Head of Department
Qualifications: B Iuris, LLB, LLM Cum Laude (UFS), LLM (Cambridge), Advocate of the High Court of SA
Position: Head of Department and Associate Professor
Tel: 021 959 3294
Email: mwandrag@uwc.ac.za
Position: Head of Department and Associate Professor
Tel: 021 959 3294
Email: mwandrag@uwc.ac.za
Riekie is a member of the Mercantile and Labour Law Department at the University of the Western Cape, where she specialises in Corporate Law and International Trade, Business and Investment Law. Her main research interest is Foreign Investment Law and Regulation. She recently presented papers and published particularly in the area of Investment Regulation and Investor-State Dispute Settlement, as well as aspects of corporate law, including insider trading regulation, and corporate governance, with specific emphasis on the governance of State Owned Companies. Previous publications and papers included aspects of the harmonisation of contract law and the link between investment regulation and climate change.
Riekie has served as supervisor and co-supervisor for numerous LLM Mini-theses, full theses and Doctorates. She has also examined the same both at UWC and various other Universities. She is the coordinator of the LLM Programme in International Trade, Business and Investment Law and the Annual Howard University Summer School Programme at UWC. She is Editor -in-Chief of the accredited academic journal Law, Democracy and Development.
Riekie has served as supervisor and co-supervisor for numerous LLM Mini-theses, full theses and Doctorates. She has also examined the same both at UWC and various other Universities. She is the coordinator of the LLM Programme in International Trade, Business and Investment Law and the Annual Howard University Summer School Programme at UWC. She is Editor -in-Chief of the accredited academic journal Law, Democracy and Development.
- "The Removal of the Distinction between Private and Public Companies" Parts 1 and 2 September and October 1992 Accountancy SA
- Henning, JJ & Wandrag, MS "Herkoms van die Private Maatskappy en oorsig van die huidige posisie in enkele regstelsels"(Origins of the Private Company and its current position in comparative jurisdictions) 1993 De Jure
- "The Removal of the Distinction between Private and Public Companies in SA law: A Historical analysis" Tran CBL 28 (1997)
- Henning and Wandrag: “Types of companies and financial disclosure in the European Union” 181 Journal for Juridical Science (1997) 1 181
- Henning and Wandrag: “Limited companies and limited partnerships in English Law: A historical watershed” Journal for Juridical Science (1997) 2 150
- “The constitutional and national law regulation of local government’s borrowing powers” LDD November 1997 263
- E Snyman en MS Wandrag: "Inleidende aantekeninge oor die transnasionale onderneming in die internasionale reg" 1998 Journal for Juridical Science Vol 23 No 1 Junie/June p207-223. (Introductory notes on the transnational business enterprise in the international law).
- MS Wandrag en E Snyman: "Die Multilaterale Beleggingsooreenkoms (MAI): ‘n kruispad vir internasionale beleggingsregulering" Journal for Juridical Science Vol 26 (2) 2001 pp 78-91 (The Multilateral Agreement on Investment: A crossroad for regulations of international investments)
- “The quest for Financial Discipline at Local Government level: The Regulation of Municipal Borrowing and Financial Emergencies” Law Democracy and Development Vol 7 (2) 2003 pp 243-268
- “SACU-US FTA: Investment Issues” Unlocking the SACU-US Free Trade Agreement. ‘in Draper P and Khumalo N ‘One Size doesn’t Fit All-Deal breaker Issues in the Failed US-SACU Free Trade Negotiations’ SAIIA 2007.
- Cariforum EPA and beyond: Market access for FDI and Rules on Investment: Conclusions and Policy Options for ongoing EPA negotiations in Southern Africa. Commissioned peer reviewed research for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Published 2008 at http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/laendliche-entwicklung/24568.htm
- “Unification of the Southern African Contract Law” European Journal of Law Reform 2011 (13) 3-4 pp 450 -460
- “Governance of state-owned companies” Chapter 29 in Company Secretarial Practice (Juta) 2017, and 2018 update”
- “The legal framework for the appointment and dismissal of SOE board members” 4 April 2019, DOI, https://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/women-and-democracy/board-members-of-state-owned-enterprises-towards-transparent-appointments/reports/wandrag_legal_framework_v4-1-3-for-electronic-use-1.pdf
- “The legal framework governing the appointment and dismissal of board members and executives of ESKOM, Prasa and the SABC”, 4 July 2019 DOI, https://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/women-and-democracy/board-members-of-state-owned-enterprises-towards-transparent-appointments/reports/wandrag_legal_framework_paper_2_revision_4_04_07_2019.pdf
Academic Staff

Position: Head of Department / Associate Professor
Tel: 021 959 3294
Email: mwandrag@uwc.ac.za
B Iur, LLB,
LLM Cum Laude (UFS)
LLM (Cambridge)
Riekie is a member of the Mercantile and Labour Law Department at the University of the Western Cape, where she specialises in Corporate Law and International Trade, Business and Investment Law. Her main research interest is Foreign Investment Law and Regulation. She recently presented papers and published particularly in the area of Investment Regulation and Investor-State Dispute Settlement, as well as aspects of corporate law, including insider trading regulation, and corporate governance, with specific emphasis on the governance of State Owned Companies. Previous publications and papers included aspects of the harmonisation of contract law and the link between investment regulation and climate change.
Riekie has served as supervisor and co-supervisor for numerous LLM Mini-theses, full theses and Doctorates. She has also examined the same both at UWC and various other Universities. She is the coordinator of the LLM Programme in International Trade, Business and Investment Law and the Annual Howard University Summer School Programme at UWC. She is Editor -in-Chief of the accredited academic journal Law, Democracy and Development.
Riekie has served as supervisor and co-supervisor for numerous LLM Mini-theses, full theses and Doctorates. She has also examined the same both at UWC and various other Universities. She is the coordinator of the LLM Programme in International Trade, Business and Investment Law and the Annual Howard University Summer School Programme at UWC. She is Editor -in-Chief of the accredited academic journal Law, Democracy and Development.
- "The Removal of the Distinction between Private and Public Companies" Parts 1 and 2 September and October 1992 Accountancy SA
- Henning, JJ & Wandrag, MS "Herkoms van die Private Maatskappy en oorsig van die huidige posisie in enkele regstelsels"(Origins of the Private Company and its current position in comparative jurisdictions) 1993 De Jure
- "The Removal of the Distinction between Private and Public Companies in SA law: A Historical analysis" Tran CBL 28 (1997)
- Henning and Wandrag: “Types of companies and financial disclosure in the European Union” 181 Journal for Juridical Science (1997) 1 181
- Henning and Wandrag: “Limited companies and limited partnerships in English Law: A historical watershed” Journal for Juridical Science (1997) 2 150
- “The constitutional and national law regulation of local government’s borrowing powers” LDD November 1997 263
- E Snyman en MS Wandrag: "Inleidende aantekeninge oor die transnasionale onderneming in die internasionale reg" 1998 Journal for Juridical Science Vol 23 No 1 Junie/June p207-223. (Introductory notes on the transnational business enterprise in the international law).
- MS Wandrag en E Snyman: "Die Multilaterale Beleggingsooreenkoms (MAI): ‘n kruispad vir internasionale beleggingsregulering" Journal for Juridical Science Vol 26 (2) 2001 pp 78-91 (The Multilateral Agreement on Investment: A crossroad for regulations of international investments)
- “The quest for Financial Discipline at Local Government level: The Regulation of Municipal Borrowing and Financial Emergencies” Law Democracy and Development Vol 7 (2) 2003 pp 243-268
- “SACU-US FTA: Investment Issues” Unlocking the SACU-US Free Trade Agreement. ‘in Draper P and Khumalo N ‘One Size doesn’t Fit All-Deal breaker Issues in the Failed US-SACU Free Trade Negotiations’ SAIIA 2007.
- Cariforum EPA and beyond: Market access for FDI and Rules on Investment: Conclusions and Policy Options for ongoing EPA negotiations in Southern Africa. Commissioned peer reviewed research for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Published 2008 at http://www.gtz.de/en/themen/laendliche-entwicklung/24568.htm
- “Unification of the Southern African Contract Law” European Journal of Law Reform 2011 (13) 3-4 pp 450 -460
- “Governance of state-owned companies” Chapter 29 in Company Secretarial Practice (Juta) 2017, and 2018 update”
- “The legal framework for the appointment and dismissal of SOE board members” 4 April 2019, DOI, https://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/women-and-democracy/board-members-of-state-owned-enterprises-towards-transparent-appointments/reports/wandrag_legal_framework_v4-1-3-for-electronic-use-1.pdf
- “The legal framework governing the appointment and dismissal of board members and executives of ESKOM, Prasa and the SABC”, 4 July 2019 DOI, https://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/women-and-democracy/board-members-of-state-owned-enterprises-towards-transparent-appointments/reports/wandrag_legal_framework_paper_2_revision_4_04_07_2019.pdf
Administrative Staff
Qualifications: NDip, BTech (CPUT)
Position: Administrator
Position: Administrator