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SSME staff are actively involved in a host of extramural activities that strengthen its visibility in the community, thereby enhancing its teaching and research profile.

Although the focus of SSME is the preparation of prospective science and mathematics teachers and fostering postgraduate research, its abiding interest in outreach activities of training, re-training and upgrading practising teachers, is continuously pursued through LEDIMTALI and the Science and IKS projects, as well as various projects organised by the Science Learning Centre for Africa.

The following are some of the community outreach projects that the SSME staff members have engaged in over the past five years:

The IKS (Indigenous Knowledge System) project focuses on exploring the Nature of Science (NOS) and the Nature of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (NOIKS) in terms of their ontological, epistemological, axiological and metaphysical dimensions and how these collectively influence people’s (including learners’) cosmological world views.

Since its inception, the project has received a collaborative research grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa and the National Research Fund in Mozambique to carry out a systematic review of IKS research studies in the two countries between 1970 and 2012. 

The LEDIMTALI (Local Evidence-Driven Improvement of Mathematics Teaching and Learning Initiative) project led by Professor Cyril Julie has a research component.

The principal aim of the project is to bring together mathematics educators, mathematicians, mathematics teachers and mathematics curriculum advisors to work collectively and collaboratively to develop good teaching of mathematics.

The initiative is premised on the belief that such collective and collaborative work can lead to learners achieving at their highest potential in mathematics. 

The PrimTEd (Primary Teacher Education) project, led by Professor Rajendran Govender, is a component of the DHET’s Teaching and Learning Development Capacity Improvement Programme (TLDCIP), and as such is under the overall authority of the DHET’s Director-General.

The PrimTEd project is managed by the Chief Directorate for Teaching & Learning Development, located in the University branch of the TED. 