Departmental Office
Position: Associate Professor & Head of Department
Location: Block A, Room E-12
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9554
Areas of specialisation: Early Childhood education and development/ Psychology of teaching and learning / Inclusive Education
Professor Trevor Moodley is an Associate Professor and current Head of Department in the Department of Educational Psychology.
He is also a registered educational psychologist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. He has a PhD in child psychology, as well as MEd (Ed Psych), BEd (Ed Psych), BSc, BPhil and HDE.
Professor Moodley has been in education for over 30 years both at school and at university level. His research interests are in early childhood education, inclusive education and factors influencing teaching and learning.
Book chapters
Kelly, J., Watermeyer, B., Lourens, H., Stofile, S., Moodley, T., Shanda, N & McKenzie, J. (2018). Participant perspectives on the educational needs of learners with severe to profound sensory impairments or intellectual impairments (SPSII) in South Africa in McKenzie, J, Kelly, J, & Shanda, N. (Eds.). Situational analysis of the educational needs of learners with severe to profound sensory or intellectual impairments in South Africa, Published by Disability Innovations Africa, Disability Studies Programme, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town
Moodley, T. Sadeck, M., & Luckay, M. (2018). Developing Student Teachers’ Professional Knowledge (Including Teaching Practice) in the Further Education & Training. In Y, Sayed, N. Carrim, A. Badroodien, Z. McDonald & M, Singh. (Eds.), Learning to Teach in post-apartheid South Africa:Student teachers’ encounters with initial teacher education, pp: 131-148. Cape Town: SUN Press
Moodley, T. & Moodley, C.G. (2017). Whole child development through formal teaching and learning. In Irma Eloff and Estelle Swart (Eds.). Understanding Educational Psychology, pp.102-109. Juta Publishers, Cape Town.
Green, L. & Moodley, T. (2017). Thinking differently about education support. In P. Englebrecht and L. Green. (Eds.). Responding to challenges of inclusive education in Southern Africa, Van Schaik, Cape Town.
Moodley, C., Moodley, T. & Adendorff, S. (2016). Communication skills in teaching. In C.Okeke, J. Abongdia, E Olusola Adu, M van Wyk & C Wolhuter (Eds.). Learn to Teach: A Handbook for Teaching Practice: Chapter 7, pp. 108-129.
Lombard, A. & Moodley, T. (2015) The development of number concepts in grades R and 1: Teacher educator support package for Mathematics teacher education teachers lecturing in Foundation Phase Programme (CPUT Project funded by the DHET, 2015).
Academic Journal Publications\
McKenzie, J., Kelly, J., Moodley, T., Stofile, S. (2020). Reconceptualising teacher education for teachers of learners with severe to profound disabilities. International Journal of Inclusive Education: 1-16.
Moodley, T. & Aronstam, S. (2016). Authentic learning for teaching reading: Foundation phase pre-service student teachers’ learning experiences of creating and using digital stories in real classrooms. Reading & Writing 7(1), a129.
Booys, H.R.R., Adendorff, S.A. & Moodley, T. (2016) : Grandparents as primary caregivers: a factor in the academic functioning and behaviour of their grandchildren. Journal of Educational Studies 14 (2), 2015: 139-154.
Wildschut, Z., Moodley, T. & Aronstam, S. (2016). The baseline assessment of Grade 1 learners’ literacy skills in a socio-economically disadvantaged school setting. South African Journal of Childhood Education 6(1), a340. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/sajce.v6i1.340.
Moodley, T., Adendorff, S.A. & Pather, S. (2015). At-risk student teachers’ attitudes and aspirations as learners and teachers of mathematics. South African Journal of Childhood Education 5(3), Art. #218, 10 pages. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/sajce.v5i3.218.
Braund, M., Moodley, T., Ekron, C. & Ahmed, Z. (2015). Crossing the Border: Science Student Teachers Using Role-play in Grade 7. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.
Adendorff, S.A., & Moodley, T. (2014). Intermediate and Senior Phase Mathematics Teachers’ perceptions of curriculum advisors. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, 5 (15): 424-433.
Braund, M., Ekron, C. & Moodley, T. (2013). Critical Episodes in Student Teachers’ Science Lessons using Drama in Grades 6 and 7. Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2013, 17 (1–2): 4–13.
Kuhne, C., Lombard., A & Moodley, T. (2013). A learning pathway for whole numbers that informs mathematics teaching in the early years. South African Journal of Childhood Education 3 (2): 77-95.
Moodley, T., Esterhuyse, K.G.F, & Beukes, R.B.I. (2012). Factor Analysis of the Spiritual Well-being Questionnaire using a Sample of South African Adolescents. Religion and Theology, 19 (1-2): 122 – 151.
Moodley, T., Esterhuyse, K.G.F, & Beukes, R.B.I. (2012). The Relationship between Coping and Spiritual Well-Being in a Group of South African Adolescents. Religion and Theology, 19 (3-4): 265 – 297.
Moodley, T., Esterhuyse, K. & Beukes, R. (2012). The Ways in which Adolescents Cope and their Relationship to Age, Gender and Specific Religious Variables. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 27 (2): 10–20.
Conference proceedings publications
Jantjies, M., Moodley, T., Maart, R. (2018). Experiential learning through virtual and augmented reality in higher education. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series: 42-45, 2018-12-19, ID:85062768961. Affiliation: University of the Western Cape
Location: Block A, Room E-12
Tel: +27 (021) 959 9554
Areas of specialisation: Early Childhood education and development/ Psychology of teaching and learning / Inclusive Education
Professor Trevor Moodley is an Associate Professor and current Head of Department in the Department of Educational Psychology.
He is also a registered educational psychologist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. He has a PhD in child psychology, as well as MEd (Ed Psych), BEd (Ed Psych), BSc, BPhil and HDE.
Professor Moodley has been in education for over 30 years both at school and at university level. His research interests are in early childhood education, inclusive education and factors influencing teaching and learning.
Book chapters
Kelly, J., Watermeyer, B., Lourens, H., Stofile, S., Moodley, T., Shanda, N & McKenzie, J. (2018). Participant perspectives on the educational needs of learners with severe to profound sensory impairments or intellectual impairments (SPSII) in South Africa in McKenzie, J, Kelly, J, & Shanda, N. (Eds.). Situational analysis of the educational needs of learners with severe to profound sensory or intellectual impairments in South Africa, Published by Disability Innovations Africa, Disability Studies Programme, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town
Moodley, T. Sadeck, M., & Luckay, M. (2018). Developing Student Teachers’ Professional Knowledge (Including Teaching Practice) in the Further Education & Training. In Y, Sayed, N. Carrim, A. Badroodien, Z. McDonald & M, Singh. (Eds.), Learning to Teach in post-apartheid South Africa:Student teachers’ encounters with initial teacher education, pp: 131-148. Cape Town: SUN Press
Moodley, T. & Moodley, C.G. (2017). Whole child development through formal teaching and learning. In Irma Eloff and Estelle Swart (Eds.). Understanding Educational Psychology, pp.102-109. Juta Publishers, Cape Town.
Green, L. & Moodley, T. (2017). Thinking differently about education support. In P. Englebrecht and L. Green. (Eds.). Responding to challenges of inclusive education in Southern Africa, Van Schaik, Cape Town.
Moodley, C., Moodley, T. & Adendorff, S. (2016). Communication skills in teaching. In C.Okeke, J. Abongdia, E Olusola Adu, M van Wyk & C Wolhuter (Eds.). Learn to Teach: A Handbook for Teaching Practice: Chapter 7, pp. 108-129.
Lombard, A. & Moodley, T. (2015) The development of number concepts in grades R and 1: Teacher educator support package for Mathematics teacher education teachers lecturing in Foundation Phase Programme (CPUT Project funded by the DHET, 2015).
Academic Journal Publications\
McKenzie, J., Kelly, J., Moodley, T., Stofile, S. (2020). Reconceptualising teacher education for teachers of learners with severe to profound disabilities. International Journal of Inclusive Education: 1-16.
Moodley, T. & Aronstam, S. (2016). Authentic learning for teaching reading: Foundation phase pre-service student teachers’ learning experiences of creating and using digital stories in real classrooms. Reading & Writing 7(1), a129.
Booys, H.R.R., Adendorff, S.A. & Moodley, T. (2016) : Grandparents as primary caregivers: a factor in the academic functioning and behaviour of their grandchildren. Journal of Educational Studies 14 (2), 2015: 139-154.
Wildschut, Z., Moodley, T. & Aronstam, S. (2016). The baseline assessment of Grade 1 learners’ literacy skills in a socio-economically disadvantaged school setting. South African Journal of Childhood Education 6(1), a340. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/sajce.v6i1.340.
Moodley, T., Adendorff, S.A. & Pather, S. (2015). At-risk student teachers’ attitudes and aspirations as learners and teachers of mathematics. South African Journal of Childhood Education 5(3), Art. #218, 10 pages. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/sajce.v5i3.218.
Braund, M., Moodley, T., Ekron, C. & Ahmed, Z. (2015). Crossing the Border: Science Student Teachers Using Role-play in Grade 7. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.
Adendorff, S.A., & Moodley, T. (2014). Intermediate and Senior Phase Mathematics Teachers’ perceptions of curriculum advisors. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, 5 (15): 424-433.
Braund, M., Ekron, C. & Moodley, T. (2013). Critical Episodes in Student Teachers’ Science Lessons using Drama in Grades 6 and 7. Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2013, 17 (1–2): 4–13.
Kuhne, C., Lombard., A & Moodley, T. (2013). A learning pathway for whole numbers that informs mathematics teaching in the early years. South African Journal of Childhood Education 3 (2): 77-95.
Moodley, T., Esterhuyse, K.G.F, & Beukes, R.B.I. (2012). Factor Analysis of the Spiritual Well-being Questionnaire using a Sample of South African Adolescents. Religion and Theology, 19 (1-2): 122 – 151.
Moodley, T., Esterhuyse, K.G.F, & Beukes, R.B.I. (2012). The Relationship between Coping and Spiritual Well-Being in a Group of South African Adolescents. Religion and Theology, 19 (3-4): 265 – 297.
Moodley, T., Esterhuyse, K. & Beukes, R. (2012). The Ways in which Adolescents Cope and their Relationship to Age, Gender and Specific Religious Variables. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 27 (2): 10–20.
Conference proceedings publications
Jantjies, M., Moodley, T., Maart, R. (2018). Experiential learning through virtual and augmented reality in higher education. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series: 42-45, 2018-12-19, ID:85062768961. Affiliation: University of the Western Cape
Position: Departmental Administrator
Location: Block A, Room E-8
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2246
Location: Block A, Room E-8
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2246
Academic Staff
Position: Associate Professor
Location: Block A, Room E-6
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2285
Areas of specialisation: Holistic wellbeing / Promotion of inclusive school communities
Professor Ansie Elizabeth Kitching grew up on a farm in the Free State where she formed a strong bond with nature. Inspired by the wisdom of people who were part of her life and informed by the knowledge she obtained through her academic work, she became a teacher in 1979, a registered educational psychologist in 1990 and started a career in Higher Education in 1996.
Prior to this, Professor Kitching worked at Hebron Teachers Training College and completed her internship at a school catering for learners with severe learning disabilities and in private practice before entering a part-time and later a full-time academic career.
Kitching holds a BA (Psychology), a Higher Education Diploma, A BEd Hons in Educational Psychology, a Masters’ degree in Psychology and a PhD in Psychology. She has 25 years' experience in Higher Education and has worked at the University of Stellenbosch, North-West University and now the University of the Western Cape. Professor Kitching has teaching experience on undergraduate level in Inclusive Education, Developmental Psychology, Learner Support and Community Psychology and on postgraduate level in counselling theory and practice. To date she has supervised and co-supervised a total of 16 Master's and 5 PhD students.
The focus of her research is on the development of schools into enabling, inclusive communities through the promotion of holistic well-being; the role of relationality in teacher education and classroom practices and the need for training educational psychologist and counsellors to engage in psycho-politically valid practices that will enhance access to services for all.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Kitching, A.E, van Rooyen, B & McDonald Z.(2019) Key aspects of the sustainable coordination of an integrated, multi-level process to facilitate holistic well-being in South African schools. Health Promotion International. Online August 2019.
Koch, R., Yates, H., & Kitching, A. (2019). Adolescent girls’ voices on their need for sexuality education: A cry for mutual sexual emancipation. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 75(1), 8 pages.
Kitching, A.E. (2018) Mind-shifts for enhancing the engagement of educational psychologists in the promotion of holistic school well-being. Educational and Child Psychology, 35(3), 8-19
Steyn, Helga, van Wyk, Carlien, & Kitching, Ansie. (2017). Conceptualising a proposed support strategy for sexually abused boys in middle childhood. Social Work, 53(4), 517-539.
Polk, D.M. & Kitching, A.E. (2016) From dreams to possibilities: the personal and career dreams of a group of young South Africans living in contexts of poverty. International Journal of Educational Studies. Special Edition.
Steyn, H., Van Wyk, C., & Kitching, A.E. (2014) Boys in middle childhood placed in a clinic school: Experiences of sexual abuse. Child Abuse Research: A South African Journal. 15(1), 15-28.
Van Rensburg, A., Theron. L., Rothman, I & Kitching, A.E. (2013) The relationship between services and resilience: a study of Sesotho-speaking youths. The Social Work Practitioner- Researcher, Vol. 25 (3), 286- 308.
Kitching, A. E., Roos, V., & Ferreira, R. (2012) Towards an Understanding Nurturing and Restraining Relational Patterns in School Communities. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 22(2), 39–50.
Kitching, A. E., Roos, V., & Ferreira, R. (2011). Ways of Relating and Interacting in School Communities: Lived Experiences of Learners, Educators and Parents. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 21(2), 247-256.
Magare, I., Kitching, A. E., & Roos, V. (2010) Educators’ experiences of inclusive learning contexts: An exploration of competencies. Perspectives in Education. 28, (1), pp.52 - 63.
Roos, V., & Kitching, A. E. (2010). Reflective learning in training mental health practitioners. Acta Academica Supplementum. (2): 91-108.
Kodituwakku P.W., Adnams Colleen M.; Hay Andrea ; Kitching Ansie E.; Burger Elana; Kalberg Wendy O.; Viljoen Denis L; May Philip A. (2006). Letter and category fluency in children with fetal alcohol syndrome from a community in South Africa. Journal of studies on Alcohol. Vol 67(4). pp 502-509.
Engelbrecht, P., Oswald, M., Swart, E., Kitching, A., Eloff, I.(2005) Parents’ Experiences of their Rights in the Implementation of Inclusive Education in South Africa. School Psychology International. Vol 26 (4).
Chapters in books
Kitching, A.E., Van Rooyen, B. & McDonald, Z., (2019), ‘Interactive relational dynamics as experienced by learners involved in bullying incidents in three South African secondary schools’, in C.B. Zulu, I.J. Oosthuizen & C.C. Wolhuter (eds.), A scholarly inquiry into disciplinary practices in educational institutions (NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Series Volume 2), pp. 27–44, AOSIS, Cape Town. aosis.2019.BK157.02
Kitching A.E. (2019) The development of an integrated, multi-level process to facilitate the promotion of holistic wellbeing in school communities. (In: Eloff, I ed., Handbook of Quality of Life in African Societies. Chapter 2 pp 45 – 69: Springer.
Kitching, A.E. (2017) A relationship-focused approach to the co-construction of enabling spaces for learning, development and well-being. (In: Eloff. I and Swart, E eds., Understanding Educational Psychology, pp 229 - 236). Juta, Cape Town.
Engelbrecht, P, Kitching, A, and Nel, W. (2009) Chapter 12. Education, Disability, and international development. In Disability and International Development. Towards Global Health. New York, Springer.
Kitching, A.E. & Hay, J. (2008). Chapter 7. Facilitating the counseling process: Strategies and techniques. In: Handbook of Youth Counseling. Johannesburg, Heinemann.
Location: Block A, Room E-6
Tel: +27 (021) 959 2285
Areas of specialisation: Holistic wellbeing / Promotion of inclusive school communities
Professor Ansie Elizabeth Kitching grew up on a farm in the Free State where she formed a strong bond with nature. Inspired by the wisdom of people who were part of her life and informed by the knowledge she obtained through her academic work, she became a teacher in 1979, a registered educational psychologist in 1990 and started a career in Higher Education in 1996.
Prior to this, Professor Kitching worked at Hebron Teachers Training College and completed her internship at a school catering for learners with severe learning disabilities and in private practice before entering a part-time and later a full-time academic career.
Kitching holds a BA (Psychology), a Higher Education Diploma, A BEd Hons in Educational Psychology, a Masters’ degree in Psychology and a PhD in Psychology. She has 25 years' experience in Higher Education and has worked at the University of Stellenbosch, North-West University and now the University of the Western Cape. Professor Kitching has teaching experience on undergraduate level in Inclusive Education, Developmental Psychology, Learner Support and Community Psychology and on postgraduate level in counselling theory and practice. To date she has supervised and co-supervised a total of 16 Master's and 5 PhD students.
The focus of her research is on the development of schools into enabling, inclusive communities through the promotion of holistic well-being; the role of relationality in teacher education and classroom practices and the need for training educational psychologist and counsellors to engage in psycho-politically valid practices that will enhance access to services for all.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Kitching, A.E, van Rooyen, B & McDonald Z.(2019) Key aspects of the sustainable coordination of an integrated, multi-level process to facilitate holistic well-being in South African schools. Health Promotion International. Online August 2019.
Koch, R., Yates, H., & Kitching, A. (2019). Adolescent girls’ voices on their need for sexuality education: A cry for mutual sexual emancipation. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 75(1), 8 pages.
Kitching, A.E. (2018) Mind-shifts for enhancing the engagement of educational psychologists in the promotion of holistic school well-being. Educational and Child Psychology, 35(3), 8-19
Steyn, Helga, van Wyk, Carlien, & Kitching, Ansie. (2017). Conceptualising a proposed support strategy for sexually abused boys in middle childhood. Social Work, 53(4), 517-539.
Polk, D.M. & Kitching, A.E. (2016) From dreams to possibilities: the personal and career dreams of a group of young South Africans living in contexts of poverty. International Journal of Educational Studies. Special Edition.
Steyn, H., Van Wyk, C., & Kitching, A.E. (2014) Boys in middle childhood placed in a clinic school: Experiences of sexual abuse. Child Abuse Research: A South African Journal. 15(1), 15-28.
Van Rensburg, A., Theron. L., Rothman, I & Kitching, A.E. (2013) The relationship between services and resilience: a study of Sesotho-speaking youths. The Social Work Practitioner- Researcher, Vol. 25 (3), 286- 308.
Kitching, A. E., Roos, V., & Ferreira, R. (2012) Towards an Understanding Nurturing and Restraining Relational Patterns in School Communities. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 22(2), 39–50.
Kitching, A. E., Roos, V., & Ferreira, R. (2011). Ways of Relating and Interacting in School Communities: Lived Experiences of Learners, Educators and Parents. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 21(2), 247-256.
Magare, I., Kitching, A. E., & Roos, V. (2010) Educators’ experiences of inclusive learning contexts: An exploration of competencies. Perspectives in Education. 28, (1), pp.52 - 63.
Roos, V., & Kitching, A. E. (2010). Reflective learning in training mental health practitioners. Acta Academica Supplementum. (2): 91-108.
Kodituwakku P.W., Adnams Colleen M.; Hay Andrea ; Kitching Ansie E.; Burger Elana; Kalberg Wendy O.; Viljoen Denis L; May Philip A. (2006). Letter and category fluency in children with fetal alcohol syndrome from a community in South Africa. Journal of studies on Alcohol. Vol 67(4). pp 502-509.
Engelbrecht, P., Oswald, M., Swart, E., Kitching, A., Eloff, I.(2005) Parents’ Experiences of their Rights in the Implementation of Inclusive Education in South Africa. School Psychology International. Vol 26 (4).
Chapters in books
Kitching, A.E., Van Rooyen, B. & McDonald, Z., (2019), ‘Interactive relational dynamics as experienced by learners involved in bullying incidents in three South African secondary schools’, in C.B. Zulu, I.J. Oosthuizen & C.C. Wolhuter (eds.), A scholarly inquiry into disciplinary practices in educational institutions (NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Series Volume 2), pp. 27–44, AOSIS, Cape Town. aosis.2019.BK157.02
Kitching A.E. (2019) The development of an integrated, multi-level process to facilitate the promotion of holistic wellbeing in school communities. (In: Eloff, I ed., Handbook of Quality of Life in African Societies. Chapter 2 pp 45 – 69: Springer.
Kitching, A.E. (2017) A relationship-focused approach to the co-construction of enabling spaces for learning, development and well-being. (In: Eloff. I and Swart, E eds., Understanding Educational Psychology, pp 229 - 236). Juta, Cape Town.
Engelbrecht, P, Kitching, A, and Nel, W. (2009) Chapter 12. Education, Disability, and international development. In Disability and International Development. Towards Global Health. New York, Springer.
Kitching, A.E. & Hay, J. (2008). Chapter 7. Facilitating the counseling process: Strategies and techniques. In: Handbook of Youth Counseling. Johannesburg, Heinemann.
Position: Associate Professor
Location: Block A, Room E-85
Tel:+27 (021) 959 2429
Areas of specialisation: Counselling Theory / Counselling Practice / Psycho-educational Assessment / Multicultural psychology
Professor Mokgadi Moletsane is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology.
Professor Moletsane obtained her PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Pretoria, in 2004. This is to go with her BA (Admin), BEd (Ed Psych), UED and MEd (Ed Psych).
For many years Professor Moletsane has been involved in the training of a number of programmes namely, BEd, BEd Hons (Counselling), MEd (Educational Psychology) and MEd (Learning Support, Guidance Counseling). She supervises and co-supervises Honours, Master's and PhD students. She obtained Leadership Training for Women in Higher Education from HERS–USA Brawn Mawr College in USA. Professor Moletsane also presents papers in local and international conferences, publishes articles, writes books and book chapters.
Her research interests include Child Development, Learning and Behavioural difficulties, Inclusive education, Psychological assessments and Intervention, Indigenous Knowledge in Psychology and Education, Multicultural counselling, HIV/AIDS and Gender-based violence.
Professor Moletsane has occupied various leadership roles in Education. These include; HoD (Educational Psychology Department), Acting HoD (Educational Studies), Deputy Dean: Research and Postgraduate Students and Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Development and Support).
Further, she is the founder of the Centre for Diversity in Counselling and Psychotherapy. The centre collaborates with international universities which are Christ University in India, University of Toronto in Canada and University of Verona in Italy. She took part in the Community Research project in La-Thitha special school in Khayelitsha.
Publications from 2011
John S and Moletsane M (2011). Re-imagining psychology: Proceedings of the South African Students’ Psychology Conference held in 2009 in Botswana. New Voices in Psychology. UNISA Publication. UNISA Pretoria
Odendaal N P and Moletsane M (2011): Investigating indigenous stone play as a projection medium in child psychological assessment. Journal of Psychology in Africa. Vol 21(14), 2011
Moletsane M (2011). (A member of the Community of Practice Participating in the Rresearch Method and Pedagogy Workshop. Community of Practice Steering Committee: N De Lange, C Michell, R Moletsane, L Theron, L Wood and J Stuart). Using a different lens for HIV and AIDS Education. Research Method and Pedagogy. Using Participatory Visual Methodologies. Published by HIV and AIDS . Port Elizabeth: HIV and AIDS Education Research Chair, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. SBN:978-0-620-51569-6
Perry H M, Mohangi K, Ferreira R & Moletsane M (2012). Teachers’ understanding and implementation of the National Curriculum for the physical development in the Reception year. South African Journal for Research in Spot. Physical Education and Recreation, 2012, 34(1): 123-136. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Spot, Ligaamslike Opvoedkunde en Ontspanning, 2012, 34(1): 123-136
John S, Odendaal-Hinzee N & Kekae-Moletsane, M (2012). Cultural inclusivity in psychology: The effective use of Masekitlana in psychological assessment and intervention. International Journal of Psychology. Vol.47, Issue S1 January 2012 (p479-485).
Phatudi, N & Moletsane, M (2013). Mother-tongue teaching through the eyes of primary school teachers in the North West Province, South Africa. Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 12(1), Dec 2013.
Moletsane, M (2013). Educational and Psychosocial Effects of AIDS on Orphans from Previously Disadvantaged South African Township. Journal of Human Ecology, International Interdisciplinary Journal of Man-Environment Relationship. ISSN 0970- 9274. J Hum Ecol, 44(3): 297-303 (2013).y
Phatudi, N C and Moletsane, M. (2013). Restoring Indigenous Languages and the Right to Learn in a Familiar Language:A Case of Black South African Children in (Eds) Beth Blue Swadener, Laura Lundy, Janette Habashi & Natasha Blanchet-Cohen. Children’s Rights and Education: International Perspectives. Published by Peter Lang. 2013.
Bojuwoye, O, Moletsane, M, Moolla, N, Stofile, S, Sylvester, F (2014). Learners’ experiences of learning support in selected Western Cape Schools. South African Journal of Education; 2014; 34(1) 1.
Smith, J, Moletsane M and Small R (2014). Teacher education institutions and schools as partners: Towards a model which strengthens the partnership relationship. Journal of Educational Studies. Volume 13 (2) 2014.
Moletsane M & Mukuna K R (2015). Response Rate on the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System (ARCS) by isiXhosa Learners: A Replication and Extension. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 2015, Vol. 25, Issue 2
Moletsane M & Mukuna K R (2015). Analysis of the Learners’ Responses of the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System: Critical Psychological. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Psychological and Behavioral Sciences Vol:2, No:11, 2015. International.
Moletsane M & Robert Kananga Mukuna (2016). Psychometric properties of a measure of psychological factors among francophone adolescent learners in a South African setting. Journal of Psychology in Africa. Volume 26, Issue 2
John S, Kekae Moletsane M and Mohangi K (2016). Masekitlana: Indigenous Stone Play and Dynamic Assessment as Therapeutic Techniques for Children Affected By HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Kamla-Raj 2016. Ethno Med, 10(3): 361-374 (2016)
Bojuwoye, O, Moletsane, M, Stofile, S, Sylvester, F & Moodley, T (2017). Principals’ roles, responsibilities and challenges in facilitating psycho-social and educational support in schools in the Western Cape, South Africa. Submitted: Journal of Educational Studies.
Mukuna K R and Moletsane-Kekae M (2019). Gender, age and grade level differences in psychological factors among immigrant francophone adolescent learners in the South African school settings. Contemporary Educational Psychology Journal.
Maimona, S, Moletsane, M & Mukuna R, (2019). Case study of isiXhosa-speaking Foundation Phase learners in an English medium disadvantaged school that experience barriers to learning in the Western Cape. South African of Education. Volume 40, Number 2, May 2020 1. Art. #1455, 9 pages,
Maimona, S. S., Moletsane, M. & Mukuna, R K (2020). Case study of isiXhosa-speaking Foundation Phase learners who experience barriers to learning in an English-medium disadvantaged Western Cape school. Department of Psychology of Education, School of Education Studies, University of the Free State, QwaQwa, South Africa
Maimona S, & Moletsane M (2021). Exploring Mother tongue education in the Foundation Phase to promote Linguistic Diversity: Learning Barriers in a historically disadvantaged school. International Journal of Studies in Psychology. Vol 1, Issue 1, January 2021.
Books and book chapters
Botha K and Moletsane M (2012). Western and African aetiological models (edited by A Burke). Abnormal Psychology. A South African Perspective. 2nd Oxford University Press. South Africa. ISBN 978019599837 5.
Moletsane M (2012). Prenatal Development (edited by J Hardman). Child and Adolescent Development. Oxford University Press, South Africa. ISBN 978 0 19 599979 2.
Moletsane M (2012). Children and Childhood in South Africa. (edited by J Hardman). Child and Adolescent Development. Oxford University Press, South Africa. ISBN 978 0 19 599979 2.
Major V & Moletsane M (2013). The human body and mind. L2 Primary Health. Pathways. Pearson Education of SA. ISBN: 978 1 7757 8582 8.
Moletsane, M and Stofile, S, (2013). Understanding Barriers to Learning. (Editors: CF Pienaar and E B Raymond). Making Inclusive Education Work in Classroom. Pearson Publishers, South Africa, Cape Town. ISBN: 978177574807
Moletsane, M, Raymond, E and Stofile, S, (2013). Learners with Cognitive and Behavioural (Editors: CF Pienaar and E B Raymond). Making Inclusive Education Work in Classroom. Pearson Publishers, South Africa, Cape Town. ISBN: 978177574807
Moletsane, M, Raymond, E, and Stofile, S, (2013). Instructional Approaches for Inclusive Classroom. (Editors: CF Pienaar and E B Raymond). Pearson Publishers, Making Inclusive Education Work in Classroom. South Africa, Cape Town. ISBN: 978177574807
Phatudi, N C and Moletsane, M. (2013). Restoring Indigenous Languages and the Right to Learn in a Familiar Language:A Case of Black South African Children in (Eds) Beth Blue Swadener, Laura Lundy, Janette Habashi & Natasha Blanchet-Cohen. Children’s Rights and Education: International Perspectives. Published by Peter Lang. 2013.
Major V & Moletsane M (2014.). The human body and mind. L3 Primary Health. Pathways. Pearson Education of SA
Major V & Moletsane M (2015). The human body and mind. L4 Primary Health. Pathways. Pearson Education of SA.
Moletsane M. (2016). Understanding the role of indigenous knowledge in psychological assessment and intervention in a multicultural South African context. In Ferreira, R (Ed). Psychological Assessment: Thinking innovatively in contexts of diversity. Cape Town: Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 978 0 70218 979 1 (Chapter 10: 154-170)
Moletsane M (2016). Accommodating sexually abused learners. In Magano M.D. and Ramnarain U. Teaching Sustainability in the 21st Pearson Publishers. ISBN 9781775952992
Hepper P and Moletsane, M (2016). Prenatal. In Joanne Hardman. Child and Adolescent development. A South African socio-cultural perspective. 2nd Cape Town: Oxford Publishers (Pty) Ltd.
Moletsane, M (2017). Women in South Africa: Striving for Full Equality Post-apartheid’. In Women’s Evolving Lives. Global and Psychosocial Perspectives. Editors: Judith L. Gibbons, Katelyn E. Poelker . Springer International Publishers. University of Toronto.
Bojuwoye, O & Moletsane-Kekae, M (2018). African Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Healing Traditions. In Global Psychologies. The Mental Health and the Global South. Editors; Suman Fernanado and Roy Moodley (2018). The Palgrave MacMillan Publishers, United Kingdom
Schmidt K, Moletsane M, Azzi-Lessing l (2019). Responding to young children with behavioural, emotional, and learning challenges. In Early Childhood Care and Education (0-4): A transdisciplinary approach. Editors: Adele Moodley, Namhla Sotuku, Kim Schmidt Kim and Nkidi Phatudi. Cape Town, Oxford University Press, South Africa
Botha, K, Moletsane M, Makhubela M & Burke A (2019). Origins and causes of Psychopathology. In Understanding Psychopathology. South African Perspectives. Edited by Burke, Austin, Bezuidenhout, Botha, Du Plessis, Jordan, Lake, Makhafula, Moletsane, Nel, Pillay, Stein, Ure, Von Krosigk and Vorster. Third Edition, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa.
Location: Block A, Room E-85
Tel:+27 (021) 959 2429
Areas of specialisation: Counselling Theory / Counselling Practice / Psycho-educational Assessment / Multicultural psychology
Professor Mokgadi Moletsane is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology.
Professor Moletsane obtained her PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Pretoria, in 2004. This is to go with her BA (Admin), BEd (Ed Psych), UED and MEd (Ed Psych).
For many years Professor Moletsane has been involved in the training of a number of programmes namely, BEd, BEd Hons (Counselling), MEd (Educational Psychology) and MEd (Learning Support, Guidance Counseling). She supervises and co-supervises Honours, Master's and PhD students. She obtained Leadership Training for Women in Higher Education from HERS–USA Brawn Mawr College in USA. Professor Moletsane also presents papers in local and international conferences, publishes articles, writes books and book chapters.
Her research interests include Child Development, Learning and Behavioural difficulties, Inclusive education, Psychological assessments and Intervention, Indigenous Knowledge in Psychology and Education, Multicultural counselling, HIV/AIDS and Gender-based violence.
Professor Moletsane has occupied various leadership roles in Education. These include; HoD (Educational Psychology Department), Acting HoD (Educational Studies), Deputy Dean: Research and Postgraduate Students and Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Development and Support).
Further, she is the founder of the Centre for Diversity in Counselling and Psychotherapy. The centre collaborates with international universities which are Christ University in India, University of Toronto in Canada and University of Verona in Italy. She took part in the Community Research project in La-Thitha special school in Khayelitsha.
Publications from 2011
John S and Moletsane M (2011). Re-imagining psychology: Proceedings of the South African Students’ Psychology Conference held in 2009 in Botswana. New Voices in Psychology. UNISA Publication. UNISA Pretoria
Odendaal N P and Moletsane M (2011): Investigating indigenous stone play as a projection medium in child psychological assessment. Journal of Psychology in Africa. Vol 21(14), 2011
Moletsane M (2011). (A member of the Community of Practice Participating in the Rresearch Method and Pedagogy Workshop. Community of Practice Steering Committee: N De Lange, C Michell, R Moletsane, L Theron, L Wood and J Stuart). Using a different lens for HIV and AIDS Education. Research Method and Pedagogy. Using Participatory Visual Methodologies. Published by HIV and AIDS . Port Elizabeth: HIV and AIDS Education Research Chair, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. SBN:978-0-620-51569-6
Perry H M, Mohangi K, Ferreira R & Moletsane M (2012). Teachers’ understanding and implementation of the National Curriculum for the physical development in the Reception year. South African Journal for Research in Spot. Physical Education and Recreation, 2012, 34(1): 123-136. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Spot, Ligaamslike Opvoedkunde en Ontspanning, 2012, 34(1): 123-136
John S, Odendaal-Hinzee N & Kekae-Moletsane, M (2012). Cultural inclusivity in psychology: The effective use of Masekitlana in psychological assessment and intervention. International Journal of Psychology. Vol.47, Issue S1 January 2012 (p479-485).
Phatudi, N & Moletsane, M (2013). Mother-tongue teaching through the eyes of primary school teachers in the North West Province, South Africa. Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 12(1), Dec 2013.
Moletsane, M (2013). Educational and Psychosocial Effects of AIDS on Orphans from Previously Disadvantaged South African Township. Journal of Human Ecology, International Interdisciplinary Journal of Man-Environment Relationship. ISSN 0970- 9274. J Hum Ecol, 44(3): 297-303 (2013).y
Phatudi, N C and Moletsane, M. (2013). Restoring Indigenous Languages and the Right to Learn in a Familiar Language:A Case of Black South African Children in (Eds) Beth Blue Swadener, Laura Lundy, Janette Habashi & Natasha Blanchet-Cohen. Children’s Rights and Education: International Perspectives. Published by Peter Lang. 2013.
Bojuwoye, O, Moletsane, M, Moolla, N, Stofile, S, Sylvester, F (2014). Learners’ experiences of learning support in selected Western Cape Schools. South African Journal of Education; 2014; 34(1) 1.
Smith, J, Moletsane M and Small R (2014). Teacher education institutions and schools as partners: Towards a model which strengthens the partnership relationship. Journal of Educational Studies. Volume 13 (2) 2014.
Moletsane M & Mukuna K R (2015). Response Rate on the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System (ARCS) by isiXhosa Learners: A Replication and Extension. Journal of Psychology in Africa. 2015, Vol. 25, Issue 2
Moletsane M & Mukuna K R (2015). Analysis of the Learners’ Responses of the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System: Critical Psychological. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Psychological and Behavioral Sciences Vol:2, No:11, 2015. International.
Moletsane M & Robert Kananga Mukuna (2016). Psychometric properties of a measure of psychological factors among francophone adolescent learners in a South African setting. Journal of Psychology in Africa. Volume 26, Issue 2
John S, Kekae Moletsane M and Mohangi K (2016). Masekitlana: Indigenous Stone Play and Dynamic Assessment as Therapeutic Techniques for Children Affected By HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Kamla-Raj 2016. Ethno Med, 10(3): 361-374 (2016)
Bojuwoye, O, Moletsane, M, Stofile, S, Sylvester, F & Moodley, T (2017). Principals’ roles, responsibilities and challenges in facilitating psycho-social and educational support in schools in the Western Cape, South Africa. Submitted: Journal of Educational Studies.
Mukuna K R and Moletsane-Kekae M (2019). Gender, age and grade level differences in psychological factors among immigrant francophone adolescent learners in the South African school settings. Contemporary Educational Psychology Journal.
Maimona, S, Moletsane, M & Mukuna R, (2019). Case study of isiXhosa-speaking Foundation Phase learners in an English medium disadvantaged school that experience barriers to learning in the Western Cape. South African of Education. Volume 40, Number 2, May 2020 1. Art. #1455, 9 pages,
Maimona, S. S., Moletsane, M. & Mukuna, R K (2020). Case study of isiXhosa-speaking Foundation Phase learners who experience barriers to learning in an English-medium disadvantaged Western Cape school. Department of Psychology of Education, School of Education Studies, University of the Free State, QwaQwa, South Africa
Maimona S, & Moletsane M (2021). Exploring Mother tongue education in the Foundation Phase to promote Linguistic Diversity: Learning Barriers in a historically disadvantaged school. International Journal of Studies in Psychology. Vol 1, Issue 1, January 2021.
Books and book chapters
Botha K and Moletsane M (2012). Western and African aetiological models (edited by A Burke). Abnormal Psychology. A South African Perspective. 2nd Oxford University Press. South Africa. ISBN 978019599837 5.
Moletsane M (2012). Prenatal Development (edited by J Hardman). Child and Adolescent Development. Oxford University Press, South Africa. ISBN 978 0 19 599979 2.
Moletsane M (2012). Children and Childhood in South Africa. (edited by J Hardman). Child and Adolescent Development. Oxford University Press, South Africa. ISBN 978 0 19 599979 2.
Major V & Moletsane M (2013). The human body and mind. L2 Primary Health. Pathways. Pearson Education of SA. ISBN: 978 1 7757 8582 8.
Moletsane, M and Stofile, S, (2013). Understanding Barriers to Learning. (Editors: CF Pienaar and E B Raymond). Making Inclusive Education Work in Classroom. Pearson Publishers, South Africa, Cape Town. ISBN: 978177574807
Moletsane, M, Raymond, E and Stofile, S, (2013). Learners with Cognitive and Behavioural (Editors: CF Pienaar and E B Raymond). Making Inclusive Education Work in Classroom. Pearson Publishers, South Africa, Cape Town. ISBN: 978177574807
Moletsane, M, Raymond, E, and Stofile, S, (2013). Instructional Approaches for Inclusive Classroom. (Editors: CF Pienaar and E B Raymond). Pearson Publishers, Making Inclusive Education Work in Classroom. South Africa, Cape Town. ISBN: 978177574807
Phatudi, N C and Moletsane, M. (2013). Restoring Indigenous Languages and the Right to Learn in a Familiar Language:A Case of Black South African Children in (Eds) Beth Blue Swadener, Laura Lundy, Janette Habashi & Natasha Blanchet-Cohen. Children’s Rights and Education: International Perspectives. Published by Peter Lang. 2013.
Major V & Moletsane M (2014.). The human body and mind. L3 Primary Health. Pathways. Pearson Education of SA
Major V & Moletsane M (2015). The human body and mind. L4 Primary Health. Pathways. Pearson Education of SA.
Moletsane M. (2016). Understanding the role of indigenous knowledge in psychological assessment and intervention in a multicultural South African context. In Ferreira, R (Ed). Psychological Assessment: Thinking innovatively in contexts of diversity. Cape Town: Juta and Company (Pty) Ltd. ISBN 978 0 70218 979 1 (Chapter 10: 154-170)
Moletsane M (2016). Accommodating sexually abused learners. In Magano M.D. and Ramnarain U. Teaching Sustainability in the 21st Pearson Publishers. ISBN 9781775952992
Hepper P and Moletsane, M (2016). Prenatal. In Joanne Hardman. Child and Adolescent development. A South African socio-cultural perspective. 2nd Cape Town: Oxford Publishers (Pty) Ltd.
Moletsane, M (2017). Women in South Africa: Striving for Full Equality Post-apartheid’. In Women’s Evolving Lives. Global and Psychosocial Perspectives. Editors: Judith L. Gibbons, Katelyn E. Poelker . Springer International Publishers. University of Toronto.
Bojuwoye, O & Moletsane-Kekae, M (2018). African Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Healing Traditions. In Global Psychologies. The Mental Health and the Global South. Editors; Suman Fernanado and Roy Moodley (2018). The Palgrave MacMillan Publishers, United Kingdom
Schmidt K, Moletsane M, Azzi-Lessing l (2019). Responding to young children with behavioural, emotional, and learning challenges. In Early Childhood Care and Education (0-4): A transdisciplinary approach. Editors: Adele Moodley, Namhla Sotuku, Kim Schmidt Kim and Nkidi Phatudi. Cape Town, Oxford University Press, South Africa
Botha, K, Moletsane M, Makhubela M & Burke A (2019). Origins and causes of Psychopathology. In Understanding Psychopathology. South African Perspectives. Edited by Burke, Austin, Bezuidenhout, Botha, Du Plessis, Jordan, Lake, Makhafula, Moletsane, Nel, Pillay, Stein, Ure, Von Krosigk and Vorster. Third Edition, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa.
Position: Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room E-113
Tel: +27 (021) 959 4157
Area of specialisation: Educational Psychology
Dr Vusiwana Babane has been a lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology at UWC since 2019, focussing on Child Development (Foundation Phase) and Psychology of Teaching and Learning as well as Inclusive Education (Senior Phase).
Her academic history includes BA Ed (1987) and Honours (1991) from the University of the North, before earning her Master's in Guidance and Counselling from Unisa in 2003 and Doctorate in Pyschology of Education from Unisa in 2018 - among others.
Dr Babane's professional career has seen her serve as a high school teacher, school and private practice psychologist, lecturer and other educational roles at various institutions, beginning in her home province of Limpopo.
Babane V.C. (2020). How language challenges affect the behaviour of immigrant learners in the Foundation Phase at three schools in Gauteng, South Africa. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 10(1), 1-10.
Location: Block A, Room E-113
Tel: +27 (021) 959 4157
Area of specialisation: Educational Psychology
Dr Vusiwana Babane has been a lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology at UWC since 2019, focussing on Child Development (Foundation Phase) and Psychology of Teaching and Learning as well as Inclusive Education (Senior Phase).
Her academic history includes BA Ed (1987) and Honours (1991) from the University of the North, before earning her Master's in Guidance and Counselling from Unisa in 2003 and Doctorate in Pyschology of Education from Unisa in 2018 - among others.
Dr Babane's professional career has seen her serve as a high school teacher, school and private practice psychologist, lecturer and other educational roles at various institutions, beginning in her home province of Limpopo.
Babane V.C. (2020). How language challenges affect the behaviour of immigrant learners in the Foundation Phase at three schools in Gauteng, South Africa. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 10(1), 1-10.
1. Short biography
Dr Ronél Koch, a trained school counsellor, has been employed as a lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) since 2013. Her role involves instructing aspiring teachers at the undergraduate level, primarily focusing on teaching methodology and educational psychology.
2. Research focus
Her research foci include: adolescent female sexuality, sexuality education, sexual decision-making, and Life Orientation. She obtained her PhD in Psychology of Education from the University of the Free State in 2022.
3. Research outputs
Since 2019 to the present, she has published four articles in peer-reviewed DHET accredited journals and presented her research at two local, and one international conference.
Koch, R., & Beyers, C. (2023). Teaching comprehensive sexuality education using a praxis co-created with adolescents. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 15(1), 1-8.
Koch, R., & Beyers, C. (2022). The Lived Experiences of Selected FET Adolescents on Comprehensive Sexuality Education in South Africa. African Perspectives of Research in Teaching and Learning, 6(3), 74-90.
Koch, R., & Wehmeyer, W. (2021). A systematic review of comprehensive sexuality education for South African adolescents.
Koch, R., Yates, H., & Kitching, A. E. (2019). Adolescent girls’ voices on their need for sexuality education: A cry for mutual sexual emancipation. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, 75(1).
4. National networks
By the end of 2023, Dr Koch teamed up with Aros (Akademie Reformatoriese Opleiding en Studies) to jointly submit a grant proposal. Their goal is to enhance teacher well-being by pushing the boundaries of knowledge, tackling intricate issues, and fostering a constructive influence on both society and the existing knowledge base related to this subject.
5. International networks
From 2019 onward, she has maintained a collaborative partnership with the University of Missouri, focusing on an ongoing project cantered around sexual consent.
6. Community engagement
She remains actively engaged with her alma mater, Heidelberg High School, in the community where she was raised. She is in the process of establishing a mentorship programme and actively advocates for advancing comprehensive sexuality education for high school students in this particular community.
Dr Ronél Koch, a trained school counsellor, has been employed as a lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) since 2013. Her role involves instructing aspiring teachers at the undergraduate level, primarily focusing on teaching methodology and educational psychology.
2. Research focus
Her research foci include: adolescent female sexuality, sexuality education, sexual decision-making, and Life Orientation. She obtained her PhD in Psychology of Education from the University of the Free State in 2022.
3. Research outputs
Since 2019 to the present, she has published four articles in peer-reviewed DHET accredited journals and presented her research at two local, and one international conference.
Koch, R., & Beyers, C. (2023). Teaching comprehensive sexuality education using a praxis co-created with adolescents. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 15(1), 1-8.
Koch, R., & Beyers, C. (2022). The Lived Experiences of Selected FET Adolescents on Comprehensive Sexuality Education in South Africa. African Perspectives of Research in Teaching and Learning, 6(3), 74-90.
Koch, R., & Wehmeyer, W. (2021). A systematic review of comprehensive sexuality education for South African adolescents.
Koch, R., Yates, H., & Kitching, A. E. (2019). Adolescent girls’ voices on their need for sexuality education: A cry for mutual sexual emancipation. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, 75(1).
4. National networks
By the end of 2023, Dr Koch teamed up with Aros (Akademie Reformatoriese Opleiding en Studies) to jointly submit a grant proposal. Their goal is to enhance teacher well-being by pushing the boundaries of knowledge, tackling intricate issues, and fostering a constructive influence on both society and the existing knowledge base related to this subject.
5. International networks
From 2019 onward, she has maintained a collaborative partnership with the University of Missouri, focusing on an ongoing project cantered around sexual consent.
6. Community engagement
She remains actively engaged with her alma mater, Heidelberg High School, in the community where she was raised. She is in the process of establishing a mentorship programme and actively advocates for advancing comprehensive sexuality education for high school students in this particular community.
Position: Lecturer
Location: Block A, Room E-105
Tel:+27 (021) 959 2596
Areas of specialisation: Life Orientation / Life skills
Frederick 'Toni' Sylvester is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology. He is also a Registered Educational Psychologist with the HPCSA and his qualifications include BA, HDE, BEd Honours in Special Needs, FDE (Special Needs) and a MEd Psych.
Beginning his career as a teacher for special needs, Mr Sylvester’s portfolio includes Educational Psychologist at the Centre for Student Counselling of University of Stellenbosch, lecturer at University of Cape Town, faculty leader at the Centre for International Educational Exchange (awarded faculty leader award best out of 20 countries), researcher at the Juvenile Justice, Institute of Criminology UCT and Career Guidance Counsellor (Progress College).
Mr Sylvester has published in areas of boys growing up with absent fathers, school support and gender as well as gender identity. His latest contribution was a book chapter on Barriers to learning. He also recently contributed to two books, “Claiming our Spaces… Changing the world” compiled by grade 10 learners from the Cross Roads community and a collaborative project with Gender DynamiX, “Gender Identity and Gender Expression” in South African Schools. Mr Sylvester has also presented papers at national and international conferences and in January 2019 was key note speaker at the Diversity Conference in Bangalore, India. He is passionate about teaching and a campaigner for children’s rights and inclusion.
His outreach and community involvement activities nationally and internationally has given him opportunities to travel to many different countries as a presenter, participant and activist.
Sylvester. Joint Publication. Implementing Positive Behavioural Interventions and Support in a Disadvantaged South African Primary School. Africa Educational Review. (2020 Submitted for publication)
Bojuwoye, O and Sylvester, F. Subjective well-being of Adolescent boys living in Single –mother households in a Cape Town suburb of South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 5, No 21. November 2014
Bojuwoye,O; Moletsane,M; Stofile,S; Moolla N and Sylvester, F. Learners’ experiences of learning support in selected schools in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Education 2014. 34 (1)
Bozalek,V;McMillan,W;Marshall,D;November,M;Daniels,A and Sylvester,F. Analysing the professional development of teaching and learning from a political ethics of care perspective. Teaching in Higher Education. 2014. DOI. 10.1080/13562517.2014.880681.
Bojuwoye, O. and Sylvester, F, Patterns of gender socialization of adolescent boys, in single-mother households, in a Cape Town, South Africa, community. Gender, Technology and Development 2012 16:197. DOI 10.1177/09718541201600204.
Sylvester, F., & Bojuwoye, O. (2011). Experiences of father absence adolescents from a South African community. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 21(1), 115-120. ISSN 1433—237
Book chapter
Addressing Barriers to Learning – A South African perspective. Landsberg, E; Kruger D and Swart, E .2019. ISBN -9780627036491.
Sylvester in collaboration with Gender DynamiX. “Gender Identity and gender Expression in South African schools” A resource for LO teachers.
Sylvester in collaboration with South African association of woman graduates and Ikamva Labantwana. “Claiming our Space Changing the world”.
Creative writing project with grade 10 learners from the Cross Roads community.
Christoffels, A., Sylvester, F., Rooth, E., P Struthers, University of the Western Cape. How to be a health activist. ISBN: 978-0-620-51650-1
Conferences Attended / Presented
Undergraduate Research Conference 2021 & 13 th Young Psychologist Competition 26-27 March 2021 Organized by Department of Psychology CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India.
Conference on Inappropriate Sexual Behaviours in Children. Cape Town
Presented: Understanding Diversity. 2019 4 th International Conference on Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness, Christ University, Bangalore, India. 2019.
Key Note Speaker. 30th International Congress of Psychology July 2012.Cape Town
School of Public Health. Winter school. Cape Town
Eleventh International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Community and Nations. University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. 2011
E-teaching annual conference, UWC. Cape Town. 2011
International Conference Higher Education. Turkey, Istanbul XIV World Congress of Comparative Education. 2010
The Education Students Regional Research Conference, ESRRC. Cape Town, University of the Western Cape. 2010
School of Public Health, UWC, Spring School. Cape Town. Life Orientation and its application in the classroom. 2011
School of Public Health, UWC, Winter School. Cape Town. Life Orientation and its application in the classroom. 2010
Visiting Scholar
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA. 2019
Community Based Organisation, The Bronx, New York. 2019
Christ The Redeemer University, Bangalore, India. 2019
Edith Cowen University Perth, Australia. 2016
University of Antwerp, Belgium. 2015
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 2014
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. 2013
Location: Block A, Room E-105
Tel:+27 (021) 959 2596
Areas of specialisation: Life Orientation / Life skills
Frederick 'Toni' Sylvester is a lecturer in the Department of Educational Psychology. He is also a Registered Educational Psychologist with the HPCSA and his qualifications include BA, HDE, BEd Honours in Special Needs, FDE (Special Needs) and a MEd Psych.
Beginning his career as a teacher for special needs, Mr Sylvester’s portfolio includes Educational Psychologist at the Centre for Student Counselling of University of Stellenbosch, lecturer at University of Cape Town, faculty leader at the Centre for International Educational Exchange (awarded faculty leader award best out of 20 countries), researcher at the Juvenile Justice, Institute of Criminology UCT and Career Guidance Counsellor (Progress College).
Mr Sylvester has published in areas of boys growing up with absent fathers, school support and gender as well as gender identity. His latest contribution was a book chapter on Barriers to learning. He also recently contributed to two books, “Claiming our Spaces… Changing the world” compiled by grade 10 learners from the Cross Roads community and a collaborative project with Gender DynamiX, “Gender Identity and Gender Expression” in South African Schools. Mr Sylvester has also presented papers at national and international conferences and in January 2019 was key note speaker at the Diversity Conference in Bangalore, India. He is passionate about teaching and a campaigner for children’s rights and inclusion.
His outreach and community involvement activities nationally and internationally has given him opportunities to travel to many different countries as a presenter, participant and activist.
Sylvester. Joint Publication. Implementing Positive Behavioural Interventions and Support in a Disadvantaged South African Primary School. Africa Educational Review. (2020 Submitted for publication)
Bojuwoye, O and Sylvester, F. Subjective well-being of Adolescent boys living in Single –mother households in a Cape Town suburb of South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 5, No 21. November 2014
Bojuwoye,O; Moletsane,M; Stofile,S; Moolla N and Sylvester, F. Learners’ experiences of learning support in selected schools in the Western Cape. South African Journal of Education 2014. 34 (1)
Bozalek,V;McMillan,W;Marshall,D;November,M;Daniels,A and Sylvester,F. Analysing the professional development of teaching and learning from a political ethics of care perspective. Teaching in Higher Education. 2014. DOI. 10.1080/13562517.2014.880681.
Bojuwoye, O. and Sylvester, F, Patterns of gender socialization of adolescent boys, in single-mother households, in a Cape Town, South Africa, community. Gender, Technology and Development 2012 16:197. DOI 10.1177/09718541201600204.
Sylvester, F., & Bojuwoye, O. (2011). Experiences of father absence adolescents from a South African community. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 21(1), 115-120. ISSN 1433—237
Book chapter
Addressing Barriers to Learning – A South African perspective. Landsberg, E; Kruger D and Swart, E .2019. ISBN -9780627036491.
Sylvester in collaboration with Gender DynamiX. “Gender Identity and gender Expression in South African schools” A resource for LO teachers.
Sylvester in collaboration with South African association of woman graduates and Ikamva Labantwana. “Claiming our Space Changing the world”.
Creative writing project with grade 10 learners from the Cross Roads community.
Christoffels, A., Sylvester, F., Rooth, E., P Struthers, University of the Western Cape. How to be a health activist. ISBN: 978-0-620-51650-1
Conferences Attended / Presented
Undergraduate Research Conference 2021 & 13 th Young Psychologist Competition 26-27 March 2021 Organized by Department of Psychology CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India.
Conference on Inappropriate Sexual Behaviours in Children. Cape Town
Presented: Understanding Diversity. 2019 4 th International Conference on Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness, Christ University, Bangalore, India. 2019.
Key Note Speaker. 30th International Congress of Psychology July 2012.Cape Town
School of Public Health. Winter school. Cape Town
Eleventh International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Community and Nations. University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. 2011
E-teaching annual conference, UWC. Cape Town. 2011
International Conference Higher Education. Turkey, Istanbul XIV World Congress of Comparative Education. 2010
The Education Students Regional Research Conference, ESRRC. Cape Town, University of the Western Cape. 2010
School of Public Health, UWC, Spring School. Cape Town. Life Orientation and its application in the classroom. 2011
School of Public Health, UWC, Winter School. Cape Town. Life Orientation and its application in the classroom. 2010
Visiting Scholar
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA. 2019
Community Based Organisation, The Bronx, New York. 2019
Christ The Redeemer University, Bangalore, India. 2019
Edith Cowen University Perth, Australia. 2016
University of Antwerp, Belgium. 2015
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 2014
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. 2013