Head of Department
Position: Departmental Chairperson & Senior Lecturer
Tel: 021 959 3023
Email: hbrydon@uwc.ac.za
Dr Humphrey Brydon is currently a lecturer in the Department of Statistics and Population Studies.In 2013 he completed his MSc in Statistics and was fortunate enough to also be able to go on an exchange programme in 2013 to Sciences Po in Paris, France. At Sciences Po he registered under the degree of Master of Finance and Strategy. In 2014 he was awarded his Master’s degree in Statistics Cum Laude. In 2018, he was awarded a PhD in Statistics for a thesis titled “Missing data imputation methods explored in Big Data analytics”.
His research interests are in the field of Statistical Learning and Big Data Analytics.
Read more about Dr Brydon's story here: Humphrey Brydon - from rags to lecturer
Professional portfolio
Dr Brydon currently serves on the South African Statistical Association’s (SASA) executive committee. The portfolio for which he is responsible is the Young Statisticians’ network. He also serves on the board of the South African Mathematical Foundation (SAMF).Current modules taught
- STA760 – Data Mining
- BIA715 – Introduction to Data Mining
- STA841 – Business Intelligence
- STA843 – Multi-criteria Decision Making
Statistical Learning Methodologies, Big Data Analytics and Data Mining TechniquesPublications
- Brydon, H., Blignaut, R. & Jacobs, J., 2019. A weighted bootstrap approach to logistic regression modelling in identifying risk behaviours associated with sexual activity. SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 16(1), pp. 62-69.
- Brydon, H. and Blignaut, R., 2019. Exploration of missing data imputation methods. Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2019 Conference. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc., Available at https://www.sas.com/content/dam/SAS/support/en/sas-global-forum-proceedings/2019/3643-2019.pdf
- Brydon, H. and Blignaut, R., Luus, R., Venter, I. and Cranfield, D., 2020. Modelling imbalanced classes. Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2020 Conference. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc., Available at https://www.sas.com/content/dam/SAS/support/en/sas-global-forum-proceedings/2020/5021-2020.pdf
Academic and Administrative Staff
Deputy Chairperson and Senior LecturerDepartment:
Statistics and Population StudiesFaculty:
Natural ScienceQualifications:
PhD (Statistics), Stellenbosch UniversityCommittees:
Science Faculty Board, Faculty Student Affairs, Departmental Research Seminar Series coordinatorContact Information:
Tel: 021 959 3039Fax: 021 959 2909
Email: rluus@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
https://sites.google.com/myuwc.ac.za/eportfolio-of-r-luus/homeCurrent modules:
- STA842 (Contemporary Issues in Business Analysis)
- STA737 (Statistical Modelling) R practical
- STA739 (Introductory Multivariate Analysis)
- STA701 (Multivariate Analysis)
Linkedin profile:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/retha-luus-27305917/Research topics:
Complex survey sampling, inferential statistics, statistical learning, biostatistics, data scienceShort description:
Retha joined UWC in October 2020 as Senior Lecturer. She has been in academia for the past ten years lecturing Statistics to undergraduate and postgraduate students ranging from Introductory Business Statistics to Statistical Modelling, Time Series Analysis and Sampling Theory. She is part of the team offering the industry directed Master’s in Data Science programme and, from 2017 – 2019, she held the position of President of the Western Cape Chapter of the South African Statistical Association. Retha started doing research in the area of poverty and inequality inference under complex sampling and has since moved on to the statistical modelling of such data. In 2016, she completed a PhD in Statistics at Stellenbosch University of which the main objective was the modelling of survey data and the evaluation of these models, under various weighting methods, using cross-validation and resampling. She has authored and has been involved in co-authoring papers for peer-reviewed journals and has either presented or collaborated on research presented at many international and national conferences.Publications:
Publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals:
Timmins, F., McCausland, D., Brennan, D., Sheerin, F., Luus, R., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. (2023). A national cohort study of spiritual and religious practices of older people with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 0 (0), 1-16. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17446295231163977Ryan, J., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., Luus, R., & Burke, E.A. (2021). Overweight/obesity and chronic health conditions in older people with intellectual disability in Ireland. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jir.12900
McCarron, M., Allen, A., McCausland, D., Haigh, M., Luus, R., Bavussantakath, F.R., Sheerin, F., Mulryan, N., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Flannery, F., & McCallion, P. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on people ageing with an intellectual disability in Ireland: Protocol for a follow-up survey. HRB Open Res, 4:95. (https://doi.org/10.12688/hrbopenres.13340.2)
Allen, A., McGlinchey, E., Luus, R., Bavussantakath, F.R., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M. (2021). Informant-reported cognitive decline, dementia and depression in adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34 (5).
Monaghan, R., O’Dwyer, M., Luus, R., Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M., & Henman, M. C. (2021). The relationship between antiepileptic drug load and challenging behaviours in older adults with intellectual disability and epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behaviour, 122.
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., Luus, R., Allen, A., Sheerin, F., Burke, E., Flannery, F. & McCallion, P (2021). The impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on older adults with an intellectual disability during the first wave of the pandemic in Ireland. HRB Open Res, 4:93. (https://doi.org/10.12688/hrbopenres.13238.1)
McCausland, D., Luus, R., McCallion, P., Murphy, E. & McCarron, M. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on the social inclusion of older adults with an intellectual disability during the first wave of the pandemic in Ireland. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. DOI: 10.1111/jir.12862.
Monaghan, R., O’Dwyer, M., Luus, R., Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Henman, M. C. (2021). Antiepileptic drugs, occurrence of seizures and effect of co-administration of potential seizure threshold-lowering psychotropic drugs in adults with intellectual disability who have epilepsy. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34 (3), 818-829.
Luus, R., Neethling, A. & De Wet, T. (2020). Prediction error estimation of the survey-weighted least squares model under complex sampling. South African Statistical Journal, 54, 187-205.
Bedekker, A., Anderson, D., Lose, T., Mgwatyu, Y., Luus, R., Blignaut, R. & Christoffels, A. (2019). Understanding biobanking: An assessment of the public engagement speaking book intervention Biobanking and Me. South African Journal of Bioethics and Law, 12(2), 87-92. DOI:10.7196/SAJBL.2019.v12i2.00691.
Blignaut, R.J., Luus, R., Lombard, R., Latief, A. & Kotze, D. (2013). Maths4Stats: Opleiding vir onderwysers. Suid-Afrikaanse Joernaal vir Wetenskap en Tegnologie, 32(1), Art. #405, 7 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/satnt.v32i1.405
Luus, R., Neethling, A. & De Wet, T. (2012). Effectiveness of weighting and bootstrap in the estimation of welfare indices under complex sampling. South African Statistical Journal, 46, 85-114.
Research reports:
McCarron, M., McCausland, D., Allen, A. P., Luus, R., Sheerin, F., Burke, E., McGlinchey, E., Flannery, F. & McCallion, P. (2020).
Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the health and well-being of older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland: Findings from Wave 4 of The Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA). https://idstilda.tcd.ie/assets/docs/wave4idstildareport.pdf
Publications in conference proceedings:
Monaghan, R., O'Dwyer, M., Luus, R., Mulryan, N., McCallion, P., McCarron, M. & Henman, M. Anti-epileptics, psychotropic drugs and seizures in adults with epilepsy & intellectual disability, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress Value Diversity, Virtual, 6th July - 8th July, 2021, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1181 – 1371. https://doi.org/10.1111/jar.12917
Allen, A., Tobin, R., McGlinchey, E., Luus, R., Rosmin Bavussantakath, F., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. Informant reported cognitive decline, dementia and depression in adults with intellectual disability, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress Value Diversity, Virtual, 6th July - 8th July, 2021, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1181 – 1371. https://doi.org/10.1111/jar.12917
McCausland, D., Murphy, E., Luus, R., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M. This study explored the impact that COVID-19 restrictions and service closures had on social inclusion for older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress Value Diversity, Virtual, 6th July - 8th July, 2021, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1181 – 1371. https://doi.org/10.1111/jar.12917
McCarron, M.,McCausland, D., Allen, A., Luus, R. & McCallion, P. The impact of COVID-19 on older people with an intellectual disability in Ireland, 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress Value Diversity, Virtual, 6th July - 8th July, 2021, 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1181 – 1371. https://doi.org/10.1111/jar.12917
Brydon, H., Blignaut, R., Luus, R., Venter, I. & Cranfield, D. (2020). Modelling imbalanced classes. SAS Global Forum Conference Proceedings 2020. URL: https://www.sas.com/content/dam/SAS/support/en/sas-global-forum-proceedings/2020/5021-2020.pdf
South African Statistical Association
Research and International Relations Faculty committee, Media and RecruitmentFaculty, Management Faculty Committee, General Appointment Faculty
Committee, Science Faculty Board, Senate, Departmental Postgraduate
PhD Population Studies, UWCDEA Analyse Démographique, Institut d’Etudes Démographiques de l’Université de Bordeaux, France
Maitrise AES, Bordeaux IV, France
Licence AES, Bordeaux I, France
Contact Information:
Tel: 021 959 3038Email: nstiegler@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
Available on requestCurrent modules:
- Survey Methods (POP706)
- Social Demography (POP709)
- Official Statistics (POP703)
Research topics:
Population and DevelopmentPopulation Censuses and Data Collection
Contraception and Reproductive Health
Peer-reviewed, and Scientific Journals
STIEGLER Nancy and BOUCHARD Jean-Pierre, “South Africa: Challenges and successes of the COVID-19 lockdown”. Annales Medico-Psycologiques; June 2020. Doi : 10.1016/j.amp.2020.05.006OGUJIUBA Kanayo, ANJOFUI Patience and STIEGLER Nancy, “Analysis of ramifications of Migration and Xenophobia in Africa: Review of Economic Potentials, Skills of Migrants and related Policies in South Africa”. Journal of African Foreign Affairs; Vol 6; Issue 3, December, pp. 65-85, 201
OGUJIUBA Kanayo, ANJOFUI Patience and STIEGLER Nancy, “Push and Pull Factors of International Migration: Evidence from Migrants in South Africa”. Journal of African Union Studies Volume 8 (2), August; pp.219-250, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31920/2050-4306/2019/8n2a12
ELENGEMOKE Jacques, APPUNNI Sathiya Susuman, OGUJIUBA Kanayo and STIEGLER Nancy, “Determinants of Early Marriage among Young Women in Democratic Republic of Congo”. J Soc Sci, 2017, 52(1-3): pp. 82-91
STIEGLER Nancy, KABONGO Evelyne, OGUIJIUBA Kanayo, “ Comparative analysis of the use of professional health providers by young mothers in developing countries: a new frontier for health education” African Journal for Physical Activities and Health Science, June 2016, 22(2)
OGUJIUBA K, ABRAHAM TW and STIEGLER N., “Does Seasonality and Stochastic Cycles Affect Output Growth in Nigeria? Lessons for Development Planning” Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Vol 8, n.3, pp. 48-53, June 2016 (ISSN: 2220-6140)
MORKEL Chanel, STIEGLER Nancy, “A Review of the Underlying Factors Influencing Female Genital Mutilation in Africa” Studies on Ethno-Medicine, Vol 10, n.3, pp. 336-345, 2016.
OGUJIUBA K, FAJSINGBESI A. and STIEGLER N, “Environmental Crisis and Socioeconomic Development in Nigeria’s NigerDelta Region: A Cointegration Analysis”, International Journal. of Development Economics and Management, Vol.5, No.1, 2016
OGBONNAYA Ufiem Maurice, OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy, “A Comparative Analysis of the Interplay of Administrative and Political Structures of the Legislature in the Legislative Procedures of Selected Federal Systems” Journal of Social Sciences, November 2014, 41(1): 27-35.
OGUIJIBA Kanayo, ADEBAYO Francis, STIEGLER Nancy, “Efficiency of Capital-Labor in Nigeria’s Mining Sector: A CobbDouglas Framework” Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies. Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 760-770, September 2014 (ISSN: 2220-6140)
OGBONNAYA Ufiem Maurice, OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy “Terrorism in Nigeria”, African Security Review, March 2014. DOI 10.1080/10246029.2014.903378
STIEGLER Nancy, APPUNNI Sathiyasusuman “A Comparative Analysis of Contraceptive Use in Africa: Evidence from DHS”, Journal of Asian and African Studies, October 2013. ISSN 00219096
OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy, DIKE Enwere “Review of Recurrent Themes of the Asian Miracle: Any Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa?” Accepted to be published in Asian Economic Review, August 2013.
OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy, JUMARE Fadilah “Challenges of Microfinance Access in Nigeria: Implications for Enterprise Development”. Mediterranean Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 6, July 2013.
JUMARE Fadilah, OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy “Health Sector Reforms in Developing Countries: Implications for Maternal and Child Health Care Policy in South Africa”. the Mediterranean Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 6, July 2013.
OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy, UFIEM Maurice, “A Review of Value Added in Nigeria’s Pre and Post–SAP Agricultural Sector: Background and Issues” Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Vol. 5, No 1, pp. 44 – 56; January 2013.
OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy, OMOJU Oluwasola, “Policy Variables and Economic Growth in South Africa: Understanding the Nexus” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Special Edition, Vol. 3 No 11, November 2012.
OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy, AMAKOM Uzochukwu, “What Inhibits Manufactured Exports in Sub-Saharan Africa: Firm Level Evidence?” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Special Edition, Vol. 3 No 11, November, 2012.
OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy, TERFA Abraham “Impact of Public Expenditure on Climate Change in Nigeria: Any Lessons from South Africa” Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Vol. 4, No 9, pp. 515 – 522; September 2012.
OGUIJIBA Kanayo, STIEGLER Nancy, JUMARE Fadilah “Sustainable Development in Developing Countries: Case Studies of Consumption and Production in South Africa and India” JEBS; Vol. 4, No 9, pp. 489 – 496; September 2012.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Contraception and unmet-needs in Africa”, PhD thesis, University of the Western Cape, South-Africa, 2009.
ARNAB Raghunath, KOTZE Danelle Serumaga-Zage Philip, STIEGLER Nancy, “An introduction to statistical survey methods”. North West University, South Africa, May 2005, 302 pages.
BLAYO Chantal, BERGOUIGNAN Christophe, LLOPART Marine, OKOBO Nicodème and STIEGLER Nancy, “L’exceptionnelle situation démographique du Kosovo”, Espace Populations Sociétés, (3) 2004.
BLAYO Chantal, BERGOUIGNAN Christophe, LLOPART Marine, OKOBO Nicodème, STIEGLER Nancy, “Demographic, social, economic situation and reproductive health in Kosovo following the 1999 conflict“, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), November 2000, 169 pages.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Contraception, situation satisfaisante sauf pour les jeunes filles“, Economie de la Réunion, INSEE, March 2000.
STIEGLER Nancy, “La contraception à l’île de La Réunion“, INSEE, September 1999, 86 pages.
Publications: Books and Chapters in Books
Dennis D. Cordell, Elizabeth Omoluabi and Nancy Stiegler. Chapter III - Historical Demography on Sub-Saharan Africa (1975−2010), A Global History of Historical Demography. Time for an Anthology by Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ioan Bolovan and Sølvi Sogner. 2017. Peter Lang Publishing. SBN :978-3-0343-2303-1STIEGLER Nancy, “Infant mortality in the Western Cape”, Chapter 3, The State of the Population in the Western Cape, HSRC press, September 2008. ISBN-978-0-7696-2226-7
Publications: Conferences Presentations
OGUJIUBA K; UVIWE B; STIEGLER N. “Socioeconomic Variables and Life Expectancy in South Africa: An Econometric Analysis”. DHET Accredited Conference proceedings; 10th Annual International Conference on Social Science organized by the North West University and Social Sciences Research Society (Turkey), 3 – 5th September 2019. pp. 318 – 331; ICSS 2019-178; ISBN: 978-186822-688-7CABRERA Eleonora Soledad Rojas, STIEGLER Nancy, PERANOVICH Andrés and RIBOTTA Bruno Sebastián “Mortality from violent causes in adolescents and young adults from the Southern Cone. An analysis of the variations in the last 20 years”. IUSSP International Conference, poster presentation session, Cape-Town, South-Africa, December 2017.
MORKEL Chanel and STIEGLER Nancy “Female Genital Mutilation: A history of data collection”. IUSSP International Conference, poster presentation session, Cape-Town, South-Africa, December 2017.
STIEGLER Nancy “Abortion in Africa: from the twenty to twenty-first century, any changes?” 22nd International Conference in Historical Sciences, Jinan, China, 23-29 August 2015.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Contraception and the Unmet Needs Population: Use and Non-Use of Contraception in Africa”, Chaire Quetelet, , Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 5-7 November 2014.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Effet de génération en Afrique du Sud: l'impact de la fin de l'apartheid”, AIDELF Conference, Bari, Italy, 26-29 May 2014
STIEGLER Nancy, “The 2010 census round: challenges and progresses”, INED Conference, Paris, France, 3-6 December 2013.
STIEGLER Nancy, “How are we counted? Unveiling the 2010 census round”, The Future of Populations, International Demographic Conference, INED/UWC, Cape Town, South-Africa, 26-29 November 2012.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Is a census possible in Afghanistan?”, Expert meeting on alternative approach for the census in Afghanistan, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Data Imputation and its Consequences for Census Analysis”, Need assessment conference on census analysis, Bavaro, Dominican Republic, July 2010.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Gender analysis of census data”, Need assessment conference on census analysis, Bavaro, Dominican Republic, July 2010.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Quality control and anti-fraud measures during census field work”, High level meeting on quality control and anti-fraud measures for Iraq Census, Amman, Jordan, 4-5 February 2010.
MARINUS Chanel, STIEGLER Nancy, “Female Genital Mutilation in Africa: What will encourage its discontinuation?”, Research Open Day, University of the Western Cape, South-Africa, October 2009.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Child mortality in the Western Cape Province: between modernity and developing world issues”, IUSSP International Conference Marrakech, Morocco, 27 September-2 October 2009.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Can we talk about a specific Creole demography?”, IUSSP International Conference Marrakech, Morocco, 27 September-2 October 2009.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Minorités/Majorité, 14 ans après la fin de l’apartheid ou en est on?”, Colloque AIDELF Démographie et Culture, Québec, Canada, 24-29 aout 2008.
SHELL Robert and STIEGLER Nancy, “Is there a Creole Demography”, Banzil Creole, University of Mauritius, 4 February 2008.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Contraception and unmet needs population in Sub Saharan Africa”, UAPS, Arusha, Tanzania, 10/14 Dec. 2007.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Reproductive health data in developing countries: a new approach to collect information”, Population Association of South Africa (PASA), Johannesburg 2006,
BULA Clement and STIEGLER Nancy, “Impact of the 1994 Genocide on the fertility in Rwanda”, Population Association of South Africa (PASA), Johannesburg 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Use, and Non-Use of Contraception in Africa”, International Commission for Historical Conference Demography, New Delhi, India, September 2005.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Contraception and unmet needs in developing countries”, DEMSA conference, Durban, South-Africa, October 2004.
STIEGLER Nancy, workshop on mortality tables, DEMSA conference, Potchefstroom, South-Africa, October 2003.
Publications: Technical Reports
UNFPA, Office in SudanSTIEGLER Nancy, “Rapid Assessment of the 6th Population and Housing Census and Agricultural Census in The Sudan”, UNFPA Sudan, December 2019.
UNFPA, Office in Niger
STIEGLER Nancy, BA Papa Djibril, DIOP Ibrahima, “Rapport d’évaluation des besoins pour la préparation du RGPH5 du Niger”, UNFPA Niger, November 2019.
UNFPA, Office in Pakistan
STIEGLER Nancy, “Pakistan Census 2017, Lessons Learned and Recommendations”, UNFPA Pakistan, November 2018.
UNFPA, Office in Timor-Leste
STIEGLER Nancy, “Census Timor-Leste 2015, Advocacy and Publicity Strategy”. UNFPA Timor-Leste, January 2015.
European Commission and the Ministry of Education, Mauritius Island
NICOLLS Martina, STIEGLER Nancy, “A Field Research on Boys and Girls’ Academic Under-Achievement in Mauritius, methodology”. MoE, Port-Louis, Mauritius, December 2014.
UNFPA, Office in Myanmar
STIEGLER Nancy, “2014 Myanmar Census Observation Mission, National Report”. UNFPA Myanmar, June 2014.
UNFPA, Africa Regional Office
STIEGLER Nancy, “Reproductive Health Kits Survey; How effective and rational is the use of Reproductive Health kits for MISP implementation in the East and Southern Africa”. UNFPA ARO, January 2013
UNFPA, Ghana
STIEGLER Nancy, “2010 Census in Ghana Thematic report: Men and Women in Ghana”, Editor. UNFPA, Ghana, August 2013.
UNFPA/ UN Inter-Agency group, The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
LUNDBERG Paul, STIEGLER Nancy, “Afghanistan Common Country Assessment”, Central Statistical Office and United Nations Inter-Agency group, Kabul, Afghanistan, October 2013.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Socioeconomic and Demographic Situation of the Population in Afghanistan”, UNFPA, Kabul, Afghanistan, July 2013.
UNFPA/Minister of Population and Immigration, Republic of the Union of Myanmar
STIEGLER Nancy, LEFRANC Christophe, CALLAHAN Mary, “Observation report of the 2013 Pilot Census in Myanmar”, UNFPA/Minister of Population and Immigration, NayPyiTaw, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, March 2013.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Census Myanmar 2014, Advocacy and Publicity Assessment, and Strategy Guidelines”, UNFPA/Minister of Population and Immigration, NayPyiTaw, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, September 2012.
UNFPA/Government of Ghana, Census in Ghana 2010 (48 reports)
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “Census in Ghana, International Monitoring and Evaluation Report, National Report”, UNFPA/ National Statistical Institute, Accra, Ghana, November 2010.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “, “Census in Ghana, International Monitoring and Evaluation Report, District Reports”, UNFPA/ National Ghana Statistical Services, Accra, Ghana, November 2010, 47 Reports.
UNFPA, Census Special Initiative, New York, 2010
STIEGLER Nancy, “Census Risk Analysis; Risk Assessment per Census Phase”, UNFPA New York, 2012. 45 pages.
UNRWA/UN-IOIS, New York, 2009
STIEGLER Nancy, UNFPA Census Initiative web-site: http://www.unfpa.org/public/home/sitemap/pid/6734
STIEGLER Nancy, “Evaluation of Policies and Programmes of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)”, United Nations (UN), Department of Oversight Services, New York, USA, 2009. Volume I (86 pages) and Volume II (159 pages).
UNFPA/Government of the Sudan, Census in Sudan, 2008 (45 reports)
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, LAGDAF Mohammed, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission National Report”, UNFPA/National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, Monitoring Mission Upper Nile Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission Upper Nile Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission Central Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission Darfur Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission Eastern Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission Equatoria Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission Khartoum Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission Khordofan Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission Bahr El Ghazal Region Report”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2008 Census in Sudan, International Monitoring Mission State Reports”, UNFPA/ National Monitoring Committee Khartoum, Sudan 2008.35 Reports
UNDP/EC/Government of Nigeria, Census in Nigeria, 2006 (10 reports)
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy “2006 Census in Nigeria, National Report”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, June 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy “2006 Census in Nigeria, Data Processing Center, Lagos”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, June 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy “2006 Census in Nigeria, Data Processing Center, Ibadan”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, June 2006.
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, PIERONI Alessandro and UDJO Eric “2006 Census in Nigeria, South West Report”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, May 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy and Al., “2006 Census in Nigeria, Ekiti State Report”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, May 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy and Al., “2006 Census in Nigeria, Osun State Report”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, May 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy and Al., “2006 Census in Nigeria, Ogun State Report”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, May 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy and Al., “2006 Census in Nigeria, Oyo State Report”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, May 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy and Al., “2006 Census in Nigeria, Ondo State Report”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, May 2006.
STIEGLER Nancy and Al., “2006 Census in Nigeria, Lagos State Report”, United Nation Development Program (UNDP), European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, May 2006.
European Commission/Government of Nigeria, Trial Census in Nigeria, 2005 (4 reports)
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “Monitoring of the preparation phase of the 2006 National Census, National Report”, European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, December 2005
OMOLUABI Elizabeth, STIEGLER Nancy, “2005 Trial Census in Nigeria, National Report”, European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, September 2005.
STIEGLER Nancy, “2005 Trial Census in Nigeria, North East Report”, European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, September 2005.
STIEGLER Nancy, “2005 Trial Census in Nigeria, South West Report”, European Commission and National Population Commission, Abuja, September 2005.
EUROSTAT, Census in Macedonia (FYROM), 2002
STIEGLER Nancy, “2002 Census in FYROM, Internal Observers Report”, EUROSTAT, Luxembourg, June 2003.
Secrétariat d’Etat à la Santé et aux Handicapés/Institut d’Etudes Démographiques Université de Bordeaux, 2001 and 2002
BLAYO Chantal, CORDAZZO Valérie, LLOPART Marine, STIEGLER Nancy “L’accessibilité des services d’Interruption Volontaire de Grossesse en août 2001 en métropole et dans les départements d’outre-mer“, Secrétariat d’Etat à la Santé et aux Handicapés, November 2002, 426 pages.
BLAYO Chantal, CORDAZZO Valérie, CORNUAU Frédérique, LLOPART Marine, PARPET Anne, STIEGLER Nancy “L’accessibilité des services d’Interruption Volontaire de Grossesse en août 2000 en métropole et dans les départements d’outre-mer“, report for Mrs. Dominique GILLOT, Secrétaire d’Etat à la Santé et aux Handicapés, October 2001, 401 pages.
UNFPA/IOM, Kosovo, 2000
BLAYO Chantal, BERGOUIGNAN Christophe, LLOPART Marine, OKOBO Nicodème, STIEGLER Nancy, “Demographic, social, economic situation and reproductive health in Kosovo following the 1999 conflict“, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), November 2000, 169 pages.
Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques/Agence pour le Dévelopment Economique, France, 1998 and 1999
STIEGLER Nancy, “La contraception à l’île de La Réunion“, INSEE, September 1999, 86 pages.
STIEGLER Nancy, “Situation socioéconomique de l’île de Saint-Martin“, ADE, September 1998, 67 pages.
Short description:
Prof. Nancy Stiegler (PhD), lectures in the statistics department at the University of the Western Cape. She teaches deep demographic analysis, social demography, official statistics, and survey methods to masters and undergraduate students. She has considerable field experience at International and National levels. She was employed as census technical specialist at the UNFPA in Pakistan in 2017 and in New-York in 2010. She has extensive experience with data collection as UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) consultant for preparation of the census in Myanmar (2012), the Ghana Census 2010, the Sudan Census 2008, the Nigeria Census in 2006, and the 1999 Kosovo demographic and socio-economic survey. She also worked for the European Commission and the Council of Europe as an international expert in charge of the Macedonian census in 2002. In 2001, she was working as a researcher at the Max Plank Institute for Demography in Rostock, Germany. In South Africa she was responsible for several health, demographic, and socio-economic surveys. She has held several positions in France including one with the French Ministry for Women on surveys on abortion and with the French National Institute of Statistics in the Reunion Island on a family survey. After a master’s degree in economics and law from the University of Bordeaux-Montesquieu, she specialized in Demography. Her areas of interest are data collection methods (censuses, survey implementation), monitoring and evaluation of international programmes, and reproductive health and gender issues in developing countries, especially Africa.Position:
Professor and Deputy HODCommittees:
Research CommitteeHigher Degree Committee (substitute)
Wellness day
Open day
M A (Population Studies)M Phil (Population Studies)
Ph D (Demography)
NRF rating:
(NRF) C2Contact Information:
Tel: 021-959 3898Fax: 021-959 2909
Email: sappunni@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
Professor Sathiya Susuman Appunni has 20 years of research and teaching experience in demography and population studies. Prof. Sathiya has been awarded the National Research Foundation (NRF) C2-rated researcher. His core research is on population components, such as fertility, mortality, and migration. His research interests are population studies/ technical demography, gender, reproductive health, vulnerable diseases, population projection, HIV/AIDS, health policy, and public health. He is well versed in computer applications such as SPSS, STATA, MORTPAK, and Atlas ti software. He has published more than 100 articles in high-impact International journals. He has also attended and presented at more than 35 national and International conferences.Professor Sathiya has completed several research projects, including UNFPA and World Bank. He has engaged in international collaborative research projects with many institutions. He works closely with South African institutions as external examiners, such as UCT, SU, Wits, UKZN, and NWU. He is a member of Population Association of America, International Union for Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Asian Population Association (APS), South African Statistical Association (StatsSA), and the Population Association of South Africa (PASA).
Professor Sathiya is a panel member of the South Africa Medical Research Council(SAMRC) and the National Research Foundation (NRF). He has strong professional and institutional leadership capacities. He produced 13 Ph.D. and more than 45 master's students in Population Studies /Demography.
Science Faculty Planning, Senate, Science Faculty Board, UWC Staff Development,Data Science Advisory Board
PhD (Statistics)Contact Information:
Tel: 021 959 3034Email: rblignaut@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
Available on requestCurrent modules:
Honours Research Methodology, Masters Research Methodology, Masters DataMining, Masters Industry research project, PG Diploma Project advisor.
Research topics:
Data mining, statistical learning, predictive modelling, biostatistics, mobilesecurity,internet coverage and usage.
Publications since 2013 (DHET accredited articles* & DHET accredited conference proceedings**):
- *Bongiovanni, I., Renaud, K., Brydon, H., Blignaut, R. and Cavallo, A. (2022), "A quantification mechanism for assessing adherence to information security governance guidelines", Information and Computer Security, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ICS-08-2021-0112
- *Cranfield, D.; Tick, A.; Venter, I.M.; Renaud, K.; Blignaut, R.J. 2021. Comparing three countries’ higher education students’ cyber related perceptions and behaviours during COVID-19 Electronics, 10(22), 2865. https://doi.org/10.3390/ electronics10222865 https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/10/22/2865
- Cranfield, D., Venter, I.M., Tick, A. & Blignaut, R.J. 2021. Digital technologies for eLearning during ‘Lockdown’: a comparative study of student perspectives. 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2021) ICERI2021 Proceedings. ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6 ISSN: 2340-1095 doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1995.
- *Cranfield, D.; Tick, A.; Venter, I.M.; Blignaut, R.J.; Renaud, K. 2021. Higher Education Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning during COVID-19—A Comparative Study. Education Sciences 11(8), pp. 403. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11080403 https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/11/8/403/htm
- *Rossouw, S.C. Bendou, H., Blignaut, R.J. Bell, L., Rigb, J, Christoffels, A.G. 2021. Evaluation of protein purification techniques and effects of storage duration on LC-MS/MS analysis of archived FFPE human CRC tissues. Pathology and Oncology Research, 03 May 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/pore.2021.622855.
- **Cranfield, D., Venter, I.M., Blignaut, R.J. & Renaud, K. 2020. Smartphone security awareness, perceptions and practices: a Welsh Higher Education case study. Proceedings of the 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2020). 2nd-4th March 2020, Valencia, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8. DOI: 10.21125/inted.2020.0891.
- **Brydon, H., Blignaut, R.J., Luus, R., Venter, I.M. & Cranfield, D. 2020. Modelling imbalanced classes. Proceedings of the SAS Global Forum 2020, Paper 5021-2020, https://www.sas.com/content/dam/SAS/support/en/sas-global-forum-proceedings/2020/5021-2020.pdf
- *Bedeker, A., Anderson, D., Lose, T., Mgwatyu, Y., Luus. R., Blignaut, R.J., Christoffels, A. 2019. Understanding biobanking: An assessment of the public engagement speaking book intervention - Biobanking and Me. South African Journal of Bioethics and Law, 12(2), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.7196/SAJBL.2019.v12i2.691
- *Venter, I.M., Blignaut, R.J., Renaud, K. & Venter, M. A. 2019. Cyber security education is as essential as ?“The Three R’s”. Heliyon, 5(12), Dec 2019, e02955. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02855
- **Brydon, H. & Blignaut, R.J. 2019. Exploration of Missing Data Imputation Method. SAS Global Forum Conference Proceedings 2019, Dallas, Texas. https://www.sas.com/content/dam/SAS/support/en/sas-global-forum-proceedings/2019/3643-2019.pdf
- *Brydon, H. & Blignaut, R.J. & Jacobs, J.J. 2019. A weighted bootstrap approach to logistic regression modelling in identifying risk behaviours associated with sexual activity. Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS (SAHARA), 16(1), 62-69. https://doi.org/10.1080/17290376.2019.1636708.
- *Lailulo, Y.A., Appuni, S.S. & Blignaut, R.J. 2017. Improving Maternal and Reproductive Health in Ethiopia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 52(7), 947–964. Sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0021909615623810
- **Blignaut, R.J. Sheikh, O., Fray, R. 2017. Using critiques as a strategy for improving the proofs of the equivalence of ring theoretic concepts. SAMSA CONFERENCE, UNIVERSITY OF PRETORIA, 20 - 24 NOVEMBER 2016. Received: 16 November 2016; Accepted: 20 December 2016; Published: 11 January 2017.
- *Struthers, P., Wegner, L. De Koker, P., Lerebo, W. & Blignaut, R.J. 2017. Validity and reliability of the South African Health Promoting schools monitoring questionnaire. Health Promotion International, Volume 32(2), 260–270. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw074 https://academic.oup.com/heapro/article/32/2/260/2555446
- *Karangwa, I., Kotze, D. & Blignaut, R.J. 2016. Multiple imputation of unordered categorical missing data: A comparison of the multivariate normal imputation and multiple imputation by chained equations. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 2016, 30(4), 521-539. DOI link http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-BJPS292 http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.bjps/1481619615.
- *Blignaut, R.J., Venter, I.M., Renaud, K. 2016. Granny gets smarter but Junior hardly notices. The Journal of Community Informatics, 12(3), 159—172. ISSN: 1712-4441 http://ci-journal.net/index.php/ciej/article/view/1161
- *Rey-Moreno, C., Blignaut, R.J., Tucker, W., May, J., 2016. An in-depth study of the ICT ecosystem in a South African rural community: unveiling expenditure and communication patterns. Journal of Information Technology for Development, 22supl1:101-120. , DOI: 10.1080/02681102.2016.1155145 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02681102.2016.1155145.
- **Renaud, K., Blignaut, R.J. and Venter, I.M., “Smartphone Owners Need Security Advice. How Can We Ensure They Get it?” (2016). CONF-IRM 2016 Proceedings. May 2016, Cape Town. South Africa (ISBN: 978-0-473-35594-4). Paper 20. http://aisel.aisnet.org/confirm2016/20
- *Lailulo, Y.A., Appuni, S.S. & Blignaut, R.J. 2015. Correlates of gender characteristics, health and empowerment of women in Ethiopia. BMC Women’s Health 2015, 15:116 doi:10.1186/s12905-015-0273-3. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6874/15/116 Impact Factor 1.5.
- **Proceedings of the Tenth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics ISBN 978-0-620-68294-7 Editors: Blignaut, R.J. and Kizito, R.
- **Venter, I.M., Blignaut, R.J. & Renaud, K.V. 2015. Blinkered Views of Out-Group Mobile Phone Usage: Moving Towards Less Stereotyping Of “Others”. SAICSIT ‘15, September 28-30, 2015, Stellenbosch, South Africa © 2015 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3683-3/15/09, Paper 37. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2815782.2815804.
- *Blignaut, R.J., Jacobs, J.J. & Vergnani, T. 2015. Trends in HIV risk behaviour of incoming first-year students at a South African university:2007–2012, SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 12:1, 39-50, DOI:10.1080/17290376.2015.1086275.
- *Winnaar, L.D., Frempong, G. & Blignaut, R.J. 2015. Understanding school effects in South Africa using multilevel analysis: findings from TIMSS 2011. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 13(1), 151-170. ISSN: 1696-2095. 2015, no. 35 http://dx.doi.org/10.14204/ejrep.35.13116.
- *Venter, I.M., Blignaut, R.J. & Renaud, K.V. 2014. Uniformity in the midst of diversity. Journal for Engineering, Design and Technology, 12(4): 550 – 562. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JEDT-08-2013-0060 H-Index:7.
- *Swart, L.C.., Dreyer, W.P., Van Zyl, P.P, Blignaut, R.J. 2014. Early Loading of Mandibular Implants Placed Immediately After Extraction: A 10-year Prospective Study of Eight Patients. The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 29(6):1388-96. Doi: 10.11607/jomi.3670. JOMI.5-year Impact Factor: 3.139
- *Appunni, S.S., Blignaut, R.J. and Lougue, S. 2014. TB/HIV risk factors identified from a General Household Survey of South Africa in 2006. SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS: An Open Access Journal, 11(1), 37-41, DOI: 10.1080/17290376.2014.912588 21. (ISSN 1729:0376), (ISSN: 1813-4424 (online). Impact Factor of 0.283
- *Appunni, S.S., Blignaut, R.J. & Longue, S. 2014. Understanding Issues of people living with disabilities in South Africa. Journals of Asian and African studies, 49(5):559-569. ISSN: 0021-9096. (ISSN: 0021-9096) (Scimago Lab, Copyright 2007-2013. Data Source: Scopus®), DOI: 10.1177/0021909613500640, http://www.jas.sagepub.com. SCImago Journal Rank Score: 0.293
- *Blignaut, R.J., Vergnani,T. & Jacobs, J. 2014. Correlates of sexual activity versus non-activity of incoming first-year students at a South African university. African Journal of Aids Research, 13(1):81-91. Doi: 10.2989/16085906.2014.901977. Impact Factor 2012: 0.262; 5-year Impact Factor: 0.502
- *Blignaut, R.J., Luus, R., Lombard, R., Latief, A., Kotze, D. 2013. Maths4Stats: Opleiding vir onderwysers. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie; 32(1): 206-212. Doi: 10.4102/satnt.v32i1.405, submitted April 2013, published Nov 2013. ISSN: 0254-3486 (print) ISSN: 2222-4173 (online).Impact Factor: 1.75 (2011); Impact Factor: 0.26 (2012)
- **Renaud, K.V., Blignaut, R.J. & Venter, I.M. 2013. Designing Mobile Phone Interfaces for Age Diversity: “One-World” versus Diverse “Islands”. Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-6, 2013, Proceedings, P. Kotzé et al. (Eds.): INTERACT 2013, Part III, LNCS 8119, pp. 1–17, ISBN: 978-3-642-40476-4 (Print) 978-3-642-40477-1 (Online)
- *Venter, I.M., Blignaut, R.J. & Renaud, K.V. 2013. Reaching out to mobile phone “rookies” in two countries. World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2013) in Poland, 2-5 July 2013, Poster with extended abstract. Editors: Nicholas Reynolds, Mary Webb, Maciej Syslo and Valentia Dagiene, Printed in Poland: Uniwersytat Mikolaja Kopernika, ISBN 978-83-231-3095-6, Vol 1:284-5.
- **Blignaut, R.J., Venter, I.M. & Renaud, K.V. 2013. A bridge over the computer science graduate skill gap. World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2013) in Poland, 2-5 July 2013, Editors: Nicholas Reynolds and Mary Webb, Printed in Poland: Uniwersytat Mikolaja Kopernika, ISBN 978-83-231-3090-1, Vol 1:274-283.
Short Description:
Renette Blignaut is currently the Deputy Chairperson of the Statistics and Population Studies Department and manages the masters with specialisation in Data Science. She served as Chairperson from 2005 to March 2012 and 2017 to June 2018. She completed her B.Sc. at the Rand Afrikaans University in 1982. Then started her career at the Medical Research Council. She completed her Honours in Mathematical Statistics on a part-time basis at the University of Pretoria in 1985. Rupert International then employed her in their research division as a Statistician. She returned to the Medical Research Council as a Bio-statistician and on a part-time basis completed her Master’s degree in Mathematical Statistics at the University of Cape Town (1990). At the beginning of 1992 she started her academic career as a senior lecturer in the Department of Statistics at the University of the Western Cape. A Ph.D. (University of Pretoria) was awarded to her in 1995 for a thesis on the “Modelling of claim patterns of members of private medical aid schemes”. Since then she has been conducting research in various fields namely: data mining, statistical learning, predictive modelling, biostatistics, mobile security, internet access and science education. In 2001, she was promoted to associate professor and in 2015 promoted to full professor. NRF rated C3 (2019-2022).In 2021, Renette was awarded the South African Statistical Association's Thought Leader Award for significant contributions in academia, industry, government and elsewhere. Contributions and impacts made in leadership, knowledge generation, human capital development, impact of the work and research and attracting funding were considered for the award. https://www.sastat.org/awards/sas-thought-leader-award
Renette currently serves as Chairperson of the Data Science Academic Committee of the National Graduate Academy for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (NGA MaSS). She furthermore serves on the Steering Committee and the Advisory Board of the NGA MaSS.
Renette was appointed the Governing Board of the Centre for Multi-dimensional Data Visualisation at Stellenbosch University (Apr 2022- Mar 2025).
Research output: more than 78 accredited publications, 22 technical reports, more than 53 international and 56 national conference presentations, 47 workshop presentations. Supervised or co-supervised 29 masters and 6 PhD students.
BSc Mathematical Science,Honours Operational Research
MSc Computer Science
Contact Information:
Tel: 021 9593036Email: lcbosman@uwc.ac.za
Current modules:
STA331, STA332, STA737, STA848,BWIR836 (Industry Research)
Research topics:
Asymptotic Theory, Probability, Statistical/Machine Learning, Statistical Process Control,Biography:
Leonor Bosman has been lecturing in the Department of Statistics and Population Studies for the past eight years. In 2004, as part of an initiative of the Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics, she and Prof P Pretorius initiated the undergraduate program in Statistics for prospective BMI students at the Vaal Campus of North West University. Leonor lectures Statistics at undergraduate level, Statistical Learning at Honours level and are actively involved in the Master's programme Statistical Science with specialisation in Data Science. Her research interest within Data Science is focussed on negatively skewed data distributions and the problems that are encountered when assumptions of models are violated.Position:
Science Faculty BoardQualifications:
PhD (UWC)MSc (Statistical Science)
BSc Honours (Statistical Science)
BSc (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
Contact Information:
Tel: 021 959 9565Fax: 021 959 2909
Email: rejacobs@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
https://rechellejacobs.wixsite.com/rechelleLinkedin profile:
Current modules:
- Research Project Module for Honours Students
- Supervising Masters Industry research projects.
- STA211 – Distribution Theory
Research topics:
Survival analysis & Financial RiskPublications:
- Blignaut, R.J., Luus, R., Lombard, R., Latief, A., Kotze, D. (2013). Maths4Stats: Educating teachers. South African Journal of Science and technology, 32(1), Art. #405, 7 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/satnt.v32i1.405
Short Description:
Dr Rechelle Jacobs is a hybrid academic, currently a lecturer in the Department of Statistics and Population Studies with eight years’ lecturing experience and fifteen years’ experience in the financial services sector where she worked as a Business Manager and Quantitative Analysts for three of the big five banks in South Africa. She teaches distribution theory on an undergrad level and forms part of the data science team. In 2014 she was awarded her Master’s degree in Statistics and in 2022 was awarded a PhD in Statistics. Her current research interests is in finance (probability of default and loss given default modelling), using survival analysis techniques to model time to single, competing and recurring events.Position:
Senior LecturerCommittees:
Faculty Assessment CommitteeFaculty Research Committee
PhD in Population StudiesMPhil Population Studies
BSc Population Studies
BA Social Sciences
Professional portfolio:
Teaching undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.Supervising Honours, Master, and PhD students using Demographic approach.
Internal examiner of some modules, and external examiner for University of Vender
Member of UAPS, IUSSP, and PASA
Contact Information:
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 3370Email: pnsengiyumva@uwc.ac.za
Current modules:
- STA121: Quantitative Methods-Introduction to Demography module
- STA151: Introductory Statistics
- POP761 Research Methodology
- POP790: Population Projections
Research topics:
Migration and developmentMaternal health
Gender, health and development
Nsengiyumva, P; Bikwana, V; Karangwa, I; Ningpuanyeh, WC. (2023). An analysis of participation, performance and profile of runners at the 2019 South African Comrades Marathon. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences, Vol. 29 (1): pp.82-94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37597/ajphes.2023.29.1Lailulo Abraham, Y., Sathiya Susuman, A., & Nsengiyumva, P. (2023). Correlates of Age at Marriage and Birth Interval in Ethiopia: A Survival Analysis. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00219096231200588
Bhosale, S; Nsengiyumva, P, Bado, A & Appunni, S. (2024). Investigating the timing of breastfeeding initiation among mothers in South Africa: Insight from the SADHS2016. African Journal of Physical Activity and Health Sciences, Vol. 30(1), 83-102
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37597/ajphes.2024.30.1.6
Nsengiyumva, P & Tati, Gabriel. (2017). Housing ownership among female migrants in South Africa; The case of metropolitan and non-metropolitan. Journal of African Population Studies. 31(1): 2308-7854. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11564/31-1-960
Nsengiyumva, P, Laattoe,N, Keim, M and Cabral,J. (2014). The influence of Physical activity and sport on health status and wellbeing in rural communities: The Case of Grabouw. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation & Dance (AJPHERD), October 2014, Supplement (1,2), pp.409-418.
Conference proceedings:
Nsengiyumva P & Tati G (2019). Female migrants heading household and rental housing in South Africa: Insight from municipalities. http://uaps2019.popconf.org/uploads/190245.
Nsengiyumva P, Blignaut RJ, Karangwa I, Stiegler N, Ogujiuba K. (2019). Teaching Strategies and Effects of Learning Outcomes: A Case Study of the Extended Curriculum Programme at the University of the Western Cape.
Duba V and Nsenguyumva P. (2019). The determinants of migrants’ access to piped water in South Africa: The case of metropolitan and non-metropolitan.
Short description:
Dr Philomene Nsengiyumva is a PhD holder in Population Studies and Demography awarded in 2014. She obtained BSc (Honours) and MPhil in Population Studies in 2009 and 2010, respectively and a Bachelor of Arts in 2008 majoring in Psychology and Gender Studies at UWC. In her entire studies from Honours to PhD degrees, she was awarded a Leadership and Social Transformation Prestige Scholarship funded by South African Wine Industry Trust (SAWIT). After completing her PhD, she was awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship funded by NRF in 2014 at UWC. Philomene taught ECP from 2015 to 2024 first semester as a Lecture. She was the coordinator of ECP Statistics for Life Sciences course under Extended Curriculum Program (ECP). She has extensive experience in teaching ECP students and developed the potentials of handling large classes. She started as a Teaching Assistant in 2011 when she was still doing her PhD until she became a lecturer in 2015.Her Master’s degree’s thesis focused on women’s access to land for farming in South Africa. In her PhD degree, her research expanded on female migration and access to housing in South Africa. Prior to study at UWC, she worked for different international NGOs including Save the Children, CARE International in Rwanda, RED CROSS in DRC, and MSF in the Republic of Congo and Gabon.
Dr Nsengiyumva has graduated more than 26 Honours, 9 Masters students, and she is currently supervising 8 PhD students, 3 of them are closer to completion.
Her research expertise is related to migration and gender issues in a developmental perspective. She focuses on a demographic topics such as gender issues, maternal health, education, and access to scarce resources in the context of South Africa in particular, and on the African continent in general.
Dr Nsengiyumva was awarded Mid-career Research Leadership programme at University of the Western Cape in 2023. She has an opportunity to attend UJ/UWC Research Leadership programme Indaba in Johannesburg (17th-18th August 2023).
Furthermore, Dr Nsengiyumva has collaboration with University of Johannesburg in South Africa, and University of Calgary in USA. She has reviewed a number of papers for African Journal of Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES), for Journal of African Population Studies (JAPS), and for PLOS ONE Journal.
Dr Nsengiyumva attended local and international conferences where she contributed to papers presentation and posters. She recently represented UWC at Lycee Francais du Cap, at the Forum Formations et Metiers on the 5th December 2023 in Cape Town.
Senior LecturerQualifications:
BSc Cum Laude - NMMUBSc Honors (Mathematical Statistics) Cum Laude - NMMU
MSc (Mathematical Statistics) Cum Laude - NMMU
PhD (Mathematical Statistics) - NMMU
Contact Information:
Tel: +27 82 776 0968Email: jkeddie@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
Julia joined UWC as a Senior Lecturer in January 2020 after spending 20 years in industry and prior to that 13 years in academia at NMMU. Her experience in industry has been in the Business Analytics environment deriving business intelligence from data to improve business performance and data-based decision making. Her experience has been in Inventory Management, Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Science across motor, retail, logistics, telecommunications and banking. Julia has delivered a range of business analytics solutions for clients with primary focus on ensuring realisation of business benefits. Julia has led and managed various size teams and experienced in change management.Prior to joining UWC, Julia was a Principal Business Consultant, specialising in Data Science in the Financial Services, Oil and Gas, Telecoms sector which included solutioning and executing as a team lead in various Data Science projects within banking sector. Projects included Customer Segmentation, Financial Distress, Customer Profiling, Credit Risk Modelling.
Julia has a passion for Data Science, specifically bridging the gap between academia and industry. Her business knowledge and experience stand her in good stead in preparing Data Science students for their transition to industry and supervising industry projects in post graduate courses.
Current modules:
- Research Project Module for Honors Students (Predicting client repayment ability for the unbanked population to broaden financial inclusion of unbanked population by providing a positive and safe borrowing experience)
- Academic Mentor for Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Software and Media Applications (specialization in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence)
- Improving the efficiency and productivity among teams within the Collections Contact Centre using Data Envelopment Analysis
- Payments fraud detection at industry PSO level
- Demographic factors associated with HIV infection in the city of Ekurhuleni Municipality, Gauteng in COP18 using HIV self-screening (HIVSS)
- Financial Risk Management (Predictive Analytics) for Masters in Data Science
- Teaching and coordinating the Inference and Regression second year module during the second semester.
- Supervising Masters Industry research projects in the second semester.
Poisson Model for Paired Comparisons Applied to Soccer Tournaments, South African Statistical Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1998, 185-199.Position:
Emeritus Professor
Contact Information: Email: ckoen@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
Current modules:
Research topics:
Astrostatistics, variable stars Publications:ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Short description:
Awarded PhD in Astronomy by University of Cape Town in 1979 and PhD in Mathematical Statistics by University of Johannesburg in 2002. Have had several lecturing positions: senior lecturer in Applied Mathematics at Fort Hare University, senior lecturer in Biomathematics at the University of Bophuthatswana (now Northwest University) and Professor and Senior Professor in Statistics at the University of the Western Cape. Also worked as a research astronomer for 15 years. Spent one year stints as visiting academic at the National Central University (Taiwan); the University of Texas, Austin (USA) and the Space Sciences Institute of the University of California, Berkeley (USA). Author/co-author of more than 250 research papers in accredited academic journals.Position:
Science Faculty Higher Degree RepresentativeScience Faculty representative on the EMS Faculty Board
M.Sc. (UWC)Contact Information:
Tel: 021 959 3031Fax: 021 959 1403
Email: alatief@uwc.ac.za
Current modules:
- STA501
- STA125
- BUS132
Research topics:
Statistical Education & Statistical ModelingPublications:
A. Sathiya Susuman, Yishak Lailulo, Abduraghiem Latief & Clifford Odimegwu. (2017). A Demographic Approach to the Family Structure in Asia and Africa. The Anthropologist. 29 (1): 42-58.Renette J. Blignaut, Retha Luus, Ronell Lombard, Abduraghiem Latief and Danelle Kotze. (2013). Maths4Stats: Educating teachers. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie; 32 (1) , 7 pages.
Saarah F Davids, Sathiya Susuman, A. and Abduraghiem Latief. (2012). Serious diseases affecting child mortality in Sierra Leone. Journal of Asian and African Studies, June 2013; 48 (3): 348-369. First published on October 23, 2012.
Latief A. and Blignaut R. (2008). Factors related to throughput in final-year Statistics. Acta Academica 40 (1): 183-196.
Jovanovic N. and Latief A. (2006). Using multiple-choice questions, short questions and exercises to assess student performance. Acta Academica 38 (1): 233-252.
Latief A. (2005). Throughput of UWC students who did at least one semester of third-year Statistics. MSC thesis submitted in October 2005. Bellville, University of the Western Cape.
Short description:
Abduraghiem Latief was born in Cape Town and was awarded the degree MSc in Mathematical Statistics from the University of the Western Cape. He joined the department in 1998 as a Laboratory Assistant. In 2002 he was promoted to a lecturer in the department. Presently he is teaching the first year Statistics students and the Applied Statistic Postgraduate course STA501. He is also involved in research work. His ambition is to become an Academic Researcher and a Statistical Consultant.Position:
Emeritus ProfessorCommittees:
D.Comm (University of Stellenbosch) and MBL (Unisa)Contact Information:
Email: dkotze@uwc.ac.za
Current modules:
- Probability and Stochastic Processes
- Risk Management and Time Series Analysis
Research topics:
Repeated measure and Dependent observations over TimePublications:
Adegboye, O. A. and Kotze, D. (2011). Is poverty a determinant of educational attainment? Perspectives from Africa. Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting, Miami, Florida. 30th July-4th August 2011, pp. 3834-3848.Adegboye, O. A. and Kotze, D. (2013). An exploratory look at associated factors of
poverty on educational attainment in Africa and in-depth multi-level modelling for Namibia. Studies in Economics and Econometrics 37 (1), 105-127.
Adegboye, O. A. and Kotze, D. (2012). Bayesian spatial analysis and disease mapping of leishmaniasis outbreak in Afghanistan, 2003-2009. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease. 2(4), 253-259.
Adegboye, O. A. and Kotze, D. (2012) Disease mapping of malaria incidence in Sub-Sahara Africa. Proceedings of the 26th International Biometric Conference. Kobe, Japan. 26th-31st August, 2012.
Adegboye, O. A. and Kotze, D. (2013) Epidemiological analysis of spatially misaligned data: A case of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus outbreak in Nigeria. Epidemiology and infection 142 (05), 940-949.
Karanga, I. and Kotze, D. (2013). Using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to make inferences on items of data contaminated by missing values, American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 2013, p.48-52.
Karangwa, I., Kotze, D., & Blignaut, R. (2015). Multiple imputation of unordered categorical missing data: A comparison of the multivariate normal imputation and multiple imputation by chained equations.(Accepted paper for publication in the Brazilian Journal of Statistics and Probability).
Short description:
Danelle Kotze completed her D.Com. degree in 1979 at the University of Stellenbosch. She also completed her MBL degree at the Unisa Business School, Midrand, in April 2001. She has been lecturing at the University of the Western Cape since 1976 up to present, the last 7 years as Emeritus Professor. She has chaired the department for more than fourteen years. Teaching was conducted at all levels from first year to master’s level and she has supervised or co-supervised approximately twenty students at masters and doctorate level.Danelle Kotze has acted as external examiner for the University of Stellenbosch, Border Technikon and Cape Technikon, refereed publications for SASA. and the South African Journal of Business Management, and acted as NRF referee for several years. She has more than thirty publications as author and co-author, appeared at several national and international conferences.
Library Committee (departmental representative)Teaching and Learning Committee (secundus)
South African Statistical Association (SASA)
Science Faculty Board
MSc (Statistics) (UWC)BSc Honours (Statistics) (UWC)
BSc (Computer Science & Statistics) (UWC)
Contact Information:
Tel: 021 959 3203Fax: 021 959 2909
Email: rlombard@uwc.ac.za
Current modules:
- STA111
- STA142
- BUS132
Research topics:
Science EducationPublications:
Blignaut, R.J., Luus, R., Lombard, R., Latief, A., Kotze, D. (2013). Maths4Stats: Educating teachers. South African Journal of Science and technology, 32(1), Art. #405, 7 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/satnt.v32i1.405Short description:
Ronell Lombard Jacobus completed her B.Sc degree in 2000 majoring in Statistics and Computer Science. She initially started working in the Statistics and Population studies department in 2001 when she was lectured SAS Programming for six months on contract. In 2002 she was permanently appointed in the position of Officer. In 2003 she completed her Honours part time, and in 2006 completing her Masters in Statistics. In 2007 she was promoted to senior officer. Her lecturing experience spans over 17 years and includes teaching EXCEL and SAS Programming at a 2nd and 3rd year level, and Introductory Statistics at a 1st year and postgraduate level.She worked as a research assistant 2001 to 2009. In 2012 she was appointed a lecturer in the department of Statistics and Population studies, her research interest includes teaching and learning, population studies, psychology and biostatistics. She would like to pursue her PhD in a field of research that will enhance and contribute to breakthroughs in education and/or better understanding human mind. Her ideal would be to do a PhD that combines Statistics and Psychology.
Senior OfficerCommittees:
Health and SafetyOpen Day
BCom GeneralHonours Postgraduate Diploma Specializing in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
MCom Information Management Specializing in E-Logistics (Under Completion)
Contact Information:
Tel: 021 959 1613Email: mvalentine@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
Matthew was employed at various companies such as Maxim, Employee Benefits RBS Insurance and Risk Services, which involved Data Capturing and Mail Merging. Furthermore, he was employed on contract at Old Mutual after graduating with his Honours Degree in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence. Moreover, as he increased his knowledge in the field of Data Analytics. He was employed at EXL Service working on Automating Travelling Systems and Attrition Analysis. Lastly, he is currently on the verge of completing his MCom Information Management Specializing in E-Logistics.Current modules:
- STA211 (Base SAS & R GUIl)
- STA 221 (Base SAS)
- STA311 (R GUI)
- STA332 (Base SAS)
- Statistics Honours (SAS Enterprise Guide - Bootcamp)
- Bioinformatics – Masters and PhD (RGui - Bootcamp)
Research topics:
Data Mining Techniques, E-Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementPosition:
Chief OfficerCommittees:
Faculty Higher DegreesQualifications:
MPhil (Population Studies)Contact Information:
Tel: 0219593199Email: cmorkel@uwc.ac.za
Current modules:
BUS132 Coordinator and LecturerSTA111 Coordinator and Lecturer
Research topics:
Female Genital MutilationPublications:
Ogujiuba, K., Stiegler, N., Marinus, C. “A review of the underlying factors influencing Female Genital Mutilation in Africa” Journal of Studies on Ethno-Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 336-345; June 2016.Short description:
Chanel Morkel completed her Master’s degree in Population Studies during 2009 from the University of the Western Cape and graduated in March 2010. Her lecturing career began with Introduction to Demography in 2009 and continued with Introductory Statistics until her current position as course coordinator for BUS 132.As a junior researcher, she has worked with Dr. Nancy Stiegler and gained some field experience in a recent project collaborated by the University of the Western Cape and the Department of Social Development in the Western Cape.
Associate ProfessorCommittees:
Assessment Committee (Faculty of Natural Sciences)Qualifications:
PhD, Spatial demography (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)DEA, Advanced demography (Paris Institute of
Demography, University of Paris 1, Sorbonne, France)
DED, Demography and Social statistics (Institute for Demographic Training and Research, Cameroon)
MSc, Applied mathematics & economics (University of Brazzaville, Congo)
BSc, Applied mathematics & Statistics (University of Brazzaville, Congo)
Contact Information:
Tel: 0219593035Email: gtati@uwc.ac.za
Professional portfolio:
Teaching courses in demography and postgraduate supervisionCurrent modules:
POP761, STA333, POP707and STA790Research topics:
Internal an International migrationLabour market dynamics and social protection
Population ageing and deprivation
Sustainable urban development
Innovations in Research methods and data collection
(Selected items over the past five years: 2015-2020)Article in peer-reviewed journals
Tati, Gabriel (2016) “Informal land sale and housing the periphery of Pointe-Noire”, Africa Spectrum, 51 (1), pp. 29-54 [ISSN: 0002-0397].Nsengiyumva, Philomene, and Tati, Gabriel. (2017). “Housing ownership among female migrants in South Africa: The case of metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas”. African Population Studies, 31(1). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.11564/31-1-960
Majikilela, Yamkela, and Tati, Gabriel (2017) “Structural changes in the participation of African migrants in the labour force of South Africa (2001-2011)”. Alternation 24(1), 336-366.
Tati, Gabriel (forthcoming, November 2020) “Between monarchy and demands for political changes: regionalisation and internationalisation of trade union activism in Swaziland”. Canerdos de Estudos Africanos. Accepted article for publication on 4 June 2020.
Chapter in book
Tati, Gabriel (2015) “Swaziland” In Gildas Simon (ed.) Dictionnaire des migrations internationales. Approche géohistorique, Paris: Armand Colin [ISBN: 978-2-200-25012-6].Tati, Gabriel (2015) “Appropriation of land for housing and African immigrant entrepreneurship in the city of Pointe-Noire, Congo-Brazzaville”, In. Moyo, Sam; Dodzi, Tsikata and Yakham, Diop (eds.) Land in the struggles for citizenship in Africa, pp.347-372, Dakar: CODESRIA. [ISBN 978-2-86978-636-3]
Gobile, Zizipho and Tati, Gabriel (2018) “African female in informal hair dressing industry and the challenges they face”, In Azevedo, Ana and Mesquita, Anabela (eds) Gender Research Handbook, pp 593-601, London: Academic-conferences.org [ISBN 978-1-911218-27-7]
Tati, Gabriel (2018) “Integration from the beach front: insights from immigrants’experience in the city of Pointe-Noire”, In. Bakewell, Oliver and Loren,B. Landau (eds.) Forging African communities: Mobility, integration and belonging,, pp. 51-78, London: Palgrave Macmillan Global Diversities.
Tati, Gabriel (2017) (Lead Author with the collaboration of Edlam Yemeru and Sandra Zawedde) Assessment of Urbanisation data in Africa, Addis Ababa: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Printing Press, 78 pages.Position:
Candidate PhD (UWC)MSc (Statistical Science with a specialisation in Data Science)
BSc Honours (Statistical Science)
BSc (Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)
Contact Information:
Email: twannenberg@uwc.ac.zaLinkedin profile:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/tayla-wannenberg-43919b117?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_appCurrent modules:
- STA737 - Statistical Modelling
- STA 221 - Inference and Regression
- Supervising Masters industry research projects