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Book Series

00  Beyond the Color Line
1    Between Distinction and Extinction: The Harmonization and Standardization of African Languages
2    Knowledge in Black and White: The Impact of Apartheid on the Production and Reproduction of Knowledge
3    Ibibo Phonetics and Phonology
4    Rethinking African Art and Culture
5    Language and Institutions in Africa
6    The New Ewe Orthography: Based on the Gbe Uniform Standard Orthography (GUSO)
7    African Languages for the Mass Education of Africans
8    Mother Tongue for Scientific and Technological Development in Africa
9    Nyansapcw
10   Education, Literacy and Development in Africa
11   Isèfè Nínu Àwon Eré-onítàn Yorùbá
12   Language Across Borders
13   Ifá and Related Genres
14   Globalising Africans
15   Akan Nsemfuasekyere
16   A Linguistic Analysis of ciNsenga: A Bantu Language Spoken in Zambia and Malawi
17   Kiswahili Katika Karne ya Ishirini na Moja
18   Rehabilitating African Languages
19   Harmonization and Standardization of Nigerian Languages
20   New Perspectives in Edoid Studies: Essays in Honour of Ronald Peter Schaefer
21   Speaking African: African Languages for Education and Development
22   Speaking in Unison: The Harmonisation of Southern Africa
23   Racism in the Global African Experience
24   Discourses on Difference. Discourses on Oppression 
25   Writing African: The Harmonisation Orthographic Conversations in African Languages
26   Aspects Cinsenga Tonology
27   Ìkálè Masquerade Traditions and Artifacts
28   Akan Kasakoa Horow Bi
29   Les Langues Africaines Pour L’education des Masses en Afrique
30   Isenbáyé Àti Ìlò Ѐdѐ Yorùbá
31   FcLc Maninkaw
32   Unifying Southern African Languages: Harmonisation and Standardisation
33   Chasing Futures: Africa in the 21st Century Problems and Prospects
34   Silenced Voices: Studies on Minority Languages of Southern Africa
35   Reflections on Arab-led Slavery of Africans
36   The Yoruba Auxiliary Verb
37   A General Introduction to Ndebele Grammar
38   Pourquoi le Gabon doit invester sur ses langues vernaculaires
39   Languages of Instruction for African Emancipation
40   Comparative Bantu Phonology: A Study of the Sound Systems and Word Structure of the Indigenous Languages of Southern Africa
41   Education, Culture and Development
42   The Challenge of Using African Languages at School: A Case Study of Gabonese Project of Introducing Vernacular Languages at School
43   Mbofara Akan Kasa Nsεmfuasekyerε
44   The African Nation: The State of the Nation
45   Afro-Chinese Relations: Past, Present and Future
46   Metaphors of Our Times: The Oral Interrogations of Sociocultural Continuities and Raptures
47   Shekgalagari Grammar
48   Edikisyonari Lo Ateso
49   Dictionnaire étymologique des emprunts linguistiques en Fon
50   Kudzidzisa ChiShona Kupuraimari
51   The Magic of Perseverance
52   Bedo Jarafrika
53   Kuwa Mwafrika
54   Araut Itunganan Yen Ko Afrika
55   Bedo Dano Me Apirika
57   African Ways of Silk: Ancient Threads – New Possibilities
58   The Context and Language of Jack Mapanje’s Poetry
59   Anthropological Prisms: Studies on African Realities
60   Language Planning and Policy for Mass Education: A Case for Zimbabwe
61   Keeping in Step with Modern Times: A Comprehensive Account of Lexical Adoptive in Icibemba
62   Itupale Sintaasi Inu Ede Yoruba Ati Oko-Osanyen
63   Itupale Girami Yoruba Mofoli
64   MLA Kgasa: A Pioneer Setswana Lexicographer
65   Mgopolela Maloŵe jwa Ciyawo
66   The Role of Missionaries in the Development of African Languages
67   Multilingualism: An African Advantage
68   Langues Africaines Dans L’enseignement Au Benin: Preblems et Perspectives
69   Back to Africa (Vol 1): Afro-Brazilian Returnees and their Communities
70   Dero ma Dhopadhola
71   Thuto-Polelo ea Sesotho (Sesotho syntax)
72   Harmonization of Shona-Nyai Varieties
73   Writing Identity in the Age of Post-colonialism
74   Poeletso-medumo ya Setswana
75   Kalanga: Summary Grammar
76   Ahwehweniwa
77   History of the Botswana Public Employees Union, 1885-2009 : From a Briefcase Entity to a Corporate Brand
78   Dikishinali ya SiLozi-SiLozi
79   Soundings
80   The Oral traditions of the Shona Peoples of Zimbabwe
81   Narrating Our Future: Customs , Rituals and Practices of the Ma'di of South Sudan and Uganda
82   Pfungwa huru dzekuongorora nadzo waranomwe
83   The Indigenous Praise Poetry of the Veekuhane: Culture, Memory and History
84   Contours of the Emergent & Ancient Oromo Nation: Dillemmas in the Ethiopian Politics of State and Nation-Building.
85   South Sudan. The State we Aspire To. Reprinted 14/11/2013 and sent to Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba
86   Unity and Diversity of Nubian Languages 
87   The Harmonization and Standardization of Kenyan Languages. Orthography and Other Aspects
88   Veelkantiger Afrikaans.  Streeksvariëteite in die Standaardvorming
89   Mainstreaming Afrikaans. Regional Varieties
90   The use of Yoruba Oral literature in Yoruba Newspapers from 1859-1960
91   Democratic Deficit in the Parliament of Botswana
92   Back to Africa (Vol. II)
93   The Murle Language grammar and Vocabulary
94   Kadugli Language and Language Usage
95   Dinka Orthography
96   The Moro Language Grammar and Dictionary
97   A Grammar of the Fur Language
98   The Verbal System in a Dialect of Nubian
99   Langue Et Education: Quelle Langue Utiliser En Class
100  UNITY IN DIVERSITY: South Sudan COTALs Study and Familiarizaton Tour Report (South Africa, Botswana and Ghana) January 2013
101  Dikishonali Ya Kiikaonde
102  Understanding Shona Liberation war Fiction
103  Derolok Acoli-Acoli 
104  The Big Men of Africa
105  The 2011 Bofepusu Strike: A story of the fight for restoration of workers purchasing power
44    The African Nation: The State of the Nation( Chinese Translation)
         The Social Background of Coups d'etat
106  A High Price For Freedom: Memoirs of Sipho Richard Shabalala
107  Tracings: Pan Africanism and the Challenges of Global African Unity
108  South Sudan. The Crisis of Infancy
109  African Languages and Linguistic Theory: A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Herbert Chimhundu
110  Africanism and Continentalism: Mobilizing Global Africans, for Renaissance and Unity
111  Chilumbumazu cha Luvale                                                 
112  Umphandza Sichazamagama SesiSwati                      
113  The Language of Instruction Question in Malawi
114  Kudzidzisa Ruzhinji Rweafurika Nendimi Dzevatema
115  New Directions in Language and Literacy Education for Multilingual Classrooms in Africa
116  Dipoeletso-ditumammogo tsa setswana: A Dictionary of Setswana Alliteration and Consonance    
117  War in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan (1983 - 2011)  The Root Causes and Peace Settlement 
118  Language Rights in Southern Africa
119  Sudan Matters: Reports on Traditional Leadership and Administration in Africa; Two Cases from Sudan and South Sudan
120  Deconstructing the African Tower of Babel; Between the Harmonisation and Fragmentation of African Language Orthographies
121  PAN-AFRICAN CONCERNS   Keeping Our Eyes on the Ball
122  African Languages and Language Practice Research in the 21st Century    Interdisciplinary Themes and Perspectives
123  Chiikuhane (Subiya) Manual with Orthography
124  Shifting Lenses; Multilanguaging, Decolonisation and Education in the Global South
125  Reflections On Goldberg's Variations on Africanist Themes
126  John Blacking and Contemporary African Musicology; Reflections, Reviews, Analyses and Prospects
127  Sounds in South Africa
128  The Challenge of Decolonizing Education (2018)
129  A Grammatical Sketch of Cilambya; The Malawian Variant (2018)
130  Theoretical and Applied Aspects of African Languages and Culture; Festschrift in Honour of Professor Mildred Nkolola-Wakumelo (2019)
131  African Languages: Linguistic, Literary and Social Issues    A festschrift in honour of Prof. Herman Batibo (2021)
132  Ngugi Wa Thiong'o Kutapanura pfungwa Dzakatapwa Chiremerera Chemitauro Yeuvaranomwe Hwemufurika (2021)
133  Ke a Leboha Ngaka Ophetse! (2022) 
134  Forthcoming (2023)
135  Plant Nomenclature and Ethnobotany of the Hadzabe Society of Tanzania (2023)




1     In Tongues: African Languages and the Challenges of Development
2     Ngon Sekk
3     Akòjcpc Iwe Kikà Fun Ilé eke Gíga
4     Grammaire Yoruba De Base
5     Banso Koransan
6     Atumo-ede Fonoloji ati Girama Yoruba
7     Cman Ba Paye Ho Ahintasem
8     Ìsètófábo Nínú isé Àwon Ònkòwékùnrin Yorùbá
9     Beginning Yoruba Part I
10   Beginning Yoruba Part II
11   A Unified Orthography for South Central African Languages: Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia
12   Language Clusters of Nigeria
13   Ogbón-ìsòtàn Ìmúnìmotélé
14   Miyambo Yathu Ndi Ufulu Wa Amai
15   Tsogolo Lathu Lili Kuti
16   Cifunikilo Ca Maphunzilo
17   Matenda Ŵa Kalionde
18   Maghanze Anyonyauka – Sighalileghe Waswaya
19   Fa Ho Adwen
20   A Unified Orthography for the Akan Languages of Ghana and Ivory Coast: General Unified Spelling Rules
21   Matenda Ndi Zakudya
22   Madyedwe Abwino
23   Kupa Ulemu Ŵanakazi
24   L’Orthographe Harmonisee Du Mandenkan
25   Report of the Evaluation of the Democratization of ICT Content for Africa Pilot Project
26   Matenda Opatsilana (Communicable Diseases)
27   Donso Siriman
28   Sinbon
29   Udongo Ucinjilizha Matenda
30   A Unified Standard Orthography for Nguni Languages (South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia)
31   A Unified Standard Orthography for Sotho-Tswana Languages (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe)
32   A Unified Standard Orthography for Xitsonga / Xichangana (South Africa and Mozambique)
33   Amalile Ayasuma
34   Kupililana Kumamanga Dziko
36   Ririmie Rerhu Giredi Ya Nkaye
37   A Unified Standard Orthography for Shona Languages (Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique)
38   Ziva Kodzera Dzeko: Kugara Nhaka Yomufi Pasi Pomutemo Woruzhinji
41   Kaphunzisilo Na Kuphunzililo Ka Masamu
42   Ahintirho wa Yona
43   L'orthographe Harmonisee des Langues Gbe du Ghana, du Togo, du Benin et du Nigeria
44   Orthographe standard et harmonisee des Langues Gur
45   Speaking African on the Radio
46   Parler Africain à la radio
48-57  Zambian Primary School Readers: Icilamba Giledi 1
58   Bulu Ra Minsinya Ya Mihandzu
59   Matsalela Yokatsa Hi Xichangana
60   Kodzero Dzavanhukadzi Netsika Dzavashona Dzokuroorana
61   DÓ LÓ aló ACYANGBE (Proverbes en Gbe)
62   Contributions pour une reforme orthographique de l'Ewe
63   Kubatwa Chibharo Nedzimwe Mhosva Dzepabonde
64   Mhirizhinga Mudzimba
65   Ruzivo Pamusoro Pechirwere Chemarariya
66   Kuwanana Zviri Pamutemo
67   Chirairidzo Chemanyorero Matsva Omutauro Wechishona MuBotswana, NeZimbabwe
68   A Unified Standard Orthography of Eastern Interlacustrine Bantu Languages
69   Language as Indigenous Knowledge
70   Kushungurudzwa Kwevana
71   Ziva Kodzero Dzako Mendenenzi 
72   Ziva Kodzero Dzako Mhosva Dzapabonde
73   Kusimudzira Mutauro Netsika Dzeva Shona MuZimbabwe
74   A Unified Standard Orthography of Runyakitara
75   A Unified Standard Orthography for Eastern African Lwo Languages: Acoli, Dholuo, Dhopadhola and Lang'o
76   A Unified Standard Orthography of the Ateso-Ngakarimojong Cluster
77   Vilawilo Vacimunthu Na Citukuko Ca Vyalo Va Mu Afilikao
78   Kudzivirira Chirwere Chekorera
79   Kudzivirirwa Nekurapwa Kwechirwere Chamanyoka
80   Kuchengeta Varwere Kumba: Murwere Wemukondombera
81   Dzimurai Mwoto Mushango
82   Yananiso Yemapazi Omutauro WeChishona
83   A Unified Standard Orthography for Shona-Nyai Language Varieties
84   Manyorero Matsva Omutauro WeChishona Akavandudzwa MuBotswana, MoZambiki, NeZimbabwe
85   Iku Olowu
86   Wuthaware
212-217 Zimbabwean Primers – Grade 1 – Grade 7 (Book 1)
218-224 Zimbabwean Primers – Grade 1 – Grade 7 (Book 2)
225  Zivai Zimbabwe (Zimbabwean Readers) – Grade 1 – Grade 7
226  A Unified Standard Orthography for TshiVenda
227  Uma Ortografia Padronizada Unificada Para Variantes da Lingua Shona-Nyai: Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe
229  A Unified Standard Orthography for South-Central African Languages
230  A Unified Standard Orthography of Ma'di - Moru (Ti Alu) Languages
231  A Unified Standard Orthography for Namibian Bantu Languages: Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukwangali, Rumanyo, Silozi and Thimbukushu
232  The Standard Unified Orthography for Khoe and San Languages of Southern Africa
233  Kutangiza Bhizinesi
234  Indho/Indyo
235  Imitehetho Emitsha Elukwe Kutsha Yokubhala Lombhalomagama Wezindimi Zesinguni
236  A Unified Orthography for Bari Languages
237  A Unified Orthography for Dinka/Nuer Languages of Sudan
238  Grammaire Yoruba De Base Abregee
239  A Unified Orthography for Luo Languages
240  A Unified Standard Orthography for the Yoruba Language Cluster ( Nigeria, Republic of Benin and Togo )
241  A Unified Standard Orthography for the Hausa Language Cluster ( Nigeria,Niger,Cameroon, Ghana, Chad )
242  A Unified Standard Orthography for the Igbo Language Cluster (Nigeria)
243  A Unified Standard Orthography for the Ijo Language Cluster (Nigeria)
244  Une Orthographe standard et unifiee pour la Langue Haoussa ( Nigeria, Niger, Cameroun, Ghana et Tchad )
245  Une Orthographe standard et unifiee pour le yoruba
246  Orthographe Standard et Unifiee Pour la Langue Pulaar/Fulfulde
247  Aspects of the Phonology of Sukwa
248  A Unified Orthography For Kalenjin Languages Of Kenya
249  A unified Orthography for Bantu Languages of Kenya
250  Harmonization of the Orthography of the Bantu languages of Tanzania
251  Harmonizacao Ortografica Das Linguas Bantu De Angola
252  Girama Yoruba
253  Othographe harmonisee des langues kru     (de Cote d'Ivoire et du Liberia) 
254  A Unfied Standard Orthography for South-Central African Languages
255  A Unified standard Orthography for Nguni Languages: South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia
256  Catalogue of CASAS Unified Standard Orthographies (November 2013)
257  A Unified Standard Orthography for Maa Languages: Kenya and Tanzania (Arusa,  Ilchamus, Maasia/Kisongo, Parakuyu, Samburu)
258  A Unified Standard Orthography for Cushitic Languages ( Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Kenya & Tanzania)
259  Ortografia Oadrao Unifcada Da Lingua !Xun Ortografia Padrao Unificada das Lingua Khoi E San (Afica do Sul, Angola, Botswana, e Namibia
260  Ufulu Ndi Sankho Vuto Ya Azimai Mu Zambia
261  Kuchudzelana Kwetilwimi Eswatini
262  Nithini Ngolwimi Iwethu?  Challenges to the Promotion of Indigenous Languages in South Africa
263  Ukubumbanisa Kwezilimi Zesinguni: Imicabango Engenziwa Kanye Namathuba Akhona
264  A Unified Standard Orthography For Tjoao Languages (Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa & Zimbabwe)
265  Creating Knowledge in Africa
266  Itupale Ati Itopinpin Ewi Yoruba: Iji Aye Ti Olurankinse Ko Gege Bi Apeere

Occasional Papers

1   The Classification of Languages in Zambia and Malawi
2   Pratiques Langagieres et Esoterisme Linguistique Vaudou
3   “New” African Immigration to South Africa
4   The Deletion of the Article in Ivorian French
5   Ambivalent Adventure: Indigenization of Literacy Programmes in Africa 
6   Perspectives and Dilemmas in the Study of African Development
7   On the Production of Mathematical Knowledge in Central and Southern Africa
8   The Challenge of Expanding the Lexicon of an African Language: The Case of Kiswahili in East Africa
9   The Call to African Renaissance through Xhosa Literature
10  The Rainbow Nation: Can We Sing Together?
11  International Migration, Xenophobia and the Dilemma of the South African State
12  Zambians of Indian Origin: A History of Their Struggle for Survival in a New Homeland
13  Afro-Arab Interaction in the Indian Ocean: Social Consequences of the Dhow Trade
14  Accounting for Prenasals in Bantu Languages of Zone A
15  A New Panlectal Medium in Nigeria: A Little but Significant Index
16  The English Language as a Culture Transmitter: The African Experience
17  Standardization and Harmonization of Cameroonian Languages
18  Kodi Demokalase Ingamele Mizu Muafilika
19  The Metamorphosis of the Historical Imagination in the African Novel: Ayi Kwei Armah's Osiris Rising and Kemet (KMT)
21  The Phenomenon of Noun Class Systems: The Case of Batonu
22  Un processus de lexématisation par alteration phonique et tonale et par ellipse en èwè: le cas des noms des mois èwè
23  Le francais et les langues endogens en francophonie au Togo: les langues d'eveil dans les jardins d'enfants du Togo
24  The Traditional Foundations of Development
25  Gájlóm Rokóisínotcwó Bé Gbé “Gbenodú”Kóme Kasivímetc
26  Agbetc Bé Kúreká Yinyín
27  In Search of a Language Policy Model for Zimbabwe: An Endoglossic Perspective
28  A Survey of Gold Coast (Southern Ghanaian) Newspapers in the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century
29  Linking African Traditional Dance and History
30  Towards a Characterisation of Bantoid Languages: A Case Study of Noun Classes of Kenyang
31  Sudanese Trade in Black Ivory: Opening Old Wounds
32  Empowerment and Development through African Languages in South Africa in the 21st Century
33  An Analysis of the Direct and Indirect Illocutions of Yorùbá Proverbs
34  Bird Flu Translations
35  Bird Flu Translations
36  Bird Flu Translations
37  Bird Flu Translations
38  Bird Flu Translations
39  Bird Flu Translations
40  Bird Flu Translations

41  Epistemological Implications of Selected Shona Proverbs
42  Language Policy and Practice in Post-Colonial Zimbabwe: Is it a Case of New Wine in Old Skins?
43  Bird Flu Translations
44  Implications of Dislossia Leakage from Shona (L) to Shona (H): A Case of Advertising in Shona
45  Matambudziko Okudzidzisa Chi Shona Kupuraimari MuZimbabwe
46  Kacibungu Ka HIV na Matenda Gha Ezi
47  HIV ni AIDS
48  Struggling for Survival in a Multi-Religious Society: An Afrocentric Approach
49  Philosophical Issues Invoked by Shona People’s Conception of Life After Death
50  Bird Flu Translations
51  Bird Flu Translations
52  Bird Flu Translations
53  Bird Flu Translations

54  Ukulima Kubalulekile
55  Umkhuhlane Wevayirasi iA H1N1
56  Botlhokwa jwaThuto yaNgwao mo Dikoleng Tsedikgolwane
57  Maikutlo aBatsadi ka Tiriso yaPuo yaMmangwana mo Dithutong Tsedipotlana
58  Umkhuhlane Wevayirasi iA H1N1
59  Furuwenza iA H1N1
60  Ke Baithuti Bafe Babakasekasekelwang Gore Baseka Badira Dithuto Tsasetswana Mo Dikolong Tsedikgolwane Mo Botswana ?
61  Language and HIV/AIDS
62  Nyin Dze Nsee Dze. Culture Affirmation and Transvaluation of Values (2014 reprint)
63  Citukuko ndi Demokalase M'mudzi wa Chikunkhu
64  Exploring the Potential of Using Indigenous Basket and Mat Weaving in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
65  Malowe ga Ndaanda
66  Manual for IsiZulu Newspaper Editors
67  Breeding Patriarchal Patriots
68  The Sociolinguistic Aspects of Linguistic Innovation in the Chihwindi Linguistic Code
69  Izimpungushe ezincane
70  Two Twilo Rach
71  An Introduction to the idea's of W.E.G. Sekyi
72  Aspects of Kobina Sekyi's Constitutional Thought and its Relevance to Contemporary Ghana
73  Wenye Paliye kufunika kwa cilawilo pa maphunzilo
74  Anakadzi ano Pamiiri Noutenda Wohiv/Sida
75  Siddi Sufism and Identity Politics in South Asia
76  Applied History, Sekyi-ism and Contending Futures (4th Kobina Sekyi Memorial Lecture)
77  Alienation of Communal Land in South Africa: A New Form of Dispossession?
78  Characterizing Nigeria's Fourth Republic Legislature (1999-2015)
79  Africans in Mexico; Subjectivity of a Diasporan Community
80  Siddis of India; The Tide of Erasure of Memory and Cultural Invisibility
81  Theory of Politics, Development and Cultural Identity   William Esuman-Gwira Sekyi (Kobina Sekyi of Ghana, 1892-1956)
82  West African Radicals and Communist Anti-Imperialist Networks in the African Atlantic during the 1920s and 1930s (6th KSML)

Notes and Records

1   Cross-Fertilizing Vocabularies: The Case of the Nguni Languages
2   Language Clusters of Burkina Faso on the Basis of Mutual Intelligibility
3   The Sudanic and Nilotic Languages
4   A Classification of the Languages of Benin
5   Les Langues du Togo, Mutuellement Intelligibles
 Berber Languages/Dialects: Analysis of Mutual Intelligibility
 Arabic Varieties in North Africa
8   Mutual Intelligibility of the Languages of the Congo Basin
9   Languages and Dialects of the Ivory Coast
10  Langues de L’Afrque du Nord-Ouest Atlantique
11  A Propos de la Graphie du Pluriel en Bambara
12  Speech Forms of Ghana
13  Language Clusters of Central African Republic on the Basis of Mutual Intelligibility
14  Language Clusters of Niger on the Basis of Mutual Intelligibility
15  Basic Data on African Languages in Kenya
16  Problematique de L’intercomprehension entre Dialectes ou Langues (Mali)
17  Classification of Ugandan Languages
18  Language Clusters of Chad on the Basis of Mutual Intelligibility
19  Language Clusters of Cameroon on the Basis of Mutual Intelligibility
20  Les Langues du Gabon: donnees en vue d'une classification fondee sur le critere d'intercomprehension

Tinabantu Journals

Volume 1, No. 1
Volume 1, No. 2
Volume 2, No. 1
Volume 2, No. 2
Volume 3, No. 1
Volume 3, No. 2
Volume 4, No. 1
Volume 4, No. 2
