 429 – 443. 

Sesanti, S. 2016. Africanisation: Answering back, a cultural revolution. In Msila, V. & Gumbo, M.T., (Eds), Africanising the Curriculum: Indigenous Perspectives and Theories. Cape Town: Sun Press. Pp. 211-226.

Sesanti, S. 2011. Ethics and the need to understand culture. In Hyde-Clarke, N. (ed), Communication and Media Ethics in South Africa. Cape Town: Juta. Pp 233 – 247.

Sesanti, S. 2008. The media and the Zuma/Zulu culture: An Afrocentric perspective. In Hadland, A., Louw, E., Sesanti, S. and Wasserman, W. (Eds), Power, Politics and Identity in South African media. Cape Town: HSRC Press. Pp 364-377.

Sesanti, S. 2011. On African Culture and Politics: Reflections of A Black Journalist. Cape Town: Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society.

Sesanti, S. 2005 and 2002.Carry On, African, Child (Autobiography). Durban: Vul’Indlela Publishers. This book was accepted as a partial fulfilment for my Masters’ Degree in Media Studies at the University of Port Elizabeth.

Sesanti, S. (Co-Editor). 2008.Power, Politics and Identity in South African media. Cape Town: HSRC Press. Co-edited with Hadland, A., Louw, E., and Wasserman, H.

Position: Associate Professor
Location: Block A
Tel: -

Professor Carole Bloch is currently Associate Professor in Early Language and Literacy at the University of the Western Cape.

In her early career as a teacher, she taught children with literacy learning difficulties, and then also young children starting to learn how to read and write. Her experience in literacy teaching stretches from birth onwards; she researches and develops holistic learning approaches to contribute towards transforming early childhood pedagogy. Her aim is to help enable equitable and inspiring learning opportunities for all young children and for teachers in pre and in-service education.  

Since 2012, Prof. Bloch has directed Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa (PRAESA). PRAESA is a non-government multilingual language and literacy organisation, where, between 1992 and 2011, she initiated and co-ordinated  the project’s early literacy research and development work, with a consistent focus on promoting and supporting meaningful, story filled experiences of reading and writing for young children in multilingual settings. During these years she wrote and facilitated the writing and translation of several children’s books and videos about early literacy learning, led initiatives including a 6 year children’s biliteracy teaching and learning project in Cape Town, PRAESA’s Free Reading in Schools Project and Culture of Reading Project. She also helped initiate and led the African Union supported Stories Across Africa Project, collaborating with literacy and literary  activists in North, West, Central, East and Southern Africa to develop a common collections of stories for children in their own languages. Carole has also collaborated with colleagues at the University of Reading on the TELL Project, which were later adapted and used in 2012 when, with PRAESA colleagues, she co-initiated the Nal’ibali National Reading for Enjoyment Campaign and led its first four years. PRAESA was awarded the IBBY Asahi Award for Reading Promotion in 2014, and the Swedish government's Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award in 2015 for its 20 years of work in reading promotion and children’s literature development in South Africa.

Prof. Bloch grew up in Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth), has a BA from UCT, a PGCE from Institute of Education at University of London, a Certificate in Early Childhood Education from Froebel College (University of Roehampton), and a PhD in Children’s literacy development in African multilingual settings from the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany (Magna cum Laude).

She is founder, trustee and chairperson of The Little Hands Trust, which was set up in 2007 to support the development of multilingual children’s books and reading in African settings and co-founder with The DG Murray Trust of the Nal’ibali Trust, to support reading promotion in South Africa.

She has served on South African, African and International committees, including IBBY SA, PEN SA, the SA Minister of Education’s reading advisory committee, the NECT National Reading Coalition Research Committee, the SA PIRLS advisory board and Linguapax Africa. Most recently she worked on the IBBY International Committee from 2016-2020, serving as committee vice-president from 2018-20.

Prof. Bloch is on the board of the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, Paul Chapman Publishing, Sage, and is a member of the Reading Hall of Fame.

Professor Carole Bloch’s work and research interests are in multilingual education involving transformative early childhood pedagogies, including Froebelian approaches, meaning based early literacy, storybook and materials development and literacy cultural practices. Her current interest is in integrative neuroscience and literacy.   

Selected research publications


  • Bruce, T, Louis, S & Bloch, C. All About Schematic Learning. in Nursery World. 4-17 February.
  • Stanley, S and Bloch, C. Storyplaying: Transforming literacies through translated texts. In English 4-11. Number 65. Spring 2019. UK English Association and the United Kingdom Literacy Association


  • Bloch, C. Working with the ten principles of early childhood education: revaluing stories and imagination for children’s biliteracy learning in South Africa. in Tina Bruce (ed). The Routledge International Handbook of Froebel and Early Childhood Practice: Rearticulating Research and Policy Routledge: London and New York
  • Bloch, C. Story by story: Nurturing multilingual reading and writing in South Africa in Understanding Ourselves and Others through Children's Literature in a Multiliterate World. UCL IOE Press, London.


  • Bloch, C. Nal’ibali and libraries activating the gift of reading together in Conference Proceedings of IFLA 2015


  • Bloch, C. Growing young readers and writers: underpinnings of the Nal’ibali National Reading-for-Enjoyment Campaign, in McIlwraith, H (ed) Language Rich Africa Policy dialogue. The Cape Town Language and Development Conference: Looking beyond 2015 British Council.


  • Ellis, G.F.R. and Bloch, C.S. Top-Down Causation, Adaptive Selection, and Their Consequences. Human Development 54:93-100
  • Trudell, B, Dowd, A. J, Piper B, Bloch, C. Early grade literacy in African classrooms: Lessons learned and future directions. ADEA (Association for the Development of Education in Africa) Tunisia
  • Bloch, C, Guzula, X, Nkence, N. Towards Normalising South African Classroom Life: The Ongoing Struggle to Implement Mother Tongue based Bilingual Education in Menken, Kate and Garcia,Ofelia. Negotiating Language Policies in Schools. Educators as Policy Makers. Routledge, New York and London


  • Alexander, N and Carole Bloch, C: Creating Literate Communities - The Challenge of Early Literacy. In: Krüger-Potratz, Marianne; Neumann, Ursula & Reich, Hans H. (Hrsg.): Bei Vielfalt Chancengleichheit. Münster, New York: Waxmann, S. 197 - 212
  • Bloch, C, Edwards, V,Rassool,N, Language and Development in Multilingual Settings: A Case-Study of Knowledge Exchange and Teacher Education in South Africa International Review of Education 2006, Volume 52, Issue 6, pp 533-552


  • Bloch, C. Meaningful Early Literacy Learning: Lessons from South Africa. In Scott,J, Straker,DY and Katz,K (Eds) Affirming Students’ Right to their Own Language: Bridging Language Policies and Pedagogical Practices. NCTE, Routledge: New York and London Pp. 418 ISBN 978-0-8058-6349-9
  • Bloch, C. Enabling Biliteracy among Young Children in Southern Africa: Realities, Visions and Strategies In María E. Torres-Guzmán & Joel Gómez (eds) Global Perspectives on Multilingualism for Understanding: Dreaming Metaphors of Abundance


  • Bloch, C Little Books for Little Hands: A Stories Across Africa Project. In The Lion and the Unicorn Vol 32 No3. John Hopkins University Press. September 2008


  • Bloch, C. Putting little books into little hands in the Year of African Languages: a stories across Africa project initiative in Alexander, N & Busch, B (eds) Literacy and linguistic diversity in a global perspective. An intercultural exchange with African countries European Centre for Modern Languages, Council of Europe Publishing


  • Theory and Strategy of Early Literacy in Contemporary Africa with special reference to South Africa. PRAESA Occasional Paper 25. Cape Town, PRAESA


  • Bloch, C. Enabling effective literacy learning in multilingual South African early childhood classrooms. PRAESA Occasional Papers No.16
  • Bloch, C. Building bridges between oral and written language: facilitating reading opportunities for children in Africa. pp69 – 82. In Alexander, N. (Ed). Mother Tongue Based Bilingual Education in Southern Africa. The Dynamics of Implementation. Multilingualism Network, Frankfurt Am Main, Cape Town.


  • Bloch, C. & Alexander, N in Hornberger, N & Skilton-Sylvester . Continua of Biliteracy, Multilingual Matters 2001. Aluta Continua: The relevance of the continua of biliteracy to South African Multilingual Schools


  • Bloch, C A Case study of Xhosa and English Biliteracy in the Foundation Phase Versus English as a ‘Medium of Destruction’in Perspectives in Education (PIE) Kathleen Heugh (ed) March. Vol 20.No.1 pp65-78


  • Carole Bloch, Pippa Stein and Mastin Prinsloo. Progress Report on Childrens Early Literacy Learning (CELL) in Journal of Early Childhood Literacy Vol 1, No 1 April 2001. Paul Chapman Publishing. Sage.


  • Bloch, C & Nkence, N. Glimmers of Hope: Emergent Writing and Reading in a Multilingual Foundation Phase Classroom in Proceedings of the Teacher Inservice Project’s Third Annual Colloquium: Expanding the Educational Experience and Imagination in a time of Diminishing Resources. University of the Western Cape 1-2 October 1998
  • Bloch, C & Edwards,V. Young Children’s Literacy Learning in Multilingual Classrooms: Comparing Developments with South Africa and the UK. In Limage, L (Ed.). Comparative perspectives on language and literacy: Selected papers from the work of the Language and Literacy Commission of the 10th World Congress of Comparative Education. UNESCO/BREDA.



Position: Senior Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room 64c
Tel: 021 959 2860

I always introduce myself as a linguist and phonetician by training, a lexicographer by accident, a historian by necessity and an educationist by virtue of duty. I do research and supervise postgraduate students in these domains of linguistics, phonetics, lexicography, history and education on topics that have to do with African languages & culture, English, Afrikaans or French.

Since joining UWC in 2016, I have been in charge of teaching educational linguistics modules at undergraduate level and the module of sociolinguistics in education at postgraduate level. I currently serve also as the postgraduate studies coordinator in the Language Education Department.

Before joining UWC, I first served as researcher and PhD candidate in the Stellenbosch University Centre for Language and Speech Technology (SU-CLaST) and part-time lecturer in the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and the Department of General Linguistics at Stellenbosch University (2002-2009). I worked as postdoctoral research fellow, part-time lecturer and researcher then senior researcher in the Centre for Text Technology (CTexT) at North-West University Potchefstroom Campus (2010-2016). I also had a stint in the capacity of lecturer then senior lecturer in the Language Sciences Department at Omar Bongo University in Gabon (2010-2015).

My teaching philosophy is built on principles of Ubuntu, social justice, constructivism and of capability approach. My goal in life is to honour God and advance His Kingdom by being
(i)         a world-class scientist for the benefit of mankind and human society
(ii)        responsible for my family, my community and the country where I live
(iii)       an excellent son, follower, fellow, employee and citizen,
(iv)       an understanding and motivating husband, father, mentor and leader.

I engage my full and outmost potential onto being so despite circumstances and time.

I believe that there is no better place than Africa. Culturally, I am Vili (an ethnic group in west central Africa). Intellectually, I am an Africanist and a decolonialist. Politically, I am a Panafricanist, pro-life, global warming sceptic and pro-multilateralism.



  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. & S.E. Bosch. (Eds). 2012. Language science and language technology in Africa: A festschrift for Justus C. Roux. Stellenbosch: SUN Press. 362 pages. ISBN: 978-1-920338-79-4
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2012. A phonetic and phonological account of the Civili vowel duration. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 309 pages. ISBN: 978-1-4438-3609-8
  • Mavoungou, P.A. & Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2010. Civili, langue des Baloango: Esquisse historique et linguistique. Munich: Lincom Europa. 160 pages. ISBN: 978-3-86288-006-5


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2021. Civili Tones Inventory Revisited: The Implication of Hiatus Repair Processes. South African Journal of African Languages 41(1). IN PRESS.
  • Assam, B.N., Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, & V. Ompoussa. 2016. What French for Gabonese French Lexicography. Lexikos 26: 162-192.
  • Ompoussa, V. & Ndinga-Koumba-Binza. 2015. Planning and macrostructural elements for a multilingual culinary dictionary of Gabonese languages. Lexikos 25: 507-524.
  • Ompoussa, V. & Ndinga-Koumba-Binza. 2015. Lexique de cuisine traditionnelle gabonaise: première approche et perspectives lexicographiques. Iboogha 18 :173-193.
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2013. Identité et nationalisation des langues au Gabon. Mbaanza: Revue d’Etude et Analyse Francophones 2 : 147-163. ISBN: 978-2-35665-012-2
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2011. From foreign to national: a review of the status of French in Gabon. Literator 32(2): 135-150. ISSN: 0258-2279
  • Mavoungou, PA. & Ndinga-Koumba-Binza. 2010. Le sacré et les conceptions du pouvoir et du droit traditionnel chez les ba-Vili et les ba-Lumbu du Gabon. Palabres Actuelles 4(2010) : 197-221. ISBN: 978-2-912776-78-5
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. & Roux, J.C. 2009. Perceived duration in vowel-length based Civili minimal pairs. South African Journal of African Languages 29(2): 216-226. ISSN: 0257-2117 EISSN: 2305-1159
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. & Roux, J.C. 2009. The Representation of Vowel Duration in Civili Dictionaries. Lexikos 19: 197-206. ISBN-13: 978-0-9584971-9-0 ISBN-10: 0-9584971-9-2 ISSN: 1684-4904
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2007. Gabonese language landscape: Survey and perspectives. South African Journal of African Languages 27(3): 97-116. ISSN: 0257-2117 EISSN: 2305-1159
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2006. Lexique Pove-Français/Français-Pove, Mickala Manfoumbi : Seconde Note de Lecture. Lexikos 16: 293-308. ISBN: 0-9584971-3-3 ISSN: 1684-4904
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2006. Mid-vowels and vowel harmony in Civili. South African Journal of African Languages 26(1): 26-39. ISSN: 0257-2117 EISSN: 2305-1159
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2005. Considering a lexicographic plan for Gabon within the Gabonese language landscape. Lexikos 15: 132-150. ISBN: 0-9584971-1-7 ISSN 1684-4904
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2005. Politique linguistique et éducation au Gabon : un état des lieux. MauritiusJournal of Education 4(1): 65-78. ISBN: 99903-40-45-5
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2004. Vowel duration issue in Civili. South African Journal of African Languages 24(3): 189-201. ISSN: 0257-2117

Full Conference Papers in Published Proceedings

  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2011. Interaction of variables in the Civili vowel duration. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences17-21 August 2011 Hong Kong, edited by Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. pp.1458-1462. ISBN: 978-962-442-341-9
  • Roux, J.C. & Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. Perceived vowel duration in Civili: Minimal pairs and the effect of post-vocalic voicing. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences17-21 August 2011 Hong Kong, edited by Wai-Sum Lee & Eric Zee. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. pp.1726-1729. ISBN: 978-962-442-341-9
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. & Roux, J.C. 2009. On Writing Gabonese Languages. Language, literature and society, edited by Batibo, H., Dikole, R., Lukusa, S., & R. Nhlekisana. Proceedings of the First International Conference of the Department of African Languages and Literature, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, 26-28 June 2008. Gaborone: Associated Printers. pp.83-106. ISBN: 978-99912-0-894-7
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2006. English in French-speaking African countries: The case of Gabon. The study and use of English in Africa, edited by Arua, A.E., Bagwasi, M.M., Sebina, T., & B. Seboni. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp.152-164. ISBN: 1-84718-019-1

Chapters (peer-reviewed) in Edited Books

  • Roux, J.C. & H.S. Ndinga-Koumba-Binza. African languages and human language technologies. The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics, edited by H.E. Wolff. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 623-644. ISBN: 9781108283991.
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2017. Language and dialects in Gabon: analysis of language-units towards language inventory. Deconstructing the African Tower of Babel: Between the Harmonisation and Fragmentation of African Language Orthographies, edited by K.K. Prah & L.M. Miti. Cape Town: Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society. 117-142. ISBN: 978-1-920294-12-0.
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2012. Phonetic data and phonological theory: a report from the Civili vowel issue. Language science and language technology in Africa: A festschrift for Justus C. Roux, edited by Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. & S.E. Bosch. Stellenbosch: SUN Press. pp.83-97. ISBN: 978-1-920338-79-4
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. & G. Saphou-Bivigat. 2012. Dictionary basis and lemmatisation issues for an encyclopedic dictionary of Yilumbu. Language science and language technology in Africa: A festschrift for Justus C. Roux, edited by Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. & S.E. Bosch. Stellenbosch: SUN Press. pp.237-250. ISBN: 978-1-920338-79-4
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2010. Alphabet et écriture: approche historique et cas des langues gabonaises. . Ecriture et standardisation des langues gabonaises, edited by Hubert, J. & P.A. Mavoungou. Stellenbosch : SUN Press. pp.29-67. ISBN : 978-1-920109-90-5 ISBN PDF : 978-1-920109-32-5
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2010. Unités-langues et standardisation dans les langues gabonaises. Ecriture et standardisation des langues gabonaises, edited by Hubert, J. & P.A. Mavoungou. Stellenbosch : SUN Press. pp.153-178. ISBN: 978-1-920109-90-5 ISBN PDF: 978-1-920109-32-5
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2010. Propositions pour l’orthographe du civili. Ecriture et standardisation des langues gabonaises, edited by Hubert, J. & P.A. Mavoungou. Stellenbosch : SUN Press. pp.191-199. ISBN : 978-1-920109-90-5 ISBN PDF : 978-1-920109-32-5
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. & Roux, J.C. 2009. Prospecting Civili data for a vowel-duration study. Eléments de description des langues du Gabon, edited by Idiata, D.F. Volume 2. Libreville : Les Editions du CENAREST. pp.279-306. ISBN : 978-2-35665-011-5 EAN : 9782356650115
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2009. De l’interface à l’approche méthodologique de l’intégration en phonétique et phonologie. Quel avenir pour les langues et culture du Gabon, edited by Ondo Mebiame, P. Libreville : Editions CUI-Gabon. pp.225-235. ISBN: 978-2-9533175-03 EAN: 9782953317503
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2006. Demographic profiles of Libreville and Lomé. Reflections on identity in four African cities, edited by Bekker, S., & A. Léildé. Cape Town: African Minds. pp.45-50. ISBN: 1-920051-40-6

Creative Writing

  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2009. All Alone. Watched by an angel: Anthology of verse, edited by Yvonne Strydom. Pinetown: Christian Poetry Association. p.168. ISBN: 978-0-97802692-5-3
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2006. Only Africa. Lingo Literary E-Journal. (
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2006. Seule Afrique. Lingo Literary E-Journal. (

Theses & Research Reports

  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2008. Phonetic and phonological aspects of Civili vowel duration: An experimental approach. Doctoral Thesis. Stellenbosch University.
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2004. Fieldwork progress for Civili perception experiment: Mayumba & Libreville 2003. Research Report. Research Unit for Experimental Phonology at the University of Stellenbosch (RUEPUS).
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2002. Report on the preparation of the fieldtrips to Mayumba: Mayumba 2002 & 2003. Research Report. Research Unit for Experimental Phonology at the University of Stellenbosch (RUEPUS).
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2002. Fieldwork progress for data acquisition on vowel length in Civili: Mayumba August-September 2002. Research Report. Research Unit for Experimental Phonology at the University of Stellenbosch (RUEPUS).
  • Ndinga-Koumba-Binza, H.S. 2000. Phonologie du civili de Mayumba: langue bantu (H12a). Master Thesis. Libreville: Université Omar Bongo

Short biography: Dr Peter Plüddemann, a trained high school English teacher, is employed as a senior lecturer in the Language Education Department. He was formerly affiliated with Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa (Praesa).

Research focus: multilingual education; language policy; language teaching

Research outputs:
2018 with S Namyalo LABE final evaluation of the Mother Tongue Education project, ‘Improving educational access and outcomes for marginalised children in post-conflict Northern Uganda (phase 2)’ (Comic Relief grant 172887)
2017 Unlocking the grid: language-in-education policy realisation in post-apartheid South Africa..In Kerfoot, C., & A-M. Simon-Vandenbergen (eds.) Language in Epistemic Access: Mobilizing Multilingualism and Literacy Development for More Equitable Education in South Africa.Routledge Special Issues as Books (SPIBs). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
2016. with Akinyeye, C. ‘The story of a narrative: Teaching and assessing English writing in a township school’, Reading & Writing 7(1), a88. http://dx.
2014. Book Review of Multilingual Education Works. From the Periphery to the Centre, edited by Kathleen Heugh and ToveSkutnabb-Kangas.Multilingual Margins 1(1): 98-107.
2013. Language Policy from Below. Bilingual education and heterogeneity in post-apartheid South Africa.Dissertations in Bilingualism 22. PhD dissertation. Stockholm: University of Stockolm.

National networks: Literacy Association of South Africa (LITASA); bua-lit

International networks: Language Policy Research Network (LPREN)

Community engagement: work-in-progress

Position: Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room 35
Tel: 021 959 2682

Dr Pumla Cutalele-Maqhude is an IsiXhosa language specialist, lecturing method of teaching IsiXhosa at BEd SP and PGCE level.

She is also an external Moderator for IsiXhosa for UMALUSI.

2020 - Published a book with Boni Books titled ISIXHOSA SAM NAWE, ISBN: 9780620813624

Qualifications: BA, PGCE, MEd (University of Swaziland), PhD (UKZN)
Position: Lecturer

Dr Dlamini was profiled in UWC's Women in Academia & Leadership Magazine (Issue 3), CLICK HERE to read about her COVID-19 lockdown experience.

Position: Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room 36
Tel: 021 959 2731

Since 2018 Ms Ada James-Almano has been a lecturer in the Language Education Department (LED) in the Faculty of Education and is a registered member of South African Council for Educators (SACE). She is responsible for teaching Educational Linguistics, Method of Afrikaans and Afrikaans Second Additional Language. The outcomes of all these module address practically all the graduate attributes as per the UWC CHARTER OF GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES.

Ms James-Almano studied various languages, namely Afrikaans-Nederlands, English, French, German and isiXhosa. She holds a Master's (MPhil) from the University of Cape Town (UCT).

Prior to being appointed as lecturer, she was tutorial coordinator for the modules Education Practice and Academic literacy at the University of the Western Cape (2011 – 2017). Before she joined UWC in 2011, she was an educator with the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). 

Her field of specialisation and area of research is Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication, which is also the focus of her PhD for which she is currently reading. In her research she explores theoretical constructs dealing with e.g. third culture building, acculturation, reproduction theory, desegregation versus integration, etc. Education curricula at tertiary level should ultimately be designed to prepare future educators more effectively for their role in the classroom, and Ms James-Almano believes the constructs mentioned above should be explored in order to achieve that. 

none thus far

Position: Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room 37
Tel: 021 959 9326

Ms Thembisa Kosi is lecturer in the Language Education department. She is currently lecturing isiXhosa Home and First Additional Language Method of Literacy Teaching and Learning. 

Ms Kosi's teaching career began as a language teacher both in high and primary school for twenty years. She has vast knowledge in primary school teaching. Thembisa was a deputy principal at Zimasa Primary School in Langa and has overseen the curriculum implementation for the school, teacher development programmes. She specialises in Language and Literacy Teaching in Early Childhood Development (ECD).

Her research interest focuses on isiXhosa Literary Teaching in the ECD. In addition to the lecturing she coordinates the Centre for the African Language Teaching (CALT isiXhosa). Ms Kosi works with the team that coordinate isiXhosa literacy material development programmes, helps to organise capacity development programmes for isiXhosa Foundation Phase and she is also involved with the writing of the isiXhosa units for Literacy Teaching and Learning in the Foundation Phase.

Kosi, T. (2019). The Integrated Thematic-Based Approach as a Pedagogical Strategy: Implications for Early Literacy Development (Book Chapter) In Masixhase abantwana Bakwazi ukufunda Nokubhala: Let us enable our children to read and write.

Position: Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room 62A
Tel: 021 959 2962

Ms Someka Ngece is a Lecturer and PhD student in the Language Department.

She has years of experience in teaching in multilingual school and higher education environments and in teacher development.

Ms Ngece has a particular interest in Early Literacy and translanguaging. 

Collett, K., Ngece, S., Mackier, E. and Rodgiers, S. (2019) Promoting holistic well-being of novice and student teachers: A handbook for school communities, Self-published, Cape Town

Position: nGAP Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room 42
Tel: 021 959 9768

Ms Nomfundo Tiny Nondalana (MEd) is an nGAP lecturer in the Department of Language Education at the University of the Western Cape.

She is an isiXhosa language specialist. She teaches undergraduate student teachers who specialise in isiXhosa Home Language Literacy Teaching in the Foundation Phase.

Ms Nondalana's research interest is Early Childhood literacy development. Her special focus is on literacy interventions to enhance reading and writing difficulties.

A Book Chapter

Nondalana, N. T. (2020). “Exploring teachers’ perspectives on effective guidelines for a Grade 1 isiXhosa literacy intervention programme” In, Nomlomo, V., Desai, Z., Mbelani, M., Dlamini, N. & September J.  (eds.), Masifundise abantwana bakwazi ukufunda nokubhala: Let us enable our children to read and write, pp 118-135, Published by University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Education and British Council South Africa: Nexus Design.

Position: Teacher Educator
Location: Block A, Room E-44
Tel: 021 959 4104

Ms Nonhlanhla Shandu-Omukunyi currently teaches English First Additional and isiXhosa Second Additional Languages to multilingual pre-service teachers in BEd Foundation Phase Teaching degree and English Communication to PGCE students.

In 2017, she received a Teaching and Learning Excellent Lecturer Award from the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at UWC on the use of digital storytelling for additional language acquisition and learning.

Her research focus is on the implementation of e-Education policy for language learning and literacy development, in all phases. However, her passion is in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for early literacy development in Foundation Phase. Her learning and teaching practices are informed by a variety of language learning theories and ICT integration frameworks such as the TPACK and the Conversational Framework.

For future research outputs, Ms Shandu-Omukunyi aspires for the development of ICT integration framework in decolonising the learning and teaching of additional languages.

Book chapter and publication paper under review
“Digital Storytelling: A 21st Century Approach for Social Cohesion and Learning of Additional Languages in South African Early Childhood Teacher Education”

“Enhancing the learning and teaching of English First Additional Language using digital resources: A case of one Grade 10 township classroom in the Western Cape, South Africa”

NRF Thuthuka Research Project Papers
“Is Digital Storytelling the 21st Century Approach for Early Literacy Development? A Case of Two Township Primary School”

“Early childhood education digital millennial pre-service teacher’s perceptions to teaching of English First Additional Language using multimedia”

Doctor of Philosophy Specialisation: Reading Literacy

Current Position: Contract Lecturer Language Education Department Foundation Phase University of Western Cape (UWC)

September 2022- December 2024

Phawu Madikiza is a Doctor of Philosophy with a specialisation in "Reading Literacy." She is currently employed as a contract lecturer in the Language Education Department's Foundation Phase at the University of Western Cape (UWC), She focuses on teaching English Home Language Literacy at level 1&2.

She had also taught English First Additional Language at Level 3. These modules aim to address the urgent need in South African education to creatively engage with both English Home Language teaching and English First Additional Language in multilingual settings, with a particular emphasis on Foundation Phase pre-service teacher development.

Teaching Focus: English Home Language Literacy (Level 1&2) English First Additional Language (Level 3)

Teaching Philosophy: Humanistic and constructivist approach, prioritizing student well-being, fostering a supportive learning environment, and encouraging active knowledge construction through experiences and interactions.

Beyond the Classroom:
  • Curriculum development
  • Teacher mentorship
  • Collaboration with researchers from various universities and Foundation Phase teachers
  • Participation in the "How I Teach Reading" programme, promoting peer-to-peer demonstrations of teaching practices.

Research Experience:
  • Examination of two master's dissertations:
  • 1.Management of Implementation of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement for English First Additional Language (external) 2.Teachers' Instructional Strategies of Teaching Reading Comprehension in Grade 3: A Case Study of Three Primary Schools in the Western Cape (internal)
  • Review of five internal master's research proposals
  • Actively engaged in mentoring programs for supervision and writing for publication, under the tutelage of two exceptional professors.

Current Research Project(Part of Research Chair Unit: research within the realm of Critical Pedagogies): Exploring Grade 1 English Home Language (EHL) learners' reading practices at a selected school in the Western Cape Province

Community Engagement:
  • Board member of The Great People of South Africa (TGPSA), a paralegal NPO dedicated to advancing gender equality and human rights.
  • Volunteer for community projects, such as " RUCC Cares” desk, providing essential services to impoverished communities through her local church.

Dr Susann Louw is a lecturer with a passion for Afrikaans media, gender studies and educational linguistics. With a doctorate in Afrikaans and Dutch from Stellenbosch University (2023), she has dedicated 10 years to tertiary education at variety of South African institutions.

Research focus:

Susann's research revolves around Afrikaans gender representation in media texts, delving into multimodal and critical discourse analysis. She is particularly interested in gender roles in the Afrikaans community, aiming to provide insight and support to individuals struggling with the changing gender landscape.

Research outputs:

Susann has contributed to the field, with publications in renowned journals such as Literator and Stilet. She has also presented nine papers at conferences, showcasing a commitment to advancing Afrikaans media and gender studies. E.g., the Afrikaans Literary Society (ALV) (2016, 2023) and USAN conference for young scholars (2014, 2016, 2024).

National and international networks:

Dr Louw actively participates in Southern Africa language acquisition symposiums and continuously attend information communication technology seminars and workshops. Susann is building an international presence by collaborating with researchers and institutions in the Netherlands.

She has been a part of HAN Wêreldtaal Project since 2022, fostering a diverse and collaborative approach to language diversity across borders and its use in everyday teaching.

Community Engagement:

Beyond academia, Susann is committed to community engagement. She regularly contributes to school initiatives, (e.g. ATKV redenaars competitions) aiming to dedicate her time to first and second language learners. Her efforts reflect a dedication to build confidence in young learners’ application of language.

Extraordinary Professors

Position: Extraordinary Professor
Email: /

Professor Zubeida Khatoom Desai was the Dean of Education at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) from 2007-16, when she formally retired. She is currently attached to the Department of Language Education in the Faculty of Education at UWC as an Extraordinary Professor. 

Prof. Desai has extensive experience of working with teacher trainees, specialising in language teaching. 

She has published widely in the field of language in education policy and was the South African coordinator of the ten-year LOITASA Project (2002-2011), which explored the use of isiXhosa as a medium of instruction in Geography, Mathematics and Science in Grades 4-6. 

Prof. Desai was appointed to the Pan South African Language Board for the period 1996-2001, during which time she served as both Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson. She has also served on numerous advisory panels to the post-apartheid government on language policy matters.

RESEARCH OUTPUT (since appaointment as Extraordinary Professor in January 2017)
2020: Edited collection - V. Nomlomo, Z. Desai, Madeyandile Mbelani, Nosisi Dlamini and J. September (Eds.) Masixhase abantwana bakwazi ukufunda nokubhala: Let us enable our children to read and write. Cape Town: UWC, Faculty of Education & British Council, South Africa.

2018: Edited collection - V. Nomlomo, Z. Desai and J. September (Eds.) From words to ideas: the role of literacy in enhancing young children’s development. Cape Town: UWC, Faculty of Education & British Council, South Africa

Chapters in books
2020: A critical exploration of how language-of-instruction choices affect educational equity. Lizzi O. Milligan, Zubeida Desai and Carol Benson. In Grading Goal Four: Tensions, threats and opportunities in the sustainable development goal on quality education. Edited by Antonia Wulff. Leiden, The Netherlands: Bril/Sense.

2018: The power of stories. Z. Desai & N. Parker. In Nomlomo et al, 2018 (pp. 212-220).

Conference presentations
Jointly presented with Dr Lizzi Milligan from Bath University, UK a paper titled Write or skryf but don’t bhala: The invisibility of African languages in formal education at the 12th International Language and Development Conference held in Dakar, Senegal from 27-29 November 2017.

I presented a paper at the Edutech Conference in Sandton, Gauteng in September 2017 titled Enabling student ownership of learning.

Postgraduate students
Two of my students successfully graduated with PhDs during this time. They are: Ben Schermbrucker in 2017 and Gloriose Mugirase in 2020.

Other activities
In 2018, I was invited by the British Council to work with Dr Lizzi Milligan from Bath University (United Kingdom) to develop online materials for teacher education on Language and Inclusion. 

The materials were very well received and form part of Unit 2 of the Teaching for all project of the British Council (BC) and DBE and DHET.  They are available online free of charge to all Education Faculties to use with their BEd and PGCE students on the BC website.

Position: Faculty Mentor and Doctoral Supervisor
Location: Block A, Room 3
Email: /
Tel: 072 523 3933

Professor Sivakumar Sivasubramaniam is Extraordinary Professor and past Head of Language Education in the Faculty of Education.

He is an NRF rated researcher in the category of “Established Researcher”. In recognition of his dedicated voluntary international services, he was appointed as the Chief Editor of the Journal of English as an International Language (EILJ) in August 2010. Since then, he has served this Scopus indexed international peer reviewed journal that is committed to promoting locally relevant practices and pedagogies aimed at democratising and dehegemonising the teaching of English and researching into it across cultures and continents. He also serves on the Executive Committee of English Scholars Beyond Borders (ESBB) and provides review advisory to the ESBB Journal, which is another Scopus indexed international peer reviewed journal.  

Prof. Sivasubramaniam has been a foreign language/second language educator for over 38 years now and has taught English in India, Ethiopia, Thailand, Bahrain, Armenia, and UAE prior to relocating to the Western Cape in 2011.

He has presented papers, conducted workshops and delivered several plenaries at prestigious international conference forums.

His research interests are: response-centred reading/writing pedagogies, the role of agency, voice and identity in language learning, literature-based language pedagogies, constructivism in EIL, second language advocacy, teacher narratives in language education and text-based approaches to academic and social literacy practices.  



  1. Frank and S.Sivasubramaniam; An Investigation into English Home Language Teachers’’ Use of the English Home Language Textbook in Grade 11. (undergoing final phase of review subsequent to being accepted for publication by Cambridge Scholars, U.K,) (* Co-authored with my PhD supervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  2. W. Foncha, S.Sivasubrmaniam, J..Adamson & Nunn, R; Investigating the Role of Language in the Identity Construction of Scholars: Coming to Terms with Inter-Cultural Communicative Competence. (July 2016) (Preface written by Professor Ronald Carter of Nottingham University, U.K.) Cambridge Scholars. (* Co-authored with my PhD supervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  3. Nunn & Sivasubramaniam. S., (Eds) From Defining EIL Competence to Designing EIL Learning. (July 2011) S. Korea: Asian EFL Journal Press, A Division of Time Taylor International.

Refereed Book Chapters

  1. V.F. & Sivasubramaniam. S. First Year Students: Using Expressive Writing to Cope with Trauma. In Witruk. E., (Eds) (2016), Dyslexia and Traumatic Experience. Peter Lang, Germany. (* Co-authored with my PhDsupervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  2. S. Sivasubramaniam, “Signposting a Socially Aligned Approach to Second/Foreign Language Education: Issues and Insights for Teaching and Research.” In Reddy. V. & Marathe. S. (Eds) (April 2015) Language Teaching Matters (A Festschrift volume) Hyderabad, India: EMESCO.
  3. S. Sivasubramaniam, “Articulating an Alternate Voice in Language Teaching Research.” In Nunn.R. and Adamson. J. (Eds). (June 2009) Accepting Alternative Voices in EFL Journal Articles. S. Korea: Asian EFL Press.
  4. S. Sivasubramaniam, Extensive Reading as Semiotic Mediation: a Celebration of Lived through Experiences.” In Cirocki. A, (Ed) (June 2009), Extensive Reading in English Language Teaching. Munich: Lincolm-Europa.
  5. S. Sivasubramaniam, “Anchoring Literature in Extensive Reading Programmes:Issues and Insights for Promoting Intersubjectivity in the Classroom.” In Cirocki. A, (Ed) (June 2009), Extensive Reading in English LanguageTeaching. Munich: Lincolm-Europa.

Refereed /Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

  1. S, Negotiating Curriculum or Negating Curriculum: Student-teachers Crossing Borders to Shape their Voice and Identity. ESBB-English Scholars Beyond Borders, Vol.6, Issue 1, 2020.
  2. Nomlomo, S. Stofile & S. SivasubramaniamUnmasking Foundation Phase teachers’Identities: Implications for early literacy development in isiXhosa (***an outcome of NRF funded longitudinal research) South African journal of Education, Vol. 38. No.4, 2018.
  3. Sivasubramaniam .S, A Working funeral for One Right Reading: Joining a Confederacy of Readers. ESBB- English Scholars Beyond Borders, Vol.3, Issue 1, 2017. Sivasubramaniam .S, A Working funeral for One Right Reading: Joining a Confederacy of Readers. ESBB- English Scholars Beyond Borders, Vol.3, Issue 1, 2017.
  4. Pfeiffer* & Sivasubramaniam.S, Exploration of self-expression to improve L2 writing skills. Perlinguam, Vol.32 (2) 2016 (* Co-authored with my PhD supervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  5. W. Foncha* & Sivasubramaniam.S. Learners and Teachers’ Perspectives on First Additional/L2 Language learning as social practice in the diverse community of the University of Western Cape. International Journal of Educational Sciences, Vol.9 (1), 2015(* Co-authored with my PhD supervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  6. S., Maximizing EIL Competence through Students’ Agency, Voice and Inter-subjectivity. ESBB- English Scholars Beyond Borders, Vol.1, Issue 1, 2015.
  7. B. Katalayi. * & Sivasubramaniam.S. The Construct Validity of a Reading Test Based on Narrative Texts. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol.6, no.1, 2015 (* Co-authored with my PhD supervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  8. B. Katalayi. * & Sivasubramaniam.S. A Context-based Perspective to Investigating the Construct Validity of Reading Assessment. Mediterranean ournal of Social sciences, Vol.5, No.17, 2014 (* Co-authored with my PhD supervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  9. Foncha, J.W.* & Sivasubramaniam, S., The Links between Intercultural Communication Competence and Identity construction in the UWCommunity. Mediterranean Journal of Social sciences, 5, No.10, 2014. (* Co-authored with my PhD supervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  10. S., Folktales in Language classrooms. South African Journal for Folklore Studies, Vol.23, No.1, 2013.
  11. Arpine.* & Sivasubramaniam. S., Implementing Literature in Armenian EFL Setting: An Ethnographic Study. Asian EFL Journal, Vol.15, No.3, 2013.
    1. (*Co-authored with my MA TEFL student at AUA, Yerevan.
  12. B. Katalayi. * & Sivasubramaniam.S. Careful Reading versus Expeditious Reading: Investigating the Construct Validity of a Multiple-choice Reading Test. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol.3, No. 6 2013. (* Co-authored with my PhD supervisee at UWC, Western Cape.)
  13. Gyulazyan. * & Sivasubramaniam. S., The ELP as a Tool for Democratising Language Teaching. Journal of English as an International Language, Vol.7, No.1. 2012. (* Co-authored with my MA TEFL student at AUA, Yerevan.)
  14. Sivasubramaniam, ‘Constructivism in EIL: Issues and Insights for Teaching of EIL.’ Journal of English as an International Language, Vol.6, No.1. 2011.
  15. Sivasubramaniam, ‘Democratizing and Dehegemonizing Literature in the Service of language Education: Endeavours of Empowerment’. Armenian Anglistika Folica, Vol.6, No.2.2009.
  16. Bilton & Sivasubramaniam.S, ‘An Inquiry into Expressive Writing: A Classroom-Based Study’ Language Teaching Research, (with L. Bilton) Vol.13, No.3 2009.
  17. Sivasubramaniam, ‘Responding to Reading: Issues and Insights for Promoting Agency, Voice and Subjecthood in Reading and Assessment’ Asian EFL Journal, Vol. 11, No.1, 2009.
  18. Sakhyan* & Sivasubramaniam.S, ‘The Difficulties of Armenian Scholars trying to Publish in International Journals.’ ABAC Journal, Vol.28, No.2. 2008.(Co-authored with my MA TEFL student at AUA, Yerevan)
  19. Sivasubramaniam, ‘A Practitioner’s Perceptions on Assessment: Emerging Narratives of Teacher Empowerment’ Foreign Languages in Armenia, Issue 2, 2007.
  20. Sivasubramaniam, ‘Attempting a Well-defined Choice of Texts in Literature- Based EFL/ESL Settings: An Act of Teacher Empowerment’ Thai TESOL Bulletin, Vol. 19, No.2, 2006.
  21. Sivasubramaniam, ‘Promoting the Prevalence of Literature in the Practices of Foreign and Second Language Education: Issues and Insights’ Asian EFL Journal, Vol. 8, No.4, 2006.
  22. Sivasubramaniam, 'Signposting a Turnaround for Literature in Mainstream EFL/ESL: A Personal Enrichment Approach’ Thai TESOL Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2006.
  23. Sivasubramaniam, ‘A Book Review of “Now Read On” McRae, J. and Vethamani, M. 2000 London: Routledge’ English Teacher, Vol.3, No.3, 2000.
  24. Sivasubramaniam, Text-Based Focus in a Literature-Based Approach to Language Teaching’ The English Teacher, Vol. 1, No.3, 1996.
Further publications
Edited collections: 20 issues of Journal of English as an International Language. **Available in PDF format;

Forewords: 20 in Journal of English as an International Language. **Available in PDF format;

Postgraduate Thesis Supervisions
MA/ MEd: 17 Completed
PhD: 13 Completed, 4 ongoing

Position: Extraordinary Professor
Email: /
Tel: 028 314 0144

In addition to his appointment as Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Language Education at the University of the Western Cape, Professor Albert Weideman is the chairperson of the Inter-Institutional Centre for Language Development and Assessment (ICELDA), a partnership of several South African universities.

Prof. Weideman's research focuses on assessing academic literacy, and on how this relates to a theory of applied linguistics. His book, Responsible design in applied linguistics: Theory and practice (Springer, 2017), lays the groundwork for this.

He is a C1 rated researcher with the National Research Foundation (NRF). He has published widely in national as well as in international journals, and is the author or editor of several other books. The most recent, Assessing academic literacy in a multilingual society: Transition and transformation (Multilingual Matters, 2021) has drawn favourable reviews.
