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The Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice is a research centre headed up by the Desmond Tutu SARChI Research Chair in Religion and Social Justice, Director Professor Sarojini Nadar (an NRF B-rated Researcher). The Desmond Tutu Centre's scholars challenge – contextually, theoretically, and methodologically – asymmetrical systems of power and commonly accepted assumptions about the social world and human experiences. 

The greatest strength of the Centre is the diversity of its researchers at all levels working under its auspices. The Centre champions research and teaching that endeavours to explore, excavate, and explain the multiple and complex ways that these research areas, questions, topics, and projects intersect. 

The Centre has five main thematic focus areas; Religion and Gender, Religion and the Economy, Religion and the Environment, Religion and Politics, and Religion and Education. Given the transdisciplinary philosophy of the Centre, these thematic foci do not function as discrete categories but rather as guidelines for illustrating the depth and breadth of the Centre’s undertakings. 

The African Journal of Gender and Religion (AJGR) is a bi-annual publication housed in the Centre. It is the first, online, peer-reviewed, open-access journal for the transdisciplinary study of gender and religion in Africa.
