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Head of Department

Position: Head of Department
Qualifications: BBibl (US); BA (Hons) (US); BBibl (Hons) (Unisa); MBibl (US); PhD (UWC)
Tel: +27 (21) 959 2437
Fax: +27 (21) 959 3659


After obtaining a BBibl (Ed) and an Honours in Psychology at Stellenbosch University, Lizette worked as a teacher-librarian and later as the librarian of a ‘one- person library’ at the Grootfontein Agricultural College and Research Institute. Part of her responsibilities was offering information literacy to agricultural students. While there, she completed her Honours in Library Science through Unisa and her MLIS on Inligtingsbehoeftes van ekstensiewe veeboere in die Karoo through Stellenbosch University. After relocating to the Western Cape, she was appointed initially as a part-time lecturer and later as a lecturer at UWC.


Dzandza, P.E. and King, L. (2021).  Information Systems Evaluation in Ghanaian Academic Libraries using DandM IS Success Model. Library Philosophy and Practice, 6369.

White, E. and King, L. (2020). Investigating the Development of a Research Portal as Part of an Academic Library Website for Scholarly Communication Guidance in a Public University in Ghana. International Information and Library Review, DOI: 10.1080/10572317.2020.1805577.

Joshua, D. and King, L. (2020). The utilisation of e-resources at Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTech), Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology, 10 (1), 47-70.

White, E. and King, L. (2019). Shaping scholarly communication guidance channels to meet the research needs and skills of doctoral students at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45 (6).

Dzandza, P.E. and King, L. (2019). From library management system to library service platform. In P. Jain, N.M. Mnjama, O. Oladokun and K.H. Moahi (Eds.). Proceedings of the DLIS 2019 international conference (pp. 356-366). Gaborone: University of Botswana.

Momoti, N. and King, L. (2019). A records management model for an intelligent university. Journal of the South African Society of Archivists, 52, 79-94.???

Dzandza, P.E. and King, L. (2018). Managing library resource information using information systems in academic libraries for academic development in Ghana. Kampala International University Journal of Education, 13(2), 1-30.

Joshua, D. and King, L. (2018). Establishing a library portal for Ibrahim Babangida Library at Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science, 6 (6), 189-195.

King, L. and Coetzee, A. (2018). Everyday life information behavior of visually impaired students at Stellenbosch University. Innovation: Journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa, 56, 140-162.

Sentleng, M.P. and King, L. (2012). Plagiarism among undergraduate students in the Faculty of Applied Science at a South African Higher Education Institution. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 78 (1): 57-67.

King, L. (2007). Information literacy of incoming undergraduate Arts students at the University of the Western Cape: assessment of competencies and proficiencies. PhD. The University of the Western Cape.

King, L. (1994). Inligtingsbehoeftes van ekstensiewe veeboere in die Karoo. Karoo Agric, 6 (1): 9-11.

King, L. (1994). Inligtingsbehoeftes van ekstensiewe veeboere in die Karoostreek met verwysing na die rol van die Grootfontein Diereproduksie-inligtingsbank. MBibl. Stellenbosch Universiteit.

Departmental Staff

Associate Professor

Faculty of Arts
Qualifications:   BA; HDE; HDLIS (UCT); BBibl (Hons); MBibl (UWC); PhD (UKZN)

Tel:         +27 (21) 959 2349
Fax:        +27 (21) 959 3659

Sandy’s teaching interests include information literacy education, information behaviour, ICT trends in LIS, and school librarianship. Her research interests include school libraries, e-learning, information literacy, information behaviour, research data management, and social media in LIS.

Her career trajectory started in public libraries, followed by school libraries. After that, she joined the Western Cape Education Department as a curriculum advisor for Information Literacy Skills. Her final home has been the Department at UWC. In 2013, she graduated with a PhD from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Sandy has served in leadership positions in several LIS organisations, including the International Association of School Librarianship; IFLA Standing Committee on School Libraries and Resource Centres; and Library and Information Association of South Africa’s School Libraries and Youth Services Interest Group. Recently, she was a member of the Council on Higher Education’s Reference Group to develop standards for the Bachelor of Library and Information Science.

Albertyn, K. & Zinn, S. (2021). Green public libraries: Library users’ perspectives. Innovation, 64(1). In press.

Olajide, O. & Zinn, S. (2021). The role of school libraries in supporting inquiry-based methods for teaching science in Nigerian schools: Challenges and possibilities. Libri, 71(2): 171-182.

Mabweazara, R.M. & Zinn, S. 2020. Expectations of Academics from the 21st century Academic Library: Experiences from Zimbabwe.  African Journal of Library,Archives and Information Science, 30(2):99-111.

Chawinga, W. and Zinn, S. 2020. Research data management in universities: A comparative study from the perspectives of librarians and management. International Information and Library Review.

Chawinga, W. and Zinn, S. 2020. Research data management at an African medical university: Implications for academic librarianship. Journal of Academic Librarianship. In press.

Chawinga, W. and Zinn, S. (2020), Research data management at a public university in Malawi: the role of “three hands”, Library Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Rantala, A., Enwald, H. and Zinn, S. 2019. Web-based health information seeking: A small-scale comparative study between Finnish and South African university students. Library Hi Tech, 37(4) 4:933-944.

Chawinga, W. and Zinn, S. 2019. Global perspectives of research data sharing: A systematic literature review. Library and Information Science Research, 41 (2): 109-122.

Krubu, D. and Zinn, S. 2018. Information behaviour of Nigerian undergraduates in the World of Web 2.0. Innovation, 53 (1):115-139.

Zinyeredzi, C., & Zinn, S. (2016). Use of web 2.0 technologies by library and information science students. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, 34(4), 19-42.

Krubu, D., Zinn, S. and Hart, G. 2017. Making sense of the information-seeking process of undergraduates in a specialised university: revelations from dialogue journaling on WhatsApp messenger. Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning, 13:19-36.

Chawinga, W. and Zinn, S. 2016. Use of Web 2.0 by students in the Faculty of Information Science and Communications at Mzuzu University, Malawi. South African Journal of Information Management, 18(1).

Mabweazara, R. M. and Zinn, S. 2016. Assessing the appropriation of social media by academic librarians in South Africa and Zimbabwe. ?South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 82(1): 1-12.?

Zinn, S., Stilwell, C. and Hoskins, R. 2016. Information literacy education in the South African classroom: reflections from teachers’ journals in the Western Cape Province. Libri, 66(2): 31-44.

Hart, G. and Zinn, S. 2015. The drive for school libraries in South Africa: intersections and connections. ?Library Trends, 64(1): 19-41.

Laishley, K. and Zinn, S. 2015. City of Cape Town libraries’ segregated history. ?Innovation, 50: 3-19

Chawinga, W. and Zinn, S. 2015. Use of Web 2.0 by lecturers in the Faculty of Information Science and Communications at Mzuzu University, Malawi. Mousaion, 33(4): 62-85.

Chawinga, W. and Zinn, S. 2015. Use of Web 2.0 by lecturers in the Faculty of Information Science and Communications at Mzuzu University,???Malawi. South African Journal of Information Management, 18(1).

Zinn, S. 2013. The information literacy self-efficacy of disadvantaged teachers in South Africa. In Kurbano?lu, S.; Grassian, E.; Mizrachi, D.; Catts, R.; and Spiranec, S. (Eds). Worldwide commonalities and challenges in information literacy research and practice. Revised selected papers of the European Conference on Information Literacy, Istanbul, 22-25 October 2013. Series Communications in computer and information science, 397. Cham: Springer, pp. 212-218.

Zinn, S. and Langdown, N. 2011. E-book usage amongst South African academic librarians. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 77(2): 104-115.

Zinn, S. 2009. Towards adopting e-learning: pioneering a course in school librarianship education. South African Journal of Library and Information Science (SAJLIS) 75(2): 159-169.

Zinn, S. 2009. A survivor’s guide to e-learning. Presentation at the UWC e-learning symposium, Bellville, UWC, 20 October 2009.

Zinn, S. 2008. Readiness to adopt e-learning: reflections on a pilot course. Paper presented at the Annual LIASA Conference, Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, 6 – 10 October 2008.

Hart, G. and Zinn, S. 2007. The conundrum of school libraries in South Africa. In Bothma, T., Ngulube, P. and Underwood, P. (Eds). Libraries for the future: Progress and development of South African libraries. Pretoria: LIASA.

Zinn, S. 2007. School libraries for a knowledge society. Paper presented at the EMDC East School Libraries Mini Conference: Progress, Development and Partnership, 11-12 May 2007, Luhlaza Secondary School, Khayelitsha, Cape Town.

Zinn, S. 2006. Have trained teacher-librarians made a difference for school libraries? Innovation 33: 21-35.

Zinn, S. 2006. Are trained teacher-librarians making a difference for school libraries in South Africa? In Martins, AB, Falcao, AP, Conde, E, Andrade, I, Nunes, NB, Vitorino, MJ. (Eds). IASL reports 2006: the multiple faces of literacy: reading knowing, doing ‘IASL reports, 2006. Selected papers from the 35th Annual Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship and the 10th International Forum on Research in School Librarianship, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-7 July 2006. Erie (PA): International Association of School Librarianship.

Zinn, S. 2006. Evaluating websites for learners. Paper presented at the Multimedia and e-Education Conference, St George’s Hotel, Johannesburg, 5-7 April 2006.

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Arts
Qualifications:   BSc (DSU); MLIS (UI); PhD (UFH)

Tel:         +27 (21) 959 3651
Fax:        +27 (21) 959 3659
Professional experience and practice in public and academic libraries with curiosity in new information media and digital literacy led to a thesis research focused on the Internet use pattern/use rate of digital natives and the utilisation of library information resources. Oghenere’s research interests, teaching, and service activities centre on information organisation, digital literacy, digital humanities, and data management. His more recent involvements in research data management include teaching research data computational skills at several data/software carpentry workshops and being a certified Data Carpentry Instructor. He teaches the following LIS courses: ICTs in Library and Information Science; Resource Description and Subject Analysis; Information Resources and Services; and Collection Management in Library and Information Services.

Ocks, Y., & Salubi , O. G. . (2022). The Use of Information and Communications Technologies by Library Users at the University of the Western Cape. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, 39(3).  

Oyediran-Tidings, S., Nekhwevha, F., Ondari-Okemwa, E., Salubi, O.G. (2021) Access to educational information enabled by ICT tools in the Fort Beaufort Education District (FBED), Eastern Cape, South Africa.  Information Development (Published online)

Oyediran-Tidings, S., Nekhwevha, F., Ondari-Okemwa, E., Salubi, O.G. (2021).  Availability and accessibility of educational information to high school learners in South Africa.  Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, 39 (1).

Salubi, O.G. (2020). Access and Use of Networked Electronic Devices for Educational Information Management by Undergraduates in South Africa. In C.T. Chisita, R.T. Enakrire, O.O. Durodolu, V.W. Tsabedze and J.M. Ngoaketsi (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Records and Information Management Strategies for Enhanced Knowledge Coordination (pp. 165-175). IGI Global.

Salubi, O. G., Ondari-Okemwa, E., Nekhwevha, F., and Oyediran-Tidings, S. (2019). Digital Media Usage and Prevalence of Internet Addiction among Undergraduate Students in South Africa. In T. Kwanya, J. Kiplang’at, J. Wamukoya, and Dorothy Njiraine (Eds.), Digital Technologies for Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 233–240). Nairobi: The Technical University of Kenya.

Salubi, O. G. and Muchaonyerwa, N. (2018). Uses and Gratifications of the Internet and Library Information Resources: An Integrated Model Proposal. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 38(6), 429-435.

Salubi O. G. and Muchaonyerwa N. (2018). An empirical study of the internet usage pattern of undergraduate students in South Africa. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2002.

Salubi, O. G., Ondari-Okemwa, E.M, and Nekhwevha, F. (2018). Utilisation of Library Information Resources among Generation Z Students: Facts and Fiction. Publications, 6(2), 16.

Salubi O. G., Ondari-Okemwa E.M and Nekhwevha F.H (2018). Undergraduate Students’ Use of Library Information Resources in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. PONTE International Scientific Research Journal, 74(4) 370-385.

Salubi, O. G (2017). Library and Information Science Education and Training Curriculum at Institutions of Higher Education in Nigeria: A Content Analysis. Journal of Social Sciences 51(1-3):79-86.


Faculty of Arts
Qualifications:   BSc Hons LIS (NUST); MLIS (UWC); PhD (UWC)

Tel:         +27 (21) 959 2437
Fax:        +27 (21) 959 3659

Dr Mabweazara joined the Department as a full-time Lecturer in January 2020. She was a runner-up for the 3MT® doctoral thesis competition held at UWC in 2018. Moira’s research interests and expertise are partly built on the foundations of her PhD. She has a keen interest in the impact of digital technologies (including social media) on academic libraries in Africa as well as trends in higher education and a range of aspects around scholarly communication. She co-published some of her research in peer-reviewed journals and is currently developing research papers based on her PhD. Moira teaches a range of undergraduate modules, including History of Information Services; Information Literacy, and Collection Management. She previously taught the following modules: Serial Publications and Bibliographic Control as well as Information Sources and Services.

Mabweazara, R.M. & Zinn, S. 2020. Expectations of Academics from the 21st century Academic Library: Experiences from Zimbabwe.  African Journal of Library,Archives and Information Science, 30(2):99-111.

?Mabweazara, R.M and; Zinn, S. 2016. Assessing the appropriation of social media by academic librarians in South Africa and Zimbabwe. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 82(1): 1-12.???


Faculty of Arts
Qualifications:   PhD (UWC)

Tel:         +27 (21) 959 2437 
Fax:        +27 (21) 959 3659

Dr Momoti started her career in the academic library sector in 1986 as Special Collections and Archives Librarian for 13 years. She established a Library and Information Management Consultancy firm in 2000, providing training workshops on Library & Information Management services, desktop research, and Information Management support services, such as stock-taking, cataloguing and weeding of library resources.

Dr Momoti joined public sector service in 2001 and held several Senior Management positions in IT, Knowledge and Information Management as well as libraries and archives. Dr Momoti served in various capacities within the public sector including project manager for the Enterprise Content Management project at the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (North-West Province 2011-2012); University Archivist at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and University of the Western Cape. Before joining the SAMRC as Divisional Manager: Knowledge & Information Management in 2019, Dr Momoti was the Director of the Western Cape Provincial Archives (2014-2018). From 2019 until taking up full-time appointment as a lecturer, Dr Momoti was a part-time lecturer at the University of the Western Cape, teaching Knowledge Management to M.LIS students.

Momoti, N., & King, L. (2021). A Model to Foster Records Use in Evidence-Based Decision-Making: Neither Restricted by Time nor Space. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, 39(4).

Momoti, N., & Marutha, N. S. (2021). Whoever Controls the Past, Controls the Future: Archives and Records Management Practitioners’ Response to COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, 39(4).

Momoti, N.G., 2021. A model to foster the use of records for evidence-based decision-making by senior managers in western cape governmental bodies, South Africa.

Momoti, N and King, L. 2019. A records management model for an intelligent university: the case of the University of the Western Cape. Journal of the Society of Archivists 52, pp.80-94.

Momoti, N.G.2017. Records management for an intelligent university: the case of the University of the Western Cape (Masters dissertation, University of the Western Cape).

Conference papers
Momoti, N. 2020. Digitization of records: best practice for governmental bodies. Webinar presentation, Northern Cape Records Management Forum, 17-18 November 2020.

Momoti, N.G. 2018. Use of records for evidence-based decision making in the public sector. Paper presented at an Annual Conference of the South African Society of Archivists, Hotel Osner, East London, 3-5 July.

Momoti, N.G. 2017. A records management model for an intelligent university. Paper presented at an Annual Conference of the South African Society of Archivists, Sanlam Conference Centre, Cape Town, 4-6 July.

Momoti, NG. 2015. Enterprise content management in the public sector. Paper presented at an Annual Conference of the South African Society of Archivists, Limpopo Provincial Archives, Polokwane, 7-9 July.

Momoti, NG. 2013. The strategic implementation of enterprise content management for effective records management in the South African public sector. Paper presented at the 6th Annual PDESA Knowledge, Archives and Records Management Conference, Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town, 6-7 November.

Momoti, NG. 2006. Cooperation between Information Management and ICT professionals. Paper presented at the Marcus Evans Information Management Conference, Brynston, Johannesburg

Talent Steward (Associate Lecturer)

Faculty of Arts
Qualifications: BLIS (UWC); MLIS (UWC)
Tel :     +27 21 959 2911
Fax:     +27 (21) 959 3659

Yumnaa Ocks is completing her PhD in Library & Information Science and joined the Department in her present role in January 2024. She is currently a recipient of the Mellon Stewardship Scholarship and previously received the Mitchell's Plain Role Model Bursary. Yumnaa’s research interests include data privacy, cybersecurity, cyberethics, information technologies, and artificial intelligence in libraries.

Ocks, Y., & Salubi, O.G. (2021). The Use of Information and Communications Technologies by Library Users at the University of the Western Cape. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies 39 (3):1-18.

Senior Laboratory Manager

Faculty of Arts
Tel:         +27 (21) 959 2431
Fax:        +27 (21) 959 3659

Administrative Officer

Faculty of Arts
Qualifications:   Advanced Diploma in Management (UWC)

Tel:         +27 (21) 959 2137
Fax:        +27 (21) 959 3659