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The Department offers postgraduate studies in any of its four languages; however, there are some constraints with respect to staff limitations. Due to staff limits, the Department cannot offer Latin and Classical Culture at the honours level. Arabic, German, and French offer modules at the honours level. A student must do four modules, and they require mainly class attendance; however, at least one out of the four modules can be chosen from a department outside Foreign Languages. French, German, Arabic, as well as topics across these languages/cultures, e.g. Comparative Literature/Media can be supervised on MA (full thesis only) and PhD levels.


Students who have a good background in Arabic and have studied at another institution may take up Arabic at the honours and master’s levels. The objective of the postgraduate course is to cultivate the translation and research skills in both modern and classical Arabic.

The curriculum typically consists of a selection of five (5) modules with a total value of 120 credits. (Each module is valued at 24 credits.) Modules that are indicated as ‘core modules’ are compulsory within the specific honours programme. 

Core modules:
  • Arabic 701: Research essay; and
  • Arabic 732: Translation and study of selected classical texts.
Elective modules:
  • Arabic 731: The history of Arabic literature (prose and poetry);
  • Arabic 733: Selected prose texts in modern Arabic literature;
  • Arabic 734: Composition in Arabic and translation of contemporary media; and
  • Arabic 735: Oral examination.
MA and PhD
In principle, there is no course work for master’s and doctoral studies. However, students who come from other institutions may be accepted on the condition that they do at least two modules from the honours programme. Prospective students should consult with the supervisor and submit a research proposal. The research can take the form of an original study of a text or a topic.


The curriculum typically consists of a selection of five (5) modules with a total value of 120 credits. (Each module is valued at 24 credits.) Modules that are indicated as ‘core modules’ are compulsory within the specific honours programme. Due to staff and other constraints, not all the listed modules are necessarily offered in a given calendar year.

Core modules:
  • French 701: Research essay or project;
  • French 731: French/francophone civilisation and theory; and
  • French 732: French Language: French as a foreign language, comparative stylistics of French and English.
Elective modules:
  • French 733: Selected French authors and poets;
  • Foreign Languages 731: Classical mythology in (modern) European literature; and*
  • Foreign Languages 732: Europe/Africa interface.*
Please note the following:
Modules marked with an asterisk (*) can be offered in English?.


The curriculum typically consists of a selection of four (4) modules with a total value of 120 credits. (Each module is valued at 24 credits.) Modules that are indicated as ‘core modules’ are compulsory within the specific honours programme. A student may select one elective module of equal credit weighting and NQF level from another department, provided that prior approval is obtained from the chairpersons of both departments. Due to staff and other constraints, not all the listed modules are necessarily offered in a given calendar year. Please consult with the German lecturers.

Core module:
  • GER701: Research essay or project.
Elective modules:
  • German 731: German literature of a selected period, e.g. German romanticism, classical German drama;*
  • German 732: German poetry, prose, or drama of a certain period;*
  • German 733: Selected German authors, e.g. Brecht, Grass, Thomas Mann;*
  • German 734: Colonial and post-colonial German literature on Africa; and*
  • German 735: Teaching German as a foreign language.*
Please note the following:
Modules marked with an asterisk (*) can be offered in English.

Master’s Requirements
Qualifications required: a BA Honours degree as set out above.
A dissertation in German on a subject chosen in consultation with a supervisor.
Supplementary studies as the Department may consider necessary.

PhD Rules
The rules for doctoral studies are set out in the General Rules.