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News & Events

The major events in the Department are the following:
  • Oath-taking ceremony- this is an event that celebrates students receiving their registration certificates from the South African Council for Social Service Professions (the regulatory body for social services in South Africa). It signifies their names being entered onto the National Register for Student Social Workers in terms of the Social Services Professions Act, 10 of 1978 as amended.

    Students recite an oath in which they commit themselves to adhere to the ethical guidelines for student social workers and to serve their communities during the process of their training. This event occurs at the commencement of the third year programme. It is generally held in February.
  • Erika Theron memorial lecture - This event is an annual event in which female postgraduate students are acknowledged for being recipients of the Erika Theron scholarship. Erika Theron is a pioneer social work practitioner and academic and former Rector of UWC.
  • Adam Small memorial lecture - this event serves to commemorate the contribution of Adam Small, poet, author and former head of the Department of Social Work.
  • UWC Social Work - Howard University Seminar- This is an annual event that takes place in March. It is co-hosted by UWC and HU in which a group of academics and students of HU visit Cape Town and UWC. Here each partner offers presentations on topical research from each country. It also includes a gala dinner hosted by Howard University with all South African partners.
  • Events: These can also be found on our Facebook page @sociaworkuwc