Contact Us


Prof. Vladimir Linkov

Position: Director of SAIAMC
Tel: 021 959 2218
Fax: 021 959 3080

Prof. Bernard Bladergroen

Position: Professor, Deputy Director of SAIAMC
Head of the Energy Storage Innovation Laboratory, Head of Fluid Treatment Centre
Tel: 021 959 9309
Fax: 021 959 3080

Prof. Masikana Mdleleni

Position: Director of PSFIC
Tel: 021 959 9317
Fax: 021 959 3080

Prof. Sivakumar Pasupathi

Position: Director of HySA Systems
Tel: 021 959 9318
Fax: 021 959 3080

Dr Mykhaylo Lototskyy - NRF B-rated Researcher (2021-2026)

Position: Senior researcher and Key Technology Specialist: HySA Systems
Tel: 021 959 9314
Fax: 021 959 9312

Prof. Shan Ji

Position: Extraordinary Professor
Tel: 021 959 9316
Fax: 021 959 3080

Ms Barbara Rodgers

Position: Administration officer with management responsibilities
Tel: 021 959 9308
Fax: 021 959 3080

Mr Ridaa Manuel

Position: Battery Plant Manager
Tel: 021 959 9599 
Fax: 021 959 3080

Dr Stanford Chidziva

Position: Acting Director of Green Hydrogen Program
Tel: 021 959 9324
Fax: 021 959 3080

Dr Moegamat Wafeeq Davids - NRF C-rated Researcher (2021-2026)

Position: Key Technology Specialist
Tel: 021 959 9318
Fax: 021 959 3080

Mrs Ilse Wells

Position: Administrator
Tel: 021 959 9792
Fax: 021 959 3080

Dr Yevgeniy Klochko

Position: Key Technology Specialist
Tel: 021 959 9310
Fax: 021 959 3080

Mr Yaseen Arend

Position: HySA Systems Administrator
Tel: 021 959 9321    
Fax: 021 959 3080

Mr Emmanual U March

Position: Research Assistant
Tel: 021 959 9310
Fax: 021 959 3080

Mr Clement Cornelius

Position: CNC Machine Operator
Tel: 021 959 9795
Fax: 021 959 3080

Mr David Philander

Position: Technical Officer
Tel: 021 959 2622
Fax: 021 959 3080

  Contact Us

SA Institute of Advanced Materials Chemistry (SAIAMC)

Contact person: Prof. Vladimir Linkov
Physical address: SA Institute of Advanced Materials Chemistry (SAIAMC)
University of the Western Cape
Robert Sobukwe Road,
Bellville 7535
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 3080         
Fax: +27 (0)21 959 1583

HySA Systems

Contact person: Prof. Sivakumar Pasupathi
Physical address: HySA Systems
South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry (SAIAMC)
University of the Western Cape
Robert Sobukwe Road
Bellville 7535
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 2158 / 9321 / 3080 / 9319
Fax: +27 (0)21 959 1583

Energy Storage Fluid Treatment Centre (ESFTC)

Contact person: Prof. Bernard Bladergroen (Head of Energy Storage Fluid Treatment Centre)
Physical address: Energy Storage Fluid Treatment Centre (ESFTC)
South Africa Institute of Advanced Material Chemistry (SAIAMC)
University of Western Cape
Robert Sobukwe Road
Bellville 7535
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 9309

PetroSA Synthetic Fuels Innovation Centre (PSFIC)

Contact person: Prof. Masikana Mdleleni
Physical address: PetroSA Synthetic Fuels Innovation Centre (PSFIC)
South Africa Institute of Advanced Material Chemistry (SAIAMC)
University of Western Cape
Robert Sobukwe Road
Bellville 7535
Tel: +27 21 959 9317
Fax: +27 21 959 1583

Green Hydrogen Program

Contact person: Dr Stanford Chidziva
Physical Address: Green Hydrogen Program
South Africa Institute of Advanced Material Chemistry (SAIAMC)
University of Western Cape 
Robert Sobukwe Road
 Bellville 7535
Tel: +27 21 959 9324