HySA Systems
The HySA Systems Integration & Technology Validation Competence Centre, HySA Systems, hosted by the University of the Western Cape (UWC) and located at the South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry (SAIAMC), and directed by Sivakumar Pasupathi , is one of three national Competence Centres that were initiated by the Department of Science and Technology’s National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (HFCT) Flagship Project, also known as Hydrogen South Africa or HySA.This long-term (15-year) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (HFCT) Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) strategy was officially launched in September 2008 by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) in South Africa. The overall vision of the HFCT RDI strategy is to bring about wealth, job and IPR creation through the initiation of new high technology industries based on minerals found on South African soil, especially Platinum Group Metals (PGMs).
HySA Systems, a Systems Integration and Technology Validation Competence Centre on HFCT was established in 2007 at the SAIAMC at the University of the Western Cape. The main objective with HySA Systems is to (i) develop HFC systems and prototypes, (ii) perform technology validation and system integration in three key HySA programmes: (1) Combined Heat and Power (CHP), (2) Portable systems and (3) Hydrogen Fuelled Vehicles (HFV). HySA Systems is also responsible for the development, prototyping, testing, validating and commissioning of the following key technologies: Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEAs) for High Temperature (HT) (≥120 oC) Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells, HT-PEM fuel cell stacks, metal hydrides for hydrogen storage and compression, Li-ion batteries and system integration of Energy Storage Devices for domestic and automotive applications.
HySA Systems is an industry, technology and prototype development oriented Competence Centre, which has demonstrated on many occasions its ability to develop, build, commission and validate Energy systems.
Click here to download the brochure for HySA Systems Technology Datasheets
Click on the link for more info: http://www.hysasystems.com
The Energy Storage and Fluid Treatment centre (ESFTC) is one of the three programme under SAIAMC which covers the research, development and demonstration activities in Energy Storage (which includes various types a chemical and electrochemical energy storage devices and systems) and Fluid Treatment (which includes separation processes of gas or liquid media)The former Eskom R&D thrust has been transformed into the Energy Storage and Fluid Treatment Centre (ESFTC) which encompasses the Energy Storage Innovation Laboratory (ESIL), launched in May 2015, and water treatment projects funded by various government institutions and industry. ESIL is the culmination of many years of research, development and innovation at SAIAMC, in the field of electrochemistry and particularly Lithium-ion and Sodium-Halide batteries technology. Further incorporation of electronic engineering skills has led to the development of various prototypes that drew the attention of industrial collaborators to a point where commercialisation of the technology is within reach. The partnerships created in this Programme present a significant opportunity for UWC to become a truly “engaged university” since the technology deployment is essential for cost effective yet high quality and sustainable electricity. Furthermore, this technology rapidly becomes a critical part of South Africa’s response to Climate Change and an effort to achieve a stable electricity supply for the benefit of all South Africans and the country’s economy as a whole.
Within the area of fluid treatment, the technological output is related to Capacitive Deionisation (CDI) and advanced flotation technology. The cornerstone of all fluid treatment research performed is the partnership with industry who identified the areas where improvements are needed. The CDI project aims at the reduction of electrode cost together with a local SMME. The advanced flotation technology is currently demonstrated at two industrial sites.
Rather than inventing solutions for problems of the future, ESFTC prides itself in applying solutions to reduce operational costs for the South African industry.

partnership with Abrimix to assist local Winery industry.

Click here to download the brochure
For additional information concerning the Energy Storage Fluid Treatment Centre (ESFTC) at SAIAMC please contact:
Professor B.J. Bladergroen
Head of Effluent Treatment Center
Head of Energy Storage Innovation Lab
Deputy Director: South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry
Science Faculty, Building 91
University of the Western Cape Main Campus
Robert Sobukwe Road
Bellville 7535
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 9309
Email: bbladergroen@uwc.ac.za
Click here to download the brochureFor additional information concerning the PetroSA Synthetic Fuels Innovation Centre (PSFIC) at the SAIAMC please contact:
Professor Masikana Mdleleni
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 9317
Email: mmdleleni@uwc.ac.za
Green Hydrogen Program
Green Hydrogen Program is one of the four programs at the South Africa Institute of Advanced Material Chemistry (SAIAMC) which has a key focus on RDI of the green hydrogen technologies.
Dr Stanford Chidziva
Acting Director - Green Hydrogen
South Africa Institute of Advanced Material Chemistry (SAIAMC)
University of Western Cape Main Campus
Robert Sobukwe Road
Bellville 7535
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 9324
Email: schidziva@uwc.ac.za