The following monographs and edited volumes were authored or edited by members of the Department since 2000:
Study Guides in Religion and Theology (SUN Media)
This guide aims to provide a first introduction to biblical, theological, and contextual hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the subject that analyses the process of interpretation. One could say that hermeneutics is the theoretical study of interpretation. As a first introduction, it is primarily aimed at first-year students, but church groups may also find it useful.
This book is rooted in the quest for Christian identity in the Southern African context where Christianity faces many stark challenges, internal tensions, and experiences of rapid social change.
The book explores six aspects of the highly complex notion of Christian identity, namely Christian institutions, a Christian ethos, Christian rituals, Christian experiences (with specific reference to the notion of ‘faith’), Christian narratives (with specific reference to the category of ‘revelation’ and the place of the Bible in the Christian tradition), and Christian doctrine.
Why should Christians engage in earthkeeping and from within Christian communities? What is the underlying theological rationale for that?
In this book, some 19 reasons why Christians may be encouraged to engage in earthkeeping are identified, juxtaposed, and assessed to call for clarity, invite discussion, and elicit creative tensions. No single position is advocated – it would be helpful if Christians could engage in earthkeeping based on any of these motivations.
There has been a proliferation of publications in Christian Ecological Theology over the last three decades or so. These include several recent edited volumes, each covering a range of topics and consolidating many of the emerging insights in Ecological Theology. The call for Christian churches to respond to the environmental crisis has been reiterated numerous times in this vast corpus of literature, also in South Africa.
Fishing for Jonah (anew) introduces students of theology to a wide range of approaches or ‘methods’ in biblical interpretation, drawing on the book of Jonah for illustrations.
This thoroughly revised version of Fishing for Jonah (Conradie, Jonker, Lawrie and Arendse, 1992) represents both a contraction and an expansion compared to its predecessor.
The emergence of an indigenous African theology, especially since the 1960s is well-documented. A wealth of literature has been published in the context of African theology, especially over the last two or three decades. This indexed bibliography contains several publications in and for the African context specifically relevant to the fields of Systematic Theology and Ethics.
Since the advent of democracy in 1994, there has been widespread concern over the disintegration of the moral fabric of South African society – amongst politicians, business leaders, community leaders, and religious leaders alike. Many have recognised the need to build the moral and religious foundations of society and have encouraged contributions towards the moral regeneration movement.
Speaking to Good Effect introduces students to the ancient and ubiquitous art of rhetoric. Whenever we try to achieve something with words as our tools, we become rhetoricians. Whenever we respond – positively or negatively – to someone else’s words, we become rhetorical critics. It is, therefore, not surprising that the art of rhetoric has been studied and taught for more than 24 centuries.
Other Publications
- Ayre, CW and Conradie, EM. 2016. The Church in God’s Household: Protestant Perspectives on Ecclesiology and Ecology. Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications.
- Conradie, EM. 2015. The Earth in God’s Economy: Creation, Salvation and Consummation in Ecological Perspective. Studies in Religion and the Environment Vol. 10. Berlin: LIT Verlag. 358 pp.
- Conradie, EM and Pillay, MN (Eds). 2015. Ecclesial Deform and Reform Movements in the South African Context. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Conradie, EM, Bergmann, S, Deane-Drummond, C and Edwards, D, (Eds). 2014. Christian Faith and the Earth: Current Paths and Emerging Horizons in Ecotheology. London: T&T Clark. 261 pp.
- Conradie, EM and Klaasen, J (Eds). 2014. The quest for identity in so-called mainline churches. Stellenbosch: SUN Press. 117 pp.
- Agyarko, RO. 2013. Idolatry or Incultiration? Christian participation in Akan libation rituals. Wellington: Bible Media.
- Conradie, EM (Ed). 2013. South African Perspectives on Notions and forms of ecumenicity. Stellenbosch: SUN Press. 184 pp.
- Conradie, EM. 2013. Saving the Earth? The legacy of reformed views on “re-creation”. Studies in Religion and the Environment, Vol. 8. Berlin: LIT Verlag. 377 pp.
- Conradie, EM (Ed). 2012. Creation and Salvation, Volume 2: A Companion on Recent Theological Movements. Studies in Religion and the Environment, Vol. 6. Berlin: LIT Verlag. 405 pp.
- Coetzee, Murray H. 2011. Die “Kritiese Stem” teen Apartheidsteologie in die Ned. Geref. Kerk (1905-1974): 'n Analise van die Bydraes van Ben Marais en Beyers Naudé. Wellington: Bybelmedia.
- Conradie, EM (Ed). 2011. Creation and Salvation: Dialogue on Abraham Kuyper’s Legacy for Contemporary Ecotheology. Leiden: Brill Publishers. 288 pp.
- Conradie, EM. 2011. Creation and Salvation, Volume 1: A Mosaic of Essays on Selected Classic Christian Theologians. Studies in Religion and the Environment, Vol. 5. Berlin: LIT Verlag. 230 pp.
- Conradie, EM. 2011. Christianity and Earthkeeping: In search of an inspiring vision. Resources in Religion and Theology 16. Stellenbosch: SUN Press. 155 pp.
- Conradie, EM. 2010. Lewend en kragtig: In gesprek oor God se handelinge in die wêreld. Wellington: Bybelmedia.
- Pillay, M, Nadar, S and Le Bruyns, C. 2009. Ragbag Theologies: Essays in Honour of Denise Ackermann, A Feminist theologian of Praxis, 233-244. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Conradie, EM and Lombard, C (Eds). 2009. Discerning God’s justice in church, society, and academy: Festschrift for Jaap Durand. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Conradie, EM. 2009. Christianity and a critique of consumerism: A survey of six points of entry. Wellington: Bible Media. E-books,
- Conradie, EM. 2009. Uitverkoop? In gesprek oor die verbruikerskultuur. Wellington: Lux Verbi.BM.
- South African Council of Churches, Climate Change Committee. 2009. Climate Change – A challenge to the churches in South Africa. Marshalltown: SACC.
- Conradie, EM. 2008. Angling for interpretation: A first guide to biblical, theological, and contextual hermeneutics. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 13. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Conradie, EM. 2008. The church and climate change: Signs of the Times Series Volume 1. Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications.
- Smit, DJ. 2007. Essays in public theology. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 12. Edited by EM Conradie. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Conradie, EM. 2006. Christianity and ecological theology: Resources for further research. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 11. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Conradie, EM. 2006. Lewe anderkant die dood? In gesprek oor die hoop op die opstanding uit die dood. Wellington: Lux Verbi.BM.
- Conradie, EM et al. 2006. Morality as a way of life: A first introduction to ethical theory. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 10. Stellenbosch: ?SUN Press.
- Conradie, EM. 2006. Waar op dees aarde vind mens God? Op soek na ’n aardse spiritualiteit. Wellington: Lux Verbi.BM.
- Conradie, EM. 2005. An ecological Christian anthropology: At home on earth? Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Conradie, EM. 2005. Christian identity: An introduction. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 8. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Jonker, LC and Lawrie, DG (Eds). 2005. Fishing for Jonah (anew): Various approaches to biblical interpretation. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 7. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Lawrie, DG. 2005. Speaking to good effect: An introduction to the theory and practice of rhetoric. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 9. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Conradie, EM (Ed). 2004. African Christian theologies in transformation. Stellenbosch: EFSA.
- Conradie, EM and Fredericks, CE (Eds). 2004. Mapping Systematic Theology in Africa: An indexed bibliography. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 6. Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
- Clowes, L and Conradie, EM (Eds). 2003. Rape: Rethinking male responsibility. Stellenbosch: EFSA.
- Conradie, EM, Mtetwa, S and Warmback, A (Eds). 2002. The land is crying for justice: A discussion document on Christianity and environmental justice in South Africa. Stellenbosch: Ecumenical Foundation of Southern Africa.
- Ackermann, DM. 2001. Tamar’s cry: Re-reading an ancient text in the midst of an HIV/AIDS pandemic. Stellenbosch: EFSA.
- Conradie, EM. 2001. Ecological theology: A guide for further research. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 5. Bellville: University of the Western Cape.
- Conradie, EM. 2001. Ecological theology: An indexed bibliography. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 2. Second revised edition. Bellville: University of the Western Cape.
- Conradie, EM and Jonker, LC. 2001. Angling for interpretation. A guide to understand the Bible better. Study Guides in Religion and Theology 4. Bellville: University of the Western Cape.
- Conradie, EM. 2000/2005. Hope for the earth – Vistas on a new century. Bellville: University of the Western Cape/Eugene: Wipf and Stock.
- Conradie, EM (Ed). 2000. The earth and abundant life: Seven Bible studies on earthkeeping from John’s gospel. Cape Town: Western Cape Provincial Council of Churches.
- Conradie, EM and Field, DN. 2000. A rainbow over the land: A South African guide on the church and environmental justice. Cape Town: Western Cape Provincial Council of Churches.
- Conradie, EM. 2000. Waarvoor lewe jy? Kaapstad: Lux Verbi. BM.