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Head of Department

Position: Departmental Chairperson and Lecturer (French) Qualifications: PhD (SU)


Dr Blanche Assam is a lecturer of French in the Department of Foreign Languages and the Chairperson of the Department at the University of the Western Cape.

Her current research interests include the use of teaching aid tools in the classroom as well as foreign language teaching pedagogies specifically French language methodology for foreign learners, francophone literature, comparative literature and translation in a multicultural framework.

Academic Staff


Tawffeek Mohammed is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies. He is a native speaker of Arabic. He has taught many courses in linguistics, translation and interpreting and Arabic as a Foreign Language in several public and private universities in Yemen and South Africa. His research interests are wide ranging but located at the intersection of linguistics, language pedagogy, media studies, critical discourse analysis (CDA), translation studies, interpreting studies, computer-aided translation technology, computer-assisted language learning and mobile assisted language learning.

Publications of Assoc. Prof. Tawffeek Mohammed:

-Mohammed, Tawffeek, et. al (2020). The Use of Web 2.0 Tools in the Foreign Language Classroom. Journal of Educational and Social Research,  10(2):  177-190.
-Mohammed, Tawffeek (ftc). Formative Self, Peer and Teacher Assessments in the Translation Classroom. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences.
-Al-Sowaidi, Belqes, Mohammed, Tawffeek and Banda, Felix (ftc). Translating Conceptual Qur’anic   Metaphor: A cogno- translational approach. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 9(6).
-Tawffeek , Mohammed, Al-Sowaidi, B. & Banda, F. (ftc, Jan. 2021) Towards a Technology-enhanced Blended Approach for Teaching Arabic for Shari’ah Purposes (ASP) in the light of the South African National Qualifications Framework, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 11(1).
-Mohammed, Tawffeek (2020). Investigating the Translation Programme at Two Yemeni Universities in the Light of PACTE’s Translation Competence Model, Al-Ustad Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 59(1): 15-34.
-Mohammed, Tawffeek and Othman, Abdullah (2020). Social Intelligence and its relation to the performance of Students in Foreign Language Skills., Al-Ustad Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 59(1): 57-71.
-Mohammed, Tawffeek (2019). Problematizing lexico-grammatical equivalence in Arabic-English translation. VNU Journal of Foreign Studies, 35(3):139-165.
-Mohammed, Tawffeek & Banda, Felix ( 2018) .Translating Arabic Political Cartoons into English: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach, Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics.55: 47-75.
-Mohammed, Tawffeek (2019) Steiner’s Hermeneutic Motion and Translation of Isl?mic Philosophical Texts from Arabic into English. Aligarh Journal of Islamic  Philosophy, 25:39-67.
-Mohammed, Tawffeek & Saidi, Mustapha. (2017). Problematizing Equivalence in Translating Islamic Literature with Special Reference to Al-Kayl?n? 's ?Umar Ya?hur f? l-Quds.  Trans-kom, Journal of Translation and Technical Communication. 10 [1]: 101-126.
-Mansour, A., Al-Sowaidi, B. and Mohammed, T. (2014). Investigating Explicitations in English-Arabic Literary Translation. International Journal of Linguistics & Communication, 2(4): 97-125. 
Mohammed, T. & Banda, F. (2016). Mandela in the Arabic Media: A Transitivity Analysis of Aljazeera Arabic website. International Journal of Communication, Vol. 26, Jan-Jun 2016: 123-154.
محمد، توفيق (2019). مستوى تطبيق المكون العقلي المعرفي في مقررات الترجمة بقسمي اللغة الإنجليزية بكليتي الآداب- جامعة تعز- مجلة العلوم التربوية و النفسية، 8(4):71-95.
محمد، توفيق ، السويدي، ب و المنبري، ص (2020). تحديات ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم في ضوء نظريات علم اللغة النصي و الترجمة الحديثة (سورة ياسين انموذجاً). المجلة العربية للعلوم الشرعية و الإسلامية، 4(10): 79-112.
المنبري، صادق و محمد، توفيق (2020). إن الشرطية (دراسة دلالية تطبيقية على القرآن الكريم). مجلة الدراسات العربية (مداد)، 3(8): 137-157.
محمد، توفيق و السويدي، ث و منصور، أ (2018). الإيضاح في الترجمة الأدبية : قصة حديقة النبي أنموذجاً. مجلة الدراسات الإنسانية و الاجتماعية. 2(5):  103-123.
محمد، توفيق (2018). فاعلية استخدام تكنولوجيا التعليم و أدوات الإنترنت من الجيل الثاني في تعلم اللغة العربية كلغة أجنبية. مجلة الدراسات اللغوية و الأدبية ، 10(3): 1-29
-Mohammed, Tawffeek (2017). Arabic Language Skills: A technology-enhanced Course for Students of Arabic as a Foreign Language. Al- Ferdous Publishing, Taiz [also available via NEO LMS. The Listening Part is also available online [please make sure that your flash is on to view the content).
-Mohammed, Tawffeek & Al-Sowaidi, Belqes. (2018). Arabic for Shariah Purposes: A technology-enhanced course. Taiz University Press, Taiz [available online
Mohammed, Tawffeek (2019). -Arabic through the Qura’n. A Coursebook for Students of Shriah. Al-Ferdous Publishing, Taiz. [also available online 
-Mohammed, Tawffeek (2005/2014). Translating Literary Prose: Problems and Solutions, Centre of Languages and Translation, Taiz University.

Book Reviews:

Mohamed, Yasien and Mohammed, Tawffeek (ftc). Mahmoud Dhaouadi, Mishk?t Mith?q ta’?il wa-ta?r?r ‘ilm al-ijtim?’ al-‘Arabi (The Paradigm of the Indigenization and liberation of Arab Sociology). International Sociology Reviews.

Submitted Papers:
(The following papers were submitted to accredited and Scopus indexed journals).

 -Mohammed, Tawffeek & Banda, Felix. Mandela in the Arab World: An Interpersonal Appraisal Analysis of the BBC Arabic programme "What does Mandela Mean to you?"
-Mohammed, Tawffeek . Translating Arabic political Jokes into English.
-Mohammed, Tawffeek. Enhancing Acceptability in the Target Language: Use of Corpora in Translation Studies. 
-The Attitudes of students towards the use of three learning management systems (LMS) in the light of the technology acceptance model.

Research projects in Progress
Journal Articles

-Mohammed, Tawffeek, Saidi, M. and N. A.  Blanche.  The use of blended learning in teaching foreign languages at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
-Teaching Translating and Interpreting in the Digital Age.
-Translation as Manipulation: An analysis of the UNESCO's Arabic Translation of Mandela's speeches. (with Prof., Banda, F.)
-Saturation and omissions in Arabic-English Simultaneous Interpreting.
-From teaching Language through Literature to Teaching Language and Literature: The Use of Digital Storytelling in Teaching Arabic as A Foreign Language.
-Recontexualizing Al-Baradounis’s Poetry in the Yemeni War: A Political Discourse Analysis of some of his Poems. (with Prof. Banda, F.)

Book chapters

Computational Linguistics and Translation Studies: The use of comparative and parallel corpora in Arabic-English translation (ftc). Computational Linguistics and the challenges of digitization (اللسانيات الحاسوبية و تحدى الرقمية).


Mark is the lecturer for Latin and Classical Culture. His research interests focus on Greek and Roman historiography as well as Greek comedy and tragedy. 

Addresses to Professional Audiences

Research seminar: “The relationship between the Anacyclosis of Polybius and the Roman constitution” (with special reference to Polybius VI 4.13 and 9.12). Beattie Building, UCT, 16 May 1991.

Address to a Teachers’ Workshop on Materials Development in the UWCLOSE project. Beattie Building, UCT, 31 January 1995.

“New and innovative teaching techniques employed at the University of the Western Cape” - Classics Indaba: Vaaldam, 15-17 September 1995.

“Teaching Latin in South Africa: a linguistic perspective” 22nd Biennial conference of CASA, University of Pretoria, 21-24 January 1997.

“The Trojan Horse and South African History” 24th Biennial conference of CASA, University of South Africa, 22-25 January 2001.

“The Coded Fountain” 26th Biennial conference of CASA, University of KwaZulu Natal, 5-7 July 2005.

“The Paratext of Terence: An analysis of the prologues to Terence’s Comedies” 29th Biennial conference of CASA, University of Rhodes, 28-30 June 2011.

“Wealth and Poverty As Determining Factors In Raising Children” 32nd Biennial CASA Conference, Pretoria 26-29 October 2017.

“On the Prefaces of the Dutch Botanist, Rembertus Dodonaeus.” CASA Autumn Meeting, University of Stellenbosch, 24 March 2018.

“Framing Reconciliation in South Africa - The Paratext of Ya?l Farber’s Molora” 33rd Biennial Conference of The Classical Association of South Africa, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIαS), 7-10 November 2019.

External Examiner

2016-2017 PhD Thesis by Rolene Meyer (UNISA)
Ut pictura poesis: Kleur en teks in die Latynse letterkunde met spesiale verwysing na die Georgica van Vergilius.


Dr Mustapha Saidi joined UWC as  a lecturer for Arabic and Islamic Studies in 2003. He is a native Arabic speaker and he received his PhD degree for his thesis “Convergence of the Metaphor and the Interpretation of the holy Qu’ran – An aesthetic and literary approach with special reference to Surah Yusuf”.  He is also a Sworn Translator at the South African High Courts for the languages of Arabic, French and English since 2002. His areas of research include Arabic Literature, Islamic Studies, Islamic Theology & Philosophy, Linguistics & Translation and TAFL (Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language). In 2017 Dr Saidi was invited to serve as a Referee for International Teams participating in the 4th International Universities Arabic Debating Championship in Qatar and he also served as Coach for the participating UWC Arabic Debating Team. At the moment Dr Saidi is actively involved and pursuing his research in the field of Arabic literature, linguistics and Philosophy.

Dr Saidi has published the following Papers:

-Tawffeek A.S. Mohammed; Mustapha Saidi : Problematizing Translation equivalence in Islamic Literature with special reference to Al-Kaylani’s Umar Yazhur fi Al-Quds.  Transkom ISSN1867-4844.
-Belqes S.A.; Mustapha Saidi:  Translating Drama: A comparative study of Two Translations of Shaw’s Arms and the Man (2019).  IJT (Vol.31, No.1-2, ISSN 0970-9819).
-Tawffeek A.S. Mohammed; Blanche Nyingome Assam; Mustapha Saidi (2020): “The use of Web 2.0 Tools in the Foreign Language Classroom”. Journal of  Educational & Social Research, Vol.10 No.2,  ISSN 2240-0524 (Online); ISSN 2239-978X (Print).
 -Mustapha Saidi (2020): “The use of Literature in the Foreign Language Classroom”Arts Journal: Linguistics & Literary Studies, Faculty of Arts, Thamar University, Yemen – Issue (7); ISSN: 27707-5508.

Conference Papers Presented by Dr Saidi:

-2012: International Conference on Philosophy and Religion in Africa. Reconciliation between Philosophy and Religion: A critical analysis of Ibn Rushd’s Fasl Al-Maqal (The Decisive Treatise)”.  University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
-2015: Foreign Language Seminar. Faculty of Arts, University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Paper presented on Fantasia Literature titled:“Story of Sherezade in Arabian Nights – an analytical and literary approach”
-2017:  4th International Conference on Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization. Ibn Arabi’s Sufi Inclination and Poetic Experiences with special reference to his collection of poems, Tarjuman Al-Ashwaaq of Contents.html , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
-2018 : 5th International Conference on Arabic Studies and Islamic Civilization “Metaphor between Exegesis and interpretation of the Qur’an – a hermeneutical approach”. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. of Contents.html

2019: Theveli 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, Male, Maldives National University.“An analytical Study of the Narrative Discourse of Tayeb Saleh’s Novel (Season of Migration to the North) : A Genetic Structural Approach”.  Paper presently under review to be published in the Maldives National Journal of Research.

Nuraan finished her undergraduate studies at UWC in 2017 and went on to study Classics on a post graduate level. She believes that Classical Culture shows that there is some sort of collective conscience amongst humans, no matter how wacky differences in interpretations and methods may be. Her research interest lies in Graeco-Roman religious cults with focus on initiatory practices, however, she has experience in working with Greek literature and poetry, and teaching in interpretations of Greek and Roman art.

Jessica Glaeser is an associate lecturer for French in the Department. She is busy completing her PhD study which is an even deeper analysis and depiction of the African context that emerged from her Master's study. She is adding many new insights and themes such as Biblical topoi and Jungian perspectives, manifesting from a number of novels. She explores African Francophone Literature with a specific focus on the female novelist, Calixthe Beyala. Jessica's research interest is in demonstrating the intersection between actuality and fiction within the African context, as evidenced in the relevant novels. Jessica is also a PhD fellow in the Centre for Humanities Research (CHR).


BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) (Stellenbosch University)
Honours in German Studies (Cum Laude) (Stellenbosch University)
MA (Cum Laude) (Leipzig University, Germany & Stellenbosch University, South Africa)


Ms. Groenewald has been a lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages at UWC since January 2019. She is a lecturer in the German division. She has been educated in South Africa and Germany and her research interests are second language acquisition, teaching German as a Foreign Language in the South African context and postcolonial studies.


Groenewald, Karin (2019). Zu Lernmotivationen für Deutsch im südafrikanischen Kontext am Beispiel einer Fallstudie: Stellenbosch. Unveröffentlichte Masterarbeit. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Groenewald, Karin (2019). Motivations for learning German in the South African context with Stellenbosch as case study - an investigation into knowledge production and the decolonising of the curriculum. In: Cilliers van den Berg (ed.), Acta Germanica: German Studies in Africa 47, pp. 11 –22.
Groenewald, Karin (2019). Lernmotivationen für Deutsch in Stellenbosch. In: Isabel dos Santos (ed.), eDUSA: Deutschunterricht im südlichen Afrika / Teaching German in Southern Africa 14(1), pp. 38-58.
Ehren, Rico / Groenewald, Karin / Pfaff, Isabell (2020). Digitale Lehre während der COVID-19-Krise – Von 0 auf 100?! Ein erster Praxisbericht der Hochschulgermanistik des Western Cape. In: Isabel dos Santos (ed.), eDUSA: Deutschunterricht im südlichen Afrika / Teaching German in Southern Africa 15(1), pp. 5-21.


Kira joined UWC as a staff member in January 2012. She is a mother-tongue German speaker. Her research interest lies in reading 20th-century and contemporary German literature in an African context. This includes travel literature, decolonial studies, and post-colonial ecocriticism. She has published articles on authors like Ilija Trojanow, Thomas Stangl, and Annemarie Schwarzenbach. 

From 2012 until 2016 she was co-editor of the academic annual Acta Germanica. Together with Bruno Arich-Gerz and Antje Ziethen, she edited the bilingual essay collection Africa – Raum - Literatur. Africa - Space – Literature (Gardez Publishing House, 2014). She is currently working on her PhD thesis on the literary works of the Bulgarian author, Ilija Trojanow.


Nord-Südkonflikt und Ökokritik in Ilija Trojanows EisTau und Zakes Mdas The Heart of Redness. In: Dürbeck, Gabriele; Christine Kanz, Ralf Zschachlitz (eds): Ökologischer Wandel in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Neue Ansätze und Perspektiven. Berlin: Peter Lang 2018, 257-272.

(Öko-)Tourismuskonzepte in Ilija Trojanows EisTau und Zakes Mdas Heart of Redness. In: Zhu, Jianhua; Szurawitzki, Michael, Jin Zhao: Akten des XIII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Shanghai 2015 – Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation, Vol. 10. Berlin: Peter Lang 2018. 

„Können Sie mir denn diesen Code entschlüsseln?“ Enigma und pikarisches Erzählen in Ilija Trojanows Nomade auf vier Kontinenten. In: Elze, Jens (eds.): Das Enigma des Pikaresken / The Enigma of the Picaresque. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter 2018, 195-213.

„Es war eine grosse, mondhelle Persepolis-Nacht“. Zu Annemarie Schwarzenbachs Persien-Rezeption. In: Maillard, Christine; Tafazoli, Hamid (eds): Der interkulturelle Diskurs des deutschsprachigen Raumes und Persiens. Literarische Rezeption, Wissenstransfer, Spiritualität. Strasbourg: Presses universitaires de Strasbourg 2017, S. 89-100.

Afrika – Raum – Literatur. Fiktionale Geographien. Eine Einleitung (mit Bruno Arich-Gerz und Antje Ziethen). In: Arich-Gerz, Bruno; Schmidt, Kira; Ziethen, Antje (eds): Afrika – Raum – Literatur / Africa – Space – Literature. Remscheid: Gardez!-Verlag 2014, S. 9-18.

Africa – Space – Literature. Fictional Geographies. A Condensed Introduction (mit Bruno Arich-Gerz und Antje Ziethen). In: Arich-Gerz, Bruno; Schmidt, Kira; Ziethen, Antje (eds): Afrika – Raum – Literatur / Africa – Space – Literature. Remscheid: Gardez!-Verlag 2014, S. 19-22.

„Am Meer vermischt sich alles.“ Afrika vom Indischen Ozean aus betrachtet in Ilija Trojanows Burton-Texten. In: Afrika – Raum – Literatur / Africa – Space – Literature. Remscheid: Gardez!-Verlag 2014, S. 52-66.

„Von dem gesegneten Sidi aus Bombay“. Über die „Wiederkehr der Schelme“ in Ilija Trojanows Der Weltensammler. In: Marianne Zappen-Thomson; Gertrud Tesmer (eds): Von Schelmen und Tatorten. Von Literatur und Sprache. Festschrift für Volker Gretschel. 2014, S. 6-16. 

Grenzüberschreitungen zwischen Journalismus und Literatur., Nr. 4, April 2013.

„Die Geschichte zur Wahrheit […] verfälschen“. Historiografische Metafiktion in Der Weltensammler und Der einzige Ort. Acta Germanica 40, 2012, S. 123-133.

Die Magie der Namen in Reisetexten von Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Thomas Stangl und Ilija Trojanow. Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik. Reihe A. 106, 2012, S. 117-128.

„Falsifier L’histoire pour retrouver la vérité“: Der Weltensammler et Der einzige Ort. Allemagne d’aujourd’hui 200, 2012, S. 100-109.

Tendenzen der Annemarie Schwarzenbach-Forschung (2005-2010). In: Zeitschrift für Germanistik. No. 3, 2011, pp. 604-610.

Burton als Held eines transkulturellen Mythos? Zu Der Weltensammler (2006) von Ilija Trojanow. In: Jástal, Katarzyna; Palej, Agnieszka; Dabrowska, Anna; Moskala, Pawel (ed.): Variable Konstanten. Mythen in der Literatur. 2011, S. 383-390.

Mythische Strukturen in Annemarie Schwarzenbachs ‘Tod in Persien’. In: Mirella Carbone (ed.): Annemarie Schwarzenbach. Werk, Wirkung, Kontext. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2010, S. 189-208.

Mythische Strukturen in literarischen Werken Annemarie Schwarzenbachs. Potsdam: Universitätsverlag, 2008. URL:

Interview mit Thomas Stangl anlässlich seiner Lesung von Der einzige Ort im Rahmen der SAGV-Tagung „Reisen und Wissenschaft“. Acta Germanica 41, 2013, S. 211-214. [interview together with Carlotta von Maltzan].

„Es erzählt aus mir heraus“. Ilija Trojanow im Gespräch mit Kira Schmidt. Acta Germanica 44, 2016, S. 271-279. [interview].

Meinungsbericht zur #FeesMustFall-Bewegung an der University of the Western Cape. eDUSA 11, 2016, S. 6-9. URL: 


SAGV (Association for German Studies in Southern Africa)

GiG (Association for intercultural German Studies)

IVG (International Association for Germanic Studies)


Sandra is a lecturer who joined the Department in 2003. Her present position in the French Department of UWC has its roots in 1999. It all started when she enrolled at UWC as a first-year student wanting to learn French. At the time, she did not know how to greet someone in French, nor did she know any French vocabulary. There was an urgency of some sort, a drive to learn to speak it, only to discover later that these studies would lead to an exciting second career.
At present, her passion is to teach French to students who must acquire French as a foreign language and to co-experience all the challenges and excitement of the journey of this acquisition with them, from the grammar at beginners’ level in the first year and onwards when she and her students deal with advanced grammar, text analysis and literature. 

In text analysis and literature, it all comes together, and you reap all the benefits of being able to speak and read and write in a foreign language which gives you access to information and knowledge that were previously inaccessible. 

Sandra finished her MA in Afrikaans in 2012, John Miles, Kroniek uit die doofpot, polisieroman: ? Dekonstruktiewe leesoefening. Her research interests are deconstruction and literature. She loves to discover how writers see life and what they say about the world around them through literature. What an exciting job! 

Emeritus and Extraordinary Professors

Position: Emeritus Professor


Prof Mohamed is an Emeritus Professor in the Arabic section. His research interests include Arabic language and literature, Islamic philosophy, and language methodology. He has edited several books, including The Teaching of Arabic in South Africa, and Roots to Writing in Southern Africa. He is the co-author of First Steps in Arabic Grammar; and author of Fitrah: the Islamic Concept of Human Nature.


Publications: 2015-2000
Chapters in Books

“Principles of Sufi Education”, in Sufism and Social Integration: Connecting Hearts, Crossing Boundaries, editors Golam Dastagir and Mohammad H. Faghfoory, Chicago: Kazi Publications, 2015, 65-88.

“Duties of the Teacher: Isfahani’s al-Dhari’ah as a Source of inspiration for al-Ghazali’s Mizan al Amal”, in Islam and Rationality: The impact of al-Ghazali, papers collected on his 900th anniversary, volume 1, editor Georges Tamer, Leiden/Boston: EJ Brill, 2015, 186-206, Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, Texts and Studies, series editor, H. Daiber et al. vol. 94.

“The division of labor and its theoretical foundations: Comparing Ibn Khaldun and Adam Smith”, in Labor in an Islamic Setting, editors Necmettin Kizilakaya and Toseef Azid, Routledge (A Group of Taylor and Francis), UK, 2017:27-45.  

 “I? Bölümü ve Teorik Temelleri: Ibn-i-Haldun ve Adam Smith’in Kar??la?t?r?lmas?”, in ?slam ?ktisad? ve Emeki, editor Yayina Hazirlayan: Yunus Enes Sezgin, Igiad Yay?nlar?: 18, ?slam ?ktisadi Kitabli?i:3, 2016, Istanbul, 167-204. [Turkish Translation of “The Division of Labor and its Theoretical Foundations”].

“Critical Reflections on Faruqi’s Islamization”, in International Handbook of Philosophy of Education, ed. Paul Smeyers, part 1, Springer. 2018:147-162.  

“An Islamic Response to Steven Bouma-Prediger”, in T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Theology and Climate Change, eds Ernst M. Conradie & Hilda P. Koster, T &T Clark, London, 2020: 189-192.

“Relearning to be Human Through Love and Friendship”, in Self-Awareness of Life in the New Era, eds. Peter Jonkers, He Xirong & Shi Yongze, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington DC, 2020:95-114.

Electronic Published Articles 

“The Ethical Worldview of the Qur’an”, Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research, 25 April 2019.

“The Idea of Happiness in the Qur’an”, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, 12 September 2019.

“More than Just Law: The Idea of Justice in the Qur’an”, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, 7 February 2020.

“Perspectives on Islamic Psychology: al-Raghib al-Isfahani on the Healing of Emotions in the Qur’an”, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, 1 October 2020. 

Forthcoming Book Publication

The Noble Virtues of the Revealed Law, Translation, with notes and introduction, of Kitab al-Dhari’ah ila makarim al-shari’ah of al-Raghib al-Isfahani, White Thread Press, London, 2021.

Position: Extraordinary Professor


Professor David J. Culpin is Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages.


Professor Culpin was previously Reader in French at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) and has been associated with the University of the Western Cape since 2017. He specializes in seventeenth and eighteenth century French literature, focusing on literature ideas, travel writing and the history of the book, as well as texts written in French during the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries by writers who lived in or visited South Africa.


Professor Culpin’s publications include the following books

Marivaux and Reason: A Study in Early Enlightenment Thought (New York, Peter Lang, 1993).

La Rochefoucauld: Maximes, Critical Guides to French Texts (London, Grant and Cutler, 1995).

Catalogue des ouvrages du Fonds Français 1601-1850 conservés dans la Founders’ Library, Université du Pays de Galles, Lampeter. Introduction, notices et index rédigés par D.J. Culpin, avec la participation de Philippe Parker. (Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1996). Marivaux, Le Jeu de l’amour et du hasard, (Bristol Classical Press, Duckworth, 2000).

Perrault, Les Hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce siècle (1696/1700). Texte établi, avec introduction, notes, relevé de variantes, bibliographie et index par D.J. Culpin. Biblio 17, vol. 142 (Tuebingen: Gunter Narr, 2003).

C.E. Boniface, Narrative of the Shipwreck of the French Vessel the Eole on the Coast of Kaffraria in April 1829. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by D.J. Culpin (Cape Town: National Library of South Africa, 2012). C. E. Boniface, Relation du naufrage du navire français L’Eole sur la côte de la Caffrerie, en avril 1829. Edited by D. J. Culpin. MHRA Critical Texts Vol. 37 (London: MHRA, 2013).

François Le Vaillant, Travels into the Interior of Africa via the Cape of Good Hope (Volume 2). Translated with an Introduction and Notes by D.J. Culpin (Forthcoming - Cape Town: Historical Publications South Africa, 2021).


Among a number of affiliations, Professor Culpin has held an Australian Bicentennial Fellowship and a Visiting Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford.

Administrative Staff

Position: Administrator


Vanessa is the administrator in the Department of Foreign Languages. Her tenure at UWC spans 22 years. She has occupied administrative capacities in Central Student Administration, the Law Faculty, as well as Student Support Services and she has been at the Arts Faculty, Department of Foreign Languages since 2017.

Vanessa has a passion for assisting students academically, providing advice or even just listening emphatically during challenging circumstances. She has always had a keen interest in administrative work, especially working with multi-medium records given that it pertains to information developed from communication between people. Another particular interest of hers is historical information and sources. This led her to complete a Higher Certificate in Archives and Records Management through UNISA in 2020. She acquired vast knowledge regarding the importance of record-keeping and the restoration and preservation of historical archival records.