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  • Developing guidelines to use the social dimensions of music for social inclusion in social work (HS19/10/5)
  • A needs assessment to identify key aspects to include in a support education framework (HS19/10/25)
  • Social work students and staff’s experiences of learning and teaching during the COVID-19 national lockdown (HS20/8/2). This project consists of three studies:
    • Study 1: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students and staff in the Department of Social Work
    • Study 2: Previous introduction of information technology’s influence on preparing students for online L&T during the COVID-19 pandemic
    • Study 3: Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic through online fieldwork and the inclusion of online social work as a skill
  • Research on gender-based violence in the Cape Metropole: involves final year student social workers and academic staff.