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The Vision of the UNESCO Chair

The vision of the UNESCO Chair for Sport, Development, Peace (SDP) and Olympic Education situated at the University of the Western Cape is to contribute to the understanding and advancement of Sport, Development and Peace as well as Olympic Education through high quality research, teaching, innovation, community engagement, integrating new technologies and learning as well as policy dialogue.

Focus Areas

The major focus areas of the UNESCO Chair includes:
  • The development of a Research Hub, facilitating partnerships and networks of African and international researchers and capacitating emerging researchers to enhance international collaboration with key role players in the SDP and Olympic Education field, with a focus on policy dialogue, research exchange and joint learning. This initiative will facilitate collaboration between high-level, internationally recognised researchers in the region and other regions of the world linked to the UN Agenda 2023, the SDGs and the Olympic Agenda 2020+5.
  • The development of a Portfolio of country profiles per continent. This Sport Policy Mapping Research Programme has been established as a flagship initiative of the UNESCO Chair for SDP and Olympic Education and involves an extensive programme over the next 5 years. This exciting Programme has as aim, the sports policy mapping and development of country profiles of 75% of African states as well as conducting pilot programmes in Latin America, the Caribbean and beyond. 
  • The facilitation of and support for Olympic Education at the global level through dialogue, education, communication, M&E and information-sharing. This component includes values education, training and mentorship as well as support for sport role models and career guidance.
  • The establishment of the uMama Sport Story Telling Programme. This initiative will record stories of Olympians, coaches, educators, women and girl athletes and educators about the role of their mothers in their sport life stories. A series of video programmes and written stories will be published and disseminated for discussion and learning. 
  • The promotion and advocacy of the concept of campus@peace. This initiative aims at advocating and actively engaging and working for a peaceful living together on campuses globally. The UNESCO Chair co-facilitates and supports the campus@peace initiative at UWC with partners and the initiative promotes mutual respect, tolerance and understanding, values, living united in differences and diversity and thereby promoting inclusion solidarity, trust, love, care and giving back to communities. The initiative is aligned with the SDGs for building a safe and sustainable world of harmony, wellbeing, and peace for all. 
The UNESCO Chair for SDP and Olympic Education promotes a collaborative approach amongst global and African partners and networks and is engaging and consulting with a number of key role players to make the above priorities a reality in line with the SDGs, the trends and recommendations the Olympic Agenda 2020+5, the African Union Agenda 2063, and the UN Vision for 2030.