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NB: If you intend on applying for the Extended Curriculum Programmes (ECP), you would need to apply for the Mainstream programme (BCom (N) 1008 or BCom Accounting 1021), as our application system does not allow applicants to apply directly for the Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP).

For any application information relating to the Faculty of EMS, you may contact us on 021 959 3164/2226.

Admission Requirements

Requirements to study in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences:
The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as certified by Umalusi with an achievement rating of 4 (Adequate achievement, 50–59%) or better in four subjects chosen from the following recognised 20-credit NSC subjects (known as the 'designated subject list').

Click here to download the University of the Western Cape's general admissions brochure.

Click here to download the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences undergraduate brochure.
NSC Level Percentage Points for
English? (*)
Points for
Maths or Maths Lit
Points for
Life Orientation
Points for each
Other Subject
8 90-100% 15 15 3 8
7 80-89% 13 13 3 7
6 70-79% 11 11 2 6
5 60-69% 9 9 2 5
4 50-59% 7 7 2 4
3 40-49% 5 5 1 3
2 30-39% 3 3 1 2
1 20-29% 1 1 1 1
  less than 20% 
0 0 0 0
(*) - ‘English’ here refers to either English home language or English first additional language, not second additional language, which would rather fall under ‘other subjects’. 

General Criteria for Admission to the University

For the Bachelor's Degree:

The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as certified by Umalusi with an achievement rating of 4 (Adequate achievement, 50-59%) or better in four subjects chosen from the following recognised 20-credit NSC subjects (known as the 'designated subject list'): Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography, History, Consumer Studies, Information Technology, Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution and two other recognised language subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies, Visual Arts.

For the Diploma:

The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate as certified by Umalusi with an achievement rating of 3 (moderate Achievement, 40-49%) or better in four recognised NSC 20-credit subjects.

For the Higher Certificate:

The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate as certified by Umalusi.

Alternative Admissions

What is an alternative admission?

Unless Senate determines otherwise, applicants who do not meet the formal requirements for admission to the university or a particular study programme, will not be admitted. Senate's Discretionary powers will be used when dealing with applications from the following categories of students:

Applicants without an NSC or an endorsed NSC

Students who completed the NSC in 2008 or thereafter, but have not obtained endorsements, will be considered for alternative admission after the age of 23. This age is proposed on the assumption that an appropriate level of maturity and relevant experience or learning could be gained at 23 years of age. Such candidates will be required to complete a RPL portfolio development course and submit to a process where relevant learning and/or experience will be assessed.
Candidates who are 23 or older and do not have a matriculation certificate or NSC, but who might have obtained other qualifications or experience that may be deemed to be equivalent to admission criteria for particular study programmes, will also be required to complete a RPL portfolio development course or an RPL portfolio process as agreed and to submit to a process where such learning, qualification and/or experience will be assessed.
For more information regarding Recognition of Prior Learning portfolio development contact Ms Rethabile Mcube at Tel: (021) 959 2799 or email

Minimum NSC Subject Requirements


Course Code

English (Home or
1st Additional Language)

Another Language
(Home or
1st? Additional Language)



Mathematics Literacy


Point Score

BAdmin 1011 4
or 5
N/A 30
BCom 1008 4
or N/A N/A 30
1021  4
or N/A 5
(60-69%) or N/A if student have achieved 5 or higher in mathematics
BCom Financial Accounting 1175 4
  N/A N/A 30

International Applicants

Click here for more information
  • You need to submit your final school results to Higher Education South Africa (HESA) for an evaluation.
  • Unfortunately, we will not be able to respond to your application until you submit a confirmation letter issued by HESA stating that you qualify to study at a South African University.
  • Certified copy of your passport.
  • Please visit the HESA website at for more information about this process.

Study Visa Information 

Recent changes in the Immigration Act have further intensified the need for foreign students wishing to attend UWC to have the correct visa, and for existing foreign students to renew their visa in a correct and timely manner to avoid delays in registration and other more serious immigration issues.

Please note that these are guidelines and you will be required to check with the South African consulate or embassy in your home country for further details and the relevant forms.

These guidelines apply for students without dependents. For students with dependents, further information is needed, please check with your embassy/consulate.

For prospective international students:

You must have your study visa before leaving your country of residence. The university cannot register you without a valid study visa to study at this institution. The visa can be obtained from the South African consulate or embassy in your country of residence.

 In order to apply for a study permit, certain documentation and payments are needed, namely:
  • The study permit application form.
  • A valid passport.
  • An official letter from UWC stating that you have been accepted for the course and the duration of the course.
  • A police clearance certificate for every country you have lived in for more than a year since you were 18 (less than 6 months old).
  • A medical report (specific form to be filled in).
  • A radiological report (in the form of a chest X-Ray to confirm you do not have TB - specific form to be filled in).
  • Medical cover with a registered South African medical scheme for the duration of your course or which can be renewed yearly for the duration of the course.
  • A repatriation fee, to be paid to the consulate/embassy (amounts vary for each country) which will be used in case of deportation and will be reimbursed once back in your home country.
  • Accommodation details, and 
  • Proof of sufficient funds to support you for the duration of your course (scholarship letters, bank statements, etc).

You are allowed to work for 20 hours a week whilst in South Africa on a study visa, however, you cannot use this work towards your proof of financial ability to pay for the course.

The above payments and documentation must be provided with the application fee in full in order to apply for your visa.

Please allow six weeks for your visa application. Processing times vary per country, so please check with the embassy/consulate for exact details.

