Director's Office
Location: IPSS Wynberg Office (Ground Floor, House Vincent, Ebenezer Road, Wynberg)
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 9595
Professor Joy Papier is the Director of the Institute for Post-School Studies (IPSS), which was established in September 2013 in the Faculty of Education at UWC. She is also the SARChi (South African National Research Chair) in Post-School Studies: TVET Teaching and Learning.
Prof. Papier has been active in vocational education, policy and development for about 25 years, serving on numerous national and international policy forums, think tanks and other initiatives related to the field of vocational education and training.
Her research interests include TVET teacher education, TVET policy and development, vocational curricula policy, workplace and institutional cultures.
She has served as Co-Chair of the African Union Commission Expert Group on TVET, and is a member of the Consultative Advisory Group on TVET, an Africa-led initiative launched in 2013 with facilitation by the World Bank.
Prof. Papier was instrumental in establishing the new Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training (JOVACET) in 2017, of which she is Editor-in-Chief.
Books and Journals
Papier, J. (2020). ‘Turning an idea into reality - an outcome of visionary leadership’. In, ‘From Hope to Action through Knowledge - the renaissance of the University of the Western Cape 2001 – 2014’ , R. Bharuthram & L. Pokpas (Eds), African Minds: Cape Town.
Papier, J & McGrath, S. (2020). Growing the TVET knowledge base in the South: South African postgraduate outputs 2008-2018, Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training, 3(1)
Papier, J. (2019). Book review: Teachers and teaching in vocational and professional education. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, 6(1), 97-101.
Papier, J. & McBride, T. (online 2018; hard copy 2019). ‘Systematising student support services in TVET colleges – progressing from policy’. In McGrath S., Mulder M., Papier J. & Suart, R. (eds) Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: Developments in the Changing World of Work. Springer: Dordrecht.
Papier, J., Powell, L., McBride, T., & Needham, S. (online 2018, hard copy 2019). ‘Pathways and destinations of TVET college graduates of NATED programmes’. In ‘Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa: Pathways, Aspirations and Outcomes’, HSRC Press: Cape Town.
Needham, S. & Papier, J. (2018). Professional qualifications for the insurance industry: Dilemmas for articulation and progression, Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training (JOVACET), Volume 1, Issue 1, p. 52-71,
Papier, J. and Vollenhoven, G. 2017 (Sept 2017). ‘Revisiting the role of the expert other in learners’ acquisition of workplace competence’. Journal of Education, 69, pp. 281-302
Papier, J. (2017). Improving College to work transitions through enhanced training for employment. Research in Post Compulsory Education, 22 (1), pp.38-48
Papier, J., Needham, S., Prinsloo, N. and McBride, T. (2016). ‘Preparing TVET College Graduates for the Workplace: Employers’ views’. In Kraak, A., Paterson, A. and Boka, K. (eds) Change Management in TVET Colleges, JET.
Papier, J. (2016). ‘A comparative study of TVET in 5 African countries with a specific focus on TVET Teacher Education’. In, Vocational Education and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa, Eiser, F., Haseloff, G. and Lennartz, B.(Eds), Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH & Co., Germany.<>
Branson, N., Hofmeyr, C., Papier, J. & Needham, S. (2015). Post-School education: Broadening alternative pathways from school to work. In, De Lannoy, A., Swartz, S., Lake, L. & Smith, C. (eds). South African Child Guage. Cape Town: Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town.
Perold, H., Cloete, N. and Papier, J. (eds). (2012). Shaping the Future of South Africa’s Youth: Rethinking post-school education and skills training. CHET. African Minds.
Papier, J. 2011. Vocational teacher identity: Spanning the divide between the academy and the workplace. Southern African Review of Education, 17, pp.101-119.
Papier, J. 2010. From policy to curriculum in SA vocational teacher education: a comparative perspective. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 62(2), pp.153-163.
Stumpf, R., Papier, J., Needham, S. and McBride, T. 2009. ‘Increasing educational opportunities for post NQF Level 4 learners in South Africa through the FET college sector. In, Cloete, N. (Ed). Responding to the educational needs of post-school youth, CHET.
Papier, J. 2009. Policy, practices and persistent traditions in teacher education in South Africa. In, Tatto, M. and Mincu, M. (Eds), ‘Reforming Teaching and Learning: Comparative perspectives in a global era’, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam.
Papier, J. 2009. The notion of vocational pedagogy. In, Dittrich, J., Yunos, J., Spottl, G. and Bukit, M. ‘Standardisation in TVET Teacher Education’, Peter Lang: Frankfurt
Papier, J. 2008. ‘Policy, practices and persistent traditions in teacher education: the construct of teaching and learning regimes’, Journal of Education, No.45, pp.7-28.
Commissioned Research Reports (selection)
Rogan, M. and Papier, J. (2020). A Baseline Study on the Destination of TVET College Graduates to Strengthen Employment Promotion in South Africa. Report prepared for the Department of Higher Education and Training, Pretoria. Commissioned by the Capacity Building Programme for Employment Promotion, a European Union-funded programme implemented by the Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC). ISBN: 978-1-77018-862-4
Papier, J. (2020). Understanding the TVET College Sector: A concept note. Report prepared for the Department of Higher Education and Training, Pretoria under the Research Programme on TVET.
European Union Commission (2014). TVET teacher education in Africa. Synthesis Report. (as country expert and a member of the international report writing team) [ONLINE] Available at:
McBride, T. and Papier, J. (2014). FET colleges and the automotive sectoral system of innovation. Report prepared as part of the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) for the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), South Africa.
Papier, J. and FETI (2013). Supporting College Engineering Graduates into Employment. Report prepared for the Access Trust.
Papier, J. and FETI (2013). An Impact Assessment of the Professional Development Programme for FET College ICT Lecturers. Report prepared for the Eastern Cape E-skills CoLab based at WSU.
Papier, J. A report on the ‘Output-to-Purpose Review’, a review of the JET ‘turnaround’ strategy for FET colleges. Presented to the DHET in 2013.
Papier, J. 2012 and 2013. MOT SA Research Report: FET college student responses to the MOT programme
Papier, J., Needham S., & McBride, T. 2012. Contemporary Issues in Public FET college environment. Paper prepared for the HSRC Labour Market Information Systems Project. LMIP Working Paper 17
UNESCO (2013). Status of TVET in the SADC Region: Assessment and Review of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the SADC Region and Development of a Regional Strategy for the Revitalisation of TVET. Report prepared for UNESCO and SADC.
FETI Report, 2012. Facilitating College to Work Transitions for FET college students in the Western Cape (Phase 1)
2009: Research Report: ‘Getting the right learners into the right programmes: An investigation into the poor performance of learners in FET Colleges NCV programmes, 2007 and 2008. (for the WCED under the Danida SESD programme)
2008: ‘Report on the Training of FET College Lecturers in South Africa, England and other international contexts. (British Council sponsored England-Africa Partnerships in HE Project)
Presentations (selection)
2020: Webinar moderation and presentation on Vocational Pedagogy: A discussion, hosted by the DHET, Mail and Guardian,,
2020: ‘Teaching and learning in a time of social distancing: What do TVET colleges need to ensure learner success?’ Webinar Series: Reimagining TVET- The implications of Covid 19. NMU partnership series.
2020: An overview of the TVET college sector in 2020. Input for College of Cape Town Strategic Planning Session.
2019: Berne, Switzerland at the conference of the Swiss Federal Institute on VET, in March 2019.
2019: Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET) conference held at Oxford University in the UK, from 27-30 June.
2015: EU Colloquium, Brussels: Policy Guidance on TVET Teacher Competences in South Africa.
2014: Poverty and Inequality Conference, UCT.
2014: TVET Colleges Conference, DHET: ‘Training for Employment of TVET College Graduates
2014: UK-SA Skills and Education Forum presentation
2013: CEPD-UWC Seminar: ‘Responding to the Challenges posed by the Green Paper 2012 – a Higher Education Response’
2013: Skillzhub Conference, Johannesburg: Walking the Talk: differentiation and articulation in the post-school sector
2013: University of the Free State conference: What are we learning about Vocational Teacher Education?
2013: VETNET conference, Wits University: Building the knowledge base on vocational education in South Africa
2013: Equal Education Seminar, Khayelitsha: FET colleges and issues in vocational education
2013: Western Cape Youth Development Panel Discussion: Experiences of FET Colleges as a mechanism for Youth Education and Training
2012: REAP Discussion Forum: ‘A Brief Overview of the FET College Sector’
2012: UMALUSI Adult and Vocational Education and Training Providers Forum: ‘Setting and Maintaining Standards within an Evolving Legislative Environment’
2011: FET Colleges Support Services Conference: ‘What motivates students to attend FET colleges?’
2011: NMMU Seminar: ‘The Vocational Education Orientation Programme (VEOP) Pilot – Western & Eastern Cape, Free State’.
2011: African-German Delegation input: ‘FET colleges in South Africa Today’
2010: Rhodes University Research Seminar. ‘FET and vocational education research – some considerations’
2010: CPUT Seminar. ‘Understanding the FET College Environment: an overview of ongoing change’.
2009: TVET Congress: ‘The notion of ‘vocational pedagogy’ and implications for the training of vocational teachers – examining the field’
2009: UWC Seminar: ‘South African Higher Education Perspectives on Vocational Educators: Expanding the frame of University teacher education’
2009: ‘Initial teacher education for vocational college lecturers: from policy to curriculum’, Journal of Vocational Education and Training Conference, Oxford, UK.
2007: WCCES Conference presentation (Sarajevo): ‘Policy, pedagogy and persistent traditions in teacher education: the construct of teaching and learning regimes’.
2007: CIES Conference Panel presentation (Washington): ‘Teacher education policy as interpreted through the organizational prism of three different South African universities’
2007: CIES Africa Group presentation: ‘Standards-Based Teacher Education in South Africa’.
2006: Trades Conference International: ‘Building human capital in the FET college sector’
2006: CPUT Cooperative Education Convention: FET colleges: Scenarios and Criteria for Strategic Collaboration – quality, relevance and capacity issues to grow work integrated learning
2006: Inset Providers’ Coalition: ‘All FETCs are equal, but some are more equal than others (with apologies to Orwell)
2006: Learning Cape Festival: ‘Further Education and Training: Learning to Work – Working to Learn
2005: DANIDA SESD Curriculum Conference: ‘Assessment and Integrated Assessment’
2004: International association of colleges (IAC) conference: ‘Getting the fundamentals right’.
Media (selection)
DHET Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Training – several articles to date
TVET College Times – several articles to date
Achiever Magazine: December/Jan 2015: ‘College to Work Transitions of TVET college students’. Also see YouTube interview -
Papier, J. Cape Times, 5 Feb 2014: Cleaning up the college landscape for the future
Papier, J. Mail and Guardian (commissioned article) - 14 Dec 2012: "Millions need Colleges that work"
Papier, J. Mail and Guardian (commissioned article) - 10 Dec 2012: "Making public colleges effective"
Papier, J. 2011. Mail and Guardian, Book of Women, selected in the Education category.
Papier, J. 2010. Mail and Guardian: ‘Policy Delay leaves Colleges in the Lurch’.
Administration Staff
Academic Staff
Location: Block A, Room E-14
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 9360
Professor Patrício Langa, Sociologist and Associate Professor of Higher Education at the Institute for Post-School Studies (IPSS), University of the Western Cape (UWC) and Distinguished Professor at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM).
He is the Coordinator of the IPSS Doctoral Program in Higher Education Studies (DPHES) at the IPSS.
Prof. Langa advised the Rector of UEM on Strategic planning and is an affiliated scientist and visiting professor of higher education studies and comparative higher education policy and innovation studies at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the United States of America, Boston, Massachusetts; Lisbon Autonomous University; KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and Danube University Krems in Austria respectively.
Prof. Langa holds an Honours degree in Sociology from Eduardo Mondlane University, a Master’s degree in Higher Education Studies from the University of Cape Town, and also a PhD in Sociology and Education with a major in Higher Education Studies from the University of Cape Town.
He served as the first Executive Director for External Evaluation in the National Council on Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Mozambique (CNAQ) and currently serves on the board of Non-Executive Directors. Prof Langa founded and served as Director of the Centre for Higher Education Studies and Development (CESD), in Mozambique. Prof Langa is one of three founding trustees of the well-established African Minds Publishing and founding President of an international African based agency that promotes international academic mobility and study abroad programs dubbed STAN-Global. He is also the founding member and Current President of the Mozambican Sociological Association (A.M.S.).
Prof. Langa’s research interest are located at the intersection of sociology and higher education studies in Africa. He has published in both Sociology and higher education journals.
- Nyondo, J.V. & Langa, P.V. (2021). Emerging Research University in Africa: Divergent Views on Relevance and Experiences. "Emerging Research University in Africa: Divergent Views on Relevance and Experiences," Educational Studies, Higher School of Economics, issue 1, pages 237-256. RePEc: nos: voprob:2021:i:1:p:237-256
- Kwasi-Agyeman, F., Langa, P., & Swanzy, P. (2020). Higher Education Funding and Student Access in the Global South. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 12(Fall), 83-98.
- Maruza, F.M., Langa, P., Augusto, G. & Nkhoma, N. (2020). Disability Policy Representation in African Higher Education Research: Implications for Disability Policy Framing in African Higher Education. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education. Vol. 12, 169-187
- Ndibuuza, F. & Langa, P. (2020). The tale of academic practice in a rising knowledge society: focus on a university in South Africa. Tertiary Education and Management. 26:1, 117-130.
- Swanzy, P., Langa, P.V., & Ansah, F. (2019). Ensuring equity and inclusion in higher education provision: Ghana’s Approach. In J. Hoffman & P. Blessinger., M. Makhanya, (Eds), Strategies for Facilitating Inclusive Campuses in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion (pp. 273-251). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
- Langa, P.V. & Fongwa, S. (2019). Introduction: Reclaiming the African Diaspora to Support African Higher Education. Journal of Higher Education in Africa, 16, Nos 1&2, pp. vii-xiv.
- Zavale, N.C & Langa, P.V. (2019). African Diaspora and the Search for Academic Freedom Safe Havens: Outline of a Research Agenda. Journal of Higher Education in Africa, Vol. 16, Nos 1&2, pp. 1-14
- Langa, P.V. (2019). African Diaspora and its Multiple Academic Affiliations: Curtailing Brain Drain in African Higher Education through Translocal Academic Engagement. Journal of Higher Education in Africa Vol. 16, Nos 1&2, pp. 51-76
- Langa, P.V., Swanzy, P., & Uetela, P. (2019). Advancing Collaboration between African Diaspora and Africa-Based Scholars: Extracts of Interviews with Selected African Diaspora Scholars. Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Vol. 16, Nos 1&2, pp. 135-155
- Sundararajan, R. Langa, P.V., Morshed, T. & Manuel, S. (2019). Traditional Healers as Client Advocates in the HIV-endemic Region of Maputo, Mozambique: Results from a qualitative study. MedRxiv. pp. 1-20
- Nkhoma, N.M. (2019). Moving Beyond Poststructural Paralysis: Articulating an Ethic of Diaspora Collaboration. Journal of Higher Education in Africa. Vol. 16, Nos 1&2, 95-114
- Zavale, N.C., Langa, P.V. (2018). University-industry linkages’ literature on Sub-Saharan Africa: systematic literature review and bibliometric account. Scientometrics. 116, 1–49.
- Swanzy, P., Langa, P.V., & Ansah, F. (2018). Quality Assurance in Ghana: Accomplishments and Challenges. International Higher Education, 94: 28-30.
- Langa, P.V. (2017). A disjointed multi-campus system: the neo-liberal expansion and fragmentation of Mozambican higher education. Tertiary Education and Management. 23:1, 23-40.
- Langa, P.V. (2017). Higher Education as a Field of Research in the Portuguese Speaking Countries: Insights on an Emerging Scientific Field. International Journal of African Higher Education. 4:2, 41-62.
- Pausits, A. & Langa, P. (2016). Welcome to the new issue. Working Papers in Higher Education Studies. Vo.2, No. 1, p.i
- Zavale, N.C & Langa, P.V. (2015). Private higher education in Mozambique: an overview of a growing subsystem. Working Papers in Higher Education Studies. 1(2), 89-109.
- Pinheiro, R., Langa, P.V & Pausits, A. (2015). One and two equals three? The third mission of higher education institutions. European journal of higher education, 5(3), 233-249.
- Pinheiro, R., Langa, P.V & Pausits, A. (2015). The institutionalization of universities’ third mission: Introduction to the special issue. European Journal of Higher Education, 5(3), 227-232.
- Langa, P. (2014). O homem na sociedade ou a sociedade no homem: Desafios epistémico e metodológico para uma análise sociológica do carisma de Samora Machel. Revista Angolana de Sociologia, No. 13, pp. 67-79.
- Langa, P. (2012). A mercantilização do ensino superior e a relação com o saber: A qualidade em questão. Revista científica da UEM, 1(1), 21-41.
- Langa, P. V. (2012). ¿ É possível ver de lugar nenhum? Sobre o ponto de vista sociológico. Boletín Científico Sapiens Research, 2 (1), 46-49.
- Langa, P. V. (2011). The significance of Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital to analysing the field of higher education in Mozambique. International journal of contemporary sociology, 48(1), 93-116.
- Saha, L., Sikora, J., Taki, H., Forbes‐Mewett, H., Langa, P.V., Antikainen, A. & Dworkin, G.A. (2011). Inequality and talent loss: recent evidence from Australia. 48(1), 9-34.
- Wangenge-Ouma, G. & Langa, P. V. (2010). Universities and the mobilization of claims of excellence for competitive advantage. Higher Education, 59(6), 749-764.
- Langa, P.V (2020). Autorretrato de um percurso académico eclético. Maputo: Imprensa Universitária, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.
- Langa, P.V. & Zavale, N.C. (2018). From University to Work: A Tracer Study on the Destination of Graduates of 2011 Cohort from Mozambican Higher Education Institutions. Maputo: Eduardo Mondlane University Press.
- Langa, P. V. (2013). Higher education in Portuguese speaking African countries. A five countries baseline studies. Cape Town: African Minds.
- Langa, P., Cumaio, G. & Rafael, D.P. (2014). Cinquenta anos de Legislação e Políticas Públicas do Ensino Superior em Moçambique, Cape Town: African Minds.
Book chapters
- Langa, P.V. & Wolhuter, C. (2020). The Policy Context of EU-South Africa Higher Education Cooperation. An Overview of Policies and Practices. In Balbachevsky E., Cai Y., Eggins H., Shenderova S. (eds.), Building Higher Education Cooperation with the EU. Challenges and Opportunities from Four Continents (pp. 107-125). Leiden and Boston: Brill-Sense. DOI:
- Langa, P.V. & Wolhuter, C. (2020). South Africa: The Role of Cross-Continental Research Initiatives. Case Studies of the EU and Others. In Balbachevsky E., Cai Y., Eggins H., Shenderova S. (eds.), Building Higher Education Cooperation with the EU. Challenges and Opportunities from Four Continents (pp. 182-195). Leiden and Boston: Brill-Sense. DOI:, N.C & Langa, P.V. (2019). The relevance of student engagement in African Higher Education. In M. Tanako (Eds). Student engagement and quality assurance in higher education: Intenational collaborations for the enhancement of learning (pp.90-108). London and New York: Routledge.
- Swanzy, P., Langa, P.V., & Ansah, F. (2019). Ensuring equity and inclusion in higher education provision: Ghana’s Approach. In J. Hoffman & P. Blessinger (Eds), Strategies for Facilitating Inclusive Campuses in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion (pp. 273-251). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
- Langa, P.V. & Zavale, N.C. (2018). Branding and the search for competitive advantage in the field of Mozambican higher education through the use of websites. In: A. Papadimitriou (ed), Competition in Higher Education Branding and Marketing, (pp. 107-142). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Langa, P.V. (2018). On the Possibilities of Leisure Studies in Mozambique: Historical and Sociological Considerations. In I. Modi & T. Kamphorst (eds), Mapping Leisure(pp. 269-284). Singapore: Springer.
- Langa, P.V. (2017). The encyclopaedia of international higher education systems and institutions. In Pedro Nuno Teixeira · Jung Cheol Shin (Editors-in-Chief), Alberto Amaral · Elizabeth Balbachevsky, Andres Bernasconi · Edward Choi · Hans De Wit, Gaële Goastellec · Fiona Hunter ·Barbara M. Kehm, Manja, Klemenčič · Patrício Langa António Magalhães, Goolam Mohamedbhai · Terhi Nokkala· Laura Rumbley, Bjørn Stensaker · Lisa Unangst · Jussi Välimaa, Rui Yang (eds.) (2020). Encyclopaedia of Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Volume, 1, 2 & 3. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Langa, P.V., Wangenge-Ouma, G., Jungblut, J. & Cloete, N. (2017). Africa: South Africa and the illusion of free higher education. In M. Georgiana, P.G. Altbach & H. de Wit (eds), Understanding Global Higher Education (pp.61-66). Rotterdam: Sense.
- Wangenge-Ouma, G., Lutomiah, A. & Langa, P. (2015). Academic incentives for knowledge production in Africa. Case studies of Mozambique and Kenya. In N. Cloete, P. Maassen & T. Bailey (eds), Knowledge Production and Contradictory Functions in African Higher Education (pp.128-147). Cape Town: African Minds.
- Langa, P. (2014). The Role and Functions of Higher Education Councils and Commissions in Africa: A Case Study of the Mozambique National Council on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CNAQ). Cape Town: Centre for Higher Education Transformation.
- Langa, P.V. (2014). Alguns desafios do ensino superior em Moçambique: do conhecimento experiencial à necessidade de produção de conhecimento científico. Desafios para Moçambique (pp. 365-395), Maputo: IESE.
- Langa, P. (2011). Scientific capital and engagement in African Universities: the case of the social science at Makerere University. Cape Town: Centre for Higher Education Transformation.
- Wangenge-Ouma, G. & Langa, P. V. (2010). A Disciplinary Power in African Higher Education Systems. In B. Stensaker & L. Harvey (eds), Accountability in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Trust and Power (pp.49-72). New York: Routledge.
- Langa, P. (2009). Poverty Fighters in Academia: the subversion of the notion of socially engaged science in Mozambican higher education. In M. Burawoy., M. Chang, M. F. Hsieh., A. Andrews., E. F. Elcioglu, & L. K. Nelson (eds), Facing an unequal world: challenges for a global sociology (pp.245-267), Taipei: Institute of Sociology Academia Sinica and the National Associations Liaison Committee of the ISA.
- Ngugi,C., Irungu, N., Muwonge,B., Langa, P.V., Pederson, J. Butcher, N., Hoosen,S., Moll, I., Adam, F., Backhouse, J., Mhlanga, E., Kouame, G., Tolba, A.., Mutti, B. & Eden, C. (2007). Status report on ICTs and higher education in Africa. Cape Town: The Centre of Educational Technology, University of Cape Town.
Location: Block A, Room 2
Tel: 021 959 3002
Dr Natheem Hendricks is an adult educator for over 20 years and has been a member of the team which initiated Recognition of Prior Learning as an access route at the University of the Western Cape.
- With Sardine T, Sheffer T. 1992. Adult Basic Education and Training Facilitators Manual, SACHED Trust, Johannesburg.
- 1995 Moving particles, in Dilley (ed), Unit 8 Forces between Particles, Juta, Kenwyn, Lesson 6, pp. 68-81.
- 1995 Inter Molecular Forces in Water, in Dilley (ed), Unit 8 Forces between Particles, Lesson 7, pp. 82-91.
- 1997 The Assessment Interface, in Dilley and Roman (eds.) Support Services in Distance Education: Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education. Course 3, Study Manual A, SACHED Trust, Johannesburg, Chapter 9. pp. 333-371
- 1998 Garraway and Matshanda, Savings and Credit Co-operative League of South Africa: Training Manuel, SACCOL, Cape Town, Chapter 6 Financial Statements, pp. 1- 22, Chapter 7 Financial Analysis, pp. 1- 28, Chapter 8: Financial Goals and Planning, pp. 1- 20.
- 2000 With Volbrecht, Early Childhood Development: Guidelines for the Recognition of Prior Learning, European Union Technical Support to the South African Department of Education, Pretoria.
- 2001 With Volbrecht, Small and Himulchul, Recognition of Prior Learning: A Training Manual for ABET practitioners, European Union Technical Support to the South African Department of Education.
- 2002 Assessment Practices: Module B, National Diploma ETD: Adult Leaning, Centre for Adult and Continuing Education, UWC, Bellville.
- with Terry Volbrecht, RPL as cognitive praxis linking lifelong learning, the African Renaissance, South African Journal of Higher Education, vol. 17. No 1.
- 1997 Evaluation of the Economic Literacy and Community Development Course, offered by Fair Share, School of Government, UWC.
- 2000 Case Study: Regional Work of the eastern seaboard Association of Tertiary Institution (esATI) and the Central Application Office (CAO) in KwaZulu Natal with Particular reference to Recognition of Prior Learning, Commissioned by the Joint Education Trust.
- 2003 Admission of Students to Honours Programmes without obtaining an Undergraduate Degree: The Application of Senate Discretion Rule A.4.3. Institutional Research Report, Submitted to DLL Board, 30 October 2003.
- 2007 A Feasibility Study of the Adult Education and Training in the Western Cape Province, Cape Town, Western Cape Education Department.
- 2006, with Volbrecht T., Tisani N., and Ralphs A. Recognition of Prior Learning in the National Professional Diploma in Education, Research Report. Pretoria, ETDP SETA.
- Title of Doctoral Studies: “Received Truths: Security, Securitisation and South African Muslims”, University of Johannesburg.
- The Recognition of Prior Learning in Higher Education: the Case of the University of the Western Cape, Saarbruken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellsckaft & Co.
- An e-Learning Collaborative Environment: Learning within a Masters in Education Programme, International Journal on E-Learning Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education, 11(1), pp. 39-54,
- Writing insecurity: Representations of Muslims in South Africa’s print media between 2001 and 2014, Politikon, 47(1), pp. 1-15.
- 2020 Hendricks n. & Marti S, Counteracting Xenophobia in South Africa through Popular Education, New Direction in Adult Education.
- 2020. Manufacturing Terrorism in Africa: The Securitisation of South African Muslims, Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-981-15-5626-5 (eBook)
Tel: 021 959 9592
Dr Seamus Needham is a Senior Lecturer at the University of the Western Cape Institute for Post-School Studies (IPSS).
He performs a project management role in coordinating funded and commissioned research projects for the IPSS. His current research area is articulation between TVET colleges, higher education and the world of work. He is has completed a PhD in this area.
Needham, S. (2019). TVET policy in South Africa: Caught between neo-liberalism and privatisation? Journal for Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education, Volume 2, Issue 2.
Needham, S. (2019). Student Support Structures for Transitioning from Vocational to University Education: A South African Case Study in S. McGrath et al. (eds.), Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: Developments in the Changing World of Work, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018
Papier, J., Powell, L., McBride, T., & Needham, S. (online 2018, hard copy 2019). ‘Pathways and destinations of TVET college graduates of NATED programmes’. In ‘Post-School Education and the Labour Market in South Africa: Pathways, Aspirations and Outcomes’, HSRC Press: Cape Town.
Needham, S. and Papier, J. (2018). ‘Professional qualifications for the insurance industry: dilemmas for articulation and progression’, Journal for Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training, Volume 1, Issue 1.
Papier J., Sheppard C., Needham S., Cloete N. (2016). Provision, Differentiation and Pathways: A study of post-schooling in the Western Cape, African Minds
McGrath, S., Lugg, R., Papier, J., Needham, S,. Neymeyer, S. as SPAN Consultants. (2011). Final Report - Status of TVET in the SADC Region - Assessment and Review of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the SADC Region and Development of a Regional Strategy for the Revitalisation of TVET, SADC-UNESCO Report, 31 May 2011.
Needham, S. & Papier, J. (2011). Practical Matters: What young people think about vocational education in South Africa, City & Guilds Centre for Skills Development, June 2011.
Location: IPSS Wynberg Office
Tel: 021 959 9593
Mr Timothy McBride works as a Lecturer in the Institute for Post-School Studies (IPSS).
Timothy has been involved in education, policy and development for over 20 years as a lecturer, trainer, development worker and researcher. His current research interests include the sociology of work and learning, TVET student throughput, FET-HE collaboration, and college lecturer education.
His previous work engagements include high school teacher, lecturer & HoD at Access Programme, Peninsula Technikon, Senior Researcher at NACWC (Education NGO consortium), Deputy Director SAQA, Researcher at FET Institute in the Faculty of Education at UWC and a labourer in the metal work industry.
He has served on various committees and held various executive positions and/or founded local organisations in youth/student, civic, sport, gender, community safety and rights awareness.
Bantwini, L., & McBride, T. (2012). Baseline study on FET college lecturer skills: The case of the Eastern Cape: 2010/11. East London: Eastern Cape Socio Economic Consultative Council (ECSECC).
McBride, T., & Needham, S. (2007). What are the critical factors to consider for FET and HE education and training institutions to collaborate in order to address workplace skills demands faced in South Africa? In S. Walters (Ed.), 5th International Conference on Researching work and learning (RWL5): Rethinking the 'centre' and the 'margins' in researching work and learning (pp. 591–597). Stellenbosch: University of the Western Cape.
Papier, J., & McBride, T. (2019). Systematising student support services in TVET colleges – progressing from policy. In S. McGrath, M. Mulder, J. Papier, & R. Suart (Eds.), Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: Developments in the Changing World of Work (1st ed., pp. 1593–1608). Cham: Springer.
Papier, J., Needham, S., Prinsloo, N. A., & McBride, T. (2016). Preparing TVET college graduates for the workplace: Employers’ views. In A. Kraak, A. Paterson, & K. Boka (Eds.), Change management in TVET Colleges: Lessons learnt from the field of practice (pp. 83–102). Cape Town: JET and African Minds.
Papier, J., Needham, S., & McBride, T. (2012). Contemporary issues in public FET colleges (LMIP Working Papers No. 17). Cape Town: HSRC.
Papier, J., Powell, L., McBride, T., & Needham, S. (2018). Tracing the pathways of National Accredited Technical Education Diploma (NATED) programme graduates through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges and beyond. In M. Rogan (Ed.), Post-school education and the labour market in South Africa (pp. 165–184). Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Stumpf, R., Papier, J., McBride, T., & Needham, S. (2012). An investigation into the capacity of FET colleges to contribute towards solving the problem of large numbers of young people who are not in employment, education, or training (NEETS). In H. Perold, N. Cloete, & J. Papier (Eds.), Shaping the Future of South Africa’s Youth: Rethinking post-school education and skills training (pp. 103–128). Cape Town: African Minds.
Location: IPSS Wynberg Office
Tel: 021 959 9590
Nigel Prinsloo has been a member of the Education Faculty since 2005. He works for the vocational arm of the Institute of Post-School studies (IPSS) and currently lectures on the Post Graduate Diploma in Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programme.
Mr Prinsloo's research interests include, vocational training, adult education and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Mr Prinsloo has authored and co-authored the following articles and was involved in a number of research projects.
Prinsloo, N. A. (2009). Recognition of Prior Learning practices within the public Further Education and Training colleges. M.Ed Thesis, UWC, Centre for Adult and Continuing Education.
Papier, J., Thomas, S., McBride, T., Prinsloo, N., Daniel, L., & Martin, J. (2005). Developing learning programmes for NQF registered qualifications and unit standards: a step by step guide. (J. Papier, & L. Daniels, Eds.) Cape Town: SAQA.
J Papier, S Needham, N Prinsloo, T McBride (2016). Preparing TVET college graduates for the workplace: Employers views. Change management in TVET Colleges
Swart, J., Prinsloo, N. (2017) Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (ARPL) and workplace mentor development Programme Project Report: Western Cape Government
Ralphs, A., Mcube, R., Prinsloo, N. (2020) The history, artistry and challenges of RPL for access to undergraduate study at a South Africa University. Pretoria: SAQA.
Professor Emerita
I have served as professor of adult and continuing education at University of Western Cape from 1985 until retirement in July 2014 when I was appointed professor emerita. During this time, I was founding director of the Centre for Adult and Continuing Education (CACE), which was located within the Faculty of Education, and the Division for Lifelong Learning (DLL) which worked across faculties and reported to the university executive. The work of both units was breaking new ground both at the university and nationally. Under my leadership, both became leading institutions in the field and were recognised particularly for innovative practices nationally and internationally.
My commitments as a feminist scholar-activist, to engage socio-economic-ecological, pedagogical and political issues in the interests of greater social justice have been acknowledged in various fora. International awards that have recognised my contributions in the areas of adult learning and education, within a lifelong learning philosophy and approach, include a PhD (Honoris Causa) from the University of Linkoping, Sweden; induction into the USA based Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame; and induction as an Honorary Fellow into the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. In 2014 I was elected as the Deputy President for Africa on the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) – this is the most significant global civil society organisation for adult education; and in 2019 as President for the Pascal International Members Organisation (PIMA) which is an international network of ALE practitioners across 40 countries.
I have served on numerous national Ministerial Task Groups and Committees and was chair of the South African Qualifications Association (SAQA) from 2004-2010.
I self-identify and am identified by others as ‘an engaged scholar’, as an ‘activist scholar / scholar activist’, as a ’feminist scholar’. An attribute that has been singled out by others is my passionate commitment to trying to make a difference in the world for socio-economic, gender and environmental justice. This has led to the majority of my research undertakings to be collaborative, participatory, and action orientated.
My research foci have spiralled through my professional life, which means that the threads are clearly identifiable. They relate to radical adult education which was integral to the struggle against apartheid. At different times, as can be seen from my doctoral study (Walters 1989), I focused on the education within social movements – education for democratic participation. This education within movements is named differently internationally - I have followed the Latin American tradition and have consistently used the term popular education (in the 1980s we referred to People’s Education).
I have been active in co-editing four collections (Walters and Manicom 1996; Walters 1997; Manicom and Walters 2012; von Kotze and Walters 2017). Each of these books was produced with limited resources, bringing activist-scholars together from a wide range of countries, to co-create knowledge which could in turn influence the scholarship within the universities.
A recent research project that I have been involved in, together with Professor von Kotze, is on Traditions of Popular Education. The sponsors of this research were the National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS) and they presented us with an award for creative use of social media within this research. I am currently researching and writing on ‘learning for climate justice’.
I am an NRF B-Rated Researcher.