Faculty Leadership
Qualifications: BChD (UWC), MChD (SU), BScHons (USB), PhD (UWC)
Position: Dean
Prof Yengopal is no stranger to UWC - he earned his BChD in Dentistry from the University many years ago, and returned for his PhD in Dental Health / Community Dentistry 25 years later. (In between, he also earned his MChD in Community Dentistry from Stellenbosch University and his BSc Honours in Epidemiology from the University of Stellenbosch Business School.)
He is recognised among his peers as an academic with an outstanding publication record and excellent leadership skills. His areas of interest include child oral health, HIV/AIDS, evidence-based dentistry and dental epidemiology. He has published extensively and has presented at international conferences in most parts of the world, and established himself as an expert in evidence-based healthcare, systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
He has worked with the National Oral Health Directorate and the Department of Health on strategy documents, teaching and research initiatives, outreach prevention programmes, quality assurance, patient satisfaction, evidence-based interventions, referral systems and CPD activities. He was also a key player in the drafting of the Revised National Oral Health Strategy Document for South Africa.
His work is quoted extensively and serves as core evidence that informs on policy and evidence-based clinical decision making, and has been used as evidence to guide policy and treatment decisions by leading healthcare institutions such as the American Dental Association, National Health System (NHS – UK), the Cochrane Library, and the Forsythe Institute at Harvard.
Position: Dean
Professor Veerasamy Yengopal was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry in October 2021, having previously served for many years as Head of Community Dentistry at the University of the Witwatersrand.Prof Yengopal is no stranger to UWC - he earned his BChD in Dentistry from the University many years ago, and returned for his PhD in Dental Health / Community Dentistry 25 years later. (In between, he also earned his MChD in Community Dentistry from Stellenbosch University and his BSc Honours in Epidemiology from the University of Stellenbosch Business School.)
He is recognised among his peers as an academic with an outstanding publication record and excellent leadership skills. His areas of interest include child oral health, HIV/AIDS, evidence-based dentistry and dental epidemiology. He has published extensively and has presented at international conferences in most parts of the world, and established himself as an expert in evidence-based healthcare, systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
He has worked with the National Oral Health Directorate and the Department of Health on strategy documents, teaching and research initiatives, outreach prevention programmes, quality assurance, patient satisfaction, evidence-based interventions, referral systems and CPD activities. He was also a key player in the drafting of the Revised National Oral Health Strategy Document for South Africa.
His work is quoted extensively and serves as core evidence that informs on policy and evidence-based clinical decision making, and has been used as evidence to guide policy and treatment decisions by leading healthcare institutions such as the American Dental Association, National Health System (NHS – UK), the Cochrane Library, and the Forsythe Institute at Harvard.
Qualifications: BChD, (UWC) PGDip (SU) PGD HM (UCT) MPhil (higher Education) (SU) PhD (UWC)
Position: Deputy Dean: Academic (including Teaching and Learning)
Position: Deputy Dean: Academic (including Teaching and Learning)
Qualifications: PhD MPhil HPE (SU)
Position: Deputy Dean: Postgraduate Studies
Between March and August 2024, Prof Mohamed served as acting Head of Orthodontics (including the Division of Paediatric Dentistry). Prof Mohamed is a registered Dental Practitioner who qualified with a BChD degree in 1998.
Prof Mohamed also holds BSc Honours and Masters degrees in Paediatric Dentistry, a PhD in Community Health, an MPhil in Health Professions Education and a Diploma in Interprofessional Education in Health. She has been involved in all aspects of curriculum development in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Paediatric Dentistry and has been driving the recognition of Paediatric Dentistry as a specialisation in South Africa.
Her areas of interest are varied and include:
Early Childhood Caries
Early Childhood Development
Community Dentistry
Special Care Dentistry
Dental trauma
Sports Dentistry
Mouth guards
Pulp therapy
Interceptive Orthodontics
Forensic dentistry
Field Dentistry
Interprofessional Collaborative practice.
Position: Deputy Dean: Postgraduate Studies
Prof Mohamed occupies the post of Deputy Dean Postgraduate Studies as of August 2023.Prior to this appointment, she served as the Head of Department of Paediatric Dentistry from 2012 to March 2024.Between March and August 2024, Prof Mohamed served as acting Head of Orthodontics (including the Division of Paediatric Dentistry). Prof Mohamed is a registered Dental Practitioner who qualified with a BChD degree in 1998.
Prof Mohamed also holds BSc Honours and Masters degrees in Paediatric Dentistry, a PhD in Community Health, an MPhil in Health Professions Education and a Diploma in Interprofessional Education in Health. She has been involved in all aspects of curriculum development in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Paediatric Dentistry and has been driving the recognition of Paediatric Dentistry as a specialisation in South Africa.
Her areas of interest are varied and include:
Early Childhood Caries
Early Childhood Development
Community Dentistry
Special Care Dentistry
Dental trauma
Sports Dentistry
Mouth guards
Pulp therapy
Interceptive Orthodontics
Forensic dentistry
Field Dentistry
Interprofessional Collaborative practice.
Qualifications: BChD PgDip MSc PhD
Position: Deputy Dean: Research
She is a lecturer in Dental Materials with research experience in the field of green nanotechnology and dental biomaterials. She also has a keen interest in dental education and the internationalization of higher education. Her wealth of experience has led to her expertise in operative dentistry specifically cariology and antimicrobial resistance, curriculum development and dental biomaterials.
Prof Adam is an active researcher and supervises Masters and doctoral students in her field of interest. Prof Adam has received training to design national multiplication training workshops for grant writing and has successfully partnered to present an NMT DAAD grant writing workshop for Namibian academics. Her colleagues know her to be results driven and to lead innovation and change.
Prof Adam has consistently demonstrated her ability to develop effective peer working relationships within and across teams in and out of her discipline. This has culminated in successful local and international collaborations. Her passion for sharing skills and knowledge allows her to be a well-respected mentor to junior staff in the Faculty.
Prof Adam was also the recipient of the National Research Foundation’s Black Academics Advancement Programme (BAAP) postdoctoral fellowship in 2020. She has served as the treasurer of the International Association for Dental Research South African Division for the period 2018-2022. Currently, she is serving as a Councillor for the Global Oral Health Inequalities network in the International Association of Dental Research.
Position: Deputy Dean: Research
Prof Razia Z Adam is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean Research at the, Faculty of Dentistry, UWC. Prof Adam is also the current coordinator for the Postgraduate Diploma in Aesthetic Dentistry and Executive member of World Oral Health Collaboration Executive committee since 2017. Prof Adam is a passionate clinical teacher with more than a decade’s experience in the higher education sector.She is a lecturer in Dental Materials with research experience in the field of green nanotechnology and dental biomaterials. She also has a keen interest in dental education and the internationalization of higher education. Her wealth of experience has led to her expertise in operative dentistry specifically cariology and antimicrobial resistance, curriculum development and dental biomaterials.
Prof Adam is an active researcher and supervises Masters and doctoral students in her field of interest. Prof Adam has received training to design national multiplication training workshops for grant writing and has successfully partnered to present an NMT DAAD grant writing workshop for Namibian academics. Her colleagues know her to be results driven and to lead innovation and change.
Prof Adam has consistently demonstrated her ability to develop effective peer working relationships within and across teams in and out of her discipline. This has culminated in successful local and international collaborations. Her passion for sharing skills and knowledge allows her to be a well-respected mentor to junior staff in the Faculty.
Prof Adam was also the recipient of the National Research Foundation’s Black Academics Advancement Programme (BAAP) postdoctoral fellowship in 2020. She has served as the treasurer of the International Association for Dental Research South African Division for the period 2018-2022. Currently, she is serving as a Councillor for the Global Oral Health Inequalities network in the International Association of Dental Research.
Qualification: BA, MPA (UWC)
Position: Faculty Manager
Email: dentistry@uwc.ac.za
Tel: 021 937 3188
Fax: 021 931 2287
Position: Faculty Manager
Email: dentistry@uwc.ac.za
Tel: 021 937 3188
Fax: 021 931 2287
Dean's Office Staff
Position: Dean's Administrator
Heads of Departments
Prof. Priscilla BrijlalHead: Oral Hygiene |
Prof. Dirk SmitHead: Community Dentistry |
Dr. Deon JoubertActing Head: Orthodontics & Paediatric Dentistry |
Dr. Gregory HeinHead: Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery |
Prof. Sadika KhanActing Head: Prosthodontics |
Prof. Anthea JefthaHead: Oral Medicine & Periodontology |
Prof. Manogari ChettyHead: Craniofacial Biology, Pathology & Radiology |
Year Coordinators
Ms Rugshana CaderBOH I Year Coordinator |
Ms Karin ViljoenBOH II Year Coordinator |
Ms Chrisleen RaynerBOH III Year Coordinator |
Dr Aziz MohamedBDS I Year Coordinator |
Dr Jonathan ZieglerBDS II Year Coordinator |
BDS III Year Coordinator |
Dr Carmen GordonBDS IV Year Coordinator |
Dr Naeemah NoordienBDS V Year Coordinator |
BDS Programme
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3185 |
BOH Programme
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3022 |
Postgraduate Diploma in Dentistry
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3184 |
Masters & PhD
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3183 |
General Enquiries
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3188 |
Finance and HR
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3183 |
Administrator - Dean
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3002 |
Administrator - Deputy Dean: Academic incl L & T
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3004 |
Administrator - Deputy Dean: Research & Deputy Dean: PG Studies
Tel: +27 (021) 937 3003 |
Patient Treatment Enquiries
Tygerberg Oral Health CentreTel: +27 (021) 937 3030/3111 |
Mitchells Plain Oral Health CentreTel: +27 (021) 370 4400 |