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Research Development and Postgraduate Support

The recently merged Research Development and Postgraduate Support (RDPS) Office serves as a strategic department to grow the University of the Western Cape’s capacity for innovative, ground-breaking research.

We serve as a catalyst to promote, support, strengthen and grow the research enterprise at UWC. We aim to achieve this by providing an inclusive, multicultural and holistic research development services and resources to faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows and postgraduate students that stimulate research and other creative endeavours. We also aim to facilitate and enhance partnerships and collaborations between faculty, postgraduate students, government, foundations, industry, and global research enterprises.

Our postgraduate support ensures that the Institutional Operating Plan (IOP) mandate of UWC is accomplished for staff research outputs and postgraduate students recruitment, retention and throughput. We are key role players in developing infrastructure and policy that promote creativity and entrepreneurial culture at UWC.

The Converis™ system facilitates the consolidation of research information and internal procedures by combining data from both external and internal sources under a unified platform. Converis provides a comprehensive strategy that encompasses the entirety of the research lifecycle, spanning from pre-award through post-award stages.

Our office uses Converis ™ system to track publications of our academics at UWC. This task involves the collection, validation, and reporting of research publications. It also includes the tracking of bibliographic metadata and full-text content, which include integration with Open Access repositories.
Feel free to use the following tab to upload your Converis ™ related information

For more information you may reach out to Ms Janene Marais at

Internal UWC Staff Login     External UWC Staff Login










Connect with Research Development and Postgraduate Support (RDPS) as follows:

Facebook: @UWCPostgrad
Twitter: @UWC_RDPS
Instagram: @UWC_RDPS
Email: /